SOE Begins Restoration of Services

UPDATE, May 14, 7:15p.m. EDT: SOE has slowly begun restoration of their services.

SOE - Restoration Announcement
SOE - Welcome Back Program
SOE - Recent Updates

SAN DIEGO, May 14, 2011 - Sony Online Entertainment LLC (SOE) announced today that restoration of its game services will begin today. The phased restoration will include the return of nearly all of SOE's portfolio of online games, the reinstatement of SOE's game forums and websites, and added functionality to require players to reset their passwords.

For details on the hacker attack that has kept SOE down since May 2 and compromised the personal information of players, check out SOE's brief FAQ and all of our previous coverage. See this article for the May 12th news on the "Make Good" program details.

During the downtime you are welcome to join us in ZAM's IRC chat. Feldon of EQ2Wire also has set up a ZAM IRC java applet that you can use.

Game-specific May 11th updates:

EverQuest: Players with an active house will be credited one month of upkeep costs and the inactive period will be extended from 90 to 150 days.

EverQuest II: All houses requiring rent will have one month added free to help offset any costs incurred during this outage.

Free Realms: The Free Realms birthday event and the New Member Bonus Bonanza will be extended to give everyone a chance to participate in them. Don’t worry about your farms; they’ll be taken care of too!

Star Wars Galaxies: All Galactic Civil War point decay has been suspended and inactive citizen removal time temporarily increased by 14 days. Item and vendor expiration timers have also been increased by 14 days.

Vanguard: One day for each day lost will be added to every player's Upkeep Bank to help offset any costs incurred during this outage.


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Post Comment
# May 06 2011 at 10:53 PM Rating: Good
28 posts
Nevermind that, I'm more curious at wth a "cheet" is? ;)
# May 06 2011 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
People have been wanting SOE to come out and please let us know if the servers will be up this weekend so we can plan our weekend.

Now, they come out and tell us the servers will not be up this weekend and everyone is Complaining..

And why are we posting info that is so old it

I hope Sony comes out and lets all know more info, That way people will have more to complain about.

Back to Guild Wars for the all have fun.
For those of us that are patient and LOYAL to EQ
# May 06 2011 at 10:03 PM Rating: Decent
10 posts
Here is a question: My husband, Falanor, took this past week off so that he could play EQ. He is so upset about these hackers totally ruining his entire week there are no words.
His concern here:
When SOE finally feels it's time to return to normal operations will they be doing some extra double exp days?
If so are they going to be doing "selected days" or will there be a way to help those that work crazy scheduals?
Just one idea, instead of doing a Double exp day, give say each regular player 24 Doubler potions or as many as they'd need to cover the days given.
For those of us that are patient and LOYAL to EQ
# May 07 2011 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
94 posts
How about SOE offers nothing other than 30 days free.
You want extra XP? Go to a hot zone.

The entitlement generation strikes again.

And your hubby took an entire week off to play EQ...from what?
For those of us that are patient and LOYAL to EQ
# May 06 2011 at 10:42 PM Rating: Good
20 posts
Someone took a whole week off to play EQ and admitted it??.....
# May 06 2011 at 9:59 PM Rating: Default
I never look at facebook, why can't they post somewhere more official than a social network site?

It doesn't seem like they're serious when they expect their messages to be passed along by "friends"
# May 06 2011 at 10:53 PM Rating: Good
131 posts
simply because you choose not to use the outlet they believed would work best , they are at fault? heh.

Apparently your getting the information fast enough using this site. If you want to get it any faster... go facebooking =P
# May 08 2011 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
Hehe, I agree if I want it faster Facebook would probably do it faster.

Facebook has it's own security concerns with personal information and for a company like SONY who has just completely lost its security reputation I don't think using facebook shows a wise decision.

