Europeans get Zinged with New Tax

The following was posted on the official site. Tough break for those who live in Europe: -------------- VAT to be Charged for the European Union To comply with changes in the law in the European Union, Sony Online Entertainment game Subscribers who are residents of EU countries will be charged VAT equal to 17.5% of the subscription fees. These changes require that digital services be taxed at the point of consumption , i.e. in your country of residence. The countries currently covered by this policy are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom.


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# Jul 02 2003 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
How is the various countries in EU finding out that you are playing this game in the first place? Or that you are going to any site on the web be it an EU, US or South Africa? Is there a SOE(EU) and that company is giving your names to your respective governments? If SOE(US) is adding this tax based soley on billing address or IP address then SOE(US) is giving your information to people that they should not be talking to. (my opionion)

Going to by looking at the bottom of the web page it states Sony computer entertainment america. and 1999-2003 sony computer entertainment america. all rights reserved. It does not look like there is a SOE(EU). A company outside the EU community is providing information about your doings to your respective governments.

I clicked the VeriSign Secrue button on the sony pages (the ones with billing information) and it states that sony is a US based company out of California. it further states that "all information sent to this site, if in an SSL session, in encrypted, protecting against disclosure to third parties." So why is Sony providing any information to any EU country unless there is money involved? (Yes I know this disclaimer is stating that the pipeline from my computer to there server/data base is secure and the information passed across would be extremely difficult if not impossible to capture and decipher based on industry standards of encryption and the risk blah, blah, blah.....) SOE and you are the only ones who know ur playing this game.

I wonder how much of this VAT is being "kicked" back to SOE(US) for this name dropping service?

Is SOE providing any demographics to your governments (what city your playing from) so that improvements can be made toward the phone systems, etc along with the number of ppl playing?

If the VAT is variable, then SOE should be charging that rate based on what country your from. That is not proper that you should pay a VAT rate that is not established for your community. SOE if you wish to assist the EU gougers then get your wonderful programers to provide the proper rates based on what country they are from, not just some whimsical across the board rate.

I live in Virgina Beach, Va and my 6 month billing rate is $65.70. There is no tax information published so I cannot tell you if SOE is providing any tax returns to my state or city for the use of this subscription. Nor for that matter if Im even being billed for VA taxes. Maybe others in the states could post there values to see if there is a diffrence.

# Jul 02 2003 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
I would think they're going by billing address. But as I said before Sony technically does NOT have to collect the taxes for the EU. However, the EU said if a company doesn't collect the taxes, then they can't be bothered to uphold any copyright laws. i.e. If Sony doesn't comply with the EU, anybody in the EU can copy and sell Sony material at whim and the EU will turn a blind eye. It's one of those ways a government will ***** over anybody that tries to stand up to them.

And I doubt Sony will get any kickback from the VAT. Rather, it will cost them a lot of money to collect it, so Sony's bills have jumped as well. It's just the price they're willing to pay to ensure the EU will uphold their copyrights.
# Jul 06 2003 at 7:52 PM Rating: Decent
Isn't it extortion to say, "if you don't collect this tax we won't uphold your copyright?" Maybe Cisco should revoke the EU's IOS licenses for a bit ;-)
# Jul 02 2003 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
AH, the price paid for socialism!
Switzerland != EU
# Jul 02 2003 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
You know there's a reason Switzerland didn't join the EU and so far we've been served pretty well not belonging to them.
Socialism suxxor
# Jul 02 2003 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
VATs are immoral. Now europe wants another layer of government and bureaucracy: THE EU. More government means more taxes. Here come the VATs. These new taxes are just to keep the EU afloat. Wait until they decide they need an "EU military" to rival the US. The US currently spends $400 billion on military. Where is the EU going to get that kind of money?

To quote P. J. O'Rourke, "If you think health care is expensive now, just wait until it's free."

It's not that much money....
# Jul 02 2003 at 12:18 PM Rating: Default
This tax is only about 2-3 dollars more a month and last time I checked that’s not much money at all. Then again you could say if its not much money why even bother taxing it. I don’t know, but its nothing to go nuts over. If the matter of $2 will throw you over into bankruptcy maybe you shouldn’t be playing EQ at all. Just a thought.
RE: It's not that much money....
# Jul 02 2003 at 2:08 PM Rating: Good
Ummmm, that is the kind of *** backward head in the sand thinking that snowballs into true big brotherhood. To say that "its just another 2 dollars a month" makes my blood boil. Read Ayn Rands "Atlas Shrugged". You will realize that just another 2 dollars here begets just another 3 dollars there and pretty soon you are paying just another 20 dollars a month. Where does that money go is what you should be asking, what does EU provide to ISP users and gamers that a tax is required or needed. You just want to go about your happy happy life and if it stinks your willing to just shrug it off, hold your commie nose and keep walking. BLEH
RE: It's not that much money....
# Jul 02 2003 at 1:56 PM Rating: Good
# Jul 02 2003 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
shame they took away the player online numbers, should be able to see a drop in numbers on the euro servers. Im from holland an will keep playing i gues. Hope SOE will grant us reducted price from the online shop now. Ordering new expansion from is already very expansive or ye can just wait for 4 months or so.

