SOE Begins Restoration of Services

UPDATE, May 14, 7:15p.m. EDT: SOE has slowly begun restoration of their services.

SOE - Restoration Announcement
SOE - Welcome Back Program
SOE - Recent Updates

SAN DIEGO, May 14, 2011 - Sony Online Entertainment LLC (SOE) announced today that restoration of its game services will begin today. The phased restoration will include the return of nearly all of SOE's portfolio of online games, the reinstatement of SOE's game forums and websites, and added functionality to require players to reset their passwords.

For details on the hacker attack that has kept SOE down since May 2 and compromised the personal information of players, check out SOE's brief FAQ and all of our previous coverage. See this article for the May 12th news on the "Make Good" program details.

During the downtime you are welcome to join us in ZAM's IRC chat. Feldon of EQ2Wire also has set up a ZAM IRC java applet that you can use.

Game-specific May 11th updates:

EverQuest: Players with an active house will be credited one month of upkeep costs and the inactive period will be extended from 90 to 150 days.

EverQuest II: All houses requiring rent will have one month added free to help offset any costs incurred during this outage.

Free Realms: The Free Realms birthday event and the New Member Bonus Bonanza will be extended to give everyone a chance to participate in them. Don’t worry about your farms; they’ll be taken care of too!

Star Wars Galaxies: All Galactic Civil War point decay has been suspended and inactive citizen removal time temporarily increased by 14 days. Item and vendor expiration timers have also been increased by 14 days.

Vanguard: One day for each day lost will be added to every player's Upkeep Bank to help offset any costs incurred during this outage.


Post Comment
screw soe
# May 07 2011 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
I don't feel bad for jack. They screwed us around for years. Now someone finally gave them the black eye they deserve. Maybe they will learn to stop pissing on / off the people who pay their wages...
screw soe
# May 07 2011 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
ah , so you've shown SoE whose boss and canceled your subscriptions and left? good for you!

you um.. still here?
# May 07 2011 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
I miss my eq...... I wanted to say that I personally feel badly for Sony. They havent always provided me with the best service, but I do love their games.. I eagerly await the return of our games but understand that if they brought them back online too early and got hacked again, it would mean doom for the company, especially since the hackers keep threatening. Sony got hacked, its been happening to large companies everywhere guys... This is gonna cost them alot of money, I wish they would just give us some station cash, which costs them essentially nothing, instead of the 30 day free sub time which will hurt their finances. Its really sad for them, Im sure they arent updating alot because they dont know what to say, lol.. I wouldnt.. Its embarassing to have anything on this scale happen to your company..
To the hackers... wow you finally took nerd rage over losing your leet hacks to a new level! Just shut up and play the damn game without cheating like the rest of us, foos, after all, being a hacker suggests you like a challenge. If the games are too hard I hear Hello Kitty Online may be easier to play than hacking a database.

<3 to all my friends from test!
# May 07 2011 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
First off, Hackers brag about everything they do. It may be in there own little chat room, but they are bragging.
Anonymous knows who hacked the Sony system. Like every other hacker that has access to the chats.
They are planning a 3rd attack. That info came from a hacker chat room.

Anonymous, will help out and rat on the other hackers. The reason they will do that is because, Anonymous are great people that just hack into other peoples systems to help them out and do good things for them.

Hackers cause problems for everyone. The only good hacker is a jailed hacker.

I am sure that Anonymous is loving all this free advertising.

Board out of my mind
# May 07 2011 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
eq2ctplayer appears to be a sony plant.
Board out of my mind
# May 07 2011 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
spacklewoof wrote:
eq2ctplayer appears to be a sony plant.

/rofl I see the normal thought that people who think rationally holds true - that they must be a company plant.... You will go far proving what the word assume means child - and do it well

Edited, May 7th 2011 1:44pm by eq2ctplayer
Board out of my mind
# May 07 2011 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
I think the reason that a "plant" is assumed is that the only people who could possibly defend Sony in this instance is either a company plant. Nobody in their right mind could logically assume that Sony antiquated security and PR skills are adequate in any sense.
Board out of my mind
# May 07 2011 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
woot another expert who has seen all the neato finished reports and knows exactly whats going on behind the scenes.

let us in on the secrets mtcards!

