Patcher Woes

Let me express what many of you are feeling right now: Arrrrrrrrrgh! Let me in! Let me in! I want my Kitty! *breathe* OK. According to Sony, they are aware of the problems and are working on them, including bringing on more patching servers. Why they didn't think of this before, since this is almost identical to what happened at the original release is beyond me, but I'm sure they want you to play their game as much as you want to play it. Feel free to use this forum to try to help each other get into the game or to just console each other while you wait.


Post Comment
Lonely woodelf
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:56 PM Rating: Default
There is a lonely wood elf, sitting in Greater Faydark, and he will be sitting there until i can afford to buy a new computer.

See you later :)
Druid 30
Mith Marr
Bugs with SOL
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:54 PM Rating: Default
99.9% of the problems all you people are complaining about is either explained simply by reading the damn system requirements on the package, or explained by goint to and reading the help information there. Stop trying to play the game without knowledge of why it doesn't work then bizatching about it, go read the freakin info providided and you wont seem like such freakin morons. Also, why the hell are you tards expecting to be able to play a graphics intense online video game with minimal hardware!? WTF are you people smokin'? If you cant afford to upgrade your crap, then don't go by the sol package, and play the way you always have, still gotta upgrade directx 8.1 though. If you wanna play SOL without upgrading your ****** puter so you can have somethin' to complain about, when you run options on SOL, turn off all the new video character models, you can still play the game, you just wont see all the cool new stuff.

BTFW, There is not now, nor has there ever been, and there will never be, any such thing as bug free software. Rest assured everything that can be done to fix this is being done, expect a whole helluva alot of patches over the next month or so.

Verant and Sony are in this for one reason only, MONEY, they are not stupid like you people, they know that if things don't get fixed some people will stop playing, and they loose money. They are going to get things fixed, but that requires you little sissys to play the game, and report the bugs. ya know /bug? and if ya see somethin needs changin' that's not a bug, there is a wonderful new feature for that too, it's called /feedback.

Whiny little pizz faces!
RE: Bugs with SOL
# Dec 05 2001 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
I so wish the LOSER that started this BRAIN DEAD post wasn't anonymous. WHY YOU ASK? cause he called all the people that had promblems STUPID...lets see....I HAD PROBLEMS that couldn't help me fix(and all the other sites such as this that helped trouble shoot). sound dumb now huh...cause yea...i had to try and figure out some bugs and the way to fix them myself...THATS WHY WE CAN POST...To help others out....not put them down.

Next time you want to say something ignorant PLEASE DON"T HIDE BEHIND ANON!!! thanks
RE: Bugs with SOL
# Dec 05 2001 at 3:42 PM Rating: Default
Buddy - U need to xperience some pain> Gotta luv these morons that complain about people complaining, then rant and complain about how people complain! what an idiot!
RE: Bugs with SOL
# Dec 05 2001 at 3:02 PM Rating: Default
LMFAO, it appears you'd be the whiny ****** here, hmmmmmm. and BTW, it's lose, not loose, einstein!
RE: Bugs with SOL
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:58 PM Rating: Default
ummmmmmm, BTFW, you could quite possibly be the biggest idiot i've had the displeasure of knowing.

cheers :)
Frustrated, but FINALLY Fixed!
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:51 PM Rating: Excellent
316 posts
Went through something similar earlier with the previous patch. Took reinstalling EQ and all expansions to fix it, and then dropping my backed-up characters' and personal account files back into the EQ folder.

The minute I saw the same crap happening with this patch, I cut to the chase. I copied characters' and personal account files to a desktop folder again. Next, I blew away the EQ folder, did the old three-finger salute (CTRL-ALT-DEL) to end task on everything except Explorer and Systray, and then I reinstalled.

Next, I downloaded the from the EQLive site, unzipped it to the EQ folder, and dropped in my backed-up files again. Only then did I try to run EQ and start the patcher.

Despite the fact that it took longer (MUCH!) than I would ordinarily expect, the process was much smoother this go around, with none of the I/O error messages and lost connections. Some of the lag there was likely due to heavy traffic on the patch servers (though they did say that they added extra machines to distribute the load).

