Patcher Woes

Let me express what many of you are feeling right now: Arrrrrrrrrgh! Let me in! Let me in! I want my Kitty! *breathe* OK. According to Sony, they are aware of the problems and are working on them, including bringing on more patching servers. Why they didn't think of this before, since this is almost identical to what happened at the original release is beyond me, but I'm sure they want you to play their game as much as you want to play it. Feel free to use this forum to try to help each other get into the game or to just console each other while you wait.


Post Comment
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:52 AM Rating: Default
ok i finally got on and lvled my Rogue to 21 ,yes with black boxes and all ,then i was going to change chars got booted off and haven't been able to get back on =( its back the CONNECTING thing again and just sits there please help =(((
Help please!
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:48 AM Rating: Default
Ok you computer wizards, how do i fix this one. I have had the problem of the no 3D devices found. As one of the above post suggested i ran DXdaig and tested this because all things were already enabled. In testing it ran then i got a message that said

Direct3D test results: Failure at step 5 (GetDeviceCaps): HRESULT = 0x8876086a (3D not available)

Can anyone please tell me how to fix this, or any advice at all...Thanks much.
Rizar 44 monk
RE: Help please!
# Dec 06 2001 at 6:03 AM Rating: Decent
I have a GForce 2 and got the same error message. I followed all the instructions (i.e. downloaded DX8.1, Latest Video, Latest Sound, installed DX8.1, switched to VGA, installed drivers, etc) Still the error message. I had to set my video resolution to 1024x768 or below AND REBOOT before DXDIAG would report everything working. Once it reported everything ok, the game ran (with the I assume normal hesitations and freezes) and I can run in any of the resolutions listed (up to 1600x1200) with no problems.
RE: Help please!
# Dec 06 2001 at 1:23 AM Rating: Default
ok, do this. Change your video card drivers to basic 16 color VGA. Reboot your sys when asked.
Upon restall, re-install the latest video drivers you have, re-boot when asked.

This should fix that problem, as it worked for me. MAKE sure though you already have Dx 8.1 installed before you start any process with the video drivers. This is a necessity.

Jamaan MacLandish
The End
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:36 AM Rating: Default
This is the end of EQ. It's way too slow now and looks like crap! 5-10mins to zone? OMG! WTF is this? Having a higher end PC I'd expect more than this crap. 3 of my friends cancelled their accounts today, gonna lose all my friends damn it! FKing expansion, Verant is a piece of ****, they can't do anything right and I hope they go down this time. Enough is enough.
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:28 AM Rating: Default
People! don't get mad that you can't patch/play the game! Char models look like crap! You gonna be even more pissed once you log on then when you don't. I don't know how can anyone say that they look better in SoL then they did before. They didn't improve the char models but made them worse! Now people have a good reason to play DAoC I guess.

And halflings *cry* my main *cry* halfling rogue *cry* *cry* when I first saw it I thought I get a heart attack! Dear God! who made those models? Kids in 5th grade could do a better job! I regret I spent my money on SoL, how could they do this to halflings! damn them all!
# Dec 06 2001 at 4:39 AM Rating: Default
You do know that you don't Have to enable the new char models right?
RE: don't Have to
# Dec 06 2001 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
But you're still going to look like that to anyone who does. My necro was spawned as an Erudite, and I'll always see him as an Erudite. But to anyone who has the New Coke Edition character models, he's a Klingon. I don't want to go around playing a Klingon on half the people's screens.
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
I was having the problem of logging on and getting booted after 10-15 sec's, Then went and did some digging, I read on another post to go back one step on the Nvidia drivers (I am running a Vanta) to ver. 2181 (Downloaded from about 4.0Mb) I have been playing now for over two hours (only got off because the wife threatened to cut the phone cord) Thought i had better let someone know.
Direct X 8.1
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:05 AM Rating: Default
where on the internet can I find DirectX 8.1?
RE: Direct X 8.1
# Dec 06 2001 at 1:55 AM Rating: Default
Go to that is where I got my DirectX 8.1 they have a download for both Windows 98/ME and for Windows XP.
RE: Direct X 8.1
# Dec 06 2001 at 1:56 AM Rating: Default
ok I spelled it wrong
Anyway to still play with Windows 95?
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
Yup, yup, I'm stupid. Somewhere along the way I got it into my head that I would still be able to play the old EQ with DirectX 8.0a. Dumb, dumb, dumb, see rant at the end of this message.

