New Unannounced Zone Added

Thanks to a tip by Renah of The Nameless and Torowan of Morell Thule, I headed over to Jagged Pine to the part marked on the EQ Atlas map as a blocked tunnel. It's blocked no more. It is a new zone called Nedaria's Landing, which must have been added with the last patch. From what I can tell, the zone is much like Jagged Pine in makeup, but a somewhat lower level - maybe lower 30's. The zone is mostly forest, with a huge cliff cutting across the middle and some cool looking waterfalls. There is a wayfarer camp in the NE corner of the zone, but no merchants or adventures. However, Morden Rasp is there. When hailed, they talk about constructing a new ship. I am not sure if this is a new LDoN zone still under construction, or just a regular new zone that didn't get announced.


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Zone closed?
# Nov 14 2003 at 11:04 AM Rating: Default
I tried to get into the zone at about 4:30 AM PST, both by the teleport gem and through the tunnel. Both times it sent me back to Surefall Glade. Is this zone closed now?
RE: Zone closed?
# Nov 16 2003 at 2:01 PM Rating: Default
Went over with a junior BST that I am mentoring, went in via Blackburrow. Went to the tunnel on the river which until recently took me to Nedaria's Landing.
This time however, it took me to the stone in Surefall Glade, rather than to the new zone.

Hmm. Perhaps the initial zone was simply and advertisement for the real zone that is going to be released. In any event, I was unable to get through on the Luclin server.

RE: Zone closed?
# Nov 14 2003 at 9:03 PM Rating: Default
I hope that a GM is on tonight, I still have a corpse in there!!!!
RE: Zone closed?
# Nov 14 2003 at 4:04 PM Rating: Default
I do think it is. I got trasported back to Surefall glade too. I wanted to check the zone out, but I was too late. I geuss it was a mistake they put it in. It really is for the new expansion I geuss.
# Nov 13 2003 at 10:07 AM Rating: Default
i was there on november 12th, i killed some stuff and got a no drop item, i got like 7 differnt no drop items from the creatures, does anyone know what these are for??. please post something if you know, thanks!.....

Fasterthenyou Spillypants Gnome Rogue Level 51
Peace Protectors
# Nov 12 2003 at 7:09 PM Rating: Default
195 posts
Before they introduce ONE new zone or item or whatever, they need to fix what's wrong with the current EQ! So many promises made even before LoY have not been fulfilled: melee balancing, archery line of sight, auto ranged attack, etc! I don't care how many zones I have to level in if I can't hit a mob with its elbow touching a wall! I hope SoE reads this!
Farwarden Aquendar Lerilon, 105 Season Human Ranger of Tunare
My Fantasy Novels
My Profile
RE: Argg!
# Nov 14 2003 at 7:05 PM Rating: Decent
Zone design and programming are two separate departments. The people working on those changes have absolutely nothing to do with creating new zones.
RE: Argg!
# Dec 07 2003 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
633 posts
Don't buy into that corporate line stuff. "They" are an entire entity made up of people. Someone is/should be held responsible. I for one will not agree with letting them make their problems my problems.
On the other hand: they asked us quite a while ago which we would prefer and have moved in the more zones direction as we have seen. Secondarily they have fixed a bunch of stuff as well in various zones I know firsthand. Nonetheless it has always, thus far, paid off to bring omissions to light in forums.
I think Aquendar makes a valid, adament point, including his/her personal opinion without flaming or whining, and sites examples. Certainly the achery one is way over due and should get some type of priority.
Now I will dream about a level of in game customer service that rivals only what it was at one time, and not even what it was promised to be.
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 13 2003 at 12:41 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) So true!
Zone info
# Nov 11 2003 at 8:48 PM Rating: Excellent
47 posts
Zone info

You will find Nedaria's Landing on the Easternmost Zone wall in Jaggedpine Forest. Inside the Man-made tunnel looking corridoor. (Just on the other side of the river)

I sent my bard in to track and check this zone out today and here's the data I have on it.

Mobs are all animals. from Frogs, turtles, pumas to bears and some griffawns. all range from level 16 to level 33 (panthers were highest level).
most of the critters here dropped LQ, MQ, HQ pelts to their perspective species, and some of course didnt drop anything.
I did not see any notable named mobs besides the 2 Wayferer NPCs at the wayferer camp. Small tunnel of bears on the eastern zone wall in here as well.

