SOE Answers Common Questions About Attack

While we all wait for the Sony Online Entertainment services to come back online following an attack on the network, SOE posted a brief FAQ today to keep players updated on the situation. While they don't provide any new details, SOE has said it will continue to post updates to the site with new information as it becomes available. 

According to the FAQ, some games and services are expected to be up and running "soon." SOE emphasizes that the services will only be restored once the network is secure. SOE spokewoman Taina Rodriguez told The San Diego Union-Tribune that the network will be shut down until Friday and possibly longer, so it certainly looks like players should remain patient during this downtime.

You can read the current FAQ after the jump. As a reminder, SOE has confirmed that hackers may have obtained personal information from SOE systems, so be wary of any phishing scams that you may receive through e-mail. SOE will be granting customers 30 days of additional time on their subscriptions, in addition to compensating them one day for each day the system is down.

During the downtime you are welcome to join us in ZAM's IRC chat. Feldon of EQ2Wire also has set up a ZAM IRC java applet that you can use.

Recent Updates - May 4, 2011

When will SOE's services be back online?

We have been working around the clock to restore operations as quickly as possible, and we expect to have some of our games and services up and running soon. However, we want to be very clear that we will only restore operations when we believe that the network is secure.

How is the SOE intrusion related to the PSN/Qriocity intrusion? Was this a second attack on SOE?

While the two systems are distinct and operated separately, given that they are both under the Sony umbrella, there is some degree of overlap in design. The attacks were similar in nature. This is NOT a second attack; new information has been discovered as part of our ongoing investigation into the criminal attack in April.

How is SOE planning to notify customers whose data may have been stolen?

We are sending out customer service notification emails to the email addresses we have on file for the accounts that were affected. These emails will be sent by Innovyx, our third party email distributor, and contained either '' or '' in the sender field.

SOE initially thought no data was extracted, what changed?

Essentially the perpetrators used sophisticated means not only to access the data, but also to cover their tracks. We committed to continue the investigation and in doing so, uncovered further information that we did not have when we initially believed the data was not stolen.


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in case you didnt read the TOS
# May 11 2011 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
344 posts
I took the advice of someone that said I should have read the TOS and was SHOCKED at what was in there. You basically agreed that they can change your vote in the presidential election. Thats how Obama got elected!! They really can do anything in that eula.
Questions, you ask?
# May 11 2011 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
Ya, I have a question. Hey fools, when will your services come back on? Oh yeah, thats right, you told me, in the year 2072!
Ethically Correct
# May 10 2011 at 4:09 AM Rating: Default
To the poster quoting the EULA agreement. It gives them the right to share the information with other legal entities. It does not give them a free walk for lsoing your personal information due to incompetence. Gurantee you'll be the first to sing the blues if all of a sudden you find out someone has created false accounts in your name and ruin your credit. Many companies can hide behind legal mumbo jumo but if they want to have contined business they will do what is ethically correct. In this guess it offering additional assistance to protect your identity. I could care less if they give me an extra free month or double xp, etc... but if they jeopardize my finacial well being that is a different story. SOE do the honorable thing and take care of your customers.
all the useless receipes
# May 09 2011 at 2:50 PM Rating: Default
23 posts
Maybe SOE is trying to revamp their worthless, boondoggle of "tradeskills": Such as; where an item necessary to make Aug 17 can be obtained by a purported "quest". When in reality it takes raid to maybe get the item to drop.
# May 09 2011 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
I don't mind the down time as much as the lack of updates. I think we deserve some kind of information as to how things are going.
Frre Credit Report
# May 08 2011 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
My main complaint is that Sony (SOE) is not being accountable to their clients. I have had this happen before (stolen data) and the company always offer a free two year account with credit check from Experian for two years. SOE has basically said you're on your own. They want us to police all our accounts and that the onus is on us to protect our identities when they screwed up. SOE if you want us to respect you and come back you better show you really care about us and start with offering a free two year monthly credit report. Shoot Bank of America did it and they are an evil empire. To put an alert on my credit will jeopardize my plans to buy a house and should that happen I will defintely take legal action.
Frre Credit Report
# May 13 2011 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
A corporation cannot contract themselves out of a legal obligation to protect the information and identity of customers. No matter what the Terms and Conditions state, Sony is obligated to protect information provided to them that they insist on and require from their paying customers.