The best bet is just put up a news webpage and put up all your news there.
Canned msg!!
# May 06 2011 at 9:47 PM Rating: Default
Can anyone say "canned message"

This is really getting old.Just tell us/me now you wont be back at all and be done with this already.Should i move on or will i be trolled along for another month?Simple question should get a simple answer SOE.
Canned msg!!
# May 06 2011 at 10:57 PM Rating: Good
131 posts
its not a simple problem , there is no simple answer. Try learning a little of what your demanding.
# May 06 2011 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
well imma say it again join me in Dark age of camelot LOL atleast for the 14 days free trail im play on liwain1 or whaterits called its worht checking out forreal been playing for 4 hours
woth playing while EQ is down fursure
name reesulboro level 4 minotuar destoryer or whatever the BSt equvialent is called inthere
who can answer
# May 06 2011 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent
344 posts
Maybe we should be asking anonymous when servers will be back up. LOL just kidding, dont have a cororanary.
just a game...
# May 06 2011 at 9:08 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
no its not just a game, i find its cost me lots less to play late nights after work instead of blowing 3-800 bucks cash on booze at the bar a night. i like it for thatc reason and you can still get drunk on the game thanks to the drinking skill(still need to know what quests require that skill). anyways, wifey getting pissed cuz i have to deal with real people now and she being b@#$&y cuz she cant play her warrior. soe can run the game and apply the updates while playing( background downloading) even if it wont apply till next time we log in the fix is there. c'mon soe that bright ball in the sky our firehoses wont reach that far, give us back our alternate world!
just a game...
# May 06 2011 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Assuming you are talking about EQ1, to the best of my knowledge Alcohol Tolerance is not "required" for anything.

Having said that, it sure makes life easier under certain conditions. Some mobs and traps will AE a drunkeness effect. If you don't resist it, a high AT will allow you to shake off the effects rather quickly. If you have a low AT score, you are pretty much out of action for 10 or 15 minutes.

just a game...
# May 07 2011 at 1:30 AM Rating: Good
There is a Charm that that uses Alcohol Tolerance and Begging as checks for how powerful it is...

Horrific Shrunken Head...
just a game...
# May 07 2011 at 5:30 AM Rating: Good

There's also a couple raids where there's an AOE drunkness (or whatever it's called) that high AT helps get thru faster.
# May 06 2011 at 8:56 PM Rating: Default
Well at this point this is the way I see it. (I know all you SOE fanboi's will chime in but knock yourselves out, its almost time for mommy to tell you to go to bed anyways)

I paid for a service.
I am not recieving that service.
I am being rebilled for a service that went down and no eta when it will be back up.


All you that wanna slam everyone for complaining... It DOES NOT MATTER its jsut a game. We paid for a service we are NOT recieving! PERIOD

I resubbed accounts for my wife and I just days before the servers went offline. I was billed yesterday for accounts I cannot even get on or remove my sub for! The system is so messed up they cant let us on but their billing system is operating jsut damm fine! That is BS. SOE has NO BUSINESS charging peoples accounts for something that has been down for days and no idea when it will be back up.

Now, for all you people telling everyone else to get a life... Ya its jsut a game, we ALL know that. Thats NOT the point..

If I order and am charged for a pizza and they dont deliver it.. I call and get told "soon" or "any day now" or "we'll let you know" and 4 or 5 days later I still havent recieved my pizza.. What would you do? What would you say? Demand a refund? Call the main office raising hell? Call your bank and report a fraud charge?


How about tires for your car? You take it to X tire shop... The end up 4 or 5 days alter saying it will be SOON.. What then? You've already paid for the tires.... The company will not refund your money cause they ordered the tires already... The shop is closed and you cant evne pick your car up and drive it til the tires come in? What would you do?

It does not matter ONE BIT what the service is... YOU paid for it, you didnt recieve it and the company is not about to refund it... If it was anything besides a online game people would be raising a lot more hell about it, but since its a game its tied to "loosers with no life" BS

SOE says the cannot refund because their system is down, but yet they are billing as usual. That is WRONG WRONG WRONG and I'm sure if it wasnt related to online gaming a lot more "powers that be" would take it a lot more serious and start DEMANDING answers rather than letting SOE pull their typical crap and treat their customers and now even the commities wanting answers like a bunch of 2 year old kids...

"Why do I have to go to bed early?"

Edited, May 6th 2011 11:01pm by Ravcee
# May 07 2011 at 5:36 AM Rating: Decent
Ravcee wrote:
I paid for a service.
I am not recieving that service.
I am being rebilled for a service that went down and no eta when it will be back up.


We paid for a service we are NOT recieving! PERIOD


Fraud: deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage.

