Patcher Woes

Let me express what many of you are feeling right now: Arrrrrrrrrgh! Let me in! Let me in! I want my Kitty! *breathe* OK. According to Sony, they are aware of the problems and are working on them, including bringing on more patching servers. Why they didn't think of this before, since this is almost identical to what happened at the original release is beyond me, but I'm sure they want you to play their game as much as you want to play it. Feel free to use this forum to try to help each other get into the game or to just console each other while you wait.


Post Comment
Help for Anger
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:57 PM Rating: Default
Play Doom Quake Heretic or my fav..........Wolfenstein 3D.
RE: Help for Anger
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:00 PM Rating: Default
....i see a trend here......all can run on any new computer but is an old game.....DOS
For ALL you Crack Addicts
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:54 PM Rating: Default
OK I too am a crack addict but my crack flows. I am not suffering for withdraw. Just now I NEED MORE. 2 more hours til i get home and the crack will FLOW.
RE: For ALL you Crack Addicts
# Dec 11 2002 at 11:24 AM Rating: Default
What's funny is all these people that were crying about the SoL models... They are SOOO much better than the old models and it took forever for everyone to realize it... lol
Any way to vent?
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:53 PM Rating: Default
and BTW ( I got alot to say t'night eh?) has any1 come up witha good way to vent this anger? cuz theres no way this is healthy lol any ideas r appreciated. atm I"m listenin to Break suff by limp bizkit ( kinda old song ) but its violence and anger kinda helps let go
Again.... Reico Oakenshield
RE: Any way to vent?
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:04 PM Rating: Good
1lb of clay
ruler (std size and solid)
polished rock or similar object
20 toothpicks
any additional clay tools

Make clay figures representing the members of Verant (pick any form that appeals to you). When finished, use your imagination and share your pain with your new Verant toy(s).
RE: Any way to vent?
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:39 AM Rating: Default
I must say that after figuring out that my lag problem is a memory issue I quit playing for the night and came here to see if any new posts had arrisen. Lo and Behold I came across a constuctive way to take out my anger.... I got everything but the clay.. am getting THAT tomorrow!!

LOL Thanks for the laugh.. It was needed!

Problem I haven't seen mentioned yet...
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:48 PM Rating: Default
Hello oh so many, I haven't been able to get in yet. But unlike many of you, I haven't even made it past the patching stage yet.

You see, my patching is telling me that it will take 15 hours. And while I understand that it probably won't, it gets me worried when I leave for 5 hours and it barely gets done 20 percent of the files.

I understand that its tons of new retexturing. But the fact that I have 128 megs and won't be able to see any of it anyway pisses me off severely. Is there any way I can skip this until I get the upgrade, or must I suffer through pointlessly?

Any help is appreciated.

50ish mage of Povar
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:46 PM Rating: Default
ok this is stupid it took half a day and 6 to 7 trys to finnaly get the patch downloaded, then finnaly got on, nice to say what I seen of some of the graphics it was not to bad but evertime I zone I get disconnected, is anyone else having the same problem.

Aebaeb the Necro

Varant gets smacked upside the head with a big stick for 5090 pts and a leach spell on them
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:49 PM Rating: Default
ya, I got on once, and as Soon as I zone I get disconnected, this is real *ucked up
Reico Oakenshield
Paladin mad enough to turn into a Shadow knight and go ona killin spree in verants offices, maybe I"ll join that insane mage....
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:55 PM Rating: Default
I did too manage to get on for a bit. Got to kill an elephant the short time I was on.
It was weird seeing only a few people in the zone, and those blasted black boxes. I quit playing because the boxes were really getting annoying... Well, that and they were shutting the server down... Ok, I'll crawl back to my corner now

