SOE Begins Restoration of Services

UPDATE, May 14, 7:15p.m. EDT: SOE has slowly begun restoration of their services.

SOE - Restoration Announcement
SOE - Welcome Back Program
SOE - Recent Updates

SAN DIEGO, May 14, 2011 - Sony Online Entertainment LLC (SOE) announced today that restoration of its game services will begin today. The phased restoration will include the return of nearly all of SOE's portfolio of online games, the reinstatement of SOE's game forums and websites, and added functionality to require players to reset their passwords.

For details on the hacker attack that has kept SOE down since May 2 and compromised the personal information of players, check out SOE's brief FAQ and all of our previous coverage. See this article for the May 12th news on the "Make Good" program details.

During the downtime you are welcome to join us in ZAM's IRC chat. Feldon of EQ2Wire also has set up a ZAM IRC java applet that you can use.

Game-specific May 11th updates:

EverQuest: Players with an active house will be credited one month of upkeep costs and the inactive period will be extended from 90 to 150 days.

EverQuest II: All houses requiring rent will have one month added free to help offset any costs incurred during this outage.

Free Realms: The Free Realms birthday event and the New Member Bonus Bonanza will be extended to give everyone a chance to participate in them. Don’t worry about your farms; they’ll be taken care of too!

Star Wars Galaxies: All Galactic Civil War point decay has been suspended and inactive citizen removal time temporarily increased by 14 days. Item and vendor expiration timers have also been increased by 14 days.

Vanguard: One day for each day lost will be added to every player's Upkeep Bank to help offset any costs incurred during this outage.


Post Comment
PLZ save me
# May 07 2011 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
I really hope not all of eq is this idiotic? I have so much fun with these folks! Does this make me idiotic too?
WoW getting Soe players
# May 07 2011 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
Logged on to WoW first time downloadeding the game and the say exp network diffs ... prob from all the peeps that have felt like me times n up
Over Promise Under Deliver
# May 07 2011 at 7:43 PM Rating: Default
131 posts
Their statements indicate exactly what your asking.. that work is being done.

Your round about reasoning , which is obviously slanted to be " Sony is at fault no matter what they do" seems to be skipping over and around Company Public Relations... and the fact that it takes TIME to work through that process.

Quite obviously , it will eventually be fixed
Quite obviously , they will be held accountable for any public statements
Quite obviously , they are NOT going to divulge information that might be used against them , through legal or illegal means
Quite obviously , the FBI and security firm will be verifying everything in front of the Federal government
Quite obviously , one simply has to WAIT , and information will become available as it becomes available.
Quite obviously the fixes , repairs , updates and testing will be going hand in hand with the investigation , especially with the Feds looking into it... making THE ACTUAL FIX part of the ongoing investigations.

Common sense , plus lawyers , would keep the statements to be as bland and general as possible. Between proprietary information , possible vulnerability leakage , legal ramifications , and federal involvment....egads!

try calling your lawyer up and presenting him with the facts , see what he says. Try your legal department , company PR department , HR department ...
my analogy
# May 07 2011 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
ur analogy is a lil off because my car doesn't have multiple locking systems..but i'm sure the hacker had to get thru atleast one firewall (outdated or not) to get our information..but the level of ease that they accomplished this does not make it ok by any means.

"depending on where you're parking" lmao at totally parked in a back alley and said "i got games come play." i'm sure it's harder to forget to lock the doors when u believe u just parked in criminal central...

like srsly wtf are u arguing with me for again? cuz i said sony is a victim, AND they were negligent, had this coming and i'm sure they violated contracts by not keeping their security up to date? i srsly think u just want to troll me MR.EDUCATION.<---trolls a lil for u to get u a rage :)

lol EQ here's u something else to flame about..i play swg on the side tho. was just curious to see if there were any updates but all i find on here are lawyer cases that i could care less about.. all i asked in the beginning was that ppl would cut it out with links to a court case that concerned lil to nobody veiwing THIS SITE..oh wait uhhh WTF WHENS EQ GOING TO BE BACK no but srsly hope ur all's games and PSN is up and running soon with sufficient security, and i hope u dont lose ur server population over this...i'm sure a few fence huggers have already fallen, but given the circumstances it's to be expected... this is my last post due to me noticing my ears starting to to all involved and even u mr. education :)

Edited, May 7th 2011 9:20pm by kadar34
my analogy
# May 07 2011 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
The act I do not condone .. But for you to actually sit there an say its ok for a multi-billion dollar company to (NOT) have current standard internet securities in place (an this was the case as has been uncovered so far Google it) does not mean anything other then Sony was negligent period.

