EverQuest Franchise Holiday Contest!

SOE and ZAM team up to give the community some awesome prizes!

UPDATE: Winners have been announced!

Thank you everyone for your entries! It's definitely been a trip down memory lane reading so many wonderful stories. The contest has now ended and we'll be finalizing the list of all qualified names before randomly selecting winners in a blind drawing.

Winners will be announced by 11:59pm Pacific Time on Tuesday, December 31, 2013. Winners will also be notified via Private Messaging (PMs) on ZAM that they have won. We will update this article and post a new one as well informing everyone of the results!

This holiday season, Sony Online Entertainment and ZAM want to share the holiday spirit with the community with an epic contest! It doesn't matter if you play EverQuest, EverQuest II or want to dive into EverQuest Next Landmark, there is something for all Norrathians here. We have one grand prize and three Station Cash prizes from SOE, as well as a bonus for ten lucky people from ZAM!

  • GRAND PRIZE: One winner will receive codes to the collector's editions of the most recent EverQuest and EverQuest II expansions, Call of the Forsaken and Tears of Veeshan (a $90 value each), as well as a code for the EverQuest Next Landmark Trailblazer Founder's Pack (a $100 value; total prize value of $280)
  • Three more winners will each receive one $10 Station Cash code (worth 1000 SC)
  • Ten more winners will each receive three months premium on ZAM

Continue after the jump for details on how this contest will work!

How to Enter

  • Log in to your ZAM account (registering is free!)
  • Post a comment at least 3-5 sentences long (minimum) in the comments section of this article
  • The comment should focus on your favorite location in Norrath, in any EverQuest franchise title. Why is it your favorite place? Did something fun happen to you or your guild there? Do you just love the environment or lore of the location? Are you new to Norrath, but want to talk about a location you are excited to visit in-game?
  • You can supplement your comment by linking to a video or picture of this location! It's not required and won't affect your entry into the contest, but it's a lot more fun to share!
  • Deadline for entries is 11:59pm Pacific Time on Friday, December 27, 2013... that means you have one week to enter!
  • Only one entry per person, please!

Due to the amount of entries we have, comments may take a bit of extra time to load... patience, grasshopper!

How We Judge

  • As long as your entry meets the contest guidelines above, you will be entered into a random blind drawing!
  • Winners will be announced by 11:59pm Pacific Time on Tuesday, December 31, 2013
  • Codes for the Grand Prize and Station Cash will be sent to the appropriate winners via private message on ZAM by 11:59pm Pacific Time on Tuesday, December 31, 2013
  • Winners of the three months of premium on ZAM will have it added to their account and will be notified of their win via private message on ZAM. This has to be done manually, so there may be additional delay.

Obligatory Information

  • No purchase necessary, but you need to register for a free account with ZAM if you haven't yet
  • You must have an account with SOE to be able to redeem the codes. They will not work for PSS1 account holders.
  • We don't care which country you're in as long as you have an SOE account
  • The contest begins whenever this article goes live on Friday, December 20, 2013 and ends at 11:59pm Pacific Time on Friday, December 27, 2013
  • One entry per person
  • ZAM staff and their immediate family are not eligible. Sorry, hubby!
  • SOE employees and their immediate family are not eligible. Sorry, Roshen!

That's everything! You can enter the contest for yourself, or to try and win an awesome gift for a friend or loved one -- either way, we can't wait to read everyone's stories!

Disclaimer: I'm aware that the picture above doesn't reflect the recent EverQuest and EverQuest II expansions... what it does reflect is my favorite locations in those games! =)

 Ann "Cyliena" Hosler, Managing Editor

Follow me on Twitter: @Cyliena


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Stillmoon Temple
# Dec 21 2013 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
My favorite place is where I met my fiance, Stillmoon Temple. I went there to help a mutual friend and was showing off (destroying the place on my magician who had 2700 AA when Stillmoon was relevant). The player who would later turn out to be my fiance, and my soul-mate, was there and we were inseparable after that point, and ever since. When she is down, I will send her a pic of Stillmoon goblins or similar to cheer her up. I've always been a big fan of Everquest 1, I just never remember seeing on the box how you could meet your "one" in a game this amazing.
Everquest - The Memories
# Dec 21 2013 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
I've always been a fan of Everquest. Whenever I played any other game, I always would compare it to my experience in that game. The Raid zones with my guild were always challenging, and it made the experience more "epic". I'd have to say my favorite zone in both EQ1 and EQ2 is Neriak. IAs a cleric I spent so much time with a book on my head, then later sitting on a horse, or staring into a wall... I have a space in my heart that EQ will never leave.

