Legacy of Ykesha Developers Diary

This was sent to us by Sony. EverQuest®: The Legacy of Ykesha™ Developer's Diary: Innoruuk's Idol Over the weeks until we launch The Legacy of Ykesha (LoY), we will be presenting these diaries to try to give some insight into what happens during the creation of an EverQuest expansion or extension. One of the most interesting things about any EverQuest zone is the way it feels, the atmosphere of the place. Travel through Neriak, especially if you’re not very welcome there, and you get a sense of the evil that lives there. The Plane of Innovation feels very… oily, rusty and mechanical. Each zone has a very distinct feel to it. There are several tools that designers and artists use to give zones their feel. Lighting, textures, buildings, and obviously the NPCs. But it’s not uncommon for us to forget how important the artifacts and objects in a zone are, everything from the huge statue of Firiona Vie in Kunark to the hangman’s noose in the Plane of Justice. Artists and designers work together to determine what a zone will look like, how it should feel and what sort of objects it should contain. The Legacy of Ykesha called for trolls that live a sea-faring, nomadic life influenced heavily by the power of Innoruuk, god of Hate. These trolls have been isolated for a long time, and they have certainly formed their own ways of thinking about their worship of Innoruuk. The team decided that having an idol of sorts, a representation of the melding of Hate and the life of ocean-bound trolls, would help to show just how different these creatures were. We asked Ronnie Ashlock, the artist that built the idol, to talk about how he built it.
As the art team began working on the city of Dulak, I had discussions with Shawn Lord, Lead Designer for LoY. He saw the idols in the city as very dark and other-worldly, like something from a Lovecraft story. This was a great visual cue, and I began to envision the idols as some massive construct of tentacles and chitin. This is one of the concept drawings that came out of our discussions. Innoruuk’s Idol Concept Art The sketch was a great starting point, but I suspected it would be unworkable as a 3D concept. This hunch proved true as I took my first pass at constructing it for the final game. I made the outer shell of the model resemble the outer shell of the sketch as close as possible. But that was indeed unworkable. So taking great liberty with the sketch, I fashioned a proper nautilus shell by lofting a spiral. I then created the tentacles out of other lofted splines, taking careful considerations of the polygon count limits needed to make the model usable in-game. Wireframe Mesh of the Idol After the mesh was done to my satisfaction, I began to texture it. I wanted to suggest an amphibian and evil look to the idol. Shawn said he wanted people to feel that something just wasn't right about the place; something sinister and disturbing. So I took ordinary family photos of babies crying and manipulated them into the screaming faces seen on the pedestal. I daresay I think I was pretty successful in making people uncomfortable. Texture for the base of the Idol Final version Click here to see an avi movie of the Idol


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more stuff
# Feb 23 2003 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
The game is live so there will always be bugs
and if u go LD why blame Sony?
ever thing ur computer cant take it or u have dail up?

i say go Sony urdoing a great job we all love you

Craleu 51 warrior
Guardians of Shadow
Just for info
# Feb 23 2003 at 2:04 PM Rating: Default
my internet connection makes me ld when someone tries to call in, even using the blockout code. so for those of you with dial-up complaining about LDs, try seeing if anyone called at that time.
# Feb 23 2003 at 2:00 PM Rating: Default
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 23 2003 at 2:00 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) mom?
# Feb 23 2003 at 4:58 AM Rating: Default
I think thats its good that EQ is alot like DnD (witch is alot like LotR). Its a fantasy setting that is already set. I mean a orc is a orc, a goblin is a goblin. the basics are already there, if you ever played DnD or read tolken then you know that they came form the history books of the dark ages and knights riding into battle in there armor and sword and shield.. the monsters came from myths. Dragons, goblins, and sea monsters all at one time were thought to be real. So to say that EQ is copying off of DnD or tolken is not really true because the fantasy world has always been there.
For a good idea of a game not copying would be AC. If you have ever seen or played AC you know that they made up all new monsters for that game. there are no goblins, orcs, or kolbalds, witch in a way is good but just isnt the same.. I think thats why so many more people play EQ then any other online game. Because they like the fantasy world the way it is and are not worryed about one copying the other

Danelan the Dark Elf
incase you were wondering
# Feb 23 2003 at 3:24 AM Rating: Default
its amazing where information comes from I think. But incase you were wondering Tolkiens LoTR is HEAVILY based off of Norse Mythology...look it up youll be fondly surprised by the similarity
ripoff who cares
# Feb 22 2003 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
The original content in EQ is slim. The spellbinding story/believable characters is nonexisistent. So what - people keep on playing EQ because of the competition and commeraderie with others. Playing EQ is like going to a fancy nightclub. You don't come there to stare at the decorations all night, you come there to play the social game.

