48 Hours Does Everquest

The CBS newsmagazine "48 Hours Investigates" is broadcasting a story about Everquest. I assume it is the same one that we saw them filming at the Boston Fan Faire. The e-mail I received from CBS stated that the story was going to cover the "controversy over Everquest -- are some people addicted to the game?" The promo for the show on the 48 Hours website states that the name of the show is "Addicted", with the following teaser: "Are a growing number of people addicted - to an online computer game? Plus, meet a man who says he was addicted to sex." It will be interesting to see if it is a fair presentation, or just sensationalist crap. Based upon that promo blurb on their website, I'm banking on the later. Nonetheless, it's worth checking out. The broadcast is on CBS, Friday, October 18th at 8:00 p.m. et/pt.


Post Comment
This too shall pass.
# Oct 17 2002 at 9:42 AM Rating: Default
I have been reading these posts here. I agree with what I have read. yes, maybe it is addicting. Then again anything that gives a person a pleasurable feeling can be addicting. In the matter of the woman who is suing. She will most likly win her lawsuit. She will be awarded some HUGE tardo amount of money. Then of course she will settle any only get maybe a couple hundred thousand. Much like the case of the dumb broad that put the open, full, cup of coffee in her lap at the McD's drive through. She was awarded in the millions, but actually she only got about 200,000-300,000. I hope I dont seem to bitter here, but by the same token I could not feel sorry for someone who blew thier own foot off while cleaning a gun. I should not be made to feel sorry for other peoples stupidity.
email 48hrs
# Oct 16 2002 at 8:38 PM Rating: Default
I will be posting an e-mail to there account saying: "I am an enchanter." I urge everyone to do the same. Fill their email box up letting them know we love our game.
RE: email 48hrs
# Oct 16 2002 at 9:06 PM Rating: Default
48hours@cbsnews.com is what their website shows for a contact.
Media Bias
# Oct 16 2002 at 6:02 PM Rating: Default
I am highly distrustful of any "tabloid" piece done by a major network newsmagazine show. The video clips we see are edited to say whatever the producers want them to say, not necessarily what was really said.

I learned a great deal about these shows by reading Mick Foley's (WWF wrestler Mankind/Cactus Jack) book Foley is Good. He detailed how his responses to questions on Dateline (or similar show) were not shown with the appropriate questions. They basically played his answers to different questions so he would appear to believe something completely different than the truth.

There is no reason to believe anything they show on 48 Hours, even if they can play a video of an EQ player in an interview.
Now heres an addict...
# Oct 16 2002 at 3:40 PM Rating: Good
Seoul, South Korea - A 24-year-old South Korean man died after playing computer games nonstop for 86 hours, said police on Wednesday.....


# Oct 16 2002 at 11:31 AM Rating: Excellent
Let's see
I am to wonder how many marrigaes have been ruined by workholics or how many deaths/suicides have been attributed to not getting that promotion or work stress. The numbers are to be astounding I bet. Yet you will be want to see a story on the horrible addiction of work. A man or women can forsake their children, their spouses, their social responsibilities, backstab their friends, cheat their government, etc. and its all considered a good thing. Joe is such a go getter!

Everyone has addictions beit shopping, chocolate, work, Television, sex, vanity, social, popcorn, peanuts, beer, wine, gambling, soap operas, Nintendo, skating, biking, kite flying, and so on the list would be exhaustive. All of the addictions get in the way of other things at times and unfortunatly some are more destructive than others. Fortunately most have the mechanism to know when to adjust. Unfortunately there are those that don't and the media has the uncanny ability to hone in on these folks and hold them up as examples with touts that this could be you..yeah right!

Some have killed with guns so therefore every gun owner is a potential muderous killer.
Drivers have killed others in their car so therefore all car owners are potential dangerous menaces to society.
Work stress has caused some to go "postal" (sorry postal workers just a term) so everyone with a job is a potential threat.

Some unstable folks have had ill effects from their relationship with EQ so all EQ players are horrendous and will suffer the same fate.

Gang no need to get in an uproar about this it is just more of the same useless dribble that has invaded our lives in this time. Just consider it's merit which is none other than sensationalism and ratings just like the show Survivor.