Lake Rathe Arena
# Dec 21 2013 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
It's so hard to pick a single location! I've finally settled on Lake Rathe from EQ1 and the Arena there. I played on the Rathe server so it seems appropriate. :)
My guild had weddings set on the Aviak tower in the lake and I have many fond memories of jumping off of it into the water below. Then we would go and play in the arena. My favourite memory there was when a very powerful Enchanter friend came and our whole guild had to team up to try and take him down. It was hillarious and took absolutely forever! Of course there were drunken brawls and naked challenges and such as well. :)

I have to give a special nod to Unrest as well though. I loved the secret passages there!

Edited, Dec 21st 2013 9:16am by celestya22
Just can't pick 1 favorite
# Dec 21 2013 at 8:10 AM Rating: Good
3 posts
Been playing EQ since 2001, even when new games come out I always compare them to EQ..and they just don't hold up. I can't choose a favorite zone, because I love just about all the zones thru the LDoN. Some zones I liked better depending on the class I was playing...Tho I would have to say one of my favorites when running with the guildies was City of Mist. Loved running thru there getting all the epic pieces from there. Lots of memories of falls and such. Our guild leader at the time also had the worst faction on Norrath...his favorite past time was killing guards for all the cities. It got to a point his wife (co-guild leader) would drop him from groups so he wouldn't trash her faction as well. He was certainly the most entertaining mage around. His wife went from druid to cleric and she had his CH's healed perfectly...he would see purple and then be full health (though I know from time to time she would let him go down...teach him a lesson). One of my other favorite zones was Dreadlands, the dodging the spiders while running to camp a corner of the ruins near Karnor's Castle. Loved as a lowbie playing in Crushbone as well. I also remember trains...remember the excitement/aggravation when someone would come through running for the zoneline hollering "TRAIN TO ZONE" (especially if they didn't specify which zoneline they were running to). Also, after LDoN came out...being a lower level and running through Lesser Fay to get to the LDoN zone it...hoping to not attract the Corrupted Unicorn's or a brownie's attention.
Nostalgia - Favorite places in Norrath
# Dec 21 2013 at 8:09 AM Rating: Good
45 posts
Can I just start off by saying,... the opening music to Everquest use to give me goose pimples. Especially after a server went down and you waited 6 hours for it to come back up - and then Waa Laa - those magical opening notes start to play signaling an epic session of grinding or raiding was about to begin. I should make it my ring tone.

As for zones- well, the music outside the gates of Felwithe had a similar effect. The ramp by Kelethin was where the newbies gathered and got buffed by higher levels passing through and was the spot where i had my first weapon kicked down to me (a velium broadsword). Crushbone is classic. That's where i learned to group and play the game for the most part. After that, take your pick! The original Bazaar was fantastic in a way. It was incredibly small but dingy and packed- like a real marketplace would have been. The Nexus used to be a huge meeting zone when Luclin came out. Lots of fond memories sitting there. Kithicor use to scare the crap out of me. And Lake of ill Omen had a castle at the bottom of the lake that no one could get into for the longest time. I use to try to read up on as much lore as possible to find out more about the castle - why it was down there and why no one could enter it. The day Vexsar went live no one was more excited than me. But if i had to pick just one zone - just one special place - it would have to be Mistmoore Castle. It was my first raid zone. My first pally epic piece drop, and the lore and mystery behind the great Mayong Mistmoore had me captivated by this zone. Oh yea, and there is also that little thing about CoV faction and this being the ONLY zone in the game to go to raise it. Lots and lots of time spent there. I was so upset when it was altered to a higher level. Im glad it went back to its original form.