As a bard I thought I would use my alliance song to push me from threateningly to dubious as I do when scouting / playing in Jaggedpine forest. but had no effect on the animals in this zone. Also I discovered the aggro radius here in pretty large for the level of critters out here.

upon killing 1 puma (a sleek panther, - lv. 30ish), I had most of it's nearby friends aggro on me for just standing there. same with traveling un-invis around this zone. the aggro radius is pretty well out of proportion. Perhaps that should change as they give the zone experience and finish it up.

Anyway. After reading the Storyline in EQ and reading about EQ2, I'm intrigued what will come of this. Though i hope they change the aggro radius thing. :)

*edit* another odd thing; now that I've zoned in once. soon as I use the gem to Surefall from JPF.. it sends me back to Nedaria's... had to use Blackburrow exit to get back out, lol

Edited, Tue Nov 11 21:33:42 2003
new expansion
# Nov 11 2003 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
I read on the safehouse today that on some website a new expansion was mentioned. The 6th continent 3 times the size of Antonica. They spoke of an Unconfirmed report that the Name of Expansion 7 is Dawn of Xonyouahuo This may be the name of the Mystery 6th Continent of Norrath to the west of the Abysmal sea, seen on the globe in Skyfire and the Atlas in the Plane of time. This continent is roughly three times the size of Antonica, with an archipelago of islands leading to a huge land mass.
new zone
# Nov 11 2003 at 1:51 PM Rating: Default
I went here today for about an hour, at lvl 53 everything was green....with most things in JPF conning dark blue to me, how can someone who can acually gain exp in the zone get there without help? Inivisible would be a great tool here.
I went to map the zone, and took a lvl 33 ranger friend with me for him to try to get some soloing exp. The exp sucked for him, most everything was dark blue...probably will get better later but now its not good.
Has good possiblities for it...hope they fix the exp and loot. I dont remember what he was killing, but didnt get one item in loot in over an hour.
Just my 2cp...

to the zone
# Nov 11 2003 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
for the necro who asked best way to get there.

get a druid gate to surefall and run through the cave to the jaggedpine zone.

otherwise you need to take the qeynos stone from pok and do some running. can take the antonica scion from nexus to north karana and head to west karana and on into qeynos
RE: to the zone
# Nov 11 2003 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
For an evil character, I would recommend avoiding Surefall Glade (my hometown) at all costs and instead taking the entrance from Blackburrow. This will take you to where the Ancorites of Brell Serilis live. They have a bank and merchants there.

BTW - Wolfform rocks here. I put an Inky Necro in wolf-form here and he conned amiable in town and was even able to turn in gnoll canines for better faction.
RE: to the zone
# Nov 14 2003 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
aye, necro in SFG = no good , unless the necro has done faction building....but why? i went there with my necro and was constantly FD hehe everything in the zone wants to eat fun
RE: to the zone
# Nov 13 2003 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
That is mostly true, but as a necro I am dubious to the npcs in JPF(even though I am kos to the Surefall Glades people), and remember, he did ask how a -necro- can get there, who cares if he gets agro so long as he knows when he is going to get agro(harmshield), and can get somewhere relatively safe to FD, which there are lots of open areas in JPF, and so many ways to duck around the npcs that Im sure you found difficult to find when you were trying when you first started in SFG.
# Nov 11 2003 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
the entrance is on the east wall toward the north.
started mapping the zone last night....had my 37 druid there last night...going to take my 57 ranger tonight to do some farming........was 8 people in the zone total when i was there including my full group.
# Nov 11 2003 at 8:41 AM Rating: Default
Word of of this message being typed....xp is not set for this and my friend (mid 20's) fougt here for about 3 hours without a single tick....and we were killin yellow and reds.....
New Event
# Nov 10 2003 at 9:52 PM Rating: Default
I think they may be setting up a new type of event. If this boat has to be built, maybe they will make it into a race of some sort. See which server can attain some godly amount of materials to build this "boat city" first. Would play into the "all of Norrath" part, making everyone work together and you know how they like us to be all social.
Teh Future of Norrath
# Nov 10 2003 at 8:44 PM Rating: Default
I dont know if this leads into EQ2 or's not my place to make speculation. But I can say that from everything I have read, EQ2 is many years into the future *wanna say 300 somethin, but it's been awhile since I've looked* Even if this is for a "great exodus" prequalling Luclin's destruction...what would really be the point..I'm sure over 300 years SOMEONE has gone back to the main continents...not like 450k of us are gonna just be "reborn" on some island off the coast of nowhere. Just my 2cp