SOE didn't engage in fraud. So just stop right there.

They sure as hell are not profiting from this. They are spending a large sum of money because of this, both in rebuilding their infastructure (which has to be costing millions) and in compensation to the users.

They have already stated that they would be granting everyone 30 free days plus 1 day for every day that the games are down this rendering your rediculous post further moot. So not only are you not losing your money, you're getting something for nothing (30 free days at least. It's likey that compensation will be more than that, either in game time or other rewards, such as double XP, bonus Station Cash, in-game items, etc..)

Edited, May 7th 2011 9:51am by amastropolo
# May 06 2011 at 11:02 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
pretty sure if you took the time to read the ToS you click on every time you go ingame.. you will see that SoE does not guarantee the servers will always be up. You ( supposedly ) already know this before you ever got ingame.
# May 06 2011 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
I thought I could not read. Your getting 30 days, plus 1 day for every day they are down. (Compensating for what you are paying now). Your not going to loose any money, and they are not cheating you. Why do you think it was the first thing they came out with.

# May 06 2011 at 9:20 PM Rating: Decent
344 posts
No not fraud. You cant cancel atm because of extenuating circumstances. Try proving to a judge that their servers being down is intentional, and anyway you could always pickup the phone and cancel. Your choice.
Give it a rest
# May 06 2011 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
Sony is doing all they can and it takes time to make it so this will never happen again. I'm more concerned about my account informnation then when the game will be back up.
Give it a rest
# May 06 2011 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
The first step I took to protect my account information, was to report my credit card lost or stolen.
# May 06 2011 at 8:36 PM Rating: Default
The only thing more annoying than the whiners are the meatheads looking for a HOOZAH by saying GET A LIFE and/or defending Sony.

Yes, dammit, I want a daily (perhaps even 3 times a day) update from SOE. I don't care if that update is "NOTHING NEW, GUYS... SORRY." SOE as "management" (as you say) are the asshats that were neglegent, and the root cause of this problem. If an employee leaves his retail store unlocked at night because locking it would be too much work, and the place gets robbed, it's STILL HIS (the employyee's) FAULT, regardless of the fact that the burglar jacked the place.

So, again, YES, I want the regular updates... they owe it to us. Hell... make us feel special. I know it's an strange customer service concept, but WTF, right? Give it a shot! Appease us lowly morons!

If you're a smoker and suddenly one day they completely stopped selling cigarettes, would you be upset? Most (and I mean a HUGE majority) of EQ players are addicted to the game, or at least have it as a big part of their lives! Heh, if not, we'd all be level 18 scrubs already itching to roll up a new toon because soloing is getting to be a PITA near 20.

I have a life.. a great one! I've played EverQuest since it's release in 1999 with my wife and two kids. We sit here in my home office and laugh our asses off almost daily, just as we have for over a decade. We also see movies and play board games and go to the park and blah blah blah... but that doesn't mean we don't want our EQ back >XO

Stop defending Sony... Stop telling people to "Get a life"... Stop trying to be the matchmaker. JUST BE PISSED OFF LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!!

# May 06 2011 at 11:14 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
Yes, dammit, I want a daily (perhaps even 3 times a day) update from SOE. I don't care if that update is "NOTHING NEW, GUYS... SORRY." SOE as "management" (as you say) are the asshats that were neglegent, and the root cause of this problem. If an employee leaves his retail store unlocked at night because locking it would be too much work, and the place gets robbed, it's STILL HIS (the employyee's) FAULT, regardless of the fact that the burglar jacked the place.

Sorry hoss , but to use your analogy there , anyone whose every been shot by a driveby stray bullet , its their own damn fault for not wearing kevlar 24/7. Um.. I call BS

Or how about posting your home address so I can rob you blind , and we blame you because you dont live inside fort knox? Since apparently , as long as I can get inside your house , thats all thats needed to blame YOU for not provided adequate protection.

If your going to be upset with someone , go find the perps who committed the crime , not punish the victims.
# May 06 2011 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Right on! I wish the rest of these people could understand it like that. Everyone here blaming the victims because they can't have their crack.

Half these posts are like ROOOARRR!! SOE suck's!! I'm never coming back!!