It has become abundantly clear that our technology has surpassed our humanity - Albert Einstien

RE: Addiction
# Oct 16 2002 at 4:51 PM Rating: Default
Well I think we all know where the term "Going Postal" came from.
RE: Addiction
# Oct 16 2002 at 2:17 PM Rating: Default
Good Show Ol' Chap, Fine points.
RE: Addiction
# Oct 16 2002 at 1:37 PM Rating: Excellent
Well, I have to admit that I am one of those people who play alot of EQ. I have two accounts and am known to create a new chara and use one of my high lvl chara's on the other account to PL them...LOL. But, in all seriousness EQ can be just as addictive as anything else can...and I mean anything. Just depends upon your natural inclinations. For myself, I play as often as I can because I enjoy being with the many friends I have made over the last two years of playtime and let's just face it, "The game is Fun." Better than sitting vegetating in front of the TV with no interaction with people at all.

Of course, I still get up and go to work, I take care of my RL responsibilities, I keep my house clean, my children are all grown, and I am single so I am responsible to no one but myself. I still spend time with my children and their families, and participate in other activities that get me away from the game.

I think that some people need to understand that this is just a game. But, this game is a complicated one with many of the same actions and decisions that must be made in RL...nothing is given to you. It must all be earned. I agree with the other post that I read in that you do learn about economics and trade, feeding and clothing yourself, defending yourself, teamwork, goal setting, managing your money, and many of the other things that we are faced with in RL. After all, EQ is a virtual world.

Some people get in the game to escape RL situations, but eventually RL will catch up with you. I do not think the majority of players fall into that category. I know other people in the game that are not so fortunate as most of us are...some of them are quadraplegics or wheelchair bound, pysically handicapped, etc. For them, this game offers a great escape and the ability to experience some things that they cannot do in RL...run, jump, walk, etc. Believe it or not, even though you might be in a virtual world, you can get some of the same feelings as if you were in RL. The sensations that you feel as you are running for your life from a NPC chasing you...the joy you feel when you complete a quest or goal that you have been stiving to attain...helping fellow players in their time of need...the laughter when you see or do something funny...or the family spirit you feel when talking or hunting with your guild.

We are all different. We each play this game for our own reasons. It is not for me or anyone else to say or determine who, when or how long someone should play. We each make our own decisions and must take personal accountability for the actions and results that take place...blaming the game is not answer.

Tsalagi lvl 51 Ranger
Tienea lvl 52 Druid
Terris-Thule Server
# Oct 16 2002 at 10:53 AM Rating: Default
sorry about the double post
Good things
# Oct 16 2002 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
Recently I have encountered a few in game that have stated that they have met their loved one while playing EQ. I have met those that have gone on to marry in RL after meeting in EQ. It would be interesting to see a pole done to that effect.
One that questions how many have met new friends, loved ones, spouses, and the like in game only to continue or further the relationship outside of the game. I personally have built a large group of friends in game and unfortunatly friendship is addictive *God forbid*.
I also spend time playing with my son in game. It is some fun to us and we enjoy that time together doing something we both enjoy. Oh my Gawd a father spending quality "goof off" time with his son *how horrible*. Not to mention my son has learned to type from the game, learned economics like supply and demand, bartering, learned goal setting and reward for patience and organization, team effort to accomplish things, why saving is important, credit, the importance of leadership, personality, etc. and had a good time while learning it. Too bad public schools can't accomplish this. If only more Nintendo, X-box, etc games that the country's children are addicted to could be so complex. Along with the ability to talk with adults as an equal anonymously while in a fun atmosphere.
I find it interesting how anything in the media promotes the sensationalism of the ill effects without ever mentioning the the benefits. I thought thats what a good journalistic piece was supposed to do show the pros and the cons.
RE: and the bad
# Oct 17 2002 at 4:01 PM Rating: Default
well, I can tell you one thing also about relationships on this game. Some people can abuse this power, much like chat they can abuse it also. I know a paticular person whos name I won't say, but this person used this game to meet different people, then move in with them for a while, use them then move on. I don't find that a very healthy way of making relationships especially when this person had a family and children that the person left behind. Keep in mind there are real life shadow knights who just pray on people who play this game for their selfish desires.
Good things
# Oct 16 2002 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
Recently I have encountered a few in game that have stated that they have met their loved one while playing EQ. I have met those that have gone on to marry in RL after meeting in EQ. It would be interesting to see a pole done to that effect.
One that questions how many have met new friends, loved ones, spouses, and the like in game only to continue or further the relationship outside of the game. I personally have built a large group of friends in game and unfortunatly friendship is addictive *God forbid*.
I also spend time playing with my son in game. It is some fun to us and we enjoy that time together doing something we both enjoy. Oh my Gawd a father spending quality "goof off" time with his son *how horrible*. Not to mention my son has learned to type from the game, learned economics like supply and demand, bartering, learned goal setting and reward for patience and organization, team effort to accomplish things, why saving is important, credit, the importance of leadership, personality, etc. and had a good time while learning it. Too bad public schools can't accomplish this. If only more Nintendo, X-box, etc games that the country's children are addicted to could be so complex. Along with the ability to talk with adults as an equal anonymously while in a fun atmosphere.
I find it interesting how anything in the media promotes the sensationalism of the ill effects without ever mentioning the the benefits. I thought thats what a good journalistic piece was supposed to do show the pros and the cons.
Dont screw with my comfort zone (ie) EQ
# Oct 16 2002 at 10:21 AM Rating: Default
Is EQ addictive ... Yes
Are there some that are not as weak minded as me?... Yes
Is soney Veriant addicted to the ************'z peeps playin X 12.95 a month... DOH!
Is the medea addicted to sensationalism.....EH?
Are way to many parents useing EQ as a baby sitter and not owning up to it simply cause the kids remain in the house with em ??? *BONK*
Have we as a people forgottin that freedom of speech in the Constitution has (absolutly nothing) to do with our rights to express our opinions and ideas in art or verbal form , but only our rights to speak against the government without fear of prosticution buy them?
EH?! something hurt yer feelings? ohhh im not being politicly correct im so sorry .... F^$*U
Where have I heard this before?
# Oct 16 2002 at 8:36 AM Rating: Default
For those of you who do not remember, back when the original Dungeons and Dragons game first became popular it created the same kind of response.

