Rumors Swirl on EQ2

In the recent EQ newsletter, Sony put in a puzzle that led to two websites: and (Congratulations to the gang at the safehouse for solving the riddle). Each site brings up an image and the Nektulos one mentions an announcement coming up in May. May is of course when E3 is held. This is the biggest gaming convention of the year, and game companies typically try to save their biggest announcements for the large group of press that comes to E3 each year. So what is Sony going to announce in May? It may be something like a single player game based upon Everquest, or the release of some new zones. However, do not be surprised if it is the launch of Everquest 2. I don't have any positive information on this and am really just speculating, but since they already announced the PS2 version of the game and the Planes of Power expansion, it seems logical that this is not related to either of them. Why make a teaser for something everyone already knows about? And they have never put this type of effort into announcing free content for the game. EQ2, however, would be a huge announcement. In addition, I have been told that the latest version of PC Gamer mentions EQ2 (I have not read it -- I'll try to track down a copy). Plus, Sony has had registered for quite a while. So the announcement Sony plans to make in May could well be that they are making EQ2. Or they could just be announcing another expansion or something related to the PS2 version of the game or even something completely unrelated to Everquest. We will be in Los Angeles for E3, so as soon as we find out more, we'll let you know. In the meantime, some of our visitors managed to piece together the murky pictures you see in the two sites.
  • Wailing Caves Full Image
  • Nektulos Full Image
  • Feel free to throw in your own thoughts about what this means. UPDATE (Again): Link already dead.


    Post Comment
    Item Breaking
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:56 PM Rating: Default
    Guys I think you are wrong with the item breaking stuff. The letter states that "High end player made items" will break. The new EQ will have some tradeskill classes in it, so to keep a market for them, the items they make will break, I don't think all item will break, only the player made ones. They will probably compensate by being excellent items for the level required to make them or something... It will just make the tradeskills really useful in EQ2...

    I might be wrong though...

    /51 Druid
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:48 PM Rating: Default
    Okay, I'll try my hand at this: Is the current EQ THAT bad? I could play on the EQ that is right now and be satisfied forever. Yes, new stuff is good but everyone is in the state of mind that you HAVE to change EQ constantly. I just think, unless something DRASTIC happens, VI should tone down the constant updating a bit. And that anonymous person is right, who actually speaks like that in real life (i.e. GO F*CK EQ2! Peace out my homies) AND plays EQ? I would think the percentage is slim to none. I doubt I will walk into a ghetto and see some gangs sitting around a network of computers cussing out people on EQ (though it sounds like it would be fun, lol). And the other people that keep saying 'don't play EQ if you don't like it' don't respect what the great impact of customer feedback, good or bad, has on what companies do. If no one said that they didn't like anything though they really don't like something, then the companies would think it was a success, even if the majority of people hated it. So if there is a LARGE amount of people saying how much they hate the ideas of the new EQ2, then I think 'good, I hope they change some of their ideas beause of this'. And oh yeah, most people I talk to on EQ live in the US, at least on the server that I play on, and don't forget that little amendment freedom of speech. So voice your own opinions, don't criticize others'. PEACE OUT!!! Sorry, couldn't help myself :)
    /em checks for bruises.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:36 PM Rating: Decent
    Sorry its taken me so long to check, but I'm done now. For all of you complaining about Verant ripping people off, money-grubbing bastards, etc, etc....fear not. I have just checked both arms. Apparently, Verant has not yet twisted my arm and made me spend any money on their products that I did not want to spend. Any questions?
    Eq Future
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:26 PM Rating: Default
    So Will EQ2 be a totally different game and we can still play the original EQ? Or will the original EQ be gone forever? If so, why continue to play the original?
    Amazing Immaturity
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:13 PM Rating: Default
    First of all... To all the Lamers that think swearing makes them adults...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    Second of all, QUIT! Go play some other game and take your immature comments with you. When you learn to communicate like a human being then maybe you will understand Verant's position. Think of it this way... you play EQ to get bigger and better stuff and kill uber mobs? Why shouldn't VI try to do the same with their programs.