Muse Roede
# Feb 22 2003 at 8:27 AM Rating: Default
I am soo sick and tired of people defending sony on connection issues.

Just because your problem was your problem does not mean everyone else with a connection problem is just lazy.

I can no longer use a dial up connection for everquest, I had to switch to a DSL connection long ago because EQ will not stay connected through dial up.

All the other online games I play from dark space to earth and beyond to dark age of camelot to non subsciber games like mech commander or comand and conquer or hot rod magazine drag racing all give me a stable reliable dial up connection and a perfect DSL connection. With EQ I even get disconnected from time to time even with DSL.

You use some logic and tell me where the problem is: One day EQ runs a patch after downloading the patch I am constantly getting disconnected from the game, I go through EQ's customer support and I'm told my graphics card is too advanced and I need to downgrade it before they'll help me.
I call up my DSL service, they run several tests and can't find any problem so they send a tech out to check my system. He finds that everything on my end is running perfectly so the problem has to be the line access handled by the phone company. The phone company finds nothing wrong and sends out a tech to hook up to and test the lines from here, he also informs me that everything is working perfectly.
I still cannot stay connected to EQ for more than a few minutes.
About 3 weeks later I try it out again , I had been trying to get it to work right about once every three days, a new patch downloads ... wham I can play EQ again without disconnects.

logic tells me this wasn't my problem but Sony's.
RE: connections
# Feb 24 2003 at 8:32 AM Rating: Default
I want to add my Two cents worth to this discussion:

If you have LD problems, I feel bad for you. It is THE most frustrating thing in the game. But Whether or not it's Your fault or EQ's it is a fact of internet life. There will be connection issues as long as more than one person gets online.

I used dial-up for years til my region got Cable. I use cable now. Cable has reduced my Lds immensely, my lag is lessened and my game is more enjoyable. Friends locally also got Cable from the same cable, they have better computers than I, and continue to have dial-up frequency LD's.

The disconnect is gonna happen from time to time, but the single best fix i have found to the problem is a regular scandisk and Defrag. both of my computers get it once a week or more. I play Medal of honor and sometimes defrag more than once a day. I have over the years tweeked my system to run EQ at its best, always upgrading when it was warranted, always making settings in windows and setup to improve play. to list them all here would be wateful of space, and really be useless due to the different machines involved.

If LD's are not acceptable, don't Play online, or maybe try out the PS2 deal it may be more stable due to only one machine in use. But the constant barrage of maoning about it is at best a way to vent your problems, and we all know thats what Wives/pets/chums are for anyway.

Good luck to you all

Baron Ranssid Offering
Dwarven Warrior, 58
Unspoken Legacy
RE: connections
# Feb 24 2003 at 5:22 AM Rating: Decent
Oh goodness.. Listen to you people. I'll just say this. Before I ever, ever spent 300+ dollars to buy new hardware, isp, software or whatever I would pick up my handy full version(s) of EQ. I would then go over to a friends house with compatible computer (better yet if they already have EQ loaded), and try it out on their computer. I mean if someone locally is having absolutely no problems connecting, lagging, or with bugs you might be able to deduce that it's possibly on your end. If they are having the same problems you could possibly deduces its on Verants end, or at least not just on your computer
. Either friggin' way you saved yourself a bunch of money.
RE: connections
# Feb 24 2003 at 4:30 PM Rating: Good

Durinbane Litewraith
Cleric 27
A Ro
RE: connections
# Feb 22 2003 at 11:51 PM Rating: Default
I agree with the first poster. Surely there are many times that it is the end-user's problem, and then there are many times that it is Sony's problem.

To tell my own little story, I ran EQ perfectly for a couple of years using a dial-up internet connection through my favorite provider. Sure I had the standard random disconnects, maybe one per day, but nothing major.

One day Sony patched and all of a sudden I started going LD constantly, but my internet connection was fine. I was levelling my bard at the time and finally realized that it was happening only when I twisted certain songs. I petitioned, bug reported, talked to tech support, talked to everyone that I could, and was told that the problem was my computer and that I must have installed some 3rd party program that did it.