Cause nobody in their right mind could logically assume they know anything about what is or isn't going on until the reports are finished.

Sure glad we live in the country that believes in "innocent until proven guilty"

But then , whom would you vilify? =P
Board out of my mind
# May 07 2011 at 4:13 PM Rating: Good
What I would assume is that a reasonable, rational person who despises the customer service and the manner in which ANY corporation would run it's business would prefer not to engage in business with that company, if given and choice. And considering that nothing offered by this company is a necessity of life, there is no reason you should choose to continue any kind of relationship with this company if you find them so offensive. But then what would you complain about if you took your self righteous indignation and stopped utilizing their service. You might actually have to read a book or something for entertainment.
Board out of my mind
# May 08 2011 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent

If you take your car to a shop and get it fixed and pay for the repairs then get it home and find out they did not fix it right...By your reasoning TOUGH! Do NOT go to the shop manager and complain in any way. How does that attitude work for you in real life?
# May 07 2011 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
I was about to resub after a month off right when they took all their services offline. I have epic timing :) While I wish I could log in and spend some time on EQ2, I'm grateful that they're taking the time to make sure everything is secure. I have no problem waiting for that.
SOE still down
# May 07 2011 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
Not too surprised that the SOE network is still down. When they called in security experts to access the damage, my estimate was that it would be down for 2 weeks. Should be fun to see if it comes back up on the 16th of May if I have accessed the time interval corrctly.
Network Status Update
# May 07 2011 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
Update from the PSN Blog:

Service Restoration Update

+ Posted by Patrick Seybold // Sr. Director, Corporate Communications & Social Media

As you may know, we’ve begun the process of restoring the service through internal testing of the new system. We’re still working to confirm the security of the network infrastructure, as well as working with a variety of outside entities to confirm with them of the security of the system. Verifying the system security is vital for the process of restoration. Additional comprehensive system checks and testing are still required, and we must complete that process before bringing the systems online.

As you’ve heard us say, our utmost priorities are the security of the network and ensuring your data is safe. We won’t restore the services until we can test the system’s strength in these respects.

When we held the press conference in Japan last week, based on what we knew, we expected to have the services online within a week. We were unaware of the extent of the attack on Sony Online Entertainment servers, and we are taking this opportunity to conduct further testing of the incredibly complex system. We know many of you are wanting to play games online, chat with your friends and enjoy all of the services PlayStation Network and Qriocity services have to offer, and trust me when I say we’re doing everything we can to make it happen. We will update you with more information as soon as we have it. We apologize for the delay and inconvenience of this network outage.
# May 07 2011 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
i dont remember Verant being like this
# May 07 2011 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
corwin155 wrote:
i dont remember Verant being like this

Here is a free clue for you verant WAS sony, always was
# May 07 2011 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
156 posts
I don't believe that is true. As I recall they were bought out by Sony. Nevertheless, Verant didn't get hacked so, how could they "be like this"?
"Is it just me or did that dragon just look at us funny?"
# May 07 2011 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
Ucnia wrote:
I don't believe that is true. As I recall they were bought out by Sony. Nevertheless, Verant didn't get hacked so, how could they "be like this"?

Sony Online Entertainment's history can be seen as starting with Sony Interactive Studios America (SISA), an internal game development studio of Sony that formed around 1995. In 1996, John Smedley was put in charge of SISA's development of an online computer role-playing game that would evolve into the MMORPG EverQuest. Smedley hired programmers Brad McQuaid and Steve Clover who had come to Smedley's attention through their work on the singleplayer RPG Warwizard.

In April 1998, Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) was formed by merging parts of Sony Online Ventures with Sony Pictures Entertainment. Within a matter of months after this change, Sony Interactive Studios America was renamed 989 Studios.

Towards the end of 1998, 989 Studios shifted its strategy to making PlayStation console games only. The company's computer game/online development branch spun off, initially calling itself RedEye Interactive and then soon after Verant Interactive.

EverQuest launched with modest expectations from Sony on March 16, 1999 under its Verant Interactive brand and quickly became successful. Numbers continued rising at a steady rate until mid-2001 when growth slowed. As of 2004, Sony reported subscription numbers close to 450,000.

