A Pikko By Any Other Name

Ever since the announcement of the server merges, my emotions have been on a seemingly neverending roller coaster. At first, I thought it was great that I'd be seeing a lot more people walking around beside me than I usually do. I was ecstatic that my destination world held a wonderful friend, Susperia, on it. However, it didn't take long for me to realize that I could soon lose something I'd had since November 2003. Something that has become more a part of my personality than the name I was given at birth: the name Pikko.

Discuss this on the ZAM forums.

When I tried to secure a mule on my destination world, Lakshmi, I found that the name Pikko was unavailable. I searched online and I searched PlayOnline and could find nothing about this person. The people I know on Lakshmi had never heard of the Pikko on their world. I suppose who that person is and what they did with their character doesn't matter, because the bottom line is, they have the name and I don't.

I didn't want to, but eventually decided to plead my case with Square Enix. In the end, they wanted to remain fair by not making an exception, a decision which, by itself, is commendable. What is not commendable, however, is the decision they made to have thousands of characters on source worlds give up what arguably defines them the most in Vana'diel without any say in the matter. I got to have my say, but what about everyone else? These server merges may have been needed, but not like this. This merging policy does a great many people injustice. It sounds hasty. It sounds thoughtless. It sounds cruel.

There are those of you out there arguing that it's "just a name". Presumably, you aren't in the same situation as me and other source world players. Or, perhaps you never liked your original name or were looking for a new identity anyway. I am not one such individual. Many of you who have played this game for years have known me for almost as long in the Allakhazam Final Fantasy XI community. You may have visited my gardening site. If so, you've probably grown food, cuttings, rocks, ores, nuggets, leaves, and rubbish based on my data. You know who I am and know that who I am doesn't change when PlayOnline prompts me to choose something else. I know this as well, but it doesn't change the fact that I feel robbed, heartbroken, and displaced.

The name Pikko has become the linchpin for my entire online persona. Through Pikko, I've grown so much as a person by the opportunities I've had to interact with people on a regular basis that I don't think I'd be who I am today without my character. My blog is written by "Pikko". My cookbook has an introduction signed by "Pikko". My publisher wanted to put "by Pikko" on the cover instead of my own name. My own mother calls me Pikko now. I could go on and on. Point is, the name means a lot to me and for that reason, so does the original character. I'm sure a lot of people out there can say the same for their own.

I can keep the name by transferring to another server, but I'd be choosing to leave behind all the friends I've made on Garuda and the ones that wait for me on Lakshmi. I have no doubt that I'd be fine anywhere that I went, but what really rankles my nerves is that I even have to. Why was I not given the chance to line myself up with the Lakshmi Pikko in contention for the right to the name? Why is it that ALL source world people with a taken name or linkshell have to give all their names up? This isn't right and I'm sure Square Enix knows it.

What's to stop destination players from griefing source world players by creating characters and linkshells specifically to force name changes? Excluding me, Garuda is no stranger to famous forum personas. Square Enix hasn't indicated that any policy is in place to prevent such actions. If such policies have yet to be made, why weren't they in place at the time of the announcement? More thought seems to have been put into the decision to do the merge itself than into the community fallout.

And what will the extent of the fallout be? With the age of these servers, it's likely that most common names were taken long ago. I've tried to come up with another name that I could live with and so far everything I've truly wanted has come back unavailable. I have no doubt that many players will find themselves with the same problem come March 23.

It could be that I'm a rare exception and only a handful of players will be upset by this forced change, but I suspect that's not the case. It's tragically wrong to make 8 source worlds give up everything while the destination worlds give up nothing but some walking space around them.

Final Fantasy XI isn't the first game to endure server merges. EverQuest and EverQuest II have both gone through a couple of merges, opting to award the name to the character either most recently active or with the most playing time. Just how hard is it for Square Enix to do the same? Does it just not matter to them? Do they just not care?

That being said, I don't want to make this editorial about solutions for Square Enix's problem. More, I want people to understand what is going on with such a careless policy and what it will mean for adventurers in the coming days.

For the past week, I've wrestled with my emotions, going from crushing disappointment to raging anger at Square Enix. Last week, I began to consider the real possibility that I would be retiring Pikko before Garuda went down forever. There would be a lot I'd regret. My favorite expansion, Wings of the Goddess, does not conclude until after the server merge (nearly three years after release, I might add). My Lu Shangs count would disappear, one that is 100% caught by my hands. I wouldn't get to play with my friends in Vana'diel the way I have enjoyed in the past.