3-5 sentences minimum eh? I got that part of this contest covered!

Edited, Dec 21st 2013 9:19am by Banedonelvensmoke
Favorite location in Norrath
# Dec 21 2013 at 7:55 AM Rating: Good
Neriak will always be near and dear to me. It's where I first started in EQ1 with my Dark Elf Magician. It's beautifully dark and has a great magical feel to it with all the various symbols floating around. It's the only city that ever had any kind of night life (Maiden's Fancy). Back in the days before shared banking, I had a great spot to quietly drop stuff on the ground to make transfers to my alts. It was in this little cave area behind a waterfall in Commons.

In EQ2, I immediately went to Neriak for my first character (DE Necro). I was blown away by the upgrade and fell in love with the music. Even though my base of operations is in Timorous Deep for the neutral benefit, my main still keeps his bind point there. My favorite part of the new Neriak has to be little scripted action outside the Library with the mage testing magic on some poor soul.

I hope to see Neriak again in EQNext. Maybe I'll even get to build something for it.

Bonus content: A comparison of my two Nerian characters in EQ1 and 2

Edited, Dec 21st 2013 9:06am by Deveryn

Edited, Dec 21st 2013 9:09am by Deveryn
# Dec 21 2013 at 7:24 AM Rating: Good
I play Everquest II now, but most of my favorite places are still in the original Everquest. Fond memories of Qeynos Hills and Halas, but my vote goes to Kithicor. No other zone posed the challenges or got my heart beating like Kithicor, at least when I was younger. Waiting till day time, finding a safe path between Rivervale, The Commonlands and Highpass Hold, and creative corpse retrievals... Part of what made the original a great game.
Kael Drakkel - EverQuest 1
# Dec 21 2013 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good
Although I play EQ2 now, my favourite zone has to be EverQuest's Kael Drakkel. It's where my original guild started raiding proper. I remember many days (at work) researching mobs and tactics - I was a monk and had a lot of feign pulling to do - and rushing home to log on for a night's raiding!
My Favourite Place in Norrath
# Dec 21 2013 at 6:05 AM Rating: Good
Although I still play EQ2, I am going back to the early days of EQ to describe this. I have fond memories of my old gaming mates trying to help me recover my corpse in Kithicor Forest and the laughs we used to have in doing so. It was always a wee bit of a boast to manage to make the run from Rivervale all the way through to commons and survive, especially if you managed to do that and NOT die!
The earliest I managed to do it was when I made my little halfling and wanted to run down and join some mates to level with. She was la very early level (cant quite remember how low now) and I stripped her naked so that I didn't have anything on me and ran all the way down! What a laugh. That was in the days before all the transport options and druids could make a lot of money porting! Those were the days.
Looking foward to seeing what EQN has in store.
Favorite Location in Everquest Franchise
# Dec 21 2013 at 6:02 AM Rating: Good
In Everquest my favorite place was Sol B. Even after spending a week camping Naggy for my Sprinkler, I kept going back there. I really was in love with it and don't know what it was about that oppressive place that had me going back all the time but I did, constantly. Even long after I out leveled the the zone I would go back just to help with healing, PLing, and rezzing those who were hunting there. As a healer, it was such a fun zone!
Favorite Location in Everquest Franchise
# Dec 21 2013 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
Wow, just had a look at the zone list and my favorite zone doesn't even exist anymore! Whatever happened to Sol B?!?!
contest entry
# Dec 21 2013 at 5:47 AM Rating: Good
because i have never played everquest (i was to young at the time) i find it hard to think of a favorite location.
regardless i have watched all everquest next and landmark videos they released so far, as well as the livestreams with great enthusiasm. i guess if i have to pick my zone right now, i would go with one of the forest biomes.. probably the least jungle'esk one.

the idea is that amongst the trees there would be a cliff, and on the side of the cliff, inside the rock, that's where i plan on building my little house where i would kick off my boots after a day of mining. ideally it would have water on the bottom of the cliff, so when you try to find the entrance and accidentally fall, you would not die, and if you eventually DO find the entrance you would get a reward!