The Internet is a more dangerous place then even the average place you could park your car. This whole situation were all in is evidence of that.

When was the last time some one's car was broken into .. that lead to an entire multi-billion dollar corporation down 100% completely ?
my analogy
# May 07 2011 at 8:04 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
sweet. So the investigations are done!

Can you link me the reports so we all know exactly what ALL of SoE's security was when they got attacked?
my analogy
# May 08 2011 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
269 posts
Quoted from the following article dated 5May2011

"In a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing yesterday, Gene Spafford, a professor at Purdue University and executive director of the school's Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security—the largest of its kind in the country—said the following about the recent breach of Sony's PlayStation Network:

"Individuals who work in security and participate in the Sony network had discovered several months ago while they were examining the protocols on the Sony network to examine how the games work, [that] the network game servers were hosted on Apache web servers—that's a form of software.

But they were running on very old versions of Apache software that were unpatched and had no firewall installed, and so these were potentially vulnerable.

And they had reported these in an open forum that was monitored by Sony employees, but had seen no response and no change or update to the software. That was two to three months prior to the incident where the break-ins occurred."

my analogy
# May 08 2011 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
Heh , and if you read his report , he is repeating hearsay which may or may not be true.

My personal conclusion from reviews of reports in the press

I heard , in an open chatroom , that martian cheese was better then cheese from the moon. I can prove it because , I heard it form a third party and have no actual knowledge , didn't actually investigate or look into anything , but since its hearsay it must be true!!

Now , please provide the links of the ACTUAL REPORTS of people ACTUALLY INVESTIGATING the ACTUAL EVIDENCE of what ACTUALLY HAPPENED.

Otherwise his opinion is as reliable as a medical diagnosis based on what Bob's uncle's nephews fathers former roommate said. In other words, its only as good as the information provided , which the most reliable would be the ACTUAL REPORTS from the people doing the ACTUAL INVESTIGATION , not the SPECULATION of people trying to sensationalize anything to sell papers/subscriptions
my analogy
# May 08 2011 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
269 posts
Mazeron wrote:
Heh , and if you read his report , he is repeating hearsay which may or may not be true.

My personal conclusion from reviews of reports in the press

I heard , in an open chatroom , that martian cheese was better then cheese from the moon. I can prove it because , I heard it form a third party and have no actual knowledge , didn't actually investigate or look into anything , but since its hearsay it must be true!!

Now , please provide the links of the ACTUAL REPORTS of people ACTUALLY INVESTIGATING the ACTUAL EVIDENCE of what ACTUALLY HAPPENED.

Otherwise his opinion is as reliable as a medical diagnosis based on what Bob's uncle's nephews fathers former roommate said. In other words, its only as good as the information provided , which the most reliable would be the ACTUAL REPORTS from the people doing the ACTUAL INVESTIGATION , not the SPECULATION of people trying to sensationalize anything to sell papers/subscriptions

Just what about "Individuals who work in security and participate in the Sony network had discovered several months ago while they were examining the protocols on the Sony network to examine how the games work, [that] the network game servers were hosted on Apache web servers—that's a form of software." is it that you cannot comprehend?

No hearsay involved nor was he stating an "opinion". The report was made by individuals who work in security, had access to the network, participate in the Sony network, examined the network and reported the vulnerabilities. Hardly a case of "Bob's uncle's nephews(sic) fathers(sic)former roommate said."