Tunare Combat Medic of the 18th
Karana server
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:38 PM Rating: Default
Ok, I'm a paladin, and I like to roleplay, usually I don't get too mouthy or nuthin but, U STUPID CLOWNS AT VERANT?! WTF! My comps totally screwed,EQ wont work at all, and for all the ppl saying upgradings cheap, yea right! at least not in canada it isn't, especially when ur a *ucking GR 8! how am I suppose to come up with the money for all this new cr@p? huh? and the ppl saying they might quit cuz of this, well, I might too! EQ is the best game ever! but these money grubbin jerks at verant just always gotta take more money from us! EQ, as good as it is, just isn't worth the trouble for me to keep payin evry time they update it! Last year around xmas they updated it I had to get rid of EQ then and wait till end of summer this year when I finally got my comp all upgraded and $hit. DO I GOTTA WAIT ANOTHER YEAR AGAIN?!!??!!?
Reico Oakenshield
Paladin of Mithaniel Marr, and the 25th season
Torvonnilus server
Dont shun me!!!
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:36 PM Rating: Default
Dont you just love all these people who think we're "pathetic" because we're upset about a game not working? Well, I for one am upset because I can't get it to work! I'm paying $10 a month, plus expansion for this and I cant do anything.
I know some clown is going to reply to this and say "Oh well 40 bucks is nothing", well, let me tell you what: If $40 is nothing, then why dont you send ME $40, since it's just chump change to you, Mr. Clown?
I come home to relax to this, and it doesnt even work! You wouldnt be taking sides if I were to speak of a TV I bought at the store that was broken! I can see it now, some dope will say: "Oh, just fork over $100 to the store so they can repair it. No need to get rid of it. $100 is nothing."
I hope Verant gets this project back in line and in tune with their customers. If not I'll quit. Why? Because it would be throwng money down the drain if I were to stay.

Tunare Combat Medic of the 18th
Karana Server
No 3D Devices Found
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:33 PM Rating: Default
Has anyone figured out how to solve this problem? Each time I try to log into EQ I get that message. It has happened in the past but all I had to do was restart my computer and it would go away. Tried doing that a bunch of times already and nothing has happened. Please post if you have any solutions or ideas.

Neriek Fizzlestab
40th Season Necromancer
Delharen D'Oloth- Veeshan
I wish....
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:33 PM Rating: Default
As I was sitting here, letting my mind degenerate, I thought of such a nice scenario...

Scene:VI HQ. Insane Mage from Povar approaches building, apparently very pissed off. He is rambling something about 20 hour patches and broken systems and crappy CS. Now he has reached the door, and 2 security guards walk towards him.

Guard 1: I'm sorry sir, but we'll need to see your ID card to let you in here.

Insane Mage: NO 3D CARD HUH???? GAAAAAH!!!

(Insane Mage's hands flare and he eviscerates both the guards with an explosion of steel)

Insane Mage: NYAAAAAAH!!!!

Insane Mage continues on to the VI office complex, and takes the elevator up. When he reaches the 13th floor, he steps off and finds a pack of VI tech people...he realizes that the reason that the patches haven't been working is because the people at VI have been eating Papa John's Pizza and watching the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show constantly for 2 weeks straight. Insane Mage erupts into a fury, and summons his air pet to wreak havoc unto the fools!

Insane Mage: Now, Jabobner, UNLEASH THE WRATH OF THE GIMPY MAGI!!!

Insane Mage turns to realize with horror that his air pet is now.....a GENIE...


Insane Mage types /mage get lost and kills himself.

The End.

RE: I wish....
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
Haha..that was a great story. Sadly the part about eating pizza and slacking off is probably a bit true about Verant. Blizzard Entertainment they will never be. At least most other companies will wait til the game is in proper working order before they release it no matter how long it takes. They were in a hurry to get their money and the proper amount of testing was never done on this expansion/upgrade.
RE: I wish....
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:38 PM Rating: Default
Beautiful story, lets work on getting it published LOL