So, I ask y'all is there any way I can continue to play EQ with Windows 95?

Sony/Verant wants me to buy a whold new F'n computer to play the game that I already purchased and have been paying them to play. Sony/Verant says, F_U! We don't care that you put months and months of real life time into our game thinking you could, ghee, continue to play it. Had they said, hey, just so you know, if you want to level your character up high and make some good buds along the way you will have to, like buy a F'n new computer every year or two just for the privilage. I probably would have said, hey no thanks, there better ways to spend my time.

The one thing I have learned from this is not to trust Sony. I plan to boycott all their products as a result of this. I hope they loose thousands and thousands of players over this!


enough is enough
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, I am fed up. You go LD and it takes at least 10 mins to get logged back on. What ***********
What happens if one is in a battle and you do LD? you come back in 10mins (at least) to find, who the hell knows what.
What a major step backwards. thanks for nothing
RE: enough is enough
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:13 AM Rating: Decent
What video card you using?
dll file missin
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:49 PM Rating: Default
Just curious if anyone else has gotten this message after going thru all the downloading. I have not gotten a copy of SoL yet and I just wanna play the old way but it keeps saying a dll file is missing. Anyone that can help it would be great

RE: dll file missin
# Dec 06 2001 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
76 posts
To fix the /Library DLL file or /DLL file errors go to download the file and it self installs.

Just my 2cp worth.
Hope it helps..luckily it did for me. now my char's are just stuck in DL and i can't get them out. Done all of the steps they told me to and nothing. I have to have a GM log on my account and walk them out one by one. How bout they just log on my account and make the game run right :>)
GL Everyone and see ya in Luclin.
RE: dll file missin
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:58 PM Rating: Default
im having the same prob. it says that either there is not enough space on my comp. (surly there is), or i cant access this certain file! WTF? i cant play a game i pay for? this is BS, ok, tomorrow ill go to school as normal, when i come home this better be fixed or there will be hell to pay
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:48 PM Rating: Default
...I have EQ working now (I don't have the expansion). Overall, I'm surprised that it worked. I have a DSL line, but was still getting the same errors that 56k's were getting about the patches. Blah Blah Hard drive full blah blah. Well, finally, after downloading and getting new drivers and all, I got EQ working. The patches include new skeleton models and other small additions (these additions show up even if you don't have Luclin...they come with the patch). The graphics are damn nice, but there is one problem: It runs like Quake 3 Arena on a 486 with 8 MB of RAM. Slow as HELL. It's not lag, it's just choppiness. I swear the game is running at a constant 10 frames per second. Before the patches, it ran damn smooth considering how crappy my computer is. I turned the graphics to LOW or OFF, and it is still choppy. I have all of the drivers and everything. My computer meets the requirements for Luclin (and I don't even have it yet.) Why, in the name of Tunare, did Verant decide to make this game so technologically advanced? If I have to play EQ at a crap 10-frames per second, then ***** it. There is no way that I can do that. Verant needs to come out with a Voodoo Card driver that fixes all of this slowdown. Well, there's my ********** I know Verant is working hard to solve all of this, but they should have planned in advance a bit more.
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:43 PM Rating: Default
Intel Chip problem
cards drives ect
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:37 PM Rating: Default
people, im telling you it isnt your graphic cards, your ram or even your memory. The only thing you should really have to access the game is the Direct X , V. 8.1 IF you are getting the message " 3-D devices not found" or something like that, you need to download the direct X. After this you should be able to actually attemp to log in. Heres where the main problem occurs. i dont have the expansion, yet, it seems to me that people with and without are having some sort of problem.

RE: cards drives ect
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:41 PM Rating: Default
ok Didnt get a chance to finish.