I'm jonesing to play just like alot of people but guess I just have more patience than most.

You have gotten better at waiting (231)....
Sad Panda
# May 06 2011 at 8:22 PM Rating: Excellent
Guess this weekend its just work, homework and cleaning the house!

One thing is im spending more time just researching quests i can do when it comes back online. haah
Sad Panda
# May 06 2011 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
its nice to see a constructive post in these forums.
Sad Panda
# May 06 2011 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
:) Found three quests I can solo with a merc in the older expansions im looking forward to doing. Trying to get caught up with game progression and lore atm too. Been gone from this game for so long!
Sad Panda
# May 06 2011 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
There is a lot to remember in this game. Also a lot of research to do for just about everything. I have been going over the blacksmithing for when I can finally get back on.
# May 06 2011 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone else think it's ironic that the "latest poll" is asking "how many hours you spend a week playing MMOs" for a game that is shut down until further notice?.

I'll say 0-5 since there's no lower option /hehe.
# May 06 2011 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
I put 20+... but then EQ is not the only game I play. I am a Gammmmmmerrrr and I play a lot. NOW, it is time to go play a game.
Over Promise Under Deliver
# May 06 2011 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
90 posts
Waste of time trying to talk to idiots who have NO IDEA what it really takes to upgrade security protocols in a bunch of servers. Well, let me tell doesn't take 2-3 weeks that is for damn sure. The reason it is taking so long is because they have people that are high up on the food chain wanting to know every little detail of what happened, how it happened, who it affected, and what are you going to do about it.

Edited, May 6th 2011 10:30pm by sodguild

Edited, May 6th 2011 10:31pm by sodguild
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"
Where is our free exclusive item?
# May 06 2011 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent

Sony Online Entertainment has revealed just what players of its DC Universe Online MMO will receive after yesterday's news that the company's servers have been hacked and personal information from around 24.6 million users was compromised.

After the hacking of the PlayStation Network, which forced Sony to take down the online service for over two weeks, Sony Online Entertainment saw its own database be breached by a hacker attack.

The company revealed yesterday that 24.6 million user accounts have been compromised, with personal information being stolen by hackers, but promised that it would "make good" with its customers by offering an array of benefits for its various online games.

Now, SOE told Kotaku about the goodies DC Universe Online players will be receiving once the game is up and running again.

According to the statement, players will be getting a free 30-day subscription credit, plus one day extra for every day the service remains unavailable. What's more, they'll also be getting a new mask for their superhero or supervillain, inspired by famous DC Comics character Batman.

"We wanted to provide everyone with a quick update regarding the "make good" plan you've been reading about. First, all impacted players will receive 30 days subscription credit plus one day for each day the service was unavailable.

"Also every impacted player will receive a Batman-Inspired mask appearance item. Please bear with us as the complexities of the subscription server dictate how and when this will be available along with pertinent details. We will be releasing more information this week. Thanks again for your patience!"

SOE still doesn't know when its various online games are back online, so, until then, players will just have to make due with regular single-player games from other companies until Sony repairs the damage done by hackers and secures its servers once more. 

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So where is our free mask or exclusive item?
# May 06 2011 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
344 posts
This is actually the best news Ive heard yet, considering there were rumors that it wouldnt be back up till end of May.
# May 06 2011 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
Everyone who is mad Sony that "is not telling you anything" needs to chill. You are only getting so upset because you really really really really want to play the game. They said they are doing the best they can, as fast as they can, but really they don't have any good idea of when things will be running again. Would you rather have them say: OK, servers are gonna be up on Saturday. Then Saturday comes around and they were not able to get it done. Now you are even angrier, you have scheduled time to play and canceled other plans (because you're crazy) and now you start to drink angrily and will possibly start to domestically abuse inanimate objects in your home. They are simply being smart about this, it is not new to Sony, or Corporations, or the business world, or government, or religion (when was Jesus coming back, again?), or anything else you could think of. They are not keeping you in the dark intentionally. Could they post everything that's happening? Sure, but why? Would you understand it? Would you read it? I'm sure they will let us know when the servers are going to be back up when they know.