playing as a dwarf would probably suit me best, but the guild and me still have to decide what to play once the full game comes out. right now we have a list of 7 people aching to start playing, and i bet that's just the start. i'm also a big mercher in GW2 (and before WOW), and i hear many good things about the crafting system, so that would be really nice as well.

anyway i hope this makes up for not knowing much about the first 2 games, i also hope this counts as an entry for the contest!
Favorite places
# Dec 21 2013 at 5:39 AM Rating: Good
11 posts
The first that jumps to mind, because it is no longer available to see, is the original Kerra Isle. The first guild I joined in EQ had an event there (photos, wandering, chaos causing) back in '99, and I still keep the screen shots that I took from there.

To my characters (roleplayer half the time) my main demands that I mention Befallen, the port and statue in FV, Halas and the old Freeport. I met a fellow rogue in Befallen while practicing with lockpicks, we later wandered off to Kunark and spent evenings watching the sunset from the beach at the base of the statue (and seeing the boat pull in backwards). After that, the two of us formed a small band of mercenaries that, amoungst the roleplay guilds on our server, took over Freeport (sigh, those old underground tunnels went everywhere!) while the two of us claimed an empty house in Halas. Save for Freeport, I can't go through any of those locations without being hit by the flood of memories, good and bad, and missing both the characters and the people behind the keys who helped create those memories.

My old main, a bard, insists I bring up the Plane of Fear. She went on a raid either just before the level limit went in place, or just after; I forget which. Picked up a ton of the bard only armor, a beautiful gold colored plate. That happened to look just like the cleric armor of the day. The number of times I had to scream from the Oasis docks "No, I'm not a cleric, I'm a bard and I'm kiting, I can't *halfling* rez you!" will never be forgotten. And who ever heard of a woodelf cleric, anyways!
Newbie in a New land
# Dec 21 2013 at 5:39 AM Rating: Good
When I first came to EQ2 I had never played Everquest, but had heard it was a good game. I found Norrath to be filled with many places of new wonder, some of which in time have become near and dear to my heart and hold lasting fond memories. My favorite place in Norrath has to be the Enchanted lands, near the dock area. First time I and some friends found ourselves in the location, we had ‘thought’ we would fair just fine. We had survived the maze of Nek Castle and were up to any new challenge, or so we thought. Well after the many random fairy attacks and everyone running around in circles trying to escape, mind never run North away from the docks and don’t run to the gnomes for help it will end badly, we all ended up on the beach area facing large turtles that really did not care if we were there or not. More xp debt than I want to remember that day, but filled with lots of laughter and great fun with great friends.
The one, the only... Field of Bone
# Dec 21 2013 at 5:03 AM Rating: Good
16 posts
When Kunark was released thirteen years ago I summoned up my courage and began the epic journey with my Halfling Druid through crashing seas, and zone after zone of scary red con mobs (dodging Drachnids in Firiona Vie is still a vivid memory). Armed with printouts of those wonderful eqatlas.com maps I navigated with trial, error and death to the Field of Bone.

In answer to the question of favourite location then this is the spot. As a druid amongst a field of Iksar I had so much fun, and whilst intellectually I know that nowadays other zones far surpass the field of bone and the adjacent Kurns' Tower for levelling, this will always be the place I think of most fondly in my EverQuest journey.

(EQAtlas.com is long since gone, but the maps are still available from http://www.allakabor.com/eqatlas/atlas.html for those as nostalgic as me).
If it had to be just one then...
# Dec 21 2013 at 4:50 AM Rating: Good
It has to be Sleeper's Tomb.
Velious is still, to date, my favorite extension.
Was massively epic yet with a lot of content accessible. A lots of extremly well written quests (the coldain war and , oddly :), the phenocryst focus comes to my mind). But one place was of tremedous mysteries and felt like it was where the mightiest of all magical power were hidden. That, was Sleeper's tomb.
Earning the rights to enter there was a privilege that was given only to a fiew characters. The sleeper (Kerafyrm) was the definition of might and by all means entering his lair was entering the end zone of the game (as opposed to the end zone of the expansion).
So when I first step here with my guildies the thrill was to it's max.
We went there many times. Epic battles took place. The sence of accomplishment in this world (Norrath) was has high as it could ever be.