Edited, May 7th 2011 1:43pm by eq2ctplayer
# May 07 2011 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
I been playing for a little over 12 months i play evry day 5/6 hours I am Single with no children i found the game was an excellent stress relife therapy at the end of my working day and good fun in my spare time in an attempt to find anothere outlet i have spent all week trying to download free trials of other games as a fill in while its off line i have been unable to accsess any of the two i tryed lord of the rings or dungens and dragons my luck cup seems to have run dry i feel SOE could be more upfront and honest but i agree its the hakers that annoy me most as to compensation how will it affect me I subscribe for 12 or 18 months at a time on both my accounts guess i am screwd all ways round to add insult i am UK so were allways the poor cousins to you guys sigh (excuse the spelling and gramer am dixclesic)
# May 07 2011 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Take a look at the button below and slightly to the right of the "L" button.

See it? It has a ">" and a "." on it. Wonderful little punctuation invention that "." is. Helps others break your stream of conscious typing up into coherent groups called sentences.

I empathize with a reading disorder and can understand the typos as a result. But having said disorder should not preclude the usage of periods. Unless there's a new version of dyslexia called dyspunctuatia that removes the period key from your keyboard.
Sony on vacation
# May 07 2011 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
Sony posted a mesage on their customer support page "We will be closed until May 8th due to national holidays"
This is not the time for a holiday people!
Sony on vacation
# May 07 2011 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
344 posts
Cracker Day?
Sony on vacation
# May 07 2011 at 8:03 AM Rating: Decent
what holiday are they having cause as far as i know they just had a holiday tuesday through thursday
Board out of my mind
# May 07 2011 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
I am sick of SOE wasting my time and i am board out of my mind i am about to start calling Soe up and wasting there time and keep doing it until SOE gets my point and gets there head out of there a$$es and see that we are sick of sitting and waiting until there ready.
Board out of my mind
# May 07 2011 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
Money might be better spent on Spelling lessons.
Board out of my mind
# May 07 2011 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
desicakes wrote:
I am sick of SOE wasting my time and i am board out of my mind i am about to start calling Soe up and wasting there time and keep doing it until SOE gets my point and gets there head out of there a$$es and see that we are sick of sitting and waiting until there ready.

go ahead - it is your dime, there is no toll free number so spen as much money on long distance charges as you want
Board out of my mind
# May 07 2011 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
There ya go kiddo.... Distract them from their work. Then you will be waiting longer. Go outside and play like your supposed to.
What it will take...
# May 07 2011 at 7:43 AM Rating: Default
1 Free Month of EQ and 3X EXP for a month...that's the minimal it will take for me to continue to play EQ after this is fixed...
What it will take...
# May 07 2011 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
What it will take...
# May 07 2011 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
buckeyechris wrote:
1 Free Month of EQ and 3X EXP for a month...that's the minimal it will take for me to continue to play EQ after this is fixed...

so leave, what was mentioned is 30 days + 1 day for each day it is down. More then fair
What it will take...
# May 07 2011 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
you know they will likely make several double xp weekends at the very least anyway in regards to this downtime. They know most of the players here care more about the lost level up time than the potential identity theft regardless of how foolish that sounds. On the other hand if you already have identity protection the cat is out of the bag now and worrying about it wont make it more or less likely to happen. These hackers are not only attacking Sony they are attacking every single person who ever saved a credit card or any other type of personal information on Sony's network. I hope to see the jerks have justice come down on them in the near future. Don't know about anyone else here but I don't want to see my personal info and cc info publicized as was boasted for this weekends threatened attack.
have fun while you wait
# May 07 2011 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
443 posts
be happy they are takin the time needed to make things right and not rushing a "hot fix" that will only work for a week then everything goes dead again.

i have found enjoyment from a single player game, even the dungeon siege 2 demo should keep ya happy till servers are back up?... idk, but im pre occupied till then...
identify theft insurance policy
# May 07 2011 at 6:54 AM Rating: Default
158 posts
PSN users are getting a one year million dollar insurance policy against identify theft as reported in - whether the SOE users are going to get that isn't clear. So are we?
# May 07 2011 at 6:07 AM Rating: Default
195 posts
Hackers are sorry-a$$, arrogant little dweeb-nerds who don't have a life or friends and don't give a crap about other people. They are terrorists who just want everyone to be as miserable as they are! I'm not mad at SOE. I just want my EQ back!