Upon looking at all that I've achieved, it's been tough to actually finalize my decision, so I've decided to try and give my character another chance by finding a new name. My problem, as I've said, is that the ones I've wanted have all been taken. If the Lakshmi Pikko reads this, I hope that you'll consider giving up your character's name for me. It's been a part of me for over six years now; retaining it would mean so much to me.

If you have a name suggestion for me, I'd love to hear it. The ZAM team has been trying to suggest names for me, but to no avail. If nothing can be found, the original Pikko, the Mistress of Gardening from Allakhazam will go down with Garuda in two weeks time. As sad as it is to leave the game, I can't bring myself to walk around with a silly name like "Pikkox" or "Pikkopots" or "Peekoh". I just don't think I can do it. A Pikko by any other name just doesn't sound as sweet.

I hope that in the time between now and the server merges that Square Enix understands what a disservice they're doing to players with this so-called "merge" and changes things so that players can make a case for why they should have the name, whether it be through creation date or playtime or registration date. At this point, anything seems better than a blanket name-death sentence for every source world player.

Should nothing change, to anyone in the same boat as Pikko, I wish you the best of luck in finding a new name. I, for one, think you'll need it.


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Same situation
# Mar 09 2010 at 5:56 PM Rating: Good
957 posts
The name of my main character, too, is taken. By someone who hasn't played since 2008.

I already tried all the names I could possibly like or imagined. They're all taken. And what's worse: they're taking by mules, level 1 characters, or retired players that never touched the action house in jeuno.

I don't know what I'm going to do...

Have you tried this?
# Mar 09 2010 at 5:49 PM Rating: Default
1,080 posts
Use the ASCII letters?

My name isn't available on most WoW servers, so when I created a mage, I used Vorkos à gan.

Just type Pikko, but hold Alt, then 161 for your i. Use the numpad for the numbers.

Have you tried this?
# Mar 09 2010 at 9:32 PM Rating: Good
3,530 posts
Vorkosigan wrote:
Use the ASCII letters?

My name isn't available on most WoW servers, so when I created a mage, I used Vorkos à gan.

Just type Pikko, but hold Alt, then 161 for your i. Use the numpad for the numbers.

Ignoring the fact that such a thing cannot (thankfully) even be done in FFXI,
those letters are pronounced differently -- they're not, despite what nearly every WoW player seems to think, simply "stylized letters."
Have you tried this?
# Mar 09 2010 at 8:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
I don't think I have ever seen a single character in game in any region able to use special characters when creating a name in game, so I'm not sure where you got that idea from.
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


Have you tried this?
# Mar 10 2010 at 12:00 PM Rating: Good
1,080 posts
OK, I'm sorry. I could've sworn I'd seen it in FFXI.
Just trying to help someone whose website I've used many times in the past.
# Mar 09 2010 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts

While this whole server merge was a slight surprise (most of us didn't think SE would ever merge servers)...at the same time, people have been asking and begging for merge's for years.

Being forced to change your name, I'm sure, could be a devastating event. I do hold a mule on Bismarck whose name is the same as what appears to
be an inactive character on Seraph. If the destination servers were given maybe an option as well, to take this one time opportunity to change their name, I'd be all over it, if it meant
changing a mule's name to help someone out.

Getting angry and asking people to change their names to save yours (in general) isn't really a good way to go about it either. In the case of
my particular mule, I have leveled his Alchemy slowly for years to Veteran levels. (Another with vet Cooking and another with Smithing.)
I can't just up and delete him, just for a name. And I could never ask someone to do that for me, if the situation were reversed.

While it does suck major rear, sometimes a mule isn't just a mule. I think that needs to be taken into consideration as well. (For all servers)

I, personally, would welcome the name change. As I do not hold who I am in
the game entirely to my name(s). I would still be me.
If SE would just offer a name change option to destination worlds, I think it might alleviate some of the frustration and anger.

/back to OP

Pikko will always be Pikko. You will always be known cross-servers as Pikko, whether it be here on Alla, or Pikko Pots, or on your blog, and even to those who have gotten to
know you and become friends with on Garuda.
Whichever name you choose will become instantly well known, as the majority
of players either read these forums or look to Pikko's Pots for gardening advice, etc..

I hope it all works out for you in the end, as the good weighs out the bad I'd say.


Edit: Didn't mean to directly reply @top page -.-; Pretend this is at the
bottom of the page prz :p

Edited, Mar 9th 2010 4:41pm by Tah
# Mar 09 2010 at 4:51 PM Rating: Excellent
65 posts
I find this situation absolutely ridiculous. I know for a fact i would hang up my knuckles for good if i ever lost my name. Iirc SE announced that when 14 is released there would be a way for us to keep our character names when/if we choose to play 14, because they understood how much our names meant to us.....
WTF happened to that train of thought?