I would agree that nobody should have to reinstall the original application in order to apply a patch, but I have been servicing Windows-based machines for years now, and this is nothing new -- not too extraordinary, definitely not the norm, but not totally foreign either.

For the record, my piddly little game box (also primary family computer) system:
-- PIII 600EB
-- 256MB RAM
-- Creative Annihilator Pro (nVidia GeForce DDR 32MB), with latest Creative drivers
-- Creative X-Gamer 5.1, with latest Creative drivers
-- Windows 98SE, with latest security updates and patches installed, including DirectX 8.1
-- EQ installed to a separate partition on a separate physical drive
-- Intel Pro100+ Management Adapter
-- LinkSys Cable/DSL Modem Router
-- ZoneAlarm v2.6.357
-- Norton Corporate Edition v7.6

Edited, Wed Dec 5 14:57:05 2001
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:50 PM Rating: Default
THIS IS CRAP , i too get the "no 3d devices found" , i have a 32mb diamond stealth S540 extreme video card , i know it meets requirements , is this a programming prob?
(i.e. Verants coders are a BUNCH OF MORONS , i see a room full of orangutans swinging from the ceiling and throwing ***** at one another) or is it my com?
Tech Help - Display Problems
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
Hey all I finaly got into EQ and am having display problems. The character select screen is all white except for the rotating character model and the names of my characters in black. In game all ready made hotkeys are white blocks, as are buffs, memd spells, hp/mana/stam bars, and my spell book has only the names of the spells in text visible.

I got directX 8.1 then updated my nVidia drivers. DXdiag says its all workign fine.

My system here is low end
447 processor
128mg ram
nvidia riva TNT vid card

Please respond if you know what the prob could be. I scanned the forum but coulnd find a simliar situation.
RE: Tech Help - Display Problems
# Dec 05 2001 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
I'm experiencing the same problems - also a low end system with 16mb stb vel vid card. Anyone else have some insight?
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:49 PM Rating: Default
Got the expansion yesterday, did not install the new textures. I patch well, click "play" and BOOM- No 3D Devices Found. I have 256RAM, Pentium 4, DirectX 8.0
Anyone know what the problem is?
RE: Frustrated
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:59 PM Rating: Default
Again, the main "No 3D device found" issue is DX. You HAVE to install DX8.1. This solved the same problem for me. There are messages about some people that still get the message though.
RE: Frustrated
# Dec 05 2001 at 3:05 PM Rating: Default
Where can I get DX 8.1?
RE: Frustrated
# Dec 05 2001 at 3:45 PM Rating: Default
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
Any of you have problems just logging into EQ? I patched just fine, but when i want to press the connect button from the EQ menu it says no connection detected... I've been using the same damn computer and I have T1 at my school and I have DSL at my house... STILL doesn't work... upgraded to 8.1 of directx and i have 756mb of RAM, got enough space, 900Mhz Athlon and Geforce 3... I'm so pissed... argh... CAN ANYONE HELP ME OUT IF THEY HAVE THIS SAME ISSUE?????????????????????????????????????
Info for those that asked
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
Memory memory memory. 90% of the problems are because of the low memory. I have a older video card with only 32megs on it but I have 512 on my computer. The OS will use the ram from your computer to compensate for the older video cards. Now as to verant requiring the upgrades to your computer. They are the frist but wont be the last. Other games that will want to compete with what Everquest has done will have to make the same moves. This is going to be a general thing in the future just like everyone had to scrap their Cassette players for CD players. Gamers are going to have to upgrade thier OS...95-ME cost like $20. Hard Disk space cost like $30. Memory I went from 256 to 512 for $50. If you have a truly old computer you can get a new one with minimum requirements for $500. I know this seems harsh but hey if you didnt have the money to buy a CD player when it came out you just had to learn to live W/O music. Tho the load time for the zones is insane!
RE: Info for those that asked
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:48 PM Rating: Default
That all depends on the type of memory U have. PC 133 is much less expensive than PC 800 is.
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:40 PM Rating: Default
ok this actually ticks me off. from my understanding unless i get told differently i am going to need a new video card. i dont mind not playing luclin but to pay 100 bucks just to play the game i could play last week is absolutely ridiculous. was i found that out i am seriously considering leaving eq even though i dont wish too. all i can say is good job sony must be getting major kickbacks on the upgrade places.
New Spell
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:35 PM Rating: Default
I think they left out a spell in the pathes..the OFF keep the bugs away....
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:33 PM Rating: Default
Can anyone respond? I want to know if anyone that is able to get on is playing fluidly?