The media portrayed the game as being "addictive" too. It showed the minority of people playing the game who went completely overboard with it (just like some Star Trek fans, wressling fans, etc.). It also showed those few people who loose all sense of reality (like those few who have gone completely overboard with listening to music and "hear" messages in it) and gave the idea that this "could happen to your kids too if they play this game too."

Unfortunately, this is what sells in the media - sensationalism. There was even a movie of the week (staring a young Tom Hanks) where one of the players went insane because of the game.

The reality is that there are people out there who are "unstable" or that have "addictive" personalities. If they didn't play EQ, they would be playing some other video game to excess, gambling away their life savings, drinking away thier lives, blah, blah, blah...

I am sure a lot of the players will be watching 48 Hours on Friday to see this "serious" news piece, but me, I think I will just keep playing ;)

A member of the Karana and Bristlebane servers.
RE: Where have I heard this before?
# Oct 16 2002 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
Heh thats funny, because i also read( and EXPERIENCED) what the media does to certain games that the majority of the population doesnt quite understand. I say experienced because (according to the media) two friends of mine killed themselves in an apparent "devil-worshipping" BS that made me want to puke. Oh did i fail to mention that they played AD&D? When was a simple game put into the arena of psychological and religious strife? Think about that.......................................................................................................think of anything?? i sure didnt.

I played AD&D when i was younger, before the EverQuest explosion. Last time i remembered, didnt AD&D promote teamwork, problem solving, and mainly...CREATIVITY??? wake up my fellow EQ bretheren. EverQuest is like all other big time role playing products out there. A lot of people play it, a lot more dont understand, and nerf it just because. I remember a book from J.H. Robie called "The Truth of Dungeons & Dragons". Well, needless to say the only thing the book was about was some christian(relax im not bashing religion...THIS time =) ) that decided "hey, ill just take portions from the Bible and tie it in to D&D? is the lady serious? (i do have a review on there....you just have to find it =) ). Whats next? Innoruuk taking the place of satan? Tunare replacing Mother Earth, and The Nameless taking the place of God? ITS FICTION CBS!!! FICTION!!!!!!!

*ahem* there you have it folks... the conspiracy is underway saying that americans, europeans, and asians are meant to be mindless drones that work for 8 hours, go home, and sit in front of the television. Sorry, i like the fact that i interact with others, an interactive chat room if you will.

Perhaps its time that the media finally gets their heads out of their a$$ and play the game for a week or three before making any judgement.

My 2cp are on the table, do as you will with it.

Edited, Wed Oct 16 22:45:29 2002
RE: Where have I heard this before?
# Oct 21 2002 at 1:24 PM Rating: Default
Nahh they judge it by its retail if it sells badly they flame it if it sells well they suport it if it is just awsome they thry to destroy it (sensationalism). want another example of a game they should have flamed (with some modest success) GTA 3 that game can be messed up ;) but aside from that i think thye just had another story and because it affects us we get al riled up. injustices were mad but well nothing will come of it.