I don't have kids and don't have a lot of free time. I work 60+ hours a week at a very stressful job. EQ allows me to take a break from serious, day-to-day life or death situations and blow off some steam. I figure a lot of other people do it for the same reasons. Without EQ, I'd be a road-raging alcoholic!

Damn you, POS hackers! I hope I see you on the highway in my big a$$, gas-guzzling SUV!!
What it will take to fix this
# May 07 2011 at 6:01 AM Rating: Default
It was inevitable that Sony got hacked in a major way. For instance, look at how long it took them to react to the threat World of Warcraft posed to Everquest. Sony is not a nimble, raptor-like company; it is a giant, bloated, sluggish behemoth that takes a long time to respond to any threat. One can even look at the nature of Everquest to see this borne out. The game is an electronic version of the classic dungeons and dragons games that are ultimately based on the work of J. R. R. Tolkien. Who could choose a more conservative topic upon which to base a video game. Also, none of this is a recrimination of the corporation or my attempt to make Sony look bad. I think we can all agree it is just the reality of the situation.

After carefully studying its operating policies, would anyone expect Sony's networks to have excellent security? There are people who play Everquest and like to solo, and it does not hurt the game at all. People can solo, group or raid in any amounts they like, and it does not change the social aspect of the game. Actually, it generally tends to make the game stronger to allow people greater flexibility. What does change the game is trying to force people to group, because it causes people who either do not have the time or desire to participate in a large raiding guild or spend large amounts of time looking for groups to quit the game. One would tend to assume from all this that if Sony cannot respond to basic player desires that it probably cannot be flexible enough to understand and implement sound security policies when computer security is such a complex and multi-faceted topic.

All this is good evidence that Sony pays little attention to the wants and needs of customers. This is, again, not meant to be insulting to Sony Corporation. It comes out of a very conservative business strategy and a desire within the corporate culture for control and ultimate stability, but it tends to alienate customers. Customer service is likewise done in the easiest and cheapest way possible. The situation has gotten much better recently, but incidents where people traded items and they disappeared were often attributed to player mistakes. etc. This was sometimes true, however, it was not always. And customers are easily alienated when they are accused of being dishonest any time something unexpected happens.

Something else I do know for sure is that this fiasco is going to cost Sony a lot of customers for the Playstation Network and Sony Online Entertainment. My guess would be at least 15% initially, and then how high the percentage goes will depend on how they handle it after that. The major problem Sony has is that it took World of Warcraft stealing all its customers to get the bugs and major issues that affected Everquest game play fixed, and this Everhack is going to cause a similar situation. Sony only ever reacts when so many customers are ready to quit playing Everquest that the survival of the game is in jeopardy, and then only the tiniest concession is ever made.

There are a lot of people who are going to leave Sony's games over this theft of personal information, and the initial estimates on the financial liability Sony is going to face for this is $1 billion dollars. Couple that with Sony's dismal financials at the moment, and it is going to give the customers who stick around a lot of leverage over what Sony has to provide to keep people shelling out for games, expansions, etc. Sony cannot afford to throw away a single source of revenue at the moment, and making the least possible gesture is going to cost too much at the moment.

A few days of free play time is not going to save this situation from possibly expanding to the point where it bankrupts Sony Corporation. They are going to have to make some real in-game concessions to keep people paying for their games. It has nothing to do with who is angry about what or how much people hate to miss out on game play. Sony is simply going to have to give people items in game, extra experience and anything else they want to keep them paying. Free credit protection and added security is going to help, but those things do not make for good entertainment and sell games. A good start would be to do the top ten or twenty things people beg for in emails or feedback and see how much that helps. It might even save Sony in the end. Also, for anyone who wishes, it would probably be very worthwhile for the player base to get together and demand items in game and that the game be changed to better suit player's needs. A large block of customers could probably get a lot of grievances addressed while this situation is fresh and a possible source of financial ruin for Sony.