I may have actually lost a few points of IQ by merely trying to comprehend your illogical comments. Mea culpa.
# May 07 2011 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
130 posts
Some of these posts are so entertaining! You know, you could be playing some other game while waiting for EQ to come back, but some of you fail to see an open door because you're so stuck on the closed one. Yeah, it was awful what happened, but it's done and there's no turning back. Get over it and move on! Or, even better, do us all a favor and quit EQ.
unedicated dribble?
# May 07 2011 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
u think that i dont know whats going on? did u even read my post (sony had their pants down and bent over, but they're still a victim.) sounds to me like ur saying that if my car is unlocked, heaven forbid a human leave their vehicle unlocked, and my wallet is on my dashboard, lmao, that it's ok for u to steal it, that i'm not a victim? i know that SONY was negligent to update their security, but that doesn't make it ok to hack. look i'm mad at the idea that the vault of info so ez to open, i rly do, but i'm sure that they've gotten smacked in the face hard enough by now to realize that they need to update that crap. as i said at the start of my earlier post tho, if u wasn't compromised in a way that actually caused u problems (big or small) to let the LAWYER BS go. if u are going thru hell w/o suntan lotion right now because of this, by all means pursuit legal actions or whatever it takes to right the wrong that has been done to u...i'm on both sides of this fence right now, SONY had it coming i agree, they didn't make a proper attempt to protect our information, wich i'm sure is a violation in one of their contracts (this making us the victims), but getting on THIS SITE posting about some court case isn't going to change anything, if not make it worse...i'm not wanting my game to be up and running tom. if they haven't updated their security and made other essential changes.
unedicated dribble?
# May 07 2011 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
Your analogy makes no sense ..

Car's do not have multiple locking systems ..

Sony's website did or did not have them which if they did not in this day an age of hackers then it is in fact their fault for not protecting the customer's they so want for their product.

Your car has 1 locking system. And depending upon where your parking I'm willing to bet your attitude of locking the doors depends entirely upon that .

And if it does not .. then don't know really what else can be said.
unedicated dribble?
# May 07 2011 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
I've never stole anything so far in my 30 years of life, but if I saw your wallet on the dashboard of your unlocked car, your *** would be missing one wallet.

Sony is missing 104 million wallets...

More importantly though... WTF WILL EQ2 BE BACK UP??? >XO
# May 07 2011 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
Wow..This whole thread again makes me want the human race to cease to exist....It is a game and the are working on a security issue..and this is the end of your world?....Please Pakistan launch the missiles.

Edited, May 7th 2011 8:35pm by oneeyedranger
# May 08 2011 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
hmm, so long as pakistan drops them bombs on the **** im good with that. isnt that where sony is headquarterd?
# May 07 2011 at 10:20 PM Rating: Decent
Yes... the real shame about internet forums is that I can't just punch this ****** in his face for making such an ignorant comment like that. You're also obviously an uneducated idiot... the Dollar store has more effective missiles than that desert filled with low-IQ blind zealots.
# May 07 2011 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
You sir, are an idiot
# May 07 2011 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
61 posts
This whole thread again makes me want the human race to cease to exist....

I pray thats not some sick suicidal comment, sheesh man get a hold of yourself

I am unclear where anyone but you mentioned the term end of the world

missle launching? really, please get of these boards and seek professional assistance to re establish a grip on reality

This thread is dealing with CUSTOMER vs LACK OF SERVICE provider

As a joke ive heard people mention in game nostalgia (withdrawls), most of the seemingly educaated people here seem to remove the video gaming aspect of this SERVICE that is being paid for and not provided, let alone those w fraud concerns, security leaks

A timeline needs to be stated, if by such and such date no conclusion, stop renewal billing (or streamline the ability to stop accts by customers to possibly return at a later date, if by another date, reimburse etc etc for the countless customers out there in limbo atm.

No room for exagerated dramatic comments (free country though.... so if you must you must), however if you are this disturbed please talk to friends, family and or seek counseling

Uneducated dribble...
# May 07 2011 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
The uneducated and unwise still defending Sony for some reason... it's sad. SOE left the door open and got robbed, it's that simple. They are responsible and there should be consequences.

More importantly though... WTF WILL EQ2 BE BACK UP??? >XO
Uneducated dribble...
# May 07 2011 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
Ah. So rape victims are at fault for be raped?
Gang violence victims are at fault for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?
Maybe the passengers are at fault when the plane gets shot down?

Uneducated dribble...
# May 07 2011 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
BRILLIANT! Try reading what I said instead of sensationalizing it. Again, someone emphisizes their lack of education =\

Sony wasn't raped... they are too tight, and therefore it's impossible.

Sony wasn't involved in a drive-by gang shooting, though if they were, I'm sure the Yakuza would avenge their honor. *bow*

Sony MAY in fact be crashing though... so you may be right on that one. And, YES, they are at fault.

Nice try...

More importantly though... WTF WILL EQ2 BE BACK UP??? >XO
Uneducated dribble...
# May 08 2011 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
Mcogre wrote:
BRILLIANT! Try reading what I said instead of sensationalizing it. Again, someone emphisizes their lack of education =\

Sony wasn't raped... they are too tight, and therefore it's impossible.