I went back to playing my mage because my bard was unusable after 36 levels, and found that now whenever I gave something to my pet, or healed him, I would go LD. I upgraded my video card, upgraded my modem, upgraded my sound card (all at the advice of Sony tech support). . . then in addition to everything when I tried to autofollow someone I went LD too. I switched ISP's, again and again and again.

Finally what I found out is that a while back Sony started changing the packet encapsulation to reduce bandwidth. All of a sudden I have a big apology from the guides, and an "oh gee it was our problem all along", but of course no refund or waive of even one month's fee when I talk to customer service. It was this packet encapsulation change that caused my problems. Due to some sort of equipment set up on certain ISP's connections to the backbone, it makes them incompatible with Everquest. When the game tries to send certain packets it will cause a time out and disconnect you from the game, but not your provider.

You can verify this issue on the Everquest Knowledge base now, just search for "disconnect."

So was I a loser and was it my problem? I think not. I ended up spending over $300, with no refund or monthly waive, on a problem that was Sony's all along. My problem was continually upgraded to GM's by the guides for several weeks straight, and not once would they contact me. If they logged on un-hidden and I sent a tell asking them to review my issue on their message board they ignored me.

I HOLLERED, yelled, screamed, played nice, threatened to suit, and did everything that I could and never did a GM contact me. (Just for a test I decided to petition about the same issue a few days ago, since about a month had gone by, and it was escalated again to a GM verbally by a guide while he/she was on and they wouldn't talk to me, they told me to use the "contact your GM" option on Sony's webpage).

Some of you may think that I'm a loser for this, but I have obtained the services of an attorney and am discussing joining one of the class action lawsuits going against Sony. I'm not interested in getting any sort of money from them, but I am very interested in being part of giving them one heck of a wake up call so they'll stop treating people like crap.

Oh well, that's just my little story, but it's proof imho that Sony does ***** up, and they ***** up badly, so just because someone is having LD problems don't support Sony too much . . . give the end-user the benefit of the doubt.


P.S. . . . I tried Bellsouth, MSN8, Leapfrog, Prodigy, and several different ISP's. The one that works the best (believe it or not, it's true . . .) is the new AOL (although it does still lock up several times a night. Oh well . . .I'll be able to get cable out here one day.)
RE: connections
# Feb 23 2003 at 12:32 AM Rating: Decent
Someone brings a lawsuit against Sony = they have to defend themselves = they have to pay lawyers = higher costs to run the game = higher costs to the players.
RE: connections
# Feb 23 2003 at 10:57 AM Rating: Default
Fact of life friend - they already have all the lawyers they need working for them.
RE: connections
# Feb 22 2003 at 2:56 PM Rating: Excellent
I use dial up, and EQ works well for me. I have had one patch-connection issue, and the online tech support solved the problem. All in all, Sony does a decent job of maintaining a server that hosts several thousand people at any given time.

Durinbane Litewraith
Cleric 27
A Ro
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 22 2003 at 10:02 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Get a life and get stop complaining!!! If you have such a huge oriblem with it stop playing!
Wow what a bunch oscar the grouches.
# Feb 22 2003 at 5:54 AM Rating: Decent
If you like EQ, play. If you don't, dont. I love. I love the new expansions, and unless you are an ebay guy the old zones get old. when you in your 60+ levels you will enjoy the new zones. Also, i rarely go ld, so if you do it is your prob not eq's. Great Job VI and Sony.
Fezid Shaman of The Tribunal
# Feb 22 2003 at 5:07 AM Rating: Default
I agree with EQ not taking proper consideration for it's customers at times. (Downtime, LD's)

I'm not so so sure that going LD is a necessarily a coonection problem on the customer's end....I have gone LD plenty of times and not lost my Internet connection.

Perhaps EQ should focus more effort into solving the LD problems, I think it must be a top concern for the players.

All in all, I think EQ does an outstanding job! They keep my **** glued to the seat!

Fezid MacFrostbane Shaman of The Tribunal
Dnd Ripoff
# Feb 22 2003 at 4:10 AM Rating: Default
Just a comment for the poster who said this was a DnD rip-off. TSR and Wizards have published very little that was straight from their imagination. ADnD and therefore 3rd Edition is notorious for taking literary works (whether Fantasy or not) and making them into Dnd Modules. There have been modules built for ADnD and DnD 3e that are based off of sources as diverse as Ponochio and The Isle of Dr. Moroe. I don't feel to sorry for them if an original idea of theirs was stolen.
# Feb 22 2003 at 2:10 AM Rating: Default
One comment to the metion of Verant riping D&D off. Dont complain. There are only so many things you can have in a game like this so some are bound to over lap. When the game gets "Original" you end up with things like cats running around on the moon. *Sigh* you know they were smoking some good stuff then.