Thangarth Aurelius 65 marauder <Amazon> Xegony
How Greedy to politicians need to be
# Jul 02 2003 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
I sincerely hope this does not happen in the US. It's ridiculous that it is happening anywhere for that matter. I think that the goverments are doing just fine with the taxes they already have. Perhaps if you wanted to add more money to the goverment Surplus you could... oh i don' t know... Cut your own high end pay check that could feed you and 30 other people for a year. Taxing the internet is out of line, proof of political greed, and proof that anarchy may be the only option in keeping enough of our money. It's only a little more than a dollar a month extra for that tax on everquest but i could use that money for a drink at a convenience store :P
# Jul 02 2003 at 12:03 PM Rating: Default
I feel sorry for ya'll in the EU, I would of hoped you learned from your previous mistakes and come to realize that any form of socialism (EU) is not good and you all have screwwed yourselfs. You all should hopefully get the gonads and vote new leaders who also have the gonads to leave the EU and stand for your selfs and become your own country again.

I know I cant spell that well and grammar also aint that good ;)
EU = Good idea, implimented poorly by power hungry polititia
# Jul 02 2003 at 11:52 AM Rating: Good
My only question is where is the value being added.
Any tax that is justified is reasonable. But just puting a title on the tax that makes it sound justified doesn't make it so.
You guys need to let your polititians know that the EU is just a way to give more power to more polititians. It serves no other perpose. At least no other perpose that it was intended to serve.
RE: EU = Good idea, implimented poorly by power hungry polit
# Jul 02 2003 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts

Edited, Wed Jul 2 15:22:01 2003
# Jul 02 2003 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
To my EU brothers and sisters in arms: My sympathies to you for this rediculous tax.

51 Paladin of Tunare
# Jul 02 2003 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
106 posts
You could probably spent all day researching what we do and do not charge VAT for in the UK and whether or not EQ applies.

The most obvious example is that we dont get charged VAT on food bought from the supermarket but do on food bought in a restraunt/take away. Although for some reason if you buy a milkshake from Mcdonalds you pay VAT for drinking in inside but not if you take it away.

I dont see the value add your getting from an internet service. Someone somewhere will have gained a promotion for thinking of a new way to raise revenue from possibly hundreds of thousands of people that subscribe to one or another internet service.

If maybe they use the extra revenue to speedup the installation of broadband in the UK I wouldnt mind paying it, like that would happen.
Lesson Learned
# Jul 02 2003 at 10:08 AM Rating: Default
I think it is rediculous to charge you for playing a game online. In the states, the Federal Gov't and my State Gov't tax for usage of the internet connection already. They use the same tax that they do for the regular phone, just applied to internet. Which is small.

Lesson learned here is this, if you add another level of Gov't and subject yourself to it. They will need some form of revenue to run it's services. The less Gov't the better. Also, you Europeans have a more Socialist leaning Gov't in most of your countries compared to the U.S., your taxes will be higher because it "Evens" things out and pays for all the Social programs your countries provide.

Remember your all in Democracies. If you don't like what is going on then change it. Petition your Gov't to withdraw from the EU?!? If you think that your vote doesn't count, it does. Every vote does count. I was in the middle of it here in Florida during the last election.
# Jul 02 2003 at 9:36 AM Rating: Default
I'm from Jersey, Channel Islands which is part of the UK but not a part of the EU and not eligable for UK TAX..and they are still going to charge me...!!!
F*** Taxes
# Jul 02 2003 at 8:44 AM Rating: Default
This Tax like any other tax anywhere is BS but what can we do bisides blow up and or maim our country's leaders.

I honestly don blame anyone in EU for leaving he game .. I would.
Not just for he simple fact that is paying out more cash bu c'mon guys ive played alot of he new MMORPG's and i have to say that yes EQ has more territory to roam than most MMORPG's ive played recently but hats due to the fact there are so many damned expansions to buy.
Anyway back to my point...
Eq may have upped the graphics of its races and new zones but all the old got left looking like 8bit ****. No to mention the money your pumpin out o make your system 10 times what it needs to be to play any other mmorpg. example..i have 256 megs of ram but yet i have to turn off most off most of my character graphic upgrades if i intend to zone wihin 5 minutes on a dsl connection.
In Star Wars Galaxies Beta I ran just fine and there is almost no zoneing and the graphics are 10X EQ...same goes for Dark Age of Camelot.
Hell at his point im wondering why the hell i even pay to play this damn game.