Tunare Combat Medic of the 18th
Karana server
Download Problems
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:31 PM Rating: Default
I am having problems downloading only one file... I got all the rest of the update files, and when it gets to 'sharvahl_sounds.eff' it freezes for about 30 minutes. Then it continued all the rest of the downloads. Once it was finished it keeps trying to dl the sharvahl file...I got as much help as I could from and I downloaded their updater fix, but it still doesn't work.
Well this is shit
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:24 PM Rating: Default
Well lets see here I definetly hold up to Verants **** *** requirements or so I thought. See I dont have too big a harddrive.. my downfall for money reasons. Anyway I wanted to put all the new zones on... cant happen 1.1gigs for a f%$$in game! Good God this better be a hella good game right? F34k no! This is ****! I get into the game and automatically I lag out! I GOT A FREAKIN CABLE CONNECTION! I COULD FREEZONE BEFORE LUCLIN! wtf is up with that! All I wanna know is where do I sign up to kick the creator, team, and all of SOE and VERANTS ASSES UP BETWEEN THEIR SHOULDERS FOR THIS ****!

(A very distraught EQer.)
Running slow
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:22 PM Rating: Default
At this time, I had a witch of a time doing the download last night - had to close & reopen the patch program about every 3 files.

However, once I got past the patch program I logged in fine. A bit of tweaking of the model sets I want - I had 300+K but only got 15 models :( - and I was online & cruising around Norath. The cat city however was another story. Any time I go into any of the open areas, I drop to about 2 frames per second.

I did manage to find several solutions for the problem :
Most Video cards have options to balance speed vs quality - play with the settings to see what you can do.
Lower the resolution of the graphics - they come in High Med & Low.
Lower the Clip Plane - My system will run at decent speed - 20-30 fps with the lowest clip plane down to about 2fps @ 3/4 out.

Right now, I am still in the process of balancing these & some other settings to get the performance I like best.

CPU 850 Duron
Mem 368 that EQ recognizes.
Video - 64meg integrated - sort of works right but steals mem from the system for some reason.

The download seemed to go a lot smoother after running a scandisk & defrag.
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:22 PM Rating: Default
Theres no way im letting them steal my cash, ill be bombing their help email addresses, DoSing their servers and doing anything i can to ***** them over.
piss off
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:19 PM Rating: Decent
hey you anonimous jokers who have been able to play and are flaming the rest of us. ***** YOU!!!!
You'd be ******** just as hard right now if you were in our shoes. I hope you get farted on by innoruks minions and die. So **** off.
RE: piss off
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:22 PM Rating: Default
it's anonymous. sorry. go you!
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:17 PM Rating: Default
...I know that people are pissed off...but pissed off enough to QUIT? That's ridiculous...from any point of view. Please tell me that you can stop playing this game for a week or so till things are straightened out. Please tell me that you can stop playing EQ for a day. Or an hour. Please tell me that you can stop playing EQ at any time. If you can't, you need help. If you are quitting the entire game because you can't play for a week, you need help as well. It's not that bad folks...if you take into consideration all of the stuff Verant is updating, I'm not surprised one bit that it has taken so long. I admit: The system requirements are a bit high now, but prices are so cheap on computer stuff now that most people can upgrade easily. I am in High School with a part time job, and I found it easy to upgrade to specifications. If you need help on upgrading, go to On the east coast you can buy 512 MB of RAM for $39.99. You can get a brand new Motherboard at 1 GHz for 50, and a new processor for $20. Trust me, it's simply not that bad. Trying to make 400,000 computers work on the same game at once is no easy task, and Verant is trying their damned hardest to make it work. Sure, there could have been a lot more planning, but people are taking this too far. Calm down! :)
RE: Yeah...
# Dec 07 2001 at 7:48 PM Rating: Default
you have no idea what you are talking about BOZO... stuff is Cheap in what country???... what a dic* to tell other people what they can and can not afford... some of us including me have put a lot of time into our characters never to see them again... they are being held ransom... if we want them bad enough, i guess we would put out the 1000 of dollars it will take for some to get their character back... and even then, it's 50-50... man, what a ding bat...
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:15 PM Rating: Default
Well, I can only agree with what most everyone is saying.This is ridiculous, and I'm very, very close to cancellation.