Yes a contract is entered into but if Sony is shown to be negligent, and it certainly looks that way from the fact that their systems were hacked so efficiently and easily, then the question is whether there will be compensation for customers based on the cost of changing and protecting identities.

After all many of the customers of Sony are also involved in security and defense services, and highly sensitive corporate and ICT fields so this is a very serious matter.

No spin doctors or press releases will change the fact that Sony can't just wipe their hands clean of any responsibility.

A months grace and a day for each day off air, plus some trinkets, is insulting and paltry compared to the legal fall out from this incident.

Forget the view of "will players come back" Sony needs to consider if this is crippling and whether their continued lack of customer service, disdain for the impact on us as customers and the insult of a few trinkets is going to be weighed up against customers closing accounts, walking away from Sony, not buying consumer products, and also taking Sony to court in multiple countries (or a USA class action).

How does Sony wish to play this? Treat us with disrespect, or will we get genuine customer service for once and will the reassurance be more than farming off the issue to a third party and some double XP days or a pretty trinket.

Someones identity and their lively hood and finances are worth more than a shrug of the shoulders from Sony senior management and a few pieces of double speak.

Wake up Sony to just how serious this is and note that your customers are also aware of your poor customer response.

Frre Credit Report
# May 09 2011 at 9:52 AM Rating: Default
Did you bother to read the ToS statement on that screen that says I Agree, I Decline? Or if you didn't understand it, did you ask someone to explain it to you before you clicked "I Accept"? Obviously, from youre post, you did not. Sony is under NO OBLIGATION to compensate you in ANY WAY for this breach, or for not being able to play on the server. They state that on item 12 and 13 of the ToS.
12. We cannot ensure that your private communications and other personally identifiable information will not be disclosed to third parties. For example, we may be forced to disclose information to the government or third parties under certain circumstances, or third parties may unlawfully intercept or access transmissions or private communications. Additionally, we can (and you authorize us to) disclose any information about you to private entities, law enforcement or other government officials as we, in our sole discretion, believe necessary or appropriate to investigate or resolve possible problems or inquiries. You agree that we may communicate with you via telephone, email and any similar technology for any purpose relating to the Game, the Software and any services or software which may in the future be provided by us or on our behalf. You expressly permit SOE to upload CPU, operating system, video card, sound card and memory information from your computer to analyze and optimize your Game experience, improve and maintain the Game and/or provide you with customer service. Furthermore, if you request any technical support, you consent to our remote accessing and review of the computer you load the Software onto for purposes of support and debugging. You may choose to visit or, SOE's web sites ("The Station") if such web sites offer services such as an EverQuest game themed chat room or other services of interest to you. You are subject to the terms and conditions, privacy customs and policies of SOE while on such web sites and in connection with use of your Account and the Game, which terms and conditions, policies and customs are incorporated herein by this reference. Since we do not control other web sites and/or privacy policies of third parties, different rules may apply to their use or disclosure of the personal information you disclose to others. Solely for the purpose of patching and updating the Game, you hereby grant us permission to (i) upload Game file information from the Game directory and (ii) download Game files to you. You acknowledge and agree that we may transfer Game and your Account information (including your personally identifiable information and personal data) to the United States or other countries or may share such information with our licensees and agents in connection with the Game.

13. WE PROVIDE THE DISC, THE SOFTWARE, THE ACCOUNT, THE GAME AND ALL OTHER SERVICES "AS IS." WE AND OUR SUPPLIERS EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF TITLE, NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Without limiting the foregoing, we do not ensure continuous, error-free, secure or virus-free operation of the Disc, the Software, the Game, your Account or continued operation or availability of any given server. Some states do not allow limitations as to how long an implied warranty lasts and/or exclusions or limitations of consequential damages, so the above limitations and/or exclusions of liability may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other legal rights which vary from state to state.