    Third of All, I don't have any bro's so shut yer pie hole!
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:10 PM Rating: Default
    Ok well **** you verant...
    over 50 people in my florida residency, have just said, this **** comes out, **** everquest
    thanks for ruining a game.
    Good bye to some of your money, wont phase you much seeing how the sheep of america will buy buy buy!
    Would i play eq2?
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:10 PM Rating: Good
    Well i have just been reading some of the proposed features of EQ2.

    Items breaking
    A huge time waster and another way to get yourself accidently killed. It adds another factor to the list of potential things to get you killed just because of plain bad luck - regardless of your actual skill at playing the game.
    Sure its realistic, but this is a game. As a potential customer of the game, this feature is one of the biggest turns off for me. In all sincerity this one factor by itself is *almost* enough to make me not play.

    No twinking
    If you really implement this, you will lose players to a competitors product that does allow it - period.
    I will not justify if twinking is good one way or the other, but this will be the end result. Qed!
    Verant - this are your investment dollars you are gambling with. Your call!

    Mobs zoning
    I can live with this. Although Im sure nasty trains are going to occur and ppl will learn how to exploit them early. I can already think of a few nasty scenarios but also one or two beneficial ones too.
    Verant - this feature may not turn your potential customer base away, but could seriously cause you a lot of grief through unseen consequences.
    Like autofollow in lava or rocky areas, "You have been warned"

    Localised banking infrastructure
    I love the current banking format. This feature sounds like a big, and i mean *BIG* time waster. I think there are more important things to spend my valuable online time with than playing EQs version of Fed-Ex.

    Minimum System requirements
    Sadly the soil in our backyard has a poor nitrogen level so our money tree just doesnt grow much.

    Superb new graphics
    Honesly couldnt care. Im happy with 640*480 fairly low resolution and minimal/no spell effects. See above point about our money tree.

    New character creation
    New character creation and advancement system - still deciding, but it sounds ultra bland at this early stage.

    Persistent dwellings
    Couldnt care less. Would only be something I could be bothered worrying about if there was a tactical reason for it and/or my friends wanted to make a communal one for us.
    Apart from that I have no compulsion to create a virtual house that has no benefit for the sake of feeling I own somethign in computer land - its like a virutal dog pissing on a virtual tree.

    Online help/support
    Verant - if you go ahead and build this new game then please design the help/support functionality as part of the game's core architecture.

    If Verant enforces the first 2 points about items breaking and no twinking, I will not play.
    Verant may decide to make these features configurable as part of a server's rule set. This will allow for a spectrum of servers over the potential realism settings. I would just chose the less realistic rule set servers.
    I have no problem with stating this. I undersand all to well its a game. It is played for entertainment and enjoyment. I will decide how I spend my online time and more importantly, with whom I spend my online dollars.
    The issues of item breaking, no twinking and localised banking I view as a waste of time (and my hard earned money) when I could be out doing something far more entertaining.