What value added?
# Jul 02 2003 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I know this is a silly question since the government will always find a way to tax. Given that EQ is an internet game, how can the EU countries add value to a non tangible product? What have they done to add value? Any of you folks in the EU know a good tax lawyer you can ask?
RE: What value added?
# Jul 02 2003 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Well, it's called a Value-added tax because it taxes only the value of goods added by a firm (in most cases, the largest value is labor). The tax itself does not (nor is it supposed to) add any value to anything.
# Jul 02 2003 at 7:32 AM Rating: Default
I suggest that everyone who is angry at this get a petition going around, this not onyl effects everquest, but im assuming diablo 2 warcraft3 (online) and world of warcraft
RE: !!!!!!!!
# Jul 06 2003 at 7:54 PM Rating: Default
Isn't free? Wouldn't 17.5% of zero be... zero?
in america?
# Jul 02 2003 at 7:30 AM Rating: Default
I highly doubt this will effect america at all, the government tends to stay away from the entertainment industry , after the trustbusting of tr when the tv was common when big towns had only one place to go to for cable tv they left it alone because the cable companies payed to have lines put down, that and entertainment really isnt a necessity
# Jul 02 2003 at 7:18 AM Rating: Default
Another EU scam for the fat cats.

goddamn suits
# Jul 02 2003 at 6:39 AM Rating: Default
Once again the suits in brussels decide to take a big fat p*ss on our european fires. Thanks for that Europe.

The whole point of joining europe was to allow free trade and make things cheaper for us consumers.

Not only do us Brits pay more for most consumer goods than the rest of the EU and America, now I'm getting raped for tax on a service I purchase from America.

Ahh well rant over

Back to the tax-free world of Norrath

Sephelis Shadowseeker
RE: goddamn suits
# Jul 02 2003 at 6:49 AM Rating: Default
apologies all, I'm gonna correct myself before someone else jumps in. .....most of the rest of what I should have said.

As to whether this is still true since all those poor folk who adopted the Euro have been hit by ridiculous price increases on many goods I dunno.

Don't care

# Jul 02 2003 at 6:36 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Wed Jul 2 06:53:32 2003
God Damn EU
# Jul 02 2003 at 6:03 AM Rating: Good
36 posts
Not only do i live in an EU country i was also for my country to join EU.

Now some a-hole have come up with the idiot idea that we should pay VAT for service rendered over the internet.

Now one of the best things about the net was that it was borderless.

Now the idiot who came up wih the VAT on the net just build a wall around EU.

EU welcome back into the new IT Iron Curtain Wall.

Lets build more walls around EU countries and isolate us even more from other countries.
And when we are at it lets raise the VAT as well.

Its sad that they use VAT on the internet, building borders, thats something EU is real good at.

One of the finest things about EU that i saw, was it becoming a border less and united Europe.
But the further we evolve, the nastier and dis-united we seem to become.

Whats next, new tolls on surfing the web outside the EU ?


Edited, Wed Jul 2 06:30:53 2003
bybye EQ
# Jul 02 2003 at 5:57 AM Rating: Good
i live in france in i won't continue to play EQ if i'm gonna be charged again..

when i bought (all) the game CDs, i already paid a VAT on it.. so i don't see why i should pay that tax again.. internet is only a way to play not the game itself.

paying a VAT of 17.5% on the actual fee put the price to more than 15 EUR.. i found the further price already expensive but today is really huge for a game.. (EQ fee + change fee + VAT + + + + )

so i have no choice.. i stop it (thanx misters politics.. another way to grab some money on the people...)

have fun guys.. that's the end for me

berk ...
# Jul 02 2003 at 5:43 AM Rating: Default
berk ...
Tarrif Mabie
# Jul 02 2003 at 5:22 AM Rating: Decent
Would this VAT be like a tarrif on imported goods? Hmm.

34 Ranger
RE: Tarrif Mabie
# Jul 02 2003 at 6:19 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
On all stuff that you buy from a country outside EU.

Brings back memories of the good ole days (sarcasm) when West/East Germany was divided by a wall. Cuz thats what they are doing now, diffrence is that this wall is an economic IT-one and you cant see it, just feel it, wallet-wise.

# Jul 02 2003 at 4:36 AM Rating: Decent
I just want to know if the US players are being charged tax on the subscription. (Which I am guessing they are, whether in CA or elsewhere, but it's worked into the price already, a.k.a. stealth tax.)
However, if the subscription includes the California sales tax, then they would be charging the Europeans tax... twice. US and Europe.
Anyone able to clarify this for me?
I also find it interesting that they went for possibly the highest tax rate in Europe - the UK rate.
To the poster who was saying Germany has 29% tax on goods - Bull.
It was 14.5% for as long as I was there, and trust me that was a damn long time.
Not only that, the tax is always included in the price unless it's computers etc.
What you are talking about on the 29% is the tax you pay on your monthly salary. That would be about in that region.
RE: Tax
# Jul 02 2003 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
Not all States are charged for Internet sales at this time. THey are slowly making such legislation pass through however. This has been true for years actually but they are just now getting around to "enforcing" this. I know my work has had to rebill a few customers in certain states that got our software via FTP for the taxes we didnt collect the first time.

VAT are secondary tariff's basically from what I understand. Lots of South American countries charge 30% on software delivered via the internet, it's easy money for the governments.
RE: Tax
# Jul 02 2003 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
I live in North Carolina and do not pay any additional taxes beyond the sales tax that I payed for the actual game when purchased at a retail outlet. (In reality I purchased them all on-line and have not paid any additional taxes on the game either.)

So sorry to see the EU has done this. I have grouped and played with several players from EU Countries. Wonderful players and great people!

SOE - Get some of your lobbyist up off their fat ***** and do something about this!!!!!!!!!!! We all know you have the money.
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