We are not liable for any delay or failure to perform resulting from any causes beyond our reasonable control. Further, we cannot and do not promise or ensure that you will be able to access your Account whenever you want, and there may be extended periods of time when you cannot access your Account.

So you can state all you want that they are not providing good customer service, they ARE giving you 1 free month of subscription, 1 free day for every day the servers are down, and there IS a clause for ID Theft protection that they are paying for, which had you read all the details in their posts, you would have known about. So, in closing, they are giving you compensation. They were under no obligation to do ANY of these things.
Blizzard taking advantage of downtime...
# May 06 2011 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
Just got one of those "return to Azeroth for 7 days free" emails from Blizzard - I am sure the timing is a coincidence :-)
Blizzard taking advantage of downtime...
# May 06 2011 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
Me too, how funny.
# May 06 2011 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
Everyone who is mad Sony that "is not telling you anything" needs to chill. You are only getting so upset because you really really really really want to play the game. They said they are doing the best they can, as fast as they can, but really they don't have any good idea of when things will be running again. Would you rather have them say: OK, servers are gonna be up on Saturday. Then Saturday comes around and they were not able to get it done. Now you are even angrier, you have scheduled time to play and canceled other plans (because you're crazy) and now you start to drink angrily and will possibly start to domestically abuse inanimate objects in your home. They are simply being smart about this, it is not new to Sony, or Corporations, or the business world, or government, or religion (when was Jesus coming back, again?), or anything else you could think of. They are not keeping you in the dark intentionally. Could they post everything that's happening? Sure, but why? Would you understand it? Would you read it? I'm sure they will let us know when the servers are going to be back up when they know.

The reason people are getting so mad is because they want to play this game more than they want to do anything else, and it has been taken away from them. They do not know when they are going to get it back, and no one will give them a straight answer. Obviously these people have never been in management and haven't had to edge your way around a subject that you really just cannot comment on at the moment, and I can't wait to see the comment on this post: I'm in charge of XX people at an important place and I always tell them everything that's happening blah blah blah. You're a liar, or you're a bad manager. That is what's happening. The servers will come back up at some point. Get a life in the mean time. My only hope is that people's anger that this has happened doesn't drive away the few people I have left to group with on EQ.
# May 13 2011 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
I get what you are saying. And you are correct. Even if they did say, we hope to have them up by such and such a time, but there is no guarantee, the ranters would be there ready to try to convince everyone to leave because SOE "lied" to them again. And they don't have to do anything other than refund money for services not rendered, if that were to be the case. But I do think it would be better for them to keep some kind of updates and to let people know, hey, we are going to be down for at least a month or three months or whatever the projected time frame. It would also be nice to know how much and what kind of progress is being made on a regular basis. No, they are not required to do that, but it would be nice. Of course even if they did that, the complainers would find something else to ***** about because that's what they do, even the ones who claim they no longer play or are threatening to cancel cannot resist the urge. It's as if they cannot bring themselves to just go unless they can get someone else to go with them, sort of like young girls who cannot go to the bathroom by themselves.
# May 06 2011 at 8:34 PM Rating: Decent
The only thing more annoying than the whiners are the meatheads looking for a HOOZAH by saying GET A LIFE and/or defending Sony.

Yes, dammit, I want a daily (perhaps even 3 times a day) update from SOE. I don't care if that update is "NOTHING NEW, GUYS... SORRY." SOE as "management" (as you say) are the asshats that were neglegent, and the root cause of this problem. If an employee leaves his retail store unlocked at night because locking it would be too much work, and the place gets robbed, it's STILL HIS (the employyee's) FAULT, regardless of the fact that the burglar jacked the place.

So, again, YES, I want the regular updates... they owe it to us. Hell... make us feel special. I know it's an strange customer service concept, but WTF, right? Give it a shot! Appease us lowly morons!

If you're a smoker and suddenly one day they completely stopped selling cigarettes, would you be upset? Most (and I mean a HUGE majority) of EQ players are addicted to the game, or at least have it as a big part of their lives! Heh, if not, we'd all be level 18 scrubs already itching to roll up a new toon because soloing is getting to be a PITA near 20.