Sony wasn't involved in a drive-by gang shooting, though if they were, I'm sure the Yakuza would avenge their honor. *bow*

Sony MAY in fact be crashing though... so you may be right on that one. And, YES, they are at fault.

Nice try...

More importantly though... WTF WILL EQ2 BE BACK UP??? >XO

they will be back up when the 3rd party security firm and the FBI finish - htere that make you feel better bubba?

If you don;t have the patience to wait - leave or seek professional counseling, the majority of people would probably prefer that every thing is certified and every line of evidence is collected so the theives that did this are put behind bars for the rest of their life.

You don;t seem to understand that Sony has no control over when the servers come back up - unless the outside agencies involved sign off on the investigation and recovery nothing that Sony can do about it.
Uneducated dribble...
# May 08 2011 at 4:50 AM Rating: Decent
131 posts

SOE left the door open and got robbed, it's that simple. They are responsible and there should be consequences.

Only one here lacking in education is you hoss.

your blaming the victim for the crime and holding them responsible.

Which equates to ( gonna use logic here , turn your brain on momentarily) exactly what I was illustrating above. IE put into context.

In this country , the victim is not at fault for being the victim.
Uneducated dribble...
# May 08 2011 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
269 posts
It would seem you are forgetting that they may well be more than 100 million victims who, potentially, could suffer financial loss.

If you have ever had to go through the pain, not to mention the cost and aggravation of trying to recover from a case of identity theft, you might actually understand the frustrations and concerns of the literally millions of people who may be affected by the lack of customary and reasonable safeguards for their information due, directly, to Sony's ADMITTED failure to use updated security measures.

Equating the situation to such things as crimes of violence is nothing less than ignorance manifest.
Uneducated dribble...
# May 08 2011 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
Finally, someone with an IQ above 85. Well said, Adani =)

Though I do find it entertaining to listen to kids defend Sony when they (Sony) are COMPLETELY at fault. If these kids educated themselves on the actual situation, they wouldn't look so foolish.

I think people just like to type and argue and therefore just go on rants with a bunch of nonsense that just sounds good to them at the time, rather than actually giving thought to their opinions =\

It gives weight to the fact that over 89% of Americans are within 10 IQ points of being considered retarded. That's a fact! Think about how sad that is...
Uneducated dribble...
# May 08 2011 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
269 posts

Oh, just as an aside, Sony blamed the announced DDOS attack as having "distracted" its engineers, using that as an excuse for part of their failure to notice the "unauthorized intrusion".

Interestingly enough, the DDOS attack ended 10days BEFORE the date Sony stated that the "intrusion" occurred. Now that is what I call really being "distracted". ;)
long enough
# May 07 2011 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
u all are dragging this on too long...if u are not financially compromised, or compromised in anyway that would truely cause u problems (other than "i cant play my game") then u need to cut it with this lawyer bs. look i dont care wtf u build, it can be destroyed. i dont care how good a firewall is, it can be breached, granted an updated and stronger one will possibly take longer to breach. the fact is that there is no proof that this hacker did not have the capability to hack stronger firewalls. SONY didn't make it too hard on them, i'll give u that. SONY is still a victim, whether they had their pants down and bent over, they're still a victim. i wish u half wits that are looking up these court cases and posting on here would just update us on what's going SONY shutting down certain games/services for good? is SONY rly trying to get things going asap? have they had break throughs, are they stumped on what company could provide them with the best security? tell us (those veiwing a gaming site for gaming reasons) something we WANT to know. SONY dropped the geohotz case and, even tho i dont like how they treat the customers, i rly believe they're trying to get everything running again, and now ppl are stepping on their toes slowing them down, making them divide their attention :( even tho they're not constantly updating u get more up to date info at SONY's facebook best of luck to those of u who are rly bored, to those that this has caused financial problems, and to those that actually read my entire post. plz don't do anything that would further limit us as players/users
not entitled to anything?
# May 07 2011 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
61 posts

spew that sheet if and when you talk to anyone not F ing paying for these services

Tired of this F ing bull sheet about hey its not fair its not Sony's fault

At this point it has less (far less) to do about what ever crap services were being provided (and you miss them), to me its about the fact that SONY not anonymous, is F ING billing me and other folks for services not rendered. Not small down time, not service interruption but at this point lengthy enough without a forseeable acceptable closure to the problem.