You will like this one. Got in finally, after numerous gyrations, reloading the game, patches, etc.

But, my 40 ranger is now holding, yes, a flag???, where his wyrmslayer once was. And, black screen, cursor is black-highlighted, and black just about everything else.

If anyone knows what is wrong, I'd greatly apprecaite a response. In the meantime, Verant should be shot, buried, dug up and shot again for this SNAFU.

I salute the rest of you with my flag for your courage and patience, now that I no longer have a weapon in that hand.
RE: Housemouse
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:37 PM Rating: Default
I have been having the same problems and I meet or exceed all requirements. My friend was able to get ahold of a GM (he was having probs too) and was told that Pentium chips and Directx8.1 don't interface properly. He then tried to blame it on Intel. I don't know about anyone else but I pay Sony/Verant every month NOT Intel. Therfore it is a Sony/Verant problem! I will be writing Sony/Verant and I encourage everyone to do the same. Good luck all!

Norrith Valkirn
Shadow Knight of the 25th Season
Tholuxe Paells
Not Every EQ Customer is SOL for Luclin
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:14 PM Rating: Default
Most of the people that i know that play the game can and have been for at least the past 12 to 18 hours. AND as we have played there are a lot of people playing to...SO not ALL are having problems. and MIGHT not ever say MOST.......maybe SOME.
Oh hush...
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:12 PM Rating: Default
You cant sew them... the EULA protects them.. hence they dont have to reimburse for patch time... GEEZ some of you are a bunch of cry babies.. so you can't play EQ for a day or two, you'll live. Why waste your time and Verants with this. Can you even imagine what the retainer on a group of lawyers good enough to scare Sony would cost?


# Dec 05 2001 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
And i thought i was the only one getting pissed!! Good job verant! Ive been playing video games since atari 2600, and this is by far the worst cluster fook of a game luanch I've EVER witnessed. How much do you pay your testers? OR are they realy chimps, playing with their own monkey nuts instead of actualy testing your chicken shiat software?
UNTIED WE STAND!! time to kick some verent/sony azz!
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
This is a copy of a post from yesterday, I thought it needed to be posted again!
Reposting yet again!!
A class action suit has been started today against Sony / Verant. If you are a player and purchased the SOL expansion and were not able to log in today, you can join the suit and possibly get reimbursed for the cost of the expansion and this month's monthly fees. All of the current 400,000 plus subscribers are invited to join.
If you are interested in joining the class-action suit, please email Andy Llora Esq. at Please use the subject line "Sony / Verant Class Action Suit" in your emails. Andy is the lead attorney from Llora, Trillo and Scrotus partners LLP.
Although we all enjoy the game, the latest actions from Sony / Verant in regards to this expansion are nothing less than breach of contract. Please join us in the fight to keep these corporate giants in check.
RE: UNTIED WE STAND!! time to kick some verent/sony azz!
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:38 PM Rating: Default
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! im all for that *** verant and his lil butt-buddies
RE: UNTIED WE STAND!! time to kick some verent/sony azz!
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
I do not mean to sound rash or harsh. I am pretty ticked off too about this stuff occuring, especially with 3 pooters in my apartement, each with a separate account. But as for filing a law suit. Sure, it could work, and Verant could pay each of us, say $20 for the month, but just wait until next month when everyone's monthly fees go up to $15 or more. Like I said, this is very unfair, but a lawsuit, is going overboard. I would like my money back too, but I do not feel like paying more in the future. I know many of the players in college or high school are taking finals right now, including me. I am actually enjoying a few days away from the game to study. Of course, I am still downloading the patches and finding new drivers, even for my mouse.... Good luck EveryBody...