    Would I play EQ?:
    Verant cons customer:
    Customer scowls *very* dubiously
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 24 2002 at 9:09 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If you don't want to play the new EQ, don't f*cking play it. No one will miss you. If you're that f*cking addicted to the damn game that you refuse to move on to something this much better, than you need to get some f*cking help. All of you who are ******** and moaning about this new improved EQ are all f*cking fanboys and weren't around for the original EQ, and by that i mean pre-Kunark. This **** you guys play doesn't even qualify as EQ anymore, its just a bunch of 12 year olds xp grinding trying to get into the uberest guild of their server. Sounds like a lot of fun to me (sarcasm intended). So for all I care, you gimps can stay with your 5 year old graphics engine and hack away at fire beatles with your gimp *** twinks. I sure as hell won't be, but then again I'm not addicted to a f*cking computer game either. F*ck ya'll, peace out.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:05 PM Rating: Default
    This new EQ game seems a lot like Shadowbane, but minus the coolness and building of cities etc. EQ has had its time in the sun, I don't think too many people are going to want to be screwed b y verant again. Also, casters realm has the story that will be in June PCGamer I believe, or at least part of it..and some more screenshots than are available here, one of befallen that looked kind of cool and impossibly horribly lag-inducing.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 24 2002 at 9:01 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) you guys eq2 is totaly gay
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 24 2002 at 8:52 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) *SNIFF* *SNIFF* Oh, that smell is just the bloated corpse of EQ. Oh, and take those screenshots now, cause your uber characters will soon be a bit of reformated data on the Verant servers. Man, what will all you loosers do now?
    This sucks hard
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
    Come on guys get with it. Yes I know you can't keep upgrading the current EQ (what the hell is planes of power anyway? That is about as half assed as you can get, essentially ripping off hate and fear) but to so drasticly change the game ugh. I say cut the 3 latest continents and give the old ones some new content WITH OUT making me go out and pay 39.99 to get it. Besides as some of you newbies may not have figured out most of the high end EQ is about raiding. It is absolutely retarded to make stuff that breaks because IT WILL PROMOTE FARMING. Does that need repeating? At some point during the raids on these new zones, and there will be raids I assure you of that, someone is going to need to get there weapon fixed. Ohh look it can't be fixed anymore! I can almost guarentee you it will be as closely related to the DAoC system as they cal legally get away with. This means at some point you will have to get another one, and as such since your there, why not get 2, or 3, or 20. Eventually people will get tired of having to run back and forth, back and forth, just to get the same damn weapon they had before. Also, does anyone else find it quite ironic that, though this isn't slated for release till late '03 they already have an expansion planed? Way to leech money off your gamers you rat bastards at VI. Beyond that does anyone else recall the "Great new graphics" that we were promised with SoL? I bet the server will either a) be so bogged down with lag because VI is to cheap to get compitent people to get it going smoothly or b) The promised graphics will only be available if you have a DSL connection and a beyond state-of-the-art computer system or else the lag will cripple you and make the whole thing worth as much the plastic in the case and the paper board in the box it came in.
    wander what they are Smokin
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:49 PM Rating: Decent
    THats Jacked as i was reading i liked the idea that cabilis was destryed overrun or wwhat ever but they just makin tocomplecated its Fallout Meet the Sims this is gonna suck and like the guy above i have worked to hard on my chareters to just ditch them ***** that. VI take that stuff out of your Pipe cuase like most of us we aint gonna play and you can File chapter 11 Bankruptcy like Eron cause its gonna become a ghost land out there.

    Backy Impailer
    Level 42

    Verant have a good day and dont let thegood door hit ya on your way out to the street!
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:48 PM Rating: Default
    Its a game, if you don't like it don't play.
    So quit your whining and get a life.
    RE: STFU
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:19 PM Rating: Default
    Also this is a board for peoples opinion on this "new" EQ. So dude telling people to STFU needs to go somewhere else. This is for opinion, which so far is EQ2 is gonna suck ***....and i think it is too :) i hate the whole lvl to become what you want thing like dark age and weapons breaking is ************** thing i can't stand about diablo. Plus no twinking...i hate to say it but 99.9% of the people on EQ love to twink, feels good wearing a fungi at lvl1. The game isn't out yet so i got a feeling they will change it alot when they see all the negative feedback. It would be awesome if they would just keep it more like the original EQ, i know its a new game and all....but sometimes the old way is better. I still can't find anything better than EQ as in online multi, just getting tired of seeing the same old thing and hearing the same ole terms. A whole new world with whole new items would be cool. Different classes and races would be cool too. And even though i don't put as much time into the game as i used to....still gonna take offense to the people that say play it or don't play it, it doesn't matter if its working on a car or playing a video game or a job....if oyu put time into it, and money like EQ players have to VI and Sony....we should have some say. So you can STFU.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 24 2002 at 9:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) shut up newb, people put alot of time into the game, its still a game but they did put alot of time in to it. I dont know about you but I dont like wasting my time.
    RE: STFU
    # Apr 24 2002 at 10:27 PM Rating: Default
    who the hell said you were wasteing your time ?. its NOT replaceing the old EQ you dip. its a WHOLE NEW GAME.

    my god people. are people in this world REALLY becomeing this STUPID !?
    EQ2 is seperate
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:45 PM Rating: Default
    By the sound of it EQ2 will be a completely seperate game. Because it looks impossible to transfer out current characters over to EQ2. I also have a feeling it will be a bust. I agree that EQ is not perfect but that they should just keep adding on to it. Also EQ2 is starting to sound alot like DAoC.