SUSPEND RENEWED BILLING on your own, yes someone said its my dime (most of us have free long distance.....), but here is a thought how about not pissing a f^&K ton of people that may want to stay customers or return, and have the decency to do it for all of us, and not put us through a bottleneck by having us attempt to do it one at a time

Sony's perspective...... why shut off the cow (billing server) when its money in your pocket? because they handle this situation may influence how much milk that cow is gonna continue to give em. Update often, handle the RENEWED billing, and while 30 days + 1day per loss of service was good the 1st few days, I think as it prolongs its not unresonable to request a bit more good faith on their part, and for those of us that played EQ1, keep your god damn milk and cookies and remember we are $$ paying customers, make it worth our while.
not entitled to anything?
# May 07 2011 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts

your getting 1 month free , plus time credit for your downtime. SO , your getting equal/fair compensation for your money.

ToS warns you ( you did read it right? ) that the service will NOT be guaranteed always available , so again , Sony has done right by you.

Refer to any freaking public relations lawyer to find out why what your asking , during a criminal , federal , and potential civil investigation , its not going to happen ( least not anyone who listens to their lawyer )

If you dont like SoE , cancel and go away. Its one phonecall away if your that worked up. Then the rest of us can enjoy the game more when it comes back online.
# May 07 2011 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
Well I wondered how long it would take for the vultures to get involved. No one but the lawers win in this kind of suit.
# May 07 2011 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
One of my degrees is in paralegal studies, even though I do not work as a paralegal. I will say that not all attorneys are vultures. Like any profession, they have their good and their bad. But there are most definitely those attorneys who are vultures, who will do any thing and make any case to make a buck. But let us also not forget, that they have to have a client or clients to represent them. So the reason the vultures exist is because there are vultures in society that are looking for a way to make an easy buck and if they can do so by attempting to bring down a large corporation, so much the better. It took a nanosecond for some of these vultures to start screaming lawsuit. The idiocy of this is that most of the morons that jump onto the lawsuit bandwagon don't get squat. The majority of the payout is for the attorneys, the members of the class get very little if anything. All the attorneys get paid first. Then the costs associated with the case are paid, and they are often significant. Then what is left is divided among the members of the class, which if it numbers in the hundreds or thousands amounts to a few dollars at best. I once got a couple of coupons from a class action lawsuit some idiot had filed against poloroid. I think I got a $2 credit from a hotel I stayed at once. I didn't even know I was a member of that class until the "check" came in the mail. whoohoo. Never used any of that stuff. Some people are always looking for a way to make a buck without working for it. Those are the ones responsible for the livelyhoods of the schyesters. If they didn't have these kinds of clients, they wouldn't have these kinds of attorneys. So put the blame where it first belongs, then blame the attorneys who will take anything to make a buck.
# May 07 2011 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
269 posts
Tell that to Erin Brockovich and the residents of Hinkley, CA. ;)

You might want to become familiar with more class actions cases, including the pending Garen Meguerian v Apple, Inc.
# May 07 2011 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
I hope someone other than Sony does the testing, we all know how good they "beta" test stuff.
# May 08 2011 at 6:22 AM Rating: Decent
shadyn wrote:
I hope someone other than Sony does the testing, we all know how good they "beta" test stuff.

If you had bothered to do about 30 seconds of reseach before you posted you would have already had the anwer to this obvious question - a 3rd party securtiy firm AND the FBI are involved, there does that gove you a warm fuzzy feeling?
One of the lawsuits filed so far
# May 07 2011 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
269 posts
One of the lawsuits filed so far
# May 07 2011 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
156 posts
This isn't going to help anybody. There will be no winners here (except the lawyers who will make money regardless)This is just going to hurt everyone. Bunch of turds is my opinion. First the hackers attack Sony and then the Lawyers come sniffing around to gobble up the leavings. What a waste of flesh they all are.

Edited, May 7th 2011 4:22pm by Ucnia
"Is it just me or did that dragon just look at us funny?"
One of the lawsuits filed so far
# May 07 2011 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
Adani wrote:

going to be interesting to see if it is actually accepted by the courts, especially since the supreme court just recenlty ruled on crass action suits and contracts with abritration clauses in them. Oh and the suit that caused the decision was filed in California

even if the crass action suit goes through it will be at least 5 years before it is decided the lawyers will get 50 mil and the end users will get a coupon good for 15.00 off their next purchase.