F3 cya all around

Fqubed 36 wizza on povar
Lolyal servant to Solusek ro
Follower of Wicklen Fleetfoot (follishly perhaps ^-^ )
RE: Where have I heard this before?
# Oct 19 2002 at 11:32 PM Rating: Default
Too bad they dont attack Tobacco companys with the same zeal as they do creativity and imagination. Niccotine IS addictive & it DOES kill. EQ - Well it will only kill you if you smoke too much while your playing. (ok Im a NON smoker)

Ive been ROLEPLAYING since as long as I can remember. (dusting off the early purple boxed set of D&D, the one that came with keep on the boarderlands modual)

before we called it ROLEPLAYING it was called
"PLAYING PRETEND" I could pretend to be anything I wanted. a fireman, a doctor, a super hero, a wizard even. (see where Im going yet?) we got a little older but some of us didnt lose our imagination. some of us still use it well into adulthood. A very lucky few get to use it for RL
jobs. Stephen King was probably the best (maybe the sacariest) pretender on his block when he was growing up. some people write fiction, Novels, plays, TV scripts for star trek or buffy the vampire slayer. Some people Paint, others Sculpt.
All of these people make something from nothing. They ALL have one thing in common. they didnt forget how to PLAY PRETEND. they didnt lose sight of thier imagination. I was not gifted like Stephen King with an ability to write as well as he does. but I do still know how to use my mind, how to play, how to pretend. Its fun.
Whenever someone criticizes me for ROLEPLAYING i just feel sorry for them. I pity anyone who cant let go of reality for a little while every day and just enjoy that little bit of childhood that our imagination gives us. The game itself is not to blame.

If anyone has an addiction to EQ then it is because something in thier life is missing or wrong. They would have become addicted to SOMETHING. Drugs, alcohol, Tobbacco. Any of those are responsible for hundreds of deaths.
But CBS doesnt seem to have the spine to take on those topics.

Paladin of the 41st circle
faithful of Mithanial Marr
EQ player!!
RE: Where have I heard this before?
# Oct 18 2002 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
WOOHOO Go Lazamair... I agree with you that very few people (including the media) dont just judge a book by its cover.

Wicklen Fleetfoot
Wizard of the 41st Crystal
Journeyman of Povar
<Arbiters of the Apocalypse>
/guildstat Officer
# Oct 15 2002 at 11:20 PM Rating: Default
I can quit anytime I want. Got to go meeting some Guildies for a raid!
# Oct 15 2002 at 11:07 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
I believe that it is addicting to some extend but as some others have stated before, it is not like a real drug and it definetly cost less. I think for me, if it wasn't for my wife and kid (and a job) I would play 24-7 or anytime that I wasn't working. What is wrong with that though. It's not like I wouldn't leave the house. It's not like I would kill myself over losing a character. It's just a damn game. Some people watch TV 24-7. Do they call that an addiction?? I use to nintendo 24-7. Do they call that addiction?? WTF is the big deal? Also, WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE JUST EVERQUEST. As if there aren't any other RPG's out there that people play all the time. Is it just because of the masses? My 5 cpr.

Yeroz Pinuno
Wood Elf Ranger of the 46th Season
Ralloz Zek
RE: Crack
# Oct 16 2002 at 2:22 PM Rating: Default
Almost ever game is addictive no matter what it is, but the No Win games are the most addictive, and EQ is not the only one : Diablo (Multiplayer)
Lets see how many we can name!
EQ=Addictive and harmless Crack=Addictive and deadly
# Oct 15 2002 at 9:21 PM Rating: Default
I reall y don't understand this whole issue as to why EQ is bad, sure it addicting, but most of us have some sort of self control mechanism, involuntary (like work) or voluntary (G/F or wife). I play EQ on weekends and occasionally on holidays i have a pretty busy day most of the time none the less, but i can squeeze in 1-2 hours on a slow saturday afternoon. I'm sure though that 48 Hours is going to make something as small as that seem like some huge kind of addiction problem; so what about crackheads? They spend countless hours finding and doing the drug and then end up going to the hospital, where as with EQ be it 1-2 hours 12 hours the only thing that will happen to you is sleep deprivation and the need for corrective lenses after awhile, while sleep deprivation is bad its still possible to fall asleep at the keyboard (even though not comfortable). I think 48 Hours is just tired of hunting drug and sex addicts around so a exectutive one day decided that that was old hat and said to himself, "Let go bother the EQ nerds!" WOW! stroke of genius... only if it would make sense, not all of us are geeks, I just play when i find the time, but i have a social life and im sure there are more people out there who do aswell. But, I'm am almost sure that most of the material on the show will be that of the hardcore gamers, the ones that think EQ is real <sigh> if only 48 Hours would look at both sides of the story.
My Opinion
# Oct 15 2002 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
Eariler this summer a film team, "Roleplay Productions" interviewed my wife Paigan and I, as well as several members of Black Thorn as part of a documentary on EQ.