    Just my 2 copper

    Ahrehk Soulreaver
    52nd Druid of Karana
    Reavers of Fate
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 24 2002 at 8:44 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) EQ 2 is gonna be a piece of ****...
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:38 PM Rating: Default
    Ok are we gonna be able to use the characters we got now from the original EQ to EQ 2? If we can't then what a waste of time it is playing the original EQ right now. It has taken forever to get my characters to the level they are now. If we have to start all over again, then what a waste of time and money with all that I and countless players have done with original EQ.

    Just my 2 cents.
    I would list my characters names and classes but would take forever to type out.

    RE: Characters
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:03 PM Rating: Good
    1,075 posts

    No, you can pretty much bet we can't. EQ2 won't even have the same type of characters, you don't have stats you pick to start, etc. Keeping the same charcters would make the reason for building an entire new game moot, the way the original characters were coded is part of the reason.

    Its not a waste of time, do you really think with Star wars galaxies, world of warcraft, Vaporbane(oops, shadow),City of heroes and whatever else that you'd still be playing EQ in a year and a half with newer/better things to choose from? This is a video game, its not an equity investment.
    RE: Characters
    # Apr 25 2002 at 9:40 AM Rating: Default
    Ok, I know this isn't a equity investment MR Attitude. BUT I along with countless other have spent many hours working on our characters. I does and will suck to loose all that time and Money.
    RE: Characters
    # Apr 25 2002 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
    noone said you'll lose your EQ characters. if you don't like EQ2 then keeping playing the original.

    sounds to me like EQ2 will be for the more mature gamers interesting more in roleplaying than in creating the ubertwinked level 2 bard.

    and lastly, people, the game hasn't been released. we know almost nothing about it. wait for more information before whining.
    this sux
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
    Look if i wanted to play ultima online i would have stayed with it. get theas UO, and wizards of the cost writers out of the eq world.

    No eq is not perfict and never will be everything that everyone wants. It is a working system but if they release eq2 and force us to go with it i for one am out of here. I have been playing for a year and a half and like most of the changes made a few i would have done differently others i would not have thaught of, However If or when eq2 is released VI and sony can count me out!!

    Just a rant and rave from the pally's view.

    Pally of 51 seasons
    RE: this sux
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:34 PM Rating: Default
    /cheer now you got the idea!
    add onto normal eq
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:26 PM Rating: Default
    I think they should just keep adding onto good old EQ.
    There is no reason to start over, it will just make a big crater for all the players to fall into and die
    They WILL keep more people if they just revamp and add onto normal eq, maybe add the property into normal eq.
    It would use the new ideas with the old world, in my opinion, it would work out much better.
    One thing i have noticed with eq recently, Verant has gotten lazy and is no longer putting lore information into items, it defeats the purpose of the spell, identify, yes i know you use identify to determine between identical quest items but still, i know the GBS identifies as Varsoon's Black Heart, and that tells you about an items history, and to me, that adds to roleplaying.
    It also seems as though EQ is not a roleplaying game, it is not stressed enough. I can't remember the last time i saw someone RPing their race.
    My advice, don't make a new eq
    Actually, they CAN'T just keep changing normal EQ.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:55 PM Rating: Excellent
    1,075 posts

    "I think they should just keep adding onto good old EQ.
    There is no reason to start over, it "

    EQ has a ceiling that they run into time and time again, that ceiling is a game engine from 1999 which can't change that much and still leave things like the character files in the same condition.

    1. Changing the game too much changes the characters to the point where they'd have to wipe the charater files

    2. If they are going to wipe the character files, they may as well build a fully new better EQ

    3. this is what they are doing, it is the correct thing to do.

    Do you remember how for years they said they could not fix the hybrid or hell level xp problems? Well, they can't. In fact they did not fix them, they fudged around them. The xp table is still the same and still has the problems. All they did was use voodoo math after the fact to muliply or divide xp earned. In the example of hybrids they just take any xp the hybrid gets X 1.4 = the 40 percent deficit that hybrids have on the xp table.

    The above is an example of a problem with the EQ engine that they MANAGED to work around in the only way possible. Its not a clean way, its not a good way and its not the way you'd like to use as a programmer. Its essentially a stuck on band-aid solution, but it was fine for those two problems.