Myrdale of Druzzil Ro
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 22 2003 at 12:55 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Anyone remember Westwood Studios games? They put out a first person role playing game that was really good for its time. I forget the name. It was about a witch that found a shapshifting atrifact and was able to put the king of the realm into a coma. Along your travels to revive the king you come across a cave. Inside the cave there are two species of creatures at war with each other. One species is a blue floating brain with a long beard and the other looks exactly like the concept drawing for the Inny Idol. Once again EQ programmers slightly revamp a concept and call it their own... Anyone can see the similarites between EQ and D&D. Also, maybe my dates are off, but didn't the Entwood mace show up in EQ after LOTR: The two towers?
RE: Originality
# Feb 23 2003 at 1:48 AM Rating: Default
Sorry to break this to you, but almost all things in the fantasy genre were once used somewhere else. Someone had to have made up elves and orcs, but your not compaling about the fact that Eq has them in it. There is rarely anything completly new anymore. Its all been done before.
RE: Originality
# Feb 22 2003 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
I also seem to remember that EQ did get some ideas for the game from LoTR books and that they mention that somewhere in the credits.
RE: Originality
# Feb 22 2003 at 4:11 AM Rating: Good
Anyone can see the similarites between EQ and D&D. Also, maybe my dates are off, but didn't the Entwood mace show up in EQ after LOTR: The two towers.

This comment amused me so much I just had to reply. The movies for Lord of the Rings are recent. The books, where Ents were first mentioned, were written starting about 1939 (approx) and finally published around 1954. Roughly 45 years before EQ was released.


#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 21 2003 at 7:59 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) moooooooooooooooooo
# Feb 21 2003 at 6:28 PM Rating: Default
I stared playing a little over 3 years ago.. And in that time EQ has come along way. Everything has improved. Including their bug fixes.

Unfortunately there will probably always be consistant bugs that dont get fixed for a long time since finding problems just arent apparent. I know this from being a programmer myself having several problems that just happen to show up randomly until you just happen to fix it by accident or get lucky at finding the problem when working on something else and with the size of EQ, both of those cases are there. I know with the old UI there seemed to be a memory or video problem at the character select screen or some kind and was never fixed, and it really didnt need to be as an example.

But, all in all, their bug fixes come faster. Their content is better. There is More for people to do, and discover. As someone else said, the monthly movie things is more expensive than playing EQ. And with EQ, it just keeps growing. You can set goals and meet them. Going to a movie you go there, and watch it. Then maybe buy the movie when it comes out. Welp, theres 2 or 3 months of playing EQ for you moniterally.

I await LoY for a number of reasons. I always like exploring places after a couple of weeks when they zones die down some. The new Spells, and especially with LoY, the new Bank! YAY Bank.. just what everyone needs. And lets not forget the new race 8) of Froggy's.

But the best thing I think about EQ is, I can keep in touch with friends that I have had for a long time that play on the same server. And meet new friends and play with them.
The Developers
# Feb 21 2003 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
The Eye of Inny. :) Looks pretty cool. Little babies screaming in strange faces is always eerie.

I have to say, the Developers have done a good job of taking us to new places that seem to come from Dreams. People complain about EQ, and my reply, (not meant to be mean) is that in the end you don't have to play. Simple as that. :) It is what it is. I know that seems black and white, but think of EQ and all it is and its pretty amazing imho. I have showed the zone graphics to artists and painters and they are just blown away by the detail and such. Well, thats my 2cents. Thanks for a great game.

I'm really amazed
# Feb 21 2003 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
I have to admit, my husband introduced me to EQ when we first started dating about 2 years (OMG has it been that long) ago. I do get bored once in a while and fuss and complain quite often about patches, downtime, connection issues, etc., but all in all, I am totally amazed when I sit back and think of the big picture. This is an amazing escape from reality, for 12.95 per month (or x5 for all my accounts) it is by far the cheapest hobby i have come across. Going to the movies with someone once per month cost more! I really enjoy what the developers are trying to do, and I give them a big hug for bringing such a beautiful fantisy world to us!! Thank you Sony, I promise I wound complain too much! ;)
RE: I'm really amazed
# Feb 22 2003 at 9:48 AM Rating: Default
12.95 x5 naaa that aint a bit much we have five accts and when you have four children it gets spendy to go to the movies, dinner popcorn and lets not forget the video games at the movies, so I see nothing wrong with paying that much and I and my kids can play as long as we want whenever we want instead of going either once a month or whenever we can afford it, so I myself was one that started about a year after my hubby and I am amazed myself about the things that have come out and am excited to be able to be alble to be a froggie, all I have to say is good job eq, you have done well,