What it will take to fix this
# May 07 2011 at 5:59 PM Rating: Good
1,308 posts
trdmkiv wrote:
It was inevitable that Sony got hacked in a major way. For instance, look at how long it took them to react to the threat World of Warcraft posed to Everquest. Sony is not a nimble, raptor-like company; it is a giant, bloated, sluggish behemoth that takes a long time to respond to any threat. One can even look at the nature of Everquest to see this borne out. The game is an electronic version of the classic dungeons and dragons games that are ultimately based on the work of J. R. R. Tolkien. Who could choose a more conservative topic upon which to base a video game. Also, none of this is a recrimination of the corporation or my attempt to make Sony look bad. I think we can all agree it is just the reality of the situation.

After carefully studying its operating policies, would anyone expect Sony's networks to have excellent security? There are people who play Everquest and like to solo, and it does not hurt the game at all. People can solo, group or raid in any amounts they like, and it does not change the social aspect of the game. Actually, it generally tends to make the game stronger to allow people greater flexibility. What does change the game is trying to force people to group, because it causes people who either do not have the time or desire to participate in a large raiding guild or spend large amounts of time looking for groups to quit the game. One would tend to assume from all this that if Sony cannot respond to basic player desires that it probably cannot be flexible enough to understand and implement sound security policies when computer security is such a complex and multi-faceted topic.

All this is good evidence that Sony pays little attention to the wants and needs of customers. This is, again, not meant to be insulting to Sony Corporation. It comes out of a very conservative business strategy and a desire within the corporate culture for control and ultimate stability, but it tends to alienate customers. Customer service is likewise done in the easiest and cheapest way possible. The situation has gotten much better recently, but incidents where people traded items and they disappeared were often attributed to player mistakes. etc. This was sometimes true, however, it was not always. And customers are easily alienated when they are accused of being dishonest any time something unexpected happens.

Something else I do know for sure is that this fiasco is going to cost Sony a lot of customers for the Playstation Network and Sony Online Entertainment. My guess would be at least 15% initially, and then how high the percentage goes will depend on how they handle it after that. The major problem Sony has is that it took World of Warcraft stealing all its customers to get the bugs and major issues that affected Everquest game play fixed, and this Everhack is going to cause a similar situation. Sony only ever reacts when so many customers are ready to quit playing Everquest that the survival of the game is in jeopardy, and then only the tiniest concession is ever made.

There are a lot of people who are going to leave Sony's games over this theft of personal information, and the initial estimates on the financial liability Sony is going to face for this is $1 billion dollars. Couple that with Sony's dismal financials at the moment, and it is going to give the customers who stick around a lot of leverage over what Sony has to provide to keep people shelling out for games, expansions, etc. Sony cannot afford to throw away a single source of revenue at the moment, and making the least possible gesture is going to cost too much at the moment.

A few days of free play time is not going to save this situation from possibly expanding to the point where it bankrupts Sony Corporation. They are going to have to make some real in-game concessions to keep people paying for their games. It has nothing to do with who is angry about what or how much people hate to miss out on game play. Sony is simply going to have to give people items in game, extra experience and anything else they want to keep them paying. Free credit protection and added security is going to help, but those things do not make for good entertainment and sell games. A good start would be to do the top ten or twenty things people beg for in emails or feedback and see how much that helps. It might even save Sony in the end. Also, for anyone who wishes, it would probably be very worthwhile for the player base to get together and demand items in game and that the game be changed to better suit player's needs. A large block of customers could probably get a lot of grievances addressed while this situation is fresh and a possible source of financial ruin for Sony.

Cool story, bro.
What it will take to fix this
# May 08 2011 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
1,074 posts
Cool story, bro.

Not really.


Sony's net profit for 2010.

This is a speed bump. Nothing to worry about.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
What it will take to fix this
# May 07 2011 at 6:36 AM Rating: Default
lmao go push some more papers at your wanna be law offices--stfu ur a dweeb and more than likely an Obama supporter
What it will take to fix this
# May 07 2011 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
I can't even imagine what being a supporter of Obama has to do with anything that poster said....
What it will take to fix this
# May 07 2011 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
It does not have anything to do with it. A typical reaction tactic when you are trying to defend an indefensible position is to divert the conversation into some more provocative direction in an attempt to derail the original speaker's message.