Badly dressed cleric
RE: Update
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:37 PM Rating: Default
Last night, around Midnight Central Time, I finally got on, played pretty smooth WITH Luclin installed. The main problem I had was very long Zoning times. It was weird..I only saw about 12 people in the EC tunnel on Rodcet Nife Server.
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:32 PM Rating: Default
Heres my trubbles..... I patch well, hit the Play button, and where ya are suposed to get the License screen where ya aggree to all kindsa stuff, well, I NEVER GET THE SCREEN! All i get is a black screen and the hourglass cursor (yeah, it moves)...after a few minutes, i do the old ctl-alt-del, and i get everquest (not responding)......anyone else get this? I never even make it to the character screen! Yes, ive got Directx8.1, yes it worked flawlessly until I patched in Luclin, and NO, i havent got Luclin yet....still on its way....
Just looking to see if im the only poor sod who this happens to
RE: License
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
Same problem without the cursor, just a blank screen, as if the monitor had shut off. to get past this i had to run dxdiag and change refresh rate to 60. this cleared that particular problem for me, hope this helps
RE: License
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:42 PM Rating: Default
this happens all the time for me, usually right after i choose a server, most effective way to get it to stop is to do the check for files each time you play, if you still can that is
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:31 PM Rating: Default
did they make the Intel update for DX8.1 yet?
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:30 PM Rating: Default
can someone help me it says no 3d devices found and yes i have windows 98 and yes i installed 8.1 versoin but it is still not working so what do i do can someone plz help me. is hard to go this long without EQ.


or just send it iver this chat
RE: ??
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:49 PM Rating: Default
When you install direct x, always reinstall the latest drivers for your card, as directx overwrites card specific fiels and can cause problems. Also if your card is too old dx 8.1 might not work with it. Another thing, if you ahve an Nvidia based card you should use the reference drivers(newest rendition is 23.11) instead of company specific drivers, as the Nvidia drivers are much more up to date.
RE: ??
# Dec 05 2001 at 3:16 PM Rating: Default
I agree 100%. Unfortunately, I had to troubleshoot this for several hours myself before I thought to myself "Maybe I should update the driver". I went to the Nvidia web site, and low and behold, the ref drivers were right there. By the way, the error I was getting was a pop up window after trying to log on to my server. It read eqgame.exe having errors, or some such thing, was in the chat room and several others had the same problem. Worked for me, hope this helps all you out. The new skins are coool :)
RE: ??
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
What video card do you have installed? Also, hate to say it, but you need more RAM

Druid of the 27th Season
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:28 PM Rating: Excellent
i don't know what to do i went to dxdiag and it said my video card was SiS5598/6326. i don't know which update version to choose or if it will work. i can get in to my charachters but the text and buffs and spells are all distorted can anyone help?

/em wimpers for a fix
RE: video
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:32 PM Rating: Excellent
I am not positive, but it sounds like you need a better video card. Do you know the card you have in your machine? SIS cards are generally the on board cards, which unfortunately are usually pretty low end. SoL needs a pretty intense card.

Druid of the 27th Season
RE: video
# Dec 05 2001 at 3:30 PM Rating: Excellent
316 posts
Agreed, Leriane.

Not only are the "integrated graphics" usually low-end, but when your graphics subsystem is ON the motherboard, it's gonna steal system RAM and CPU cycles.

I was getting lousy graphics performance on my system, so I bit the bullet and upgraded my onboard Riva TNT-based graphics adapter with an Annihilator Pro (nVidia GeForce DDR).