Tinaanna Lvl 53 druid from Mystic Champions
RE: I'm really amazed
# Feb 21 2003 at 9:39 PM Rating: Excellent
actually 12.95 x 5 is MUCH greater than going to the movies with someone once a month.
RE: I'm really amazed
# Feb 21 2003 at 11:28 PM Rating: Default
Well i think she meant a night out at the movies, which would probably include dinner, and may include kids as well. I know every movie night costs me $120 or so (including 3 kids).
If not the model..
# Feb 21 2003 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
65 posts
Now that I look at the comparison, I think..
Well, some PC's couldn't handle the polygons.. Could you have the idol's true image as wallpaper for part of the temple or something?

Better yet, give US the pic for wallpaper so we can use it as an EQ UI or something! :cool:

Bugs VS new content
# Feb 21 2003 at 11:19 AM Rating: Default

Hardly the place to discuss it, but since other have touched on it let me say that I have had 2 friends quit EQ because after patches they weren't able to stay connected for more than 2 minutes, for several weeks straight. I'm all for new content, and minor bugs don't really bother me that much (unless the linger for 3 expansions ;)).

Connectivity issues should never go on for weeks at a time though, if at all. It should be properly tested before it hits mainstream use, and right now it really isn't--it's just tested on us. For the amount of money we put into EQ on a daily basis, I believe Sony should put out a better quality (stability/polished) product. I would much rather the exansions take 3 months longer to get out if they just didn't mess up so many things when they went live.

I, myself, was unable to play for a week during one of the recent LOY patches and all I can say is that it is immeasureably frustrating to put so much money and time into a game and not be able to play--with no recourse from Sony. Sony's policiy is simple: no refunds for any reason, ever. So if the put in a buggy patch and half the people can't get on, there is no recourse. Even the cable companies (known for lack of customer service) will credit you for days you are down.

In the end I guess my only complaint with Sony is their customer service, and seemingly obvious fixation on the bottom line. Sigil should be coming out with some stuff soon, and I for one plan to give my dollars to the company that focuses on customer support. It's not enough to just have really sweet artwork, zones, mobs, and AI...the game has to run stable, consistantly. (it's especially important for those of us who only get to play at certain times and may not get to play all week if a patch goes off during that time).

That's my thoughts on the issue, sorry if this is a bad place to post em. =)

Wrygryn, 55 Rogue
RE: Bugs VS new content
# Feb 21 2003 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
I had a connectivity issue for a while, it ended up being my linksys router. EQ aggressively attempts to reconnect when a connection is lost, many routers can see this as a flood attack and closes the connection. I was disconnected from EverQuest every 20 minutes. So, as Ether said, you can't place the blame on Sony for every connectivity issue.

Here's a link to a solution I used:
RE: Bugs VS new content
# Feb 21 2003 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
Umfortunately, with all MMORPG's, this is the way things work. With something completly live and constantly being updated, even with a Test Server problems occur. Thousands of people using the game means millions of possibilities, and more possibilities means more problems.

I'm sure you understand this, but for anyone who's ignorant enough to blame every problem on Sony, something that's as live as a world is bound to have the same amount of problems.

Edited, Fri Feb 21 12:14:44 2003
RE: Bugs VS new content
# Feb 22 2003 at 12:59 AM Rating: Default
Dude I gotta say you could'nt be more right sony has very little respect for the players and if the game was'nt so damn addictive i don't think half the ppl that play now would still be playing. I.m.o Sony should get there **** together and learn to listen and ablidge there customers. The gaming community is begining to see the success of Mmporpg and in a few years theres gonna be a bunch of eq ripoffs on the market and sonys gonna loose some serious cash if they don't get there chit together.
RE: Bugs VS new content
# Feb 22 2003 at 2:42 AM Rating: Default
i really dont post much. but i had to say something about this. yes the game has bugs, bugs for 1 are a pain to find/fix. if you been a programer you would know. 2 your connection is not a bug. it is your problem. if you cant connect to a sever is one thing but if you cant connect or go ld alot is your problem, if you can connect. and you go ld, it is your problem. there is something wrong with your connections, not soney.
3. the patches are tested before there put in. they are tested on the TEST SEVER... hmm i wonder why they call it a test server... anyhow. not many ever play on the test server. so you can't blame them for testing them, if no one is willing to test it now are they?