We were just a few of the hundreds of EQers across the country they interviewed for this film , they assured us that they are conducting a unbaised view into the EverQuest world and it's players.

I would hope that "48 hours" would portray the entertainment aspect of the game, and not just it's faults among some of its subscribers, but alas... I am not that naive.

I am sure that you will see segments based on unhappy spouses and concerned parents, and I'm positive that we will see some on disturbed folks such as Shawn Wooley, who in a medicated stupor and under stress of normal life pressures, sadly took his own life.

Most of us play this game with successful relationships, jobs, and lives, but the focus will be on those who obviously have compulsive disorders... to the point of letting it affect their real relationships, jobs, and lives.

It will blow over one day, just like Ozzy Osbourne, Judas Priest, and Dungeons and Dragons.
one more thing
# Oct 15 2002 at 4:56 PM Rating: Default
Oh one more thing- Verant doesn't care if you play 6 hours a month or 45 hours a month, they still get their 12.95

42 Bard
After Image
RE: one more thing
# Oct 15 2002 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
The accountants would actually prefer that you play only a few hours a month. Hours spent online eat packets and bandwidth. Better if people only spend enough time to maintain the sense of community.

Edited, Tue Oct 15 23:49:11 2002
my bad
# Oct 15 2002 at 4:48 PM Rating: Default
http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=417828 is what it should have said

42 Bard
After Image
RE: focus of the show
# Oct 15 2002 at 4:44 PM Rating: Default
I read that article, and I would find it incredibly amusing if 48 Hours were to use it as the basis of the show. The fact is the guy was obviously mentally unstable, and anyone with those kinds of problems would probably be killing himself over one thing or another anyway. I find the fact that they think they can "legally" call EverQuest addictive absolutely LAUGHABLE. To be clinically addictive, a substance must alter chemicals in the brain, causing you to want the substance more and more. Cigarrettes? Yes. Cocaine? Yes. A Godforsaken computer game!? NO YOU MORONS, NO. This idiot Jay Parker is trying to get Verant to put warning labels on EverQuest stating "extensive playing can be hazardous to your health." It is absolutely, totally, wholly IMPOSSIBLE for EverQuest to be a direct hazard to your health. I'm waiting to see what kind of idiotic media garbage we're going to get from 48 Hours.

42 Bard
After Image

RE: focus of the show
# Oct 16 2002 at 1:33 AM Rating: Default
Hmmm... Another uninformed opinionated soul heard from, right Ainuvan?
One does not need to ingest chemicals to be addicted. A situation or action can make chemicals already in the body to release and effect the mind. Some examples of nonchemical addictions are: gambling, sex, racing and homicide.
About any risk taking action can induce addiction
and online games do supply virtual risks.
Some will be prone to these addictions and some will not, but not all will be prone. Just because
one plays Everquest doesn't mean one WILL BE addicted.
I for one have so far ducked the addiction demons when it comes to Everquest.
A Shaman
Druzzil Ro
RE: focus of the show
# Nov 07 2002 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
but is EVERQUEST itself the actual addiction??


Sex can induce addiction...not just heterosexual copulation, but homosexual sex of both the oral and **** types. ************ can be addictive.

Gambling can be addictivie...not just the smoke filled, free alcohol, bells and whistles environment of Las Vegas cards and dice...but gambling on the stock market, eBay buying and selling, anything to make more from less.

The point is this: Addiction does not have to be induced by a chemical alteration within the body (a physical addiction). It can be created by a false sense of "need" for elavated levels of naturally occuring endorphins (phsyiological addiction).

EVERQUEST is a TYPE of ACTIVITY that can create a physiological addiction. You could substitute Acheron's Call, or Ultima Online, or Diablo, or soccer, or Monday night football...