When the time will come this tomb will be my character's.

If only i could go back...
# Dec 21 2013 at 4:27 AM Rating: Good
My favorite zone is without a doubt Butcherblock Mountains from EQ1. My first character was a dwarf warrior back when i was only 13 years old in 2000. My sense of adventure was seeded in this zone; from finding my first weapons and evading those nasty aviak's chicks, to questing for my Scarab armor and banding with people to take on the coveted Chessboard. I can remember the vast amount of player traffic that would flow through the zone and i got to meet so many interesting people. Its a zone that leads to so many avenues of exploration and adventuring, you could cross the sea to meet shady humans and devious dark elves, or trail through mountains to find a multitude of dungeons and different races. I'm glad i got my feet wet as a Dwarf in the Butcher, i'd do it all again if only it were possible.
My Favorite Location? Crushbone.
# Dec 21 2013 at 3:50 AM Rating: Good
My favorite location was Crushbone. A few friends and I had just zoned in and killed a couple of orcs. We went to round a corner when suddenly one of my buddies shouted (after he had already turned around and ran past us) "RUN!" We all laughed at the fact that the big bad dwarf was running from an orc. It was quite an odd and shameful sight! One that we still haven't let him live down. Any time he plays a dwarf in Gurps or D&D we still throw a couple of high level/point orcs at him as he rounds a random corner. Funny enough, he still runs :D

South Karana Hill
# Dec 21 2013 at 3:27 AM Rating: Good
What is my favorite place in Norrath? That's quite a difficult decision for me. I always loved the Lake of Ill Omen, in particular the Sarnak Fort located there, I was always fascinated by the Sarnaks, and spent every moment of the time I could level'ing there. BUT, my all time favorite spot would have to be South Karana, on the giant hill by the River, that overlooked the stone bridge spanning the Snake River, which connected North and South Karana. I actually used to take my character there and just sit on the top of the hill and watch the sky, as the sunset and rose there. My character's name was Criste, Half Elf Ranger of Karana, and that particular hill, was my favorite location in Norrath without any doubt.
The Deep Blue Cauldron?
# Dec 21 2013 at 2:54 AM Rating: Good
Ah yes, my favorite zone in all of Norrath. A place that is deadly not only by what is in there, but where it is. I am talking about the wonderful underwater Kedge Keep. Upon zoning in and seeing those checkerboard floors and seaweed floating around, I felt as if I was seeing something special. Something that was unique, and was never really recreated. I remember when my guild first went in there to take down the evil Phingil Autropos, we would gather outside of the zone and just chat for a long while. Memories in the Cauldron, but the action began when you crossed the zone line. Oh the beauty was to behold at that time! And the seahorses. We can't forget about the seahorses! Especially when they were hasted with their Swirlspine Belt. Ah the memories.
Favorite place in EQ
# Dec 21 2013 at 2:48 AM Rating: Excellent
33 posts
There are so many special places in EverQuest, it seems an injustice to settle for one. But if I had to pick a favorite zone of all time, it would be Skyshrine (img). When I was a level 54 cleric in 2002, I was invited to a Yelinak raid. I zoned in, and was summoned to the top of the zone. There were dozens of players there, I'd never seen anything like it. I stood by a magician and clicked on the mod rods he was dropping the entire time. Much later, I would win ToV armor and run up to the quest hall to turn it in. Going through the maze, running past all those big scary dragons.. it was awesome. I remember getting lost in the maze, and later helping lost people get out of it. I remember raiding the crusaders and Yelinak at the top, then later turning in giant helmets at the zonein to fix my faction. I remember the game growing older and finally being able to solo Yelinak myself.
favorite EQ Zone
# Dec 21 2013 at 2:43 AM Rating: Excellent
57 posts
I have spent alot of time in Norrath so I have alot of different zones I am fond of. However if I have to choose just one I would say Oasis of Marr was my favorite. Whenever I think of the old days all I can see is visions of sand giants and spectres chasing me to the Oasis docks. And Lockjaw.. gotta love him -- I was pleasantly surprised to see him make a comeback in EQ2 :)