I will continue to play 11 hopefully for a long time(this may come to an end sooner than i like if i feel like my monk becomes overshadowed by PUP) but after seeing this and so many countless other mistakes SE has made over the years, there's no way on earth i will ever invest my time on another of there MMOs.
# Mar 09 2010 at 4:06 PM Rating: Good
2,084 posts
Aw, you'll always be Pikko to me.
# Mar 09 2010 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,145 posts
A friend of mine is hanging up her FFXI boots if her name is taken. Her name is very much in the same position as Pikko, and she refuses to change it. It's not a common name but alas.. we'll see. If there was ever a time for SE to stop pissing around, now would be it. They don't want to do the work, plain and simple. IMO, they are obligated in at least this case since they are the ones forcing the merge on us. Where's the responsibility at?
# Mar 09 2010 at 3:55 PM Rating: Excellent
550 posts
Sorry to hear that you're gonna have to go through this. I have a few friends on Seraph who also have to change their names. Some are fairly annoyed by it, whereas others don't mind the change.

Only thing I could really think of that would be close to your name, but would add a cute change to it would be Kupikko. Kinda sort of how a Moogle goes Kupo... but incorporating Pikko into it. Would be somewhat relevant to your race, as Taru incorporate 'taru' into a lot of their words.

Whatever you choose though, I'm sure Alla will make extra effort to commit to memory and accept. Good luck with it.
# Mar 09 2010 at 3:36 PM Rating: Default
I agreed with some of the post above. If SE would just allow longer name, then perhaps some sort of surname or former world's name appended would work.

PikkoGaruda or Pikko of Garuda would work but it's way too long to type.

But knowing SE, that's just not going to happen.

So for a new name:
- PikkoG
- Pikkoko (someone has suggested this above)
- BentoBox (it's like a new you but to those that know you, would know this is the new you).

# Mar 09 2010 at 3:28 PM Rating: Excellent
When I read that you couldn't keep your name by the the time the server merger process takes place, I was desperately trying to find out if anyone knew anything about a Pikko mule and was campaigning to get the owner of the Pikko mule to change or delete their character. I was doing a /sea all Pikko everytime I was on during different peak times and got zero results.
I also shouted in Whitegate and asked everyone I knew including my LS mates and they don't know anything about a mule with your name on our server. :(
Would Picco or Kopikko work? Probably not...

# Mar 09 2010 at 3:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
Thank you so much for doing that for me!! It's really sweet of you.
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


# Mar 09 2010 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent

I don't post on here much, but this time I figured I would throw my two cents in. What I plan on doing if my name is taken during the server merge is to have a short epitaph in my bazaar that would read a little something like this: Formerly (insert name here) of (insert original server here). Or simply: (Insert name here) of (insert server here). Or even something more spiffy. But I think you get my point. Sure you don't have your original name, but this way people with changed names from your original server may recognize you...if you want them to anyway. well that was my two cents, for what it's worth.


Edited, Mar 9th 2010 4:12pm by Corazz
It's that guy again
# Mar 09 2010 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
I know i've posted once today but upon reading all these posts it's really heartbreaking seeing all these people losing their names/identities/reputations to such a foolish system.I know i would fall apart if i was in all your shoes and i wish you all the very best of luck in your new homes though i know that's much consolation for your loss.

Edited, Mar 9th 2010 3:15pm by kainthedefiant
I feel ya
# Mar 09 2010 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
372 posts
I know what you mean. Losing the one thing that's been what you can call yours is rather painful. Don't worry though, now matter what you call yourself, to us, you'll always be Pikko.
# Mar 09 2010 at 1:40 PM Rating: Good
394 posts
Well, you could still transfer to a different server where the name is available, but even then, SE would be forcing you to choose between abandoning your name or abandoning your friends.

I can't point my finger at SE. Even with a set of rules to determine who gets to keep their name, someone has to lose one, and just as many people would be crying foul.