In crass action suits no one wins but the law firms.

Wonder if Sony will decide to keep teh networks down until a decision is made

Edited, May 7th 2011 4:50pm by eq2ctplayer
One of the lawsuits filed so far
# May 07 2011 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
going to be interesting to see if it is actually accepted by the courts, especially since the supreme court just recenlty ruled on crass action suits and contracts with abritration clauses in them. Oh and the suit that caused the decision was filed in California

Do you call it a CRASS ACTION law suit because it's a Japanese company? Maybe we will all win some Robster Craws in the settlement! <8D

Edited, May 7th 2011 6:46pm by Mcogre
One of the lawsuits filed so far
# May 08 2011 at 6:13 AM Rating: Decent
Mcogre wrote:
going to be interesting to see if it is actually accepted by the courts, especially since the supreme court just recenlty ruled on crass action suits and contracts with abritration clauses in them. Oh and the suit that caused the decision was filed in California

Do you call it a CRASS ACTION law suit because it's a Japanese company? Maybe we will all win some Robster Craws in the settlement! <8D

Edited, May 7th 2011 6:46pm by Mcogre

No I call it crass action becasue 99 percent of them are stupid. The end user gets a few cents while the legal firms net millions of dollars, the lawyers are the only ones that win in a crass action suit. Would use other words for this type of litigation, but most forums and vulgarity filters that would block it, same with the low life ambulance chasers that drool over the expected income from these types of litigation - there is only one winner in crass action litigation that is the ambulance chasers
One of the lawsuits filed so far
# May 07 2011 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
6 posts
I think whomever starts a frivolous lawsuit like this should be charged for wasting the courts time. Jacktards. Its a GAME, I dont care how long you have been playing it, its not an INVESTMENT. Unless you are one of the people in EUROPE that had their OLD credit info taken and somehow were financially wounded, you should find something else to do. YOU PEOPLE ARE NOT ENTITLED TO ANYTHING!

Grow up
One of the lawsuits filed so far
# May 07 2011 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
269 posts
Just as information. Companies have a fiduciary responsibility to protect customers, including, but not limited to, customer information. IF a company is found to be negligent in providing reasonable and customary safeguards, including notifications of compromised security, a company CAN be found liable for damages, both actual and punitive.

Oh and the proper terminology is "class action".

The recent Supreme Court ruling to which you are referring would have no bearing on the lawsuit recently filed against Sony.
One of the lawsuits filed so far
# May 08 2011 at 6:38 AM Rating: Decent
Adani wrote:
Just as information. Companies have a fiduciary responsibility to protect customers, including, but not limited to, customer information. IF a company is found to be negligent in providing reasonable and customary safeguards, including notifications of compromised security, a company CAN be found liable for damages, both actual and punitive.

Oh and the proper terminology is "class action".

The recent Supreme Court ruling to which you are referring would have no bearing on the lawsuit recently filed against Sony.

Actaully if you read your service terms for the game, SOE has a binding arbitration clause in the document you so blissfully agree to without reading,

No, "class action" is no the correct term for that type of stupidity, but most, if not all forums have vulgarity filter that would block the references for the ambulance chasers love, crass action is the closest that will be allowed through the filter for this stupidity.
One of the lawsuits filed so far
# May 08 2011 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
269 posts
May I suggest you actually READ the Supreme Court Ruling as well as do some research as to when and under what legal circumstances binding arbitration applies. You might actually be enlightened.
One of the lawsuits filed so far
# May 08 2011 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
Adani wrote:
Just as information. Companies have a fiduciary responsibility to protect customers, including, but not limited to, customer information. IF a company is found to be negligent in providing reasonable and customary safeguards, including notifications of compromised security, a company CAN be found liable for damages, both actual and punitive.

Oh and the proper terminology is "class action".

The recent Supreme Court ruling to which you are referring would have no bearing on the lawsuit recently filed against Sony.

Actually according to your link it woupd - SOE has a abritration cluse written into the agreement that you so blissfully say ok to

No the proper temr for this stupidity wold not make it through the vulgarity filter, crass or crap action suits aree the closest socially acceptable terms for the ambulance chaser suits

Come to reflect on it - A profit windfall for law firms suit would also fit and make it through the language filter

Edited, May 8th 2011 8:40am by eq2ctplayer
One of the lawsuits filed so far
# May 07 2011 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
and until all the investigations are concluded , the idiot filing the lawsuit(s) has no basis for declaring SoE violated jack or sh*t.