The reason people are getting so mad is because they want to play this game more than they want to do anything else, and it has been taken away from them. They do not know when they are going to get it back, and no one will give them a straight answer. Obviously these people have never been in management and haven't had to edge your way around a subject that you really just cannot comment on at the moment, and I can't wait to see the comment on this post: I'm in charge of XX people at an important place and I always tell them everything that's happening blah blah blah. You're a liar, or you're a bad manager. That is what's happening. The servers will come back up at some point. Get a life in the mean time. My only hope is that people's anger that this has happened doesn't drive away the few people I have left to group with on EQ.
# May 07 2011 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
No, You are wrong. Everyone that is mad needs to let Sony know it. Businesses respond to market forces right? If we all just sat around with our thumbs up our butts believing everything that Sony says, THEN we would be idiots.

I don't know if you are, but I am an American. Americans normally don't just sit on their asses and believe what is told to them. It's considered patriotic to question authority. Especially when said authority is acting in a nefarious manner and not providing any information on what it is doing.

The only way they could get in trouble for making a statement like "We are still working on it sorry guys" is if they are not working on it.

Which they are not. Glad they are getting the weekend off. NOT!

# May 07 2011 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not saying you shouldn't let your anger be known, I am questioning how angry you should be. I am an American and I definitely speak out against something when I think it is wrong, which is what I am doing now with the backlash against Sony. A company doesn't get that big without knowing how to operate. Trust me, they are losing something like $2.4 bil/mo in subscription fees. They are not are just lolly-gagging around not, working on this.

Grow up and go do something else. Things happen, have you ever promised to be somewhere but then got sick or got then got into a car accident that wasn't your fault and you broke your promise? Has a thunderstorm ever ruined your day at the pool or canceled your little league game?

Get over it. They are fixing it. Please be patient with the rest of the adults.

# May 07 2011 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
Yes but you can always keep people informed. You can always give an update. People are not to mad about things being down as they are mad about not being updated.

It's common courtesy and good customer service to act in a manner that shows you are responsive to your customer needs. Pretty sure that is business 101.

Don't tell me to get over it. I'm going to be just as upset about Sony not posting updates are you are that I am complaining about them. So stop posting your same stupid message over and over so that it ends up at the top of the posts.

You certainly act like a Sony plant if you are not one. Defending indefensible behavior and treating other people you don't even know as children.

You get over it. You probably believe in the single bullet theory too.
# May 06 2011 at 8:39 PM Rating: Default
REPEATING THIS POST since the original meathead reposted here...

The only thing more annoying than the whiners are the meatheads looking for a HOOZAH by saying GET A LIFE and/or defending Sony.

Yes, dammit, I want a daily (perhaps even 3 times a day) update from SOE. I don't care if that update is "NOTHING NEW, GUYS... SORRY." SOE as "management" (as you say) are the asshats that were neglegent, and the root cause of this problem. If an employee leaves his retail store unlocked at night because locking it would be too much work, and the place gets robbed, it's STILL HIS (the employyee's) FAULT, regardless of the fact that the burglar jacked the place.

So, again, YES, I want the regular updates... they owe it to us. Hell... make us feel special. I know it's an strange customer service concept, but WTF, right? Give it a shot! Appease us lowly morons!

If you're a smoker and suddenly one day they completely stopped selling cigarettes, would you be upset? Most (and I mean a HUGE majority) of EQ players are addicted to the game, or at least have it as a big part of their lives! Heh, if not, we'd all be level 18 scrubs already itching to roll up a new toon because soloing is getting to be a PITA near 20.

I have a life.. a great one! I've played EverQuest since it's release in 1999 with my wife and two kids. We sit here in my home office and laugh our asses off almost daily, just as we have for over a decade. We also see movies and play board games and go to the park and blah blah blah... but that doesn't mean we don't want our EQ back >XO

Stop defending Sony... Stop telling people to "Get a life"... Stop trying to be the matchmaker. JUST BE PISSED OFF LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!!


# May 07 2011 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
I am not a "meathead" but I did play sports in high school, so I guess you could call me that. I find that term just as offensive as someone calling someone that was in chess club a "nerd" or "dork". I'm a fairly smart person, and I feel that I make logical arguments. I'll admit I add flavor to them for humor and readability, but that's no reason to get upset and insult me. Trust me, when I said "get a life" I was not trying to be rude (it was rude, I was just not TRYING to be). I'm sure you have a great life and it sounds like you truly do. You spend quality time with your wife and kids, and have alternative activities to do in the absence of your main one (EQ).