    However, there are only going to be SO many things that they can change in the same way. Another example of a hardcoded problem is the everquest engine non ability to have anything go above 255. 255 is the max bit or whatever thing a majig (i have no idea what the hell I'm talking about but a programmer could tell you) Dan enright, the head tradeskill guy, was at the most recent EQ fan faire talking about this. Someone asked about tradeskills going higher and he said that they won't go higher than 250 because frankly 255 is the HARD LIMIT that they could go to anyway with the EQ engine. In fact 255 is the limit for ANYTHING to be (wis, int, you name it) and still work.

    Once again, anything they change much means that our characters change. Anything else they change much means that they are basically rebuilding the game. Rather than totally fix the millions of dated things from old mmorpg design that EQ has from 1999, have the huge headache of trying to convert millions of characters to an updated engine in the best way possible, being held back all that time by the residue of an old non optimzied engine, at some point its obvious that instead its best to just make something new.

    Its pretty much compareable to upgradeing your PC. Right now maybe you have 512 meg of ram and a good graphics card and case and all you need is a new proc and mb, swap in all the other stuff, voila! new computer for today's games. However, soon the next new proc type comes out and it needs rambus ram or whatever and a fully new kind of MB and some day of course they will even likely once again need a new case and power supply (and sometime later even a new hard drive type I bet) Eventually you reach a stage where it just makes more sense to buy all new stuff at once so it all works together or just buy a whole new PC, perhaps sans monitor because that part changes the least.

    You can only build upon an old crappy foundation for so long. Eventually its better to rip down that old house and foundation and build a new one over here instead.

    There, I'm out of analogies but I bet you get the picture. There is TOO MUCH to change, TOO MUCH work to do and it would likely entail wiping characters anyway if you REALLY wanted to move the game forward. Something else Dan Enright mentioned was that from the start EQ should have had tradeskills built in and tradeskill items should rival drops. As he said tradeskills were tacked on in the beta, and it shows.

    EQ2 is totally different, they learned from their mistakes and its all being done right from the ground up which is something you just can't do with an existing product. Luclin and now Planes of Power are taking EQ to the ZENITH, THE HARD WALL of how much it can change. They already changed more with Luclin then they thought they'd ever be able to improve and they are making all the tradeskill improvements they can with Planes of Power. Once again they are hitting that ceiling though. Things in EQ can't go over 255, that means they have to go through all the work of lowering the trivials near 200 to make room for better planes of power items which will have the new trivials near 250. The room is not there to make skills go higher than 255, or stats, or anything, not without totally rebuilding.

    EQ is a dinosaur, eventually it has to evolve yet its evolved as far as it can so its like the dinosaurs in the later part of the Createous period (sp?) They took it as far as they could and then died out. You can't compete with the next generation of MMORPGS with a dinosaur which is limited in how far it can evolve, not when you have the juggernaut blizzard beating down your door with the next generation sure-as-hell-fire 500,000 plus subscribers Worlds of warcraft. The only way to compete with that is to have a BETTER RPG with more to do than the simple more action oriented world of warcraft. you don't compete by trying to figure out ways to get around 7 year old code (EQ was 4 years in the making before it even came out, back when development teams were smaller and projects took much more time)

    Its not a question of "Can they instead rebuild EQ? Why make EQ2? Please just rebuild EQ1 with our current characters?", but rather its "how can they afford to NOT do this in today's market?" The answer is, they can't. It has to be done, 2003, in a year and a half is as good a time as any. Four and a half years is more than long enough for this baby to have lived and I'm betting it and UO go down in history as the mmorpgs who lasted the longest. That is a hell of a long time in gaming terms. God, I've not even had a relationship with another human for that long.