Edited, Dec 21st 2013 3:47am by Keshua
Keshua Warclaws, 100 Vah Shir Warrior
Canudance, 100 Vah Shir Bard

Drinal/Maelin Starpyre
Vesspyr Isle`s
# Dec 21 2013 at 2:35 AM Rating: Good
I like Tears of Veeshan, Vesspyr Isle`s - because SOE made there a real good job. The broker and all other`s npc`s stand close on one to another and all players can there meet and greet. :)

Edited, Dec 21st 2013 3:37am by Xyrya
Favorite Local
# Dec 21 2013 at 2:17 AM Rating: Good
I would have to say I like Qeynos, the second area I went to after Frostfang Sea. Being new to the Ever Quest Franchise it seemed to have it all from the central city to the surrounding areas and I always seem to go back there and see if the queen has anything new for me to do. Now it seems even more interesting with all the Dragons flying around over head it kind of reminds me of Dragon's Prophet, another of the SOE games and the first that I played which drew me to EQ2 and then the original EQ. IM sure that EQ Next will also be a winner. Looking forward to playing whether I win this or not LOL.
Kylong Plains
# Dec 21 2013 at 2:04 AM Rating: Good
Kylong Plains would be my favorite place in Norrath on Everquest 2. Why, you ask? Because it has the biggest and in depth scenery of any other zone. The zone it self will make you feel as if you are on an exposition through the mountains or a journey through the giants forest. The quest line is by far my favorite through all the zones I've traveled in. I have some great memories that I never thought I would have before I started playing this game. I'm glad my closest friends showed me this game, cause it has brought some memories that I would never get from any other game. They are the ones that showed me to MMORPGs. Before them I was just playing on consoles. Ever since the first day I made a Fae Paladin in Kelethin my life had changed. Over all the time and money I have spent on this game, Kylong Plains, Would be the most desirable zone I have enjoyed PvPing in along with questing. I don't like to quest but I have done the quest line in there on over 10 characters a minimum. It was very hard to decide a zone/dungeon to pick out of but over all Kylong Plains was the one for me to decide on. Even the expansion that brought Kylong Plains to Everquest 2 was my favorite so far from all the expansion we have to this day. I've tried to play other MMORPGs but they are NOTHING like Everquest 2. I absolutely love the game and ALL the zones/dungeons. I've been watching and reading and voting on every single thing for Everquest Next. Can't explain how much it thrills me to see this wonderful franchise to blossom even more in time. Hope this was enough for you guys, I could go on but I should get off here to get to my token grinding with family/friends on my conjuror!
If I have to pick one, it's Iceclad in Everquest!
# Dec 21 2013 at 1:59 AM Rating: Good
202 posts
It's not the most exciting zone in Norrath, but I have fond memories of Iceclad Ocean in Velious.

I recall finding my way to the boat when Velious first launched. On arrival to Iceclad, I was in awe of the icy islands with their various inhabitants. I loved talking to the Gnome Pirates and finding new quests that they wanted me to pursue. I also enjoyed chatting with the Gnolls while standing beneath the Tower of Frozen Shadow, wondering what horrors awaited within that twisted structure.

I never found Stormfeather nor Lodizal during those first days of exploration, but I was killed several times by the Garou, and learned to avoid his stomping grounds. I fought cougars, dervishes, dire wolves, giants, and other creatures as I explored the area.

I remember picking up the tooth to the portal, without even knowing what it was for. Later, when I realized I would need one from each portal, I was very glad I had already found that one.

When I finally made my way to the western part of the land, I was amazed at the enormous dragon head that formed the opening to the bridge leading to the Eastern Wastes. I couldn't imagine ever wanting to meet a dragon that would leave behind a skull so huge.

I have many fond memories of the wonder of exploring the new lands of Velious, and Iceclad was my first exposure. It will always have a warm place in my heart, even if I still avoid the Garou's stomping grounds at 100 :)

Dyllwin Dalewalker
Wanderer of the 100th Grove
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