However, since my motherboard only supports AGP 2X, I am not even getting all the GeForce card is capable of... and it is already approaching obsolescence.
RE: video
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:35 PM Rating: Excellent
i've been playing trilogy for months and i have no desire yet to get sol i just wanna play the way i have been the video was fine then is there a way to go back in time??(hehe)
RE: video
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:42 PM Rating: Excellent
Heh, if there is, you get in line behind me =)

The problem is that even without SoL, there have been some upgrades to the system. You can try a couple of things. The first is to sit tight and hope that Verant places a fix into the system for players who did not upgrade. Additionally, 300,000 people are installing and trying to play at the same time, so lag may be so bad that the EQ servers may think you are not connected. The other option is to upgrade your hardware. More expensive, yes, but the new graphics do look very good. And you have been looking for a reason to get a better machine, right? =)

Druid of the 27th Season
RE: video
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
i've been playing trilogy for months and i have no desire yet to get sol i just wanna play the way i have been the video was fine then is there a way to go back in time??(hehe)
Nvidia 23.11 drivers...
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
DO NOT download and install the 23.11 drivers and save yourself a lot of fustration. for some reason, it doesn't seem to like directx very much and crashed everytime last night while loading the character selection screen. upon going back to the 21.83 drivers, i was able to play w/out any problems....hope this helps someone out there
RE: Nvidia 23.11 drivers...
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
Using 23.11 drivers, no problems to report.
RE: Nvidia 23.11 drivers...
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:30 PM Rating: Default
I wonder if the Nvidia driver issue you mentioned is dependent on the card? I have a geforce2 MX 64SDR and a Geforce 32DDR the new 23.11 drivers worked just fine. Maybe there are certain cards this is messing up?
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:22 PM Rating: Default
WOW! you can see the posts pop up, just reload the page and you can have a conversation with somone over allakhazam msg boards... damn im board
RE: wow
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
Then go down a few messages to direct x 8.1 message from jasonjells and tell me what you think
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:21 PM Rating: Default
ok my PC is 630mhz, 192mb ram and my graphics is integrated.... Everquest worked fine but now after all this crap i cant play!!
so is it cus i dont have a graphics card? only my PC has no AGP slot and im at my wits end that it worked before but now dosent. 8-(
Im Bitching
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:20 PM Rating: Default
This sucks... lemme play! I WANT MY EQ!!! GIVE ME EQ!!! DAMN JOO VERANT GIVE ME MY EQ!!! ARGHHHH!!!! NOOOOOOOO.... *several minutes later* damn patcher, this sucks...
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:18 PM Rating: Default
Good News
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:17 PM Rating: Default
With all the ******** going on. (And rightfully so I might add) I thought I would bring good news to the forum.

On my PII 450 - 384 MB Ram, GeForce 2 PCI 64 MB Ram system, I loaded SoL, downloaded the patches and played for 3 hours last night.

It was very strange being the only person in almost every zone I was in on Cazic Thule Server. Seeing 18 people in EC was extremely odd.

Keep at it folks, you will get things loaded eventually. I just hope I can get my FBSS before you all get on-line.


Nosredna Ssor
RE: Good News
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:56 PM Rating: Default
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
Trying to help my gf with display problems, seems the intel 810 and 815 chipsets are having some difficulty. they are displaying everything with a black box surrounding it, wondered if anyone has discovered a way around this. Currently searching for other drivers for these cards that may alleviate this problem, I'll post any good results or ideas that i run across
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:07 PM Rating: Default
This is really sad. I cant believe how many problems there are. I too had trouble last night with the patches d/l. Between 11pm and midnight Central time both my computer and my wifes patched just fine and in a hurry. Other than really slow Zone times, it all seemed to work for me with SoL installed. My other computer, Celeron 450, 320meg ram, and 32MB DDR Geforce seemed to run OK too, just a little choppy at first, but w/o Luclin. Its only been a day, I would hope that Sony/Verant will fix quite a bit within a day or two.... but I guess thats easy for me to say since i guess I was a lucky few...
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:03 PM Rating: Default
most patches suck but i can't even load this new one it stops like almost at the end of the third file for me and it is really not cool i haven't been able to get one in over a week now
# Dec 05 2001 at 1:54 PM Rating: Default
I have Athlon 900 mz..128 MB SDRAM..32MB SDR 3DBlaster GeForce2 MX..Everything Down loads but..EqDFX_DX*DLL..Whats up with That..Any Help appreciated
# Dec 05 2001 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
Possibly try canceling the download and then reboot. Also, make sure you have installed DirectX8.1 from the MS website (I think SoL ships with 8.0 which will NOT work). Also upgrade your video card drivers. Hope this helps

Druid of 27th Season
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