I believe that from the point of freezing in game or attemptig to log on the game is experiencing problems, not your computer. It seems to me that Verant didnt take his time to be sure that this would be a successful launch of Lucin. I say that those cards and graphics and all that extra stuff is just a little extra to make the game of better quallity ect. We need to wait for Verant and his lil crew to sort this mess out, and they will or else they are looking at serious problems. But my view is that i didnt buy the expansion, i didnt have anything to do with it nor did i want it, why should it effect me and what i play on everquest and cause me grief of not being able to play the game when i please. im paying money for nothing when this happens. So if this doesnt get fixed soon Verant will have a huge loss of customers. theres my 2cp
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:07 PM Rating: Decent
Waiting for then to advise us to reformat our HD's and reinstall all software, pref on a computer that will only run EQ and Windows. I think we can then grab our pitchforks and torches and storm their castle.
damn you !
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:54 PM Rating: Default
I cant seem to get into my charector selection screen, i get kicked out when it finished loading and i find my self back in the desktop ? i could really use some help thx.

RE: damn you !
# Dec 05 2001 at 11:19 PM Rating: Default
I have the exact same problem -- at least I'm not the only one -- nothing about it on the eqlive website. I may try adjusting the graphics settings. I do have an "acceptable" video card and Win XP.

video card
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:53 PM Rating: Default
ok, here's my problem, I have 384 RAM- ok there
I have a pentium III ~500 Mhz- ok there
DSL connection- ok there
Directx version 8.1- ok there
Windows ME- ok there

NOW, the video card, according tho the DXDIAG, is a Mach 64 RagePro, although i have this card, whenever I am done loading the patches and press the "play" icon, an error message pops up and says "no 3D devices found"
Again, aren't the requirements for Luclin a 16 mb video card?

WHY DOESN"T IT WORK!!!?!?!??!?!
My 2cp
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
Honestly, I think we all seriously need to calm down. I'll admit that even I was quite frustrated by this problem, especially after spending a good portion of my paycheck to upgrade my computer so I could play the new expansion. I tried repeatedly to log on only to have teh game freeze on me, forcing me to reboot. From what I've seen, if you're having considerable trouble with EQ since installing the expansion, try getting rid of the expansion. Yes, for me that meant uninstalling Everquest entirely and reloading the trilogy, but now EQ runs just as it did before the servers dropped on Monday, in fact, considerably better since I did all that upgrading. In my eyes, being able to play a Vah Shir is far less important than being able to play at all.

I think all that is needed is patience, as a few posters have already hinted at, since this is a rather enormous amount of upgrading that Verant had to do. As with many others, I also agree that the expansion needed a bit more testing before it became public, but since it's already on the shelves, and people are buying it, there's not much to be done to that end. All we can hope for is that the numerous and to say the least extremely aggrivating bugs are worked out in a timely manner.

And to those who say Verant is only interested in money, I'd hartily agree, and if Verant wants to continue to make money, they obviously have to fix these problems or they'll lose their customers. Since I'm fairly sure that EQ is their main source of revenue, it will happen. All we need to do is wait.

Obuda Buda
Warrior of 21 seasons
Innoruuk Server

Edited, Wed Dec 5 22:50:55 2001
No 3d Devices
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
Well after a long evening of frustration trying every concievable installation and reinstallation, I found something, of all places on Sony's site, about DirectX 8.1. It seems there is a bug where it says devices are enabled when they are not. Now I realize the idea of a Microsoft bug is probably foreign to most of you, just as it is to me, but if you are having the problem of a little box that says No 3D devices detected (after the patch loads) then I suggest you run DXDiags, go to display tab, and click the "Disable" button next to 3D display. If, like mine, clicking disable leaves the word "Enabled" displayed beside it, you may have found the problem. I'm sure this may not have been the techincally correct way to proceed, but I just kept clicking until is said "Disabled" and then clicked once more and it said "Enabled". I then rebooted and loaded EQ with no trouble. Of course, then there were some issues with actually loggin my character on, but I think they were of a different source. I hope this helps someone anyways.
i found the problem
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:41 PM Rating: Default
ok guys all of u that still have problems, i have the cure if it still says 3d devices not found go buy a better video card it help me i bought it and there is no more problems with my EQ login now