Edited, May 7th 2011 12:37pm by spacklewoof
The Game
# May 07 2011 at 5:25 AM Rating: Default
16 posts
Morning all

Considering what has transpired this past week in the real world is EQ being down that major of an event?

There are other things to do during this time:

Take your kids (Or go solo) out in to the real world-To a neighborhood park-to a little league ball game-to the library-to a freebie tour of a local historic area-play a board game, help out at a soup kitchen, do some baking/cooking, rent a movie, introduce yoursel/ves to your neighbors, etc.

You would be suprised just how fast you forget that EQ is down.

Yeah I am disappointed Eq is down. Was planning on playing this weekend after being out of town all weekend but I will explore other activities.

As for who I am upset with:



Cause they have NO respect for other human beings. They think it is fun to break into a system without any regards as to who it will effect.

They definitely knew just how many people it would effect-they knew people pay to play this game-They knew the players would be upset and did not care.

Players are telling others here to get a life (I can understand some being addicted to the game) BUT why aren't the hackers being told to do the same?

Hackers are the real culprit/s here, NOT SOE.

I would rather SOE take a month (If needed) to insure our (The players) privacy than bring it up now and have us (Yes US because we are the ones being directly effected by this) go through this again.

And no I do not work nor ever will work for SOE (I love the career I have).

(Keeping fingers crossed they catch AND prosecute the hackers).

The Game
# May 07 2011 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
Arbatrue wrote:
There are other things to do during this time:

Take your kids (Or go solo) out in to the real world-To a neighborhood park-to a little league ball game-to the library-to a freebie tour of a local historic area-play a board game, help out at a soup kitchen, do some baking/cooking, rent a movie, introduce yoursel/ves to your neighbors, etc.

(total sarcasm: ON, I'm joking here)
I can't go outside... EQ Mapper doesn't have an updated file past my front door. Can't cook or bake... Didn't level up past the starter quests and don't have access to recipe book vendor... Can't introduce myself to the neighbors, they're still upset about the time they knocked on my door shouting their house was on fire and I yelled back "Can't talk! Raiding!"

Seriously though, I hope they address everything and get back online, but I'd rather they took it slow and steady and got it right the first time around...
The Game
# May 07 2011 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts


(total sarcasm: ON, I'm joking here)
I can't go outside... EQ Mapper doesn't have an updated file past my front door. Can't cook or bake... Didn't level up past the starter quests and don't have access to recipe book vendor... Can't introduce myself to the neighbors, they're still upset about the time they knocked on my door shouting their house was on fire and I yelled back "Can't talk! Raiding!"

LMAO!!!!!!!!!! Too funny!!

Seriously though, I hope they address everything and get back online, but I'd rather they took it slow and steady and got it right the first time around...

Agree with your last statement..:)
# May 07 2011 at 4:58 AM Rating: Excellent
Your all nuts!!!!
# May 07 2011 at 3:36 AM Rating: Decent
The ETA for server's going online is no longer in the hands of the tech folks.. It's been handed off to top executive's who have to deal with several factors.. Political, legal, insurance company (The one that's dealing with the $1 Million per user ID theft policy), and finally the pissed off customers..
# May 07 2011 at 4:23 AM Rating: Good
Where is this policy you speak of? Is that an actual policy or something you pulled out of your hat?
# May 07 2011 at 6:51 AM Rating: Default
158 posts
PSN users are getting a one year million dollar insurance policy against identify theft as reported in - whether the SOE users are going to get that isn't clear.
I have no life so EQ is it
# May 07 2011 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
Hello, I am 60 yrs old, I am disabled, I have no wife or kids. I have no friends, so I sit at home and twiddle my thumbs or watch some Netflix movie or read a book. With EQ I have made friends and some are close enough to be like family, we are on Facebook together and with EQ my life almost feels complete, or as much as could be said for a stay-at-home cripple like myself.

This week has been horrible to be forced to quit EQ cold turkey, hell even with cigarettes if I quit that cold turkey I could at least sneak on, but with this EQ shutdown there is nothing and my life is a void right now. My octogenarian mother went to the hospital for a day this week, that was a bit of a diversion but not something I could enjoy, like bashing some orc or a goblin, giant, or whatever.