I have a life.. a great one! I've played EverQuest since it's release in 1999 with my wife and two kids. We sit here in my home office and laugh our asses off almost daily, just as we have for over a decade. We also see movies and play board games and go to the park and blah blah blah... but that doesn't mean we don't want our EQ back >XO

Stop defending Sony... Stop telling people to "Get a life"... Stop trying to be the matchmaker. JUST BE PISSED OFF LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!!


# May 07 2011 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
woot , a copy n paste meathead!!

Your comments show a distinct lack of business public relations understanding the first 3 or so times , they haven't improved yet.

SOE as "management" (as you say) are the asshats that were neglegent, and the root cause of this problem. If an employee leaves his retail store unlocked at night because locking it would be too much work, and the place gets robbed, it's STILL HIS (the employyee's) FAULT, regardless of the fact that the burglar jacked the place.

Actually no. Since first off , noone left the door wide open , unlocked , or otherwise " invited" criminals to commit crimes. And second off , no victim ever asks to be victimized. Third , no report has as yet been issues about anything , let alone if Sony did or did not have adequate security for its business. And lastly , because you CAN do something , doesn't make it right or legal.

Under your line or reasoning , anyone who has ever been shot is at fault for not wearing kevlar 24/7. And those who still got wounded/killed while wearing kevlar , are at fault for not wearing better protection.

How about posting your home address. Under your theory , I can rob you blind , and it would be all your fault , no matter the level of security involved.
check out
# May 06 2011 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
Dark Age Of Camelot if you bored im downling the 14 day free trail as we speak/i type hahah. only a 3.6 gig download took me 2 hours to get at 98% cant wait for some MMo action!
Billing Concerns
# May 06 2011 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
I highly doubt Sony will be billing too many folks during this downtime due to fact most folks will be reporting the cards they use to pay for this service lost or stolen. I cancelled mine since I did not get a fuzzy feeling about the uncertainty expressed when asked about whether they got into the credit card database or not. I will be peeved if they consider reporting your card stolen as form of cancellation during this time.

Billing Concerns
# May 06 2011 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
They billed me on the 3rd just like always,, nothing at all wrong with their billing servers.
Relican Windamere - Ranger, Hunter, Bastidge
LOTRO while waiting
# May 06 2011 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Decided to dust off my old copy of LOTRO. Download has been running all day. At this rate I will not get any time until after Mothers day.

Didn't think I would find another game that took longer to download then EQ2, boy was I wrong.

LOTRO while waiting
# May 06 2011 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
I think I've pretty much patched all my old games and oddly enough most of them are free to play now. The one that has really drawn me in is Ryzom. The crafting and harvesting are pretty complex so I'm really having fun with that. They do have player housing but I've not gotten to that yet. Instead of turning on my old account I just started a new one so I could learn the game again. So far every time I ask a question I get help and not anything rude, so it's been really fun.

LOTRO while waiting
# May 06 2011 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
Try downloading and patching Age of Conan. The initial game requires 32GB hard drive space.
End of May
# May 06 2011 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Per -

The company's PlayStation Network and Online Entertainment service have been suspended until security around users' information is improved, which Sony hopes will be by the end of May.

Relican Windamere - Ranger, Hunter, Bastidge
Come on Sony
# May 06 2011 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, I was cool with this in the beginning, thinking ok, no eq for awhile. I mean when someone says that "they are working around the clock" and that "the service should be back up soon" I expect to be playing soon. Now that it has been an entire buisness week without any sign of being back up i'm starting to get a little pissed. I mean... Come on... What's up?

Edited, May 6th 2011 8:32pm by JinosTheGenerous
Come on Sony
# May 06 2011 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Well, you probably don't frequent the boards much, unless something unusual happens, so let me enlighten you about "soon".

Soon is a meaningless term when SOE uses it. SOE has been using "soon" since the beginning of time. There are things we have been told that would happen soon dating back to the original launch 12 years ago that still have not seen the light of day. By the same token, we have been told soon and what is being discussed has happened almost immediately.