just my 2 cents, now i will go, flame me all you want shrug i proibly wont see this agian lol
RE: Bugs VS new content
# Feb 24 2003 at 3:04 PM Rating: Default
You should really keep to not posting much. You start off like you are a knowledgable programmer that knows everything about finding and fixing progamming bugs, then quickly show your ignorance with the "connection is not a bug statement". Connection problems are bugs. There are many aspects of the game that can cause a person to go LD. I can't count the number of times that Sony has came out with a patch that has either caused me to go LD frequently, or worse, to not be able to log on at all. Then after the next patch (or two) things are back to normal.

I'm not saying that all the connection problems are with Sony. Certainly some of the problems are caused by your ISP, the many servers that the information must cross to get to your ISP, and lastly your own system's configuration.

I'm not bashing Sony, because I know that it is a VERY difficult task to test and debug such a huge and complex program as EQ. I am amazed that the game even runs at all. If Sony waited until the program was 100% tested before releasing it, the program would never get released, because obviously 100% testing is impossible.

btw, moron above...you're 3rd point about testing doesn't make me think any higher of you. I am, however, highly impressed that you know that a test server is for testing...perhaps there is hope for you after all. However, your assumption that just because something has been put on the test server that it has been tested is completely wrong. And since when is it the subscriber's responsibility to test the patches for Sony? I pay money to play the game, not to do Sony's quality assurance for them. If they want me to do QA testing for them, they can pay me to do it.
I'm not going to pay them...

As for the poster above me, think before you speak. As for everyone else, any person who claims that Sony is 100% to blame or the User is 100% to blame can be written off as either a moron (the guy above), or just someone who is highly upset at Sony for not addressing their problem (most of the other posts). Given the number of variables involved, it would be impossible for the problem to be all Sony's or all the customer's. (I feel like I'm stating the obvious here.)

The reason that you don't get much support from Sony on connection issues is that Sony assumes the problem is on your side, unless enough people complain about similar connection problems so that a pattern emerges indicating that the problem may be on their side.

Unfortunately, sometimes the only solution is be patient, and the connection problems will eventually fix themselves, or get fixed by Sony.
# Feb 21 2003 at 10:20 AM Rating: Default
have any one you ever seen the lovly sky in EW? at nite? all the great colors?
EverQuest is a great work of art and ever one should just enjoy this game
there are some bads but lets hope those are fixed

Guardians of Shadow
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 21 2003 at 9:55 AM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) My ***** hurts, and I think my **** is bleeding
# Feb 21 2003 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
wow, what to say after i have read all these great posts! i agree that the finial version has lost a bit of the creepy element, but to those with systems not set up the best for grafics and gaming in general, they did a good job to balance it out for us. I enjoy EQ greatly, it is a good place to realize just how small the world is and to teach coopperation and tolorance to the young and old. I have enjoyed the game company and real world enjoyment of meeting and conversing with people from all over the U.S., U.K., austraila, and africa. Even with the bugs that exist, this is a great game and i applaude SONY for the time and effort that goes into it.
My 2 coppers woth!
51 Shaman of the Tribunal
RE: expansion
# Feb 22 2003 at 1:52 PM Rating: Default
U.S., U.K., australia, and africa... are canadian's and Europeans not playing anymore?

Wisperin Sapientum, The Rathe
For all you dark cultists out there...
# Feb 21 2003 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.

Translation: In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.
RE: For all you dark cultists out there...
# Feb 21 2003 at 9:53 AM Rating: Default
hehe - Very Cthulhu.
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 21 2003 at 6:01 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) the sketch looks amazing
RE: crap
# Feb 21 2003 at 6:58 AM Rating: Decent
Did you even bother to read the diary, or just set up to flame without a clue ? The artist said he could not translate the sketch into a 3D model and had to find something else.
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 21 2003 at 6:58 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ooops. Sorry.
design concept
# Feb 21 2003 at 5:27 AM Rating: Decent
I have a thought relating back to the idea of this statue - it's supposed to be another representation of Innoruuk, yet it looks more like the the amalgams you find in the Plane of Fear and those are closely linked to Cazic Thule, not Innoruuk.

If it is supposed to be representative of both Innoruuk and Trolls then surely the most common feature would be a big nose :)
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