    Of course EQ will still continue probably until its subscribers dwindle down to nearly nothing, maybe verant will throw a party for them and give them a discount on EQ2 then.
    In a year and a half get out your shovel, cause its time to let this thing become a fossil. Have a wake if you want to, the game will certainly have earned it.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 24 2002 at 8:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hell ya, I totally ******* agree, making a WHOLE NEW game is the gayest idea ever it will suXor BAD! you rock bro.
    EQ2 sounds cool
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:26 PM Rating: Good
    It's about time to fix EQ. More game play and less KOOL DUDE's running around. What's wrong with items wearing out. Maybe it'll motivate people to go out and get their next set of equipment, instead of finding new ways to open the next arms bazzar and selling the backpack full of items they camped and denied to other players. Maybe people will focus on characters instead of all the shinny things they can hoard and pass on to their 3rd level ranger. I can still remember when a low level fighter was meet with a chorus of "twink" or "twinker" for wearing simple plate armor. Maybe EQ2 will finally be the awesome game EQ has hinted at.
    As for the concern for having to own a top end machine to play. If you think 1 ghz machine with 256 mb of ram is top end, you have been stuck inside EQ too long. I've got a 1.7 ghz with 512mb of ram and a geforce 2 graphics card; this machine is a year old. I've yet to play a game yet where I couldn't get it to run. Someday, that won't be the case, and when that day comes it'll be time to drop another $1,200. That is the nature of PC games. If you can't run with the big dogs, then stay on the damn poarch.
    RE: EQ2 sounds cool
    # Apr 24 2002 at 9:29 PM Rating: Excellent

    At the current hardware evolution rate, by the time EQ2 arrives, the hardware that fits the basic requirements will be dirt cheap if not impossible to buy. I can't buy less than 1 Ghz processor today without asking a friend if they have a used "old" processor laying around.

    Upgrades are a normal part of PC gaming. Anyone who can't stand the heat, should consider buying a PS2 or XBox and play the online console version of EQ, slated to arrive next spring.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 24 2002 at 8:37 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If you think EQ2 will be cool, you are ******* gay!
    RE: EQ2 sounds cool
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:44 PM Rating: Good
    Awww, is someone taking baby's things away.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:25 PM Rating: Default
    Frustrated, the Synopsis everyone is talking about is on the front page of this site (allakhazam). Just scroll up, and hit "updates" under the "main" options (top left of this page). Hope that helps.

    And for all the realism fans...If I wanted realism, I wouldn't play games about fantasy worlds and mythical creatures. If you want realism, play a sim!
    RE: Info
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:32 PM Rating: Default
    57 monk
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
    1,075 posts

    WOW this is even more than I read before. This is FANTASTIC NEXT GENERATION MMMORPG STUFF while EQ is stuck in some 1999 nightmare hell of non upgradeability.

    I CAN'T WAIT. No one has frankly done an mmorpg better than EQ yet, if one game will do it out of the gate its EQ 2. All this stuff sounds so kick ***.

    Downtime will be a thing of the past, slow progress will be a thing of the past, uber camping of uber items will be gone. It will all be replaced by fun.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 24 2002 at 8:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You are both ******* retards EQ2 = gay as ****!
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:27 PM Rating: Default
    A Game
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:18 PM Rating: Default
    People this is a game. I have heard many people complain about stuff breaking then others recant with in real things break. How many people who play EQ play it cuz it is so close to reality. The reason for games is entertainment and learning. Withour society today EQ is no longer a game it is called escapism. I admit to it too. Real life blows why would I want to play a game that simulates more real life.
    46 Ranger
    24 Necro
    6 Wizard
    32 Shaman
    Bristlebane Server
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 24 2002 at 8:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Yes, i agree, Verant is going wayyy too far! I wanna know if like ToV stuff and epix can break, if so, I'm quiting, and E-baying, I don't need that gay of a game.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:13 PM Rating: Default
    Heh There turining it into Daoc so much. They are moving away from originality and charging much more. It looks neat but ill be danged if anybody would be stupid enough to invest in this high tech piece of poo. Go buy Daoc, at least your computer can run the graphics.
    My 2cp
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:12 PM Rating: Default
    Ok, I think that EQ2 is a bad idea. I like the new zones, graphics, and the ability to build a house (and eventually your own city). What I do not like is the zoning monsters, the items breaking and the DAoC rip-off. I have only been playing EQ for a little over 1 year now and I love it. I personally think that VI should include the new graphics, zones and house building in one big expansion. Leave PoP on the back burner for a while until we, the players, recieve this. I am not in favor of EQ2 or EOA (the latter is because i don't have my PS2 yet). I think that VI is being greedy. And for God's sake why carry around your gear to EVERY BANK IN NORRATH! COME ON! Do you have to empty your saving account before you can withdraw from another bank? no. so why make us?
    RE: My 2cp
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:23 PM Rating: Default
    57 monk
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