So: MY COMMENTS WERE NOT DIRECTED AT YOU. As clearly defined in my post, my comments are directed at the people getting overly upset and angry because Sony can't release specific details on their progress. Along that line of thought, do you think maybe, just maybe, that telling us exactly what they are doing would be telling the hackers that did this the same thing, giving them more intimate knowledge, and therefore, the ability to mess with them even more? As far as I can tell, someone from Sony has tweeted, facebooked or said a comment in an interview as to the status of the repair almost every day since this has happened.

Patience is a virtue.
# May 06 2011 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
113 posts
High Five!

Edited, May 6th 2011 9:40pm by Kaiena
# May 06 2011 at 8:01 PM Rating: Default
You guys that are on Sony's payroll coming on here and defending them make me want to vomit. Plus making yourself feel important by insulting others makes you look like an idiot. The above post is no exception....6 whole posts and you think youre an expert. Tellling someone theyre a bad manager when YOU obviously have no experience at all is especially telling. From the entire EQ community, might I say "Well Met, go F--- Yourself"
# May 07 2011 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Those defending SONY are not on their payroll.. we are just mature and realize things happen and that coming on here A) Complaining about the downtime.... B) Threatening to quit... or C) Coming up with dumb remedies like 3X EXP and 24 exp potions, not only makes people look dumb and desperate, but goes to show that people really need to get outside more
# May 06 2011 at 8:12 PM Rating: Excellent
1. Definitely NOT on Sony's payroll
2. Definitely didn't feel any worse or better about myself after that post
3. Wait, did you just make yourself feel important by calling me an idiot?
4. I am kind of important
5. Where did you conclusion come from that I have no management experience, and how was it obvious?
6. Excuse me for having only 6 posts on a website devoted to online gaming. Maybe I am an active participant on other online gaming sites. Further, I was not speaking on the pretense of expertise, but if there were expertise involved in my above comment they would have nothing to do with posting on an online gaming website, so the number of posts I have posted should have no reflection on expertise here
7. YOU must be important if you can speak for the entire EQ community.
# May 06 2011 at 8:21 PM Rating: Good
20 posts
thewarehouse41 wrote:
1. Definitely NOT on Sony's payroll
2. Definitely didn't feel any worse or better about myself after that post
3. Wait, did you just make yourself feel important by calling me an idiot?
4. I am kind of important
5. Where did you conclusion come from that I have no management experience, and how was it obvious?
6. Excuse me for having only 6 posts on a website devoted to online gaming. Maybe I am an active participant on other online gaming sites. Further, I was not speaking on the pretense of expertise, but if there were expertise involved in my above comment they would have nothing to do with posting on an online gaming website, so the number of posts I have posted should have no reflection on expertise here
7. YOU must be important if you can speak for the entire EQ community.

well said
Over Promise Under Deliver
# May 06 2011 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
90 posts
Prince Poppycock

Edited, May 6th 2011 10:27pm by sodguild
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"
Over Promise Under Deliver
# May 06 2011 at 8:00 PM Rating: Good
21 posts
Do you want specific details of every single event happening while they do this? I'd suggest applying for a job with their security department and learning everything you can. Then YOU can come on here and let us know. Thanks !
Over Promise Under Deliver
# May 06 2011 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Medaci wrote:
Do you want specific details of every single event happening while they do this? I'd suggest applying for a job with their security department and learning everything you can. Then YOU can come on here and let us know. Thanks !

I really wouldn't want SOE to go into any great detail, but there ARE certain milestones they could let us in on.

0. Find out what data has been compromised. This is a pre-project milestone. It may never be fully completed.

1. The first milestone would be to identify all the problem areas that have security holes. Has this been done? I have no way to tell you.

2. Once the security holes are identified, a plan of action has to be developed. Has this been done? Again, I have no idea.

3. Part of the plan of action would be physical hardware changes, systems software changes and database changes. Lump this all together as systems changes. Has this been done? /shrug

4. There is a very good chance that the system changes breaks the game(s) and game software (application) on the servers will have to changed. Has this been done? I dunno.