But of course being the land of CHACHING JACKPOT courtcases , whats right or whats actually happened or even whats lawful has little to do with alot of cases. So long as someone can stick it to the companies!
Hah, 7 Day trial
# May 07 2011 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
Ironically I get a 7 day trial from WoW via my email to come back and try them out again, coincidence? I think not!
Lord of the Rings Online
# May 07 2011 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
6 posts

Bam, Free, Awesome to play, and alot of lore. Its got me hooked!
Sony is useless
# May 07 2011 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
The hackers that did that aspect are bad dogs who deserve a swack with a newspaper.

Edited, May 7th 2011 4:19pm by Tazotao
Sony is useless
# May 07 2011 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
Tazotao wrote:
The hackers that did that aspect are bad dogs who deserve a swack with a newspaper.

Edited, May 7th 2011 4:19pm by Tazotao

they deserve a lot more then that - about 50 years in a prison that still has chain gangs
miss eq
# May 07 2011 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
miss EQ but this is a game and not RL i do enjoy playing for the past 11 and half yrs but since the game is down im gettin alot more done in RL as this is more important.. hope they get whatever is <broke> fixed cuz im running out of things to get done as my list is dwindling fast and i took the holiday off at the end of the month to marathon eq so i hope they get it up and running by then ....
Facebook Links
# May 07 2011 at 1:13 PM Rating: Good
761 posts
EQ (facebook):!/EverQuestLive

SoE (facebook):
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
Not so accurate
# May 07 2011 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
Continued patience?! Grrrr!
Not so accurate
# May 07 2011 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
eteract wrote:
Continued patience?! Grrrr!

Yes - patience

Maybe it's time to move on?
# May 07 2011 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
134 posts
I've been playing the game since 2000, and I've enjoyed the release and basics of the game. But I've also been screwed over by Sony numerous times as well..when then change my names to NameX BS, and don't bother responding to my gripes and ******* about how I should be able to retain my original name or take a new one instead of live as an "x". BS.

I guess when all is said and done...and I burn out my free month and my subscription, I'd just dry up and find a life outside. Of course, I know I'm only kidding myself.
Sony is worthless
# May 07 2011 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
Quit playing this game on live eons ago due to customer service. At least now the world gets to see how awful Sony really is. If they didn't sell so many electronics products I'd completely boycott them.

Thank goodness for project 99 and related groups. A quick Google will fix those of you really Jonesing.
# May 07 2011 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
6 posts
I think its silly folks cant find anything else to do during this time.. but what I find sillier is if folks are that into EQ why not go play on an EMU server? They have them up to underfoot from what I understand now.. I played on an old version of VZ/TZ for a bit and it was fun.

So if your missing your eq go EMU it till the servers come back up.. its free! The only downside is you have to get a copy of underfoot and create like a seperate thing to log into emu servers but use a flash drive.

Gluck folks!
# May 07 2011 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
any suggestions? I heard about these a while ago but never found out much on how they work.
# May 07 2011 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
you can also just change the name of the original folder and make a back up file. no flash drive required.
# May 07 2011 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Hmmm.... What clock are they constantly working around, I wonder? Not the same one I have on my wall.

More like "sitting" around the clock methinks.

Show how you feel.
# May 07 2011 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
BBB of San Diego (San Diego, CA)
5050 Murphy Canyon, Ste. 110
San Diego, CA 92123
Phone: (858)496-2131
Fax: (858)496-2141
Ruined my life
# May 07 2011 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
156 posts
OK my life is ruined. First my dealer decides to get married and quit dealing and now this. My favorite shows are no longer on TV. What happened to Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Friends? I even cleaned my apartment. It didn't take me too long either. Just a couple days with a rake. I tried that walking thing and went all the way around the block. Boy was I tired when I got back. BTW I did find my dog when I was cleaning the apartment. I wondered where he had gotten off to. Poor Fellow. That sun thing is still out there too BTW. Avoid that! My skin hurts from going outside. I think it's a conspiracy (Sun, Sony see the connection? Just add a Y - well kinda) THERE'S NOTHING TO DO! Aaaaaahhhhh! [bangs head against wall]
"Is it just me or did that dragon just look at us funny?"
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