I even went back to WoW with a trial-free membership and I still don'Smiley: dubioust like the cartoony look of the characters and mobs etc, as compared to the real life look of EQ. So in conclusion I would like to say please get EQ up again, soon, please. That is all
I have no life so EQ is it
# May 07 2011 at 2:04 AM Rating: Decent
Late Wed, there was a story on Rueter's about things going smoothly.. Final rounds of testing with the new platform, and server farm.. Then the *explatives ninja'ed by Faerbot* hackers released some crap on Cnet about a third attack, where they would publically release any new data stolen to the world.. Then the New York AG stuck his nose in matters.. With Sony corporate, 3 security firms, the FBI, Congress, Sony Legal, The New York AG, and several ambulance chasing lawyers looking over their shoulders. I am sure they had to go back to square one with the new threat. =(
I have no hard feelings
# May 07 2011 at 1:21 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Let us assume for the moment that Anonymous is telling the truth about not hacking.

In order for Anonymous to conduct a search for the hackers, they would need information that only existed originally on the Sony systems. That information many now be duplicated (at least in part) on FBI and possibly the security consultants systems. None of these entities would give Anonymous this information willingly (they are, after all, considered to be suspects), so Anonymous would have to hack into the systems and steal it. This leads us back to the claim by Anonymous that they don't hack into systems and steal information.

I have no hard feelings
# May 07 2011 at 4:39 AM Rating: Decent
463 posts
Bariag wrote:
Let us assume for the moment that Anonymous is telling the truth about not hacking.

In order for Anonymous to conduct a search for the hackers, they would need information that only existed originally on the Sony systems. That information many now be duplicated (at least in part) on FBI and possibly the security consultants systems. None of these entities would give Anonymous this information willingly (they are, after all, considered to be suspects), so Anonymous would have to hack into the systems and steal it. This leads us back to the claim by Anonymous that they don't hack into systems and steal information.

Last night I was doing some research on PlayStation Network status, as that was the first system to go down. There were intimations in what I read that Anonymous as an entity was not responsible. However, fingers pointed at a sub-group within Anonymous as the culprits.
I have no hard feelings
# May 07 2011 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Grove wrote:
Bariag wrote:
Let us assume for the moment that Anonymous is telling the truth about not hacking.

In order for Anonymous to conduct a search for the hackers, they would need information that only existed originally on the Sony systems. That information many now be duplicated (at least in part) on FBI and possibly the security consultants systems. None of these entities would give Anonymous this information willingly (they are, after all, considered to be suspects), so Anonymous would have to hack into the systems and steal it. This leads us back to the claim by Anonymous that they don't hack into systems and steal information.

Last night I was doing some research on PlayStation Network status, as that was the first system to go down. There were intimations in what I read that Anonymous as an entity was not responsible. However, fingers pointed at a sub-group within Anonymous as the culprits.

Well, first off. Anonymous would still need that information in order to "catch" the culprits, whether those culprits are part of Anonymous or not.

Second, I am not all that certain that Anonymous has the time left to accomplish the task. They are a doomed organization.
I have no hard feelings
# May 07 2011 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
Anonymous doesn't need SONY's logs to investigate and discover the hackers. Many teams are already on that. Anonymous would do beter to use it's access to the hacker chats and other hackers in general to find the culprit(s). If hackers brag, and that seems to be agreed upon, then Anonymous should find it relatively easy to figure this out. Unless you believe Pakistan knew nothing about bin Laden.
I have no hard feelings
# May 07 2011 at 2:44 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
You are right about that. It would have to be an offer that was accepted by the authorities which is unlikely.
I have no hard feelings
# May 07 2011 at 1:16 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
I agree with you there and was in fact thinking the same thing. It would be the most affective way to clear their names.
I have no hard feelings
# May 07 2011 at 10:40 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
actually , whether they are or are not the actual culprits , they will certainly have contributed to the crime. They may even be criminally liable , depending on what the investigations find , if thier attacks helped pave the way for a second group to do criminal activity.

Not to mention the crimes they themselves are already guilty of. "white collar" criminals are still criminals , and ultimately its the customers who pay for it, no matter the " damage" or justification done to a company.
New Poll for ZAM
# May 06 2011 at 11:25 PM Rating: Default
22 posts
30 days free, 1 day for each day they are down. Fine.