It is not the specific game or activity that is addictive, it is the sense of accomplishment that creates a "high".
"Animated Blood and Gore"
# Oct 15 2002 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
By the way, on the box the EQ CD cam in, it is rated "Teen" and says "Animated BLood and Gore"

I tried /blood ON and /gore ON, but it didn't work...
# Oct 15 2002 at 6:33 PM Rating: Default
When i started, i had seen that label and expected everytime i slashed something some blood would spray up.

Then i attacked something, no blood, no gore.
Anyone know why they say animated blood and gore. I have an idea of why it's teen, cause it's online and sometimes people say things you wouldn't want your 8 yr old to hear ( i know i have) but you would think they would be able to take off the blood and gore warning.
And about that guy that killed himsellf.... There were other factors that caused that. EQ is not the only reason. Sure losing his fortune or his corpse could have pushed him. But it was the other things that boiled up. NOT, i stress not, totaly EQ. They also mention EQ players calling EQ EverCrack. That is just a JOKE, we aren't saying 'Oh, EQ is Crack online, let's get high,haha'.

and this from a 13 year old.....
RE:you really want to know
# Oct 17 2002 at 4:13 PM Rating: Default
go to crushbone and open the castle door, look at the pool of "animated blood" and also go to grobb and see the dwarfs chopped body or even heads impaled heads for "animated gore" yess it's that pethetic but they have to put it on the label

All your pp are belong to me!
All Publicity is Good
# Oct 15 2002 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
Face it, people will hear the biased, one sided Horror Stories and get curious. And a zillion more new players will pop up in the next two weeks.

The stories are SO similar to the ones about Dungeons and Dragons in the 1980's I can't stand it.

What I want to see is how they show the FanFaire footage. Is it going to be a bunch of people having a lot of fun and such, or is it going to be "A bunch of weirdos dressed up as some kind of blue thing with pointy ears"? Depends on how they edit it.

Personally, I am going to the EQ FanFaire in San Francisco in three weeks, and I am going to have a BLAST. (And yes, my Halloween costume will get two uses...)
No real point in flaming about it until we see it though.
have they seen the crap the pass for programing on TV as of
# Oct 15 2002 at 4:28 PM Rating: Default
I use to addicted to TV, but shows like Surviver, Big Brother and Who wants to be a millinaire, help me kick my TV habit.

my many thanks to TV excutives, otherwise I might had killed myself :)

Wenia of Rodcet Nife
RE: have they seen the crap the pass for programing on TV as
# Oct 16 2002 at 2:26 PM Rating: Default
All those shows SUCK, does that help? heh jk, most TV sucks nowadays according to certain people that hate different shows

Marhaus (dont tell me please)
39 Mage
Rodcet Nife
Flight of Dragons
I am a kid
# Oct 15 2002 at 4:27 PM Rating: Default
i am 14 and i am known to play alittle to much EQ,but some people in my scrool have sex and do drugs...the way i think of it,atleast my parents know i am home and not out killing people

Anything can be addictive from chocolate to everquest...It's all about balance

RE: I am a kid
# Oct 15 2002 at 10:46 PM Rating: Default
balance, true true
I am a kid
# Oct 15 2002 at 4:25 PM Rating: Default
great idea!
# Oct 15 2002 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
for all you moron parents that think EQ is "bad", "addicting" or "whatever keeps you from being a good parent. i have an option for you. instead of letting little billy-boy play everquest, you should go buy him a PS2 and the game "grand-theft auto", then billy-boy will grow up to eventually become a hit-man who steals a cop-car to pick up a hooker to get head in an alley somewhere only to beat her to death with the cop's stolen night-stick. there's some food for the spirit
# Oct 15 2002 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
What?? EQ and Sex, thought they were the same thing, We are always getting f*cked by Verant.
RE: *shrugs*
# Oct 15 2002 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
Theres a difference between sex and rape.
RE: *shrugs*
# Oct 15 2002 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
hehe... aye
# Oct 15 2002 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
Well I already posted once, but something just hit me. Why would they lump that sex part in there. True it can be an addiction, but to me that still seemed odd. OOOOOO thats right Sex sells!!!! If this was just about some vedio game the only pepole with the TV on would be EQer's and that would be in the back ground for a :lol Yes they needed to put something else in there to get more pepole to watch. SEX! O and if we have to stop playing EQ becuase it's evil, and addivtive, does that mean we have to stop having sex also? :(

Aadwen Cracked, Lvl 60 Chanter, Mixed Nuts, C-T Server
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