5. In all likelyhood, client software will need to be changed. Has this been done? SOE hasn't said.

6. Once the first five milestones are completed, SOE has to regression test the hell out of everything. Has this been done? SOE is silent on this as well.

7. Stress/Performance testing has to occur (this might be done before or concurrently with regression testing). Has this been done? Well, has it?

8. The second to the last milestone (the one that we are all waiting for) is rollout. Has this been done? This one, I can answer. No it has definately not been done.

9. This one is problem identification. It starts the whole sorry process over again with problem identification. Unless there is a show stopper, the games will remain up while they work on it.

The items I listed may or may not be milestones that SOE has identified for the project. There may be more of them. It is unlikely there are fewer. Some milestones can be worked on concurrently with others. The ONLY thing we the users know for sure is that the "Rollout Milestone" has not been completed. We don't even know if they have identified the problem areas yet.

The short of it is: There is NO evidence of ANY progress since the servers went down. There isn't even a REPORT of progress.

Edited, May 6th 2011 11:21pm by Bariag
Over Promise Under Deliver
# May 06 2011 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
since the third party security firm is still investigating , on top of the FBI investigation , and SoE investigation is still ongoing ...

And while under a public and Federal microscope , you seriously think they would be posting ANY public progress report that wouldn't be able to stand up in court?

What happens if they end up finding more issues? or extended issues with security fix crashing servers? or the FBI/SoE/Security firm find conflicting results?

Any number of reasons things can take a while , and a whole LOT of reason to keep things under wraps until what ever is posted is CONCRETE.
Over Promise Under Deliver
# May 07 2011 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Well, either the investigations by the FBI, outside security firm and SOE have either reached a point where they can get to work restoring service or not. If SOE is going to be required to wait until all investigations are complete, it could be years before service is restored. SOE certainly won't be commenting on the progress of any investigation that could result in court actions.

As for finding more issues? There will always be more issues. Ten years from now issues will crop up. Every system has holes in it, even the best systems. Every time you plug one of those holes, two more that were hidden will discovered or brand new ones will be created. It is just the nature of the beast. If SOE is going to wait until every single possible security issue is found and fixed before restoring service, it will never bring the game servers back up.

It is possible a security patch could crash a server, but it is unlikely. What is more likely is that the security fixes will break one or more applications (games, accounting software, store website, etc.). These security fixes can (and probably will) cause performance issues. When this sort of thing happens, you change the applications. Did you miss points 4 though 7 in my list?

I am curious by what you mean by saying that progress statements would have to "stand up in court". SOE doesn't have to be specific about what they tell us. A statement along the lines of, "We have completed our initial assessment of what changes we have to make and have begun work on those changes." couldn't really be used against them in criminal or even civil proceedings unless they had failed to close the bar and chase the hookers out of the office before publishing it. They don't have to go into great detail about what they say, but they really need to say something that indicates progress. So far they have not indicated they are making any progress at all.

Over Promise Under Deliver
# May 07 2011 at 4:48 AM Rating: Decent
131 posts
so basically a statement like.." we are still working on the problem" , sorta like they are doing right now?

Sure glad we cleared that right up.


SOE certainly won't be commenting on the progress of any investigation that could result in court actions.
I am curious by what you mean by saying that progress statements would have to "stand up in court".


you have followed along with boards and see the multiple court cases , that the Federal government ( multiple actually it seems ) is demanding answers? Anything and everything they make public will be used in court, here or there.

So , its almost like maybe they want to watch what they say , and insure any sort of ETA or affirmative information is something they believe will " stand up in court " because , it just might have to.
Over Promise Under Deliver
# May 07 2011 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
No, not like statements that they are making now. Their statements do not indicate progress of any sort.

There is a difference between reporting on an active investigation (especially any investigation pertaining to a crime) and reporting in a general way about steps being taken to return to normal operations after a crime crime has taken place. If SOE cannot give a broad indication of where they are in the process of restoring service for fear of it being used in a court somewhere, then they cannot restore those services because that would be a statement saying that completed the process. Information which "will be used in a court, here or there".
Our Games Will Not Be Up This Weekend
# May 06 2011 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
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