As you can see, when SOE uses the word, "soon" can mean anything from it is happening now to expect it about the time that the sun will go nova.

Edited, May 6th 2011 8:49pm by Bariag
Come on Sony
# May 07 2011 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
and hopefully "soon" the people who feel this odd need to bash Sony for the sake of bashing Sony , will figure out that the worst thing they can do to Sony is to just leave... stop playing their games and handing them money...

Course I am sure they will do it .... soon.....

ZAM's Latest Poll
# May 06 2011 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
60 posts
On the right of my screen is:

Latest Poll

On average, how many hours per week do you spend playing MMOs?

0-5 hours
5-10 hours
10-15 hours
15-20 hours
20+ hours

The only MMO I play is EQ. So...
/mutters under breath
carry the two...
divide by 7...
ROR 2...

Ummm, None?

Edited, May 6th 2011 8:41pm by Bariag
# May 06 2011 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
5 posts
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely...I am beginning to believe that is applicable to corporations, governments and hackers
new from sony
# May 06 2011 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
they posted a comment on facebook saying that it is still going to be down for the rest of day and blah blah blah just so you all know
SOE Answers Common Questions About Attack
# May 06 2011 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
Wheres my EQ /cry ....
SOE Answers Common Questions About Attack
# May 06 2011 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
/crying too =(
I blame it on the hamsters!!
# May 06 2011 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
On SOE's Facebook

"Regrettably SOE services are still offline and will remain so the rest of the day. We are working as quickly as possible to resolve this issue and appreciate your patience."
about a minute ago · Like · Comment
# May 06 2011 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
60 posts
ZAM needs to run a contest.

How many times will SOE say "not today" (or some variation like today's status update), before they say "soon(tm)", again.

Winners will get a free 1 year subscription to WoW.


Edited, May 6th 2011 8:01pm by Bariag
# May 06 2011 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
I am not even going to respond to all the people flaming on sony for following security protocol. As to when they said the servers were expected back up they informed me that they expected to be down through the end of may. Also there is a 3rd attack being planned which these hackers arrogantly informed Sony of for this coming Saturday. I don't what anyone else would do but in my case I would leave the systems offline until I could make sure I was secure especially with an attack being threatened by a source whom I find credible. Be patient people if Sony is doing what it can and they have more important things to worry about than informing every individual forum of their plans. No I am not an employee of Sony but I am worried if Sony does fail America's economy is in the hole as it is. Do we really want to add to that? As to the facts Sony quite possibly could have had the most up to date security software in the world and still been hacked. I am sure at least some of you know about the the pentagon getting hacked in the past. My point here is we can't entirely blame sony. Should they have been better prepared YES, Should they have expected these Hacks? there is no way they could have. Now realize that the FBI is also working on this and if these Hackers succeed this coming Saturday not only are they better than Sony, they are better than the US government. In which case there is nothing anyone can do unless by some stroke of luck they figure out who specifically is behind it. As I said I am not a sony employee but I am in the field and I worry about employment opportunities. If Sony goes under there will be hundreds of thousands of people no longer employed and those people will rush the remaining available jobs in the field. Get ready for another worse recession if that happens.
# May 06 2011 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah...Sony going under is going to destroy the U.S. economy. Oh yeah, Sony is a Japanese company. Oh yeah most of the jobs created by Sony are NOT in the United States. Oh yeah, an electronics company going under would be a small blip on the radar of an economy whose GDP is just about 10,000 times larger than Sony's market cap. Oh yeah, A company's website and online services (which is about 5% of Sony's business)going down for 3 weeks is going to put them under.
Don't talk about things you do not understand. I understand your concern but laymen who speak negatively about these kind of things to the public are causing nothing but ignorant fear mongering. As a financial services professional, it irks me to see someone predicting financial pitfall where none is evident. If you effect enough people with that comment you will have done far more damage than Sony closing its doors would ever do.