What you could do is come up with a nickname or something that is still indicative of you. People who know you are still going to call you Pikko regardless of what's floating above your head, you know. Changing your name doesn't make you someone other than Pikko, and no one is going to deny that you're Pikko. You can even put in your Bazaar comment that you're the real Pikko. I know it sucks on a lot of levels, but just remember that you're not losing your identity.
sry pikko
# Mar 09 2010 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
i hope u get your name cause as far as i know my name of 8 years will be gone too i hope it isnt gone but if it is ill be sad cause everyone i know calls me by my in game name. so i feel your pain, here's hoping SE realizes how dumb they are and helps us out, because i dont want to move im content on the server im on, which is another thing im on midgar NOW why would they make us go to lol quetzalcoatl midgar is better IMO
I am so sorry
# Mar 09 2010 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
307 posts
Pikko I am sorry first of all that you are worried about your name, I understand how unfair it is. To hold your name and use it, its sad when you fear to lose it.

My hope to you is that you are able to keep your name in some small ways. To many of us you will always be Pikko no matter what.

I, for one will always know you as Pikko. I am sure others will too. It is sad when you feel you lose a part of you, but there is always hope.

Look to the future and soon I hope everything will be ok for you. I will only hope for the best for you :)
The real problem
# Mar 09 2010 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
149 posts
I think what many people may not yet realize is this: the real problem is yet to come. After the server merge, everyone who is forced to change their name will soon have to deal with the very real problem of mistaken identity.

What if the person on the destination world is pretending to be you? What corrective actions can be taken when the person is doing this maliciously?

If you are a person on the destination world who happened, through no malice, to pick the same name as someone from a source world, how long are you really going to be able to take being asked "Are you the REAL (name)?" "You should change your name so that the REAL (name) can have their name back." "Are you the (name) from (server/linkshell X)?" and on and on. I mean hell, what if you were the mule Pikko in this article, how many times a day do you think you'd be bombarded with people telling you to give up your name, even if the "real" Pikko didn't? It could easily be enough to drive someone to cancel their sub, shrinking the servers a little more.

Edited, Mar 9th 2010 1:33pm by Maarg
mergers suck
# Mar 09 2010 at 12:33 PM Rating: Excellent
7,129 posts
No company can be this ignorant, can they? Surely they can see this whole thing will only be bad for them.

SE has given a crap about what their community thinks since when exactly?

Almost nobody I've talked to likes the idea of our server being merged. Everybody seems to have a few friends that will have to name change, and even on a "low population" server, we still seem to bump heads with other groups at times.

Makes no sense to do now, when they're raising the cap and making so much of the game lowman content (well, even moreso). So we'll have 200%+ the population to compete with for content that now takes 1/4 as many people. Great. Thanks SE.
# Mar 09 2010 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
100 posts
I'm pretty sure that the Pikko-mule on Lakshmi doesn't even exist anymore, I've been asking around in all my linkshells and the like, people vaguely remember seeing that char around a while ago, but nobody I've asked has seen it recently. It's probably just an inactive character name, which really stinks. I also did a POL viewer search for all characters named Pikko across all the servers, and came up with NOTHING on Lakshmi. There's only about 8 Pikkos across all the servers, actually.

It stinks even more that Lakshmi's reputation is going to end up a little bit tarnished on Alla by this one person, if Pikko DOES end up leaving the game I'm sure there will be plenty of people on these boards who will blame my whole server.

I personally like "Pikkoko" the best, followed by "Therealpikko." Pikkoko is just cute in a VERY tarutaru way.
# Mar 09 2010 at 11:49 AM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
I don't hold it against Lakshmi and really, the person with that name did nothing either. I just wish I had the chance to put myself side by side with the character and possibly keep the name based on a set of rules. Had that person created the character before me, sure I'd have been just as bummed, but I don't think I'd be nearly as upset about the way it was handled.
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


# Mar 09 2010 at 11:51 PM Rating: Excellent
1,326 posts
My thought is that it should be a formula figuring in creation date, total playtime, and total levels (because the afk bazaar mules will have a vastly exaggerated playtime) to figure out who gets the name.

Also, offering a prize of some sort to someone who voluntarily gives up a name in favor of someone else might help to heal some hurt feelings... something nice but not game-breaking on the order of a Moogle cap or something. That would be a huge amount of work on their part, though.
Bum move SE!
# Mar 09 2010 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
In all honesty, I wouldn't doubt that this is a cold and calculated plan to get people to stop playing FFXI to then, shortly after,pick up FFXIV! lol jk. I doubt my name will be taken but if it was and I had to change it I would quit FFXI. SE needs to understand that most of us put thought into our names, time into our character (I know the char info won't be deleted but the reputation would be difficult).

Let's say you want to find your friends on server and didn't add to friends list because either are lazy, forgot, or friendslist is already full...how will you find them under a new name? How would they find YOU under a new name?