Everquest poll not EQ2....don't play that one.

Is it enough. yes / no

What would the players like SOE to do for them In Game.

Double XP Day(s)

Double XP Potions

Store cash 1000 for $5.00

Patch in a God Mode, so I don't die again.

Anyways, the Idea is get a poll on what the players want in game for all the downtime.

That seems better then how many hours a week do you play MMOs.

New Poll for ZAM
# May 07 2011 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
ok - 30 days free, 1 day for each day they are down.

F* EQ2

is what enough? - Is it enough.

Probably give them all our money for nothing. - What would the players like SOE to do for them In Game.

1 for each day game is down. Not like we can make up for the lost game time/xp rate any other day.Double XP Day(s)

Needed. none. Would be nice. I'd say 1 of the 10 charge potions. - Double XP Potions

I'd rather see like the one person wrote. give a small lump of like 5k or something. - Store cash 1000 for $5.00

If they stop making god mobs we wouldn't need a god mode. - Patch in a God Mode, so I don't die again.
New Poll for ZAM
# May 07 2011 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
Nah...none of that...just give each account 5 million plat, then their out nothing....Muhahahaha!!
New Poll for ZAM
# May 07 2011 at 4:53 AM Rating: Decent
zennzonn wrote:
30 days free, 1 day for each day they are down. Fine.

Everquest poll not EQ2....don't play that one.

Is it enough. yes / no

What would the players like SOE to do for them In Game.

Double XP Day(s)

Double XP Potions

Store cash 1000 for $5.00

Patch in a God Mode, so I don't die again.

Anyways, the Idea is get a poll on what the players want in game for all the downtime.

That seems better then how many hours a week do you play MMOs.

/rofl why not ask for majority stock holder in prefered shares

what they offer is fair, going to take a lot of flack from the flamers but don;t really care, read your financial terms of service

What you be more then sufficient would be the announcement that that theives known as anonymous or what ever they want to stylize themselves as have been arrested and put in jail with 100 million dollar bond to be prosecuted here and then in each and every country that Sony has a online presence, prison terms to be served consecutively
New Poll for ZAM
# May 07 2011 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
EQ2CTPLAYER. So your answer would be yes.

/rofl why not ask for majority stock holder in prefered shares

To give something in game would not cost SOE anything.

What would giving 100 AAs to every Char. regardless of lvl cost SOE? Some could not use them tell they got to lvl 50 or 51 but they would have them.

I don't want to make the Stock Holders go broke, I just think that In Game is where I (we) live, that is where we should get a little something.

Maybe you are a Sony plant.
Notification of return to service
# May 06 2011 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
After this much time has elapsed, certainly there has to be better information for a return-to-service date?!

While I appreciate SONY's concern over the integrity of their security system, the corporation has neglected to keep their paying customers informed. Where's the PR Team?

I don't expect hourly updates, but there has been no new information posted on SOE's website since 5/4. Is one or two announcements per day asking too much? Also, postings on Facebook/Twitter should not be substituted as an information source for SONY's client base, many are not subscribers.

Notification of return to service
# May 06 2011 at 11:37 PM Rating: Good
22 posts
I don't think Japanese company's have PR Teams. And if they did you could not believe anything they told you anyways.
every post
# May 06 2011 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
i would like the "we are sorry for this inconviance" gesture to be 10-24x exp pots, so we can make up for days that we would normally have played.

right now i would have grinded out 500-600 aa, and possibly the last 10 levels.

real life doesn't slow down because eq is down.
every post
# May 07 2011 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
nice spelling, shows thought and intelligence
every post
# May 07 2011 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
not really intelligence, as the english language has SO many retarded words which you cant spell unless you memorized the spelling. i believe its the only, or one of the only languages to do that. others have a context sensitive language where words sound the same, but english.... here ill give a great example.

colonel [kur-nl] tell me how that makes sense.

anything that i wrote was spelled (pronounced spelt, god do i hate english) the way it sounds. anyone who cant read what i wrote and make sense of it... i really worry about you.
# May 06 2011 at 11:09 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Also hes banned now too
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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