# May 06 2011 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Are you completely retarded? How does America's economy hang on whether or not Sony lives or dies? 100's of 1000's of employees? They already ladi off quite a big chunk, and whther they did or not, wouldn't make much of a dint in this economy anyways. And for that matter, if people weren't paying Sony 15-45 bucks a month, just think of the good shot in the arm to our economy with a fresh few million bucks spent on other things. Sony fumbled the ball, screwed the pooch, and generally got caught with their pants down. And now, they are gonna take an even worse hit, because not communicating at all with the people who have been paying them, has alienated even more of their customer base. Casual players who aren't invested in EQ anyways, WILL find another outlet, and the hardcore players, who are tired of the lackadaiscal attitude towards us all, will seek greener pastures. Will it be better? Probably not, but at least our friends will be there.
Relican Windamere - Ranger, Hunter, Bastidge
# May 06 2011 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Kaifin wrote:
they informed me that they expected to be down through the end of may.

Where is it in writing that they will be down till the end of may let see NO WHERE!!!! last they said it was going to be down till friday or longer. And today is friday and we have yet to get any new updates saying other wise. sorry i don't belive that out of all the people that play their games they chose to get in touch with you and only you. Till i see an offical thing from sony stating they will be down till the end of the month then i will believe it but i find it hard to believe that they will be down that long because of one fact they will lose a lot of people if they stay down that long.
# May 06 2011 at 8:04 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
You want to know something you find out they notifies the press I made a phone call and was told the same thing. and as to you people who are talking about sony being a Japanese company they have just as many people working in the US so that just makes you stupid to not realize it will affect us.
# May 06 2011 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
word to the wise.
dont **** people off that can ligetamently hurt you hahahahahahah
new online games
# May 06 2011 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
sod sony they wont give me firm answers im not that loyal only plyed every day for 5 hours for a year will try anonther game its all new to me any recomendations for free trials of othere games
I did. Feel free to join in.
# May 06 2011 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
BBB of San Diego (San Diego, CA)
5050 Murphy Canyon, Ste. 110
San Diego, CA 92123
Phone: (858)496-2131
Fax: (858)496-2141
I did. Feel free to join in.
# May 07 2011 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
And basically your going to report... what?

That Sony was hacked?
That the FBI can confirm they are working on it?
That Sony is making efforts to compensate for the loss of service?

What exactly are your reporting them for?
I did. Feel free to join in.
# May 06 2011 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
It's sad to see all these SONY people belittling people who want nothing more than a status update.

I did. Feel free to join in.
# May 07 2011 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts

1. I dont work for Sony , I just dislike stupidity.
2. how does reporting anything to the BBB get you a status update?

Matter of fact , you get yet another finger in the pie , you just make mess that much bigger , and take longer to fix =P
I did. Feel free to join in.
# May 06 2011 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
Archive1970 wrote:
BBB of San Diego (San Diego, CA)
5050 Murphy Canyon, Ste. 110
San Diego, CA 92123
Phone: (858)496-2131
Fax: (858)496-2141

that address and fifty cents will get you a cup of coffee, BBB has no enforcemant powers at all and with they reputation is tarnished after the segment show that business can pay to raise their infallible BBB rating.

Deal with it or see a therapist for your additiction

Edited, May 6th 2011 6:35pm by eq2ctplayer
I did. Feel free to join in.
# May 07 2011 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
Good. Let them spend more money.
3rd Attack Planned
# May 06 2011 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
160 posts
3rd Attack Planned
# May 06 2011 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent

/rofl kind of stupid to telegraph an attack, the FBI shold be watching now
All we need is an answer
# May 06 2011 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
I think that its really bad tact for SOE to pretty much leave the online gaming community almost completely in the dark. Other than what people are fishing up on odd news/games sites, I cannot believe that there arent ANY ETAs on when we able to log in to play. Even if they were to say, "May 17th or even June 17th" at least we would know. I hate having to check throught out the day. Ugh.
All we need is an answer
# May 06 2011 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
Does it really matter? People will continue to play Evercrack even if they lose an arm, an eye, and a leg. Why bother wasting time and little effort informing the addicts who will come begging to play anyway. If they took everyone's plats and deleted all the toons, people will still come to play EQ. Don't treat SOE as person and expect reasons. It will do what it wants to do to make $. It will probably take another week.
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