Allutok Fromme
Halfling Druid of the 35th Season
Precedents of the Gods
Cazic Server
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:05 PM Rating: Default
Has anybody noticed that SoL, which stands for "Shadows of Luclin", also stands for the expression "Sh*t outta luck",which is what every EQ customer is right now.
RE: EuripidesNutz
# Dec 06 2001 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
I've been thinking of that as the name of the expansion ever since the initials were announced. I always said that this expansion was when all the problems that people /petition about would be solved, because the GM's response was always S.O.L. And lo and behold, I was right: you can't play any more, so all your in-game problems are over.
RE: EuripidesNutz
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:08 PM Rating: Decent
Hehhe, I got that one yesterday!! ;)
not worth the trouble
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:04 PM Rating: Default
Hmmmm after looking at all the new system requirements it seems to me the management of everquest has basicly stepped on their own d*cks not only do I have to now get more RAM but also a new graphics card, as well as spend more time i really dont have, to search for and download drivers. Now i have played with alot of people in the game who have the bare bones minumum and cant afford more. I know i can't afford to buy all the new stuff to get it running, I could barely afford the $10 a month to play, was basicly a luxury. seems to me they are gonna lose alot of business over this mine included. for all you who can afford to upgrade everything or already have the juice to play happy hunting, as for you people at sony and veriant your foresight is up there on the same level as a bunch of politicians which is to say you have none.
RE: not worth the trouble
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent
Forgot to figure in the cost for the luclin expansion as well when i posted the 1st winded comment....
The Blues
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:00 PM Rating: Default
After spending over $600 for a new operating system with problems that took two days to work out; downloading over a phoneline for 8 1/2 hours, finding out I had no 3D device (ya, sure...64 meg video I shelled out for), I finally get to the sign-in screen and it won't accept a password I have used for 1 year. So, sending out countless emails to a mechanical brain that form emails me back, trying th 1-858-537-0898 number for 6 hours getting a busy signal each time, I sit here worn out, angry, even to the point of somehow begging them at their good graces to give me for free the days I have been shutdown due to patches, upgrades and the like over the 2+ years I have played this game, I can't even make sense at this point. I definitely see the fact they need competition from some other source.

Well, I vented for whatever it was worth. I can't even get anyone live to gripe at. I know the poor GM moderators will take a beating from the mass of humanity that can get on the system long enough to vent to them and that is not fair. Verant will be in the background counting up the loot he/she has managed to squeeze out of the players for the last 3 years and probably on the yacht.

Am I rambling? I feel exhausted at this point and really don't care if I play the game anymore. I think this is what has happened to several of my friends over the past 2 years. They just wore out from forever-running patches that may last 15 mins to 6 hours...who knows?
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:59 PM Rating: Default
Verant sucks.
Ive got a Bard with a full suit of Lambent, uber weapons, and a couple of thousand pp, and the game was working fine for me until this some idiot at Verant got the idea to put this patch in.
Most of the other EQ players Ive talked with on the Net are on the verge of just quitting and canceling their accounts.
And also, hav you EVER heard ANYONE on EQ complaining that the world of Norrath isn't big enough already and another continent needs to be added?
Nobody wanted a new continent. Nobody needed a new continent.
So from all the EQ people paying Verant right now through their online accounts, and still unable to play the game-
***** Verant.
Well sir...
# Dec 05 2001 at 8:55 PM Rating: Default
Well sir, I speak for a lot of people here when I say that I cant exactly dish out a lot of money just for a new chipset or operating system. You see a LOT of us here have OTHER things to pay for. You do realize that right? We're not all sheltered in and able to afford top notch operating equipment like you and our "buddies" at Verant.
The chunk of us that are having problems are victims of extremely bad planning.
Both my bird fingers go up: One to Verant for ******** up a large majority of their customers. And another to these w00t l33t punks that think everyone who owns a computers has the resources to keep it entirely up to date.
Oh! Hey! Let me just pull some money out my rear for the both of you, okay?

Tunare Combat Medic of the 18th
Karana server
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