Eonadari Sinyourmind
65 Coercer
RE: Teh Future of Norrath
# Nov 28 2003 at 5:20 AM Rating: Decent
OK, I usually don't flame people on forums, but on this one, I must. Do you really think they are going to let you zone your existing character into a completely different game? No, this definitely is NOT the zone to EQ2. It probably is a new zone in the works and they accidentally made it live for a bit. I have tried the zone-in that used to work and now it does not. It just takes you back to surefall glade. So, FOR THE RECORD, THIS IS NOT THE ZONE IN TO EQ2! hehehe

Thank you,

Hadesborne Soulsifter
65 Arch Lich
A few observations
# Nov 10 2003 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
First off, this is an AWESOME zone for making money when you're in your high 20s and low 30s! Bring a group of friends here, set up in an out-of-the-way area and pull bears, cats and wolves. They drop the same pelts as others of their kin, except THEY NEVER DROP RUINED!!! Everything else has been moved up to match, so you should get many of the pelts that people need, and you can sell them in the bazaar for a nice profit or practice your trade skills.

Also, no this is not the road to EQ2. SOE has made it clear that the two don't take place at the same time. What's more, there have been leaks as to the next expansion's zone names, and it's pretty clear that the next expansion will add content off the coast of Odus, which you will probably get to by boat from N's Landing (I expect the boat itself to be a "city" in the sense that it will have all of the usual things you need in a city).

I also expect this to be an LDON-like expansion in the sense that much of the content will be virtual zones that you gain access to via LDON-like missions. The mix of raid vs group zones is still up for grabs, of course, but at a guess I'd expect it to be 1/3 traditional zones (perhaps some "temporary" in nature); 1/3 LDON-like group zones; and 1/3 LDON-like raid zones ranging from Luclin 55+ hard to post-Time. All told it's supposed to be around 10-20 zones I think. If that's accurate, and there are 3 or so "overhead zones" like the boat, then we should have a nice post-LDON expansion in the works. Let's hope they don't mess it up ;-)

All of this is speculation, but based on the zone names (I think they showed up on castersrealm), this seems a safe bet.
Onto EQ2
# Nov 10 2003 at 2:50 PM Rating: Default
This zone represents the start of the transition from EQ1 to EQ2. I say that based on the lore you guys are posting, especially coming from the LDoN NPC's, and the still yet undiscovered land that is on maps and images in game.

Remember, according to previews of EQ2 thusfar, the game starts on a distant "newbie" island somewhere on the oceans of Norrath, and from there you choose to go to Freeport or Qeynos.
Which Blocked Tunnel?
# Nov 10 2003 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
When I looked on EQ Atlas for this blocked tunnel there is 2 blocked tunnels on the map. One near the river and the other inside a cave pretty close to the bank.
Evil Races
# Nov 10 2003 at 11:54 AM Rating: Default im on the Xev server and want to go check this place a 51 de necro this could be hard...what would be the easiest way for me to get there?

51 Necro
# Nov 10 2003 at 10:59 AM Rating: Default
Oops. Forgot to put my name down. I am Kall (Lvl 52 Ranger),Throg (Lvl 50 Warrior), and Excellerater (Lvl 48 Druid) on Drinal Server. Hail me if you play Drinal and we can talk of all our Adventures, and maybe even have a few together as well.
Fare Thee Well, and Good Fortunes to you All.. =)
New Zone is for Building.. =)
# Nov 10 2003 at 10:56 AM Rating: Default
Haven't any of you been reading the Text as it comes out? You know...the one that you can look at about the Story Line for the whole Wayfarer's Advwenture thing.
Callilav (sp?) and Mordan and all those folks are going to build the "biggest ship ever built on Norrath". It's all part of the continuing Story. Look it up next time you are in-game. All you have to is pop up the Story Line and Read.. =)
# Nov 09 2003 at 10:01 PM Rating: Default
was'nt there originaly talk of a crossover zone between EQ and EQ2? somethiong to ponder.
RE: hmmmmm
# Nov 09 2003 at 11:41 PM Rating: Default
There is something on in the FAQ about being able to keep some items from EQ1 and having them as Heirlooms. Those items will be unusable in EQ2.
the new zone
# Nov 09 2003 at 9:35 AM Rating: Default
The place is beautiful, the water especially, it actually flows, not like jiggly jello :)