hope this helps ur problem
Windows 95 Operating system
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:39 PM Rating: Default
Anyone know what i need to do to upgrade windows operating system?i cant download DX 8.1 and I have Windows ME but says in DX diag that my operating system is95 so i cant install DX 8.1...plz help?!?!?!
EA and Verant
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:33 PM Rating: Default
Verant and EA are very simular. EA put a CRAP of a end of a good series and tried patching it still does not work.......Ultima IX.......CRAP. Well Verants new client problems with anything else
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:30 PM Rating: Default

What a fricken pile crap who ever coded this so called UPGRADE!

Ive done everything right and so have others of talke to and the main unfixable prob now is that when you go to load into the game after picking the character is hanging.

A special up yours to "Jenever" whos sane suggestion to leave for half an hour and then it gets in, what maddness is that!

To humour the her i did and was rewarded with a blue screen and a reboot.

many are having this prob and it anit the directx and it anit memeory and it anit the video card is the pile of crap they call code.

really vexed!
The Fix
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
Ok folks, let's all take a moment and relax. I've been experiencing the same problems as most of you, black text boxes, getting kicked off, and naked NPC's and PC's. Well, I just bought more memory for my laptop, and was pretty pissed that after fighting lines for a copy of SoL and spending money and time ******** with my computer it wasn't working. BUT, I calmed down, and found what I believe to be the solution. IF, you have about what the booklet that came with the game recommends for hardware, this should work (yes, even with 256 ram).

1) Create a new folder on your desktop.
2) In this folder download a copy of DirectX 8.1, and your most recent video and sound drivers. But, do NOT install them yet.
3)Set your video adapter to the Standard Display Adapter (VGA). This is an example of how to do this...
a)Go to Control Panel
b)Double click on Display
c)Click on Settings tab, then click on the Advanced button.
d)Click on the Adapter tab, then click Change.
e)Click Next.
f)Select the radio button (little circle) next to the option for Display a list of all drivers and click Next.
g)Select the button next to the option for Show all hardware.
h)Scroll to the top of the list and select (standard display types).
i)It will ask if you really, really want to use this adapter. Choose Yes.
4)Now install DirectX 8.1 from the new folder on your desktop, and reboot your computer.
5)Now install both your video and sound drivers from the folder on your desktop.
6)Reboot, and now try EverQuest.

Note: If you have a laptop, the video card may not be capable of handling EverQuest now. Most laptop video cards are integrated in the motherboard, and are not upgradable. In other words, if you have a laptop, you MIGHT be screwed. Sorry for the bad news, but I have a laptop too and am still trying to deal...
Hope this helps, print this before you try to follow these instructions, and good luck!
RE: The Fix
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:27 PM Rating: Default
Well it looks like it my have worked for most people. I am one of the few that had only patching problems.
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:04 PM Rating: Default
I can get in but 1.4 or the right side of my screen is on the left and i cant see any faces,grrr
whats up with that
Windows 95 Operator
# Dec 05 2001 at 10:01 PM Rating: Default
I guess I was to computer illiterate to know but my computer is Windows 95 Computer or in Verant..."***** you!!! You can't play no more !!! Muwahahhaha"/sigh. Well I was wondering if anyone had any information on what I can do to upgrade my operating system to 98,2000,or ME please. The wierd thing is I have Windows ME but it says I am on windows 95 operator. Can anyone please help me???What do I do to make operating system higher so I can install DX8.1(already have it downloaded) and play again???Please help me hehehe,I cant go much longer without it = (
Damn music
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
I'm POed too, that fricken music that CNN plays during thier weather update is annoying and distracting, sounds like they are killing cats extremely slow. Can barely pay attention to the news caster giving the update...oh wait sorry wrong thread. :)
RE: Damn music
# Dec 05 2001 at 9:59 PM Rating: Default
Yeah, heh heh... Wolf Blitzer, what kind of name is THAT?
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