The BS of all AH and delivery box items being deleted is also utter crap! So I paid 10k to put something on auction (I didn't but I am sure someone has) and now I am going to have to stop it and put it up for another 10k?

Pikko, I hate to say it but if that server's Pikko doesn't have an AH history...I doubt they are reading this. Maybe someone swapped over and took the name out of spite? In all honesty I would stage a mass desertion of FFXI because SE's unfair policy. Everquest did it right and I would assume a big company like SE would understand the importance of keeping players happy...but then again with the upcoming FFXIII, FFXIV, and FFXIII Vs. I doubt they are worried about losing a few players on FFXI.

To all good luck...and may the video game gods help us all.

Tgcidolphas, Pandemonium------>>> Asura transfer
A shame
# Mar 09 2010 at 11:02 AM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
This made me think of an event in EQII. Once on my original EQII server of Nektulos we had a Bonaparte. Back in the day SOE was much more stringent about enforcing the "names from historical and popular culture" part of their naming policy, and after he'd had the name over a year they forced a change on him (he chose Corsica).

People all over the server changed their surnames to something along the lines of "BonaparteRules" and "SaveBonaparte" in protest.

Me, I moved servers and every possible permutation of my main's name was taken. I "took the X", meaning I allowed an X to be appended to my name because she's Kiana, and always will be. Nothing else. They owe me a name change from the move, so maybe if they ever do a character purge I'll ask for it back.

Name griefing always seems to happen on server merges, but I don't see why the company would not take the opportunity to do a database purge of unplayed characters at the same time and free up some names. SOE only guarantees to keep your unplayed characters on unplayed accounts for a few months, although they only take advantage of that on server merges with lots and lots of warning.

Seems silly to me they won't make some move to accommodate paying players.
hang in there, dont give up
# Mar 09 2010 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
Well one thing that I could think of for you is to just doubble another letter, ex. piikko, pikkoo, or something like that. I have been out of the game for 3 years and i just started back up to learn that some servers are merging. I am not sur where to find this info out, but I wonder if alexander is leaving as well. best of luck pikko
That is disgusting
# Mar 09 2010 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
118 posts
The Pikko on Lakshmi doesn't even have a jeuno AH history!!! the character isn't active. the most active it is is a mule and that is absolutely disgusting that they will not let you have it.

Please if your on lakshmi and you're mule is pikko please please PLEASE let the character whom so many people have come to know have right to the name. :(
That is disgusting
# Mar 09 2010 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
324 posts
Neveah wrote:
The Pikko on Lakshmi doesn't even have a jeuno AH history!!! the character isn't active. the most active it is is a mule and that is absolutely disgusting that they will not let you have it.
This is the very same problem I have, my name I've had for just about 6 years and is taken and by the looks of it a mule as well... I won't lie it sucks especially since the name means a lot to me, and just to lose all that because of a mule is kindof disheartning ;_;

I tried finding the Wolfen on Quetzalcoatl but no luck, it would be nice if they would let me keep my name but to be honest I don't expect to find them to even ask them if they could :\

I really wish Square-Enix would take notice and do something about this, it may not be a big deal to some people but it is to others and they should handle it as such.
# Mar 09 2010 at 10:29 AM Rating: Excellent
3,530 posts
I'm not entirely sure that that's the best choice of titles for the article... XD

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."
# Mar 09 2010 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
Years ago, in High School, I read a short story about an advertising exec with the "Rose...sweet" line stuck in his head. He obsessed over it, thinking of it constantly, to the near destruction of his career and marriage and then, in a flash, he had an epiphany and shouted "A rose by any other name would sound sweeter!". He thereafter made a fortune advising the big boys on things like renaming a product like "New, Improved Ultra <add name here>" with no actual improvement, or calling a janitor a "Sanitation Engineer" to justify a budget increase.

I think it was called "Morgenstern's Law".

Now, on the topic, it sucks. But, that said, I favor Kopikko or Pikkoko. Or Pikkopikko, for that matter ("Now with twice the Pikko!")

# Mar 09 2010 at 11:49 AM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
I suppose it would have been better to put a '?' at the end. The line is a reference to something in one of the lower paragraphs.
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


echoing the *hugs*
# Mar 09 2010 at 9:57 AM Rating: Good
30 posts
Just two small suggestions for the ever famous Pikko. Following the naming convention of female tarus have you tried Pikkoko or something cute like PikkoKupo. Could just say you spent so much time gardening that your moogle added Kupo to your name. :D Hope it helps.

~Recepece on Caitsith~
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