It will be the place where they build Zebuxorak's Ark..well, thats what Im calling it heh. The Boat will goto the unaccesable continent *the one on the globe in the skyfire mountains, and on maps in various places in Felwithe*

I assume, the Lost City of Zeb, will be taken over, and the ship itself will be the new city.

Of course this is pure speculation.

Ah, yes, another thing, as a ranger everything liked me there, except for the sea turtles and frogs in the water.

Speaking of the water again, the beach....oh wow, Its amazing.
# Nov 08 2003 at 4:37 PM Rating: Default
has it been closed?
RE: closed?
# Nov 09 2003 at 1:21 AM Rating: Decent
I just went there tonight. You get no loot or exp for kills.
RE: closed?
# Nov 09 2003 at 3:05 PM Rating: Default
Not sure about the xp,but you do get loot.
# Nov 08 2003 at 1:31 PM Rating: Default
I hope this will somehow make a storyline into EQ2
Noah's Ark
# Nov 08 2003 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
Reading through the posts here, I get the feeling it's supposed to be a Noah's Ark deal. The story behind EQ2 is that Luclin is destroyed, and the debris in turn destroys -- or in any case, greatly alters -- most of Norrath.

"Norrath must... make a journey" ... "are making... a... journey... as one... west... one purpose... all must come together. Please... we must... be... quick... doom... death..."

So, is all of Norrath supposed to journey on this ship, to survive the destruction of Luclin? That's the feeling I get, anyway.
RE: Noah's Ark
# Nov 10 2003 at 11:54 AM Rating: Default
RE: Noah's Ark
# Nov 10 2003 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
Reading through the posts here, I get the feeling it's supposed to be a Noah's Ark deal. The story behind EQ2 is that Luclin is destroyed, and the debris in turn destroys -- or in any case, greatly alters -- most of Norrath.

"Norrath must... make a journey" ... "are making... a... journey... as one... west... one purpose... all must come together. Please... we must... be... quick... doom... death..."

So, is all of Norrath supposed to journey on this ship, to survive the destruction of Luclin? That's the feeling I get, anyway.

Wouldn't that make sense? You know, about the Sleeper thing?
RE: Noah's Ark
# Nov 17 2003 at 3:13 AM Rating: Decent
The way the GM's seem to be protecting the Sleeper, my (pure) speculation is that the Sleeper somehow is the bringer of destruction to the EQ1 world. For this reason, whenever the Sleeper is nearing death, the GM's have to intervene to despawn him (which the seem to always do).

Who knows, who cares, but just my 2cp worth. Just wish they'd (GM's) stick to helping people instead of sticking upsetting people who invest hours fighting the Sleeper only to watch him get away by some outsider intervention.
Explored the whole zone and made Map
# Nov 08 2003 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
Explored and mapped (sent to EQAtlas) the whole zone. This is NOT a ldon zone, since i've been able to bring a char of my second account where ldon isnt available.
# Nov 08 2003 at 1:58 AM Rating: Default
Went here with my friend, me being a 29 Druid and her being a 29 Beastlord. We killed 3 dark blue mobs and got NO exp bar movement... anyone else having this problem?
Nedaria in EC Tunnel
# Nov 07 2003 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Nedaria text (from hailing her in EC tunnel)

I added the bold

Nedaria Debeian says 'I must ask you to keep your distance from Calliav. He suffered some kind of horrid vision that has overwhelmed him and left him in a constant sleep. I fear his coma might be permanent. He's been through so much. No one on Norrath has had his mind and heart taxed so much. He warned us of a war and a need to build a boat. We have no notion where our journey may lead us, but we are making our first steps on that unknown path now.'
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