SOE Currently Has 'No ETA' on Game Services

SOE downtime continues as they work to secure information.

UPDATE, May 4: SOE has answered some common questions about the attack.

As we previously reported, all Sony Online Entertainment services, games, forums and web sites went offline this morning as a result of the recent Playstation Network intrusion. SOE issued an announcement which revealed that personal information had been compromised.  Players were, for the most part, relieved that credit card information was safe, but wanted to know when they could play their games.  The press release only said, "Our teams are working around the clock on this, and services will be restored as soon as possible."

We shot off a quick e-mail to John "Smed" Smedley, president of Sony Online Entertainment, asking if the servers would be back up tonight, May 2.  He quickly replied with, "They won't be up tonight unfortunately." 

SOE is granting customers 30 days of additional time on their subscriptions, in addition to compensating them one day for each day the system is down.


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Plenty to do
# May 07 2011 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
37 posts
1) Counting flowers on the wall,that don't bother me at all
2) Paling solitaire till dawn, with a deck of 51
3) Smoking Cigareets and watching Captian Kangaroo

Now tell me what you got to do!!
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.
# May 07 2011 at 1:53 AM Rating: Decent
My heart goes out to the legion of programmers trying to duct tape this monster back together.

You rock.

Edited, May 7th 2011 1:00am by Ebelch
# May 06 2011 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
When a company ceases all operations, wouldn't billing fall under that?? Any fortune 5 would cease every single operation( even billing), all except security and work their way back from there.
conspirisis v punishment
# May 06 2011 at 2:38 PM Rating: Default
you guys across the pond seem o like conspirices sony is a money making machine its costing them and the shareholders money to be off line think of how much station cash hasent been bought if we the paying public are not happy when they finally get it up again (and i pay for subs 18 months in advance) then there are ways legally to hit them in there pokets im sure all our combined minds can sort this out and lets not be petty about a couple of level or some dblxp or even items we can make this company take us seriously and hit em where it hurts there bank account imagin for instance what the interest would be on everyone delaying there subs for say three days ? im sure you lot can be more imaganative than me but it would need a lot of us sukers to do it together
SOE Big Hugs to You!!
# May 06 2011 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
Thank you for the many years of fun I've had in EQ!! /slaps self Don't ever take things for granted! I miss EQ! Miss my EQ family on Test Server! Naugrin, Dark, Nylrem, Aalania, King, Amducias, Blue,etc I heart you all!! ZAM Thank you too for all the years of I've come running to you for help and you never failing me! Have a great day errbodyyyy! =))
anon help
# May 06 2011 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
anonymous help us find out who did this!! :D
anon help
# May 06 2011 at 11:36 AM Rating: Default
22 posts
I bet it was Al-quieda
non subscription players
# May 06 2011 at 4:45 AM Rating: Decent
None of this really matters any way and honestly no one really cares. Peeps forget about the posts just as quickly as they read them. So with that said. Your comments mean nothing just like mine.

Edited, May 6th 2011 6:59am by Capellarius
# May 05 2011 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
it is nice sony is more forthcoming with info, i hope the servers get up before the weekend is over, but hope that if they foresee the downtime being longer they will give us a heads up before we plan our weekends.getting info i can use is better than speculating.
# May 06 2011 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
131 posts

Edited, May 6th 2011 4:44pm by Mazeron
Anonymous' response
# May 05 2011 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
269 posts,-Sony,-and-the-rule-of-law

Last month, an unknown party managed to break into Sony's servers and acquired millions of customer records including credit card numbers. Insomuch as that this incident occurred in the midst of Anonymous' OpSony, by which participants engaged in several of our standard information war procedures against the corporation and its executives, Sony and other parties have come to blame Anonymous for the heist. Today, in a letter directed to members of Congress involved in an inquiry into the situation, Sony claimed to have discovered a file on its servers, presumably left by the thieves in question, entitled "Anonymous" and containing a fragment of our slogan, "We are Legion." In response, we would like to raise the following points:

1. Anonymous has never been known to have engaged in credit card theft.

2. Many of our corporate and governmental adversaries, on the other hand, have been known to have lied to the public about Anonymous and about their own activities. HBGary, for instance, was caught lying a number of times to the press, to the public, and to Anonymous itself (in this phone call, for instance, ( CEO Aaron Barr makes a number of untrue statements regarding the intent of his "research," claiming for instance that he never tried to sell the information to the FBI when e-mails acquired soon showed that he had been set to do just that; executive Karen Burke was also caught lying to Bloomberg about having not seen an incriminating e-mail that she had in fact replied to just a few days before). The U.S. Chamber of Commerce lied about not having seen the criminal proposal created by them for Team Themis; Palantir lied about not having any idea what their employees were up to; Berico publicly denounced a plan that they had actively engaged in creating; etc. There is no corporation in existence will choose the truth when lies are more convenient.

3. To the contrary, Anonymous is an ironically transparent movement that allows reporters in to our operating channels to observe us at work and which has been extraordinarily candid with the press when commenting on our own activities, which is why reporters prefer to talk to us for truthful accounts of the situation rather than go to our degenerate enemies to be lied to.

4. Whoever broke into Sony's servers to steal the credit card info and left a document blaming Anonymous clearly wanted Anonymous to be blamed for the most significant digital theft in history. No one who is actually associated with our movement would do something that would prompt a massive law enforcement response. On the other hand, a group of standard online thieves would have every reason to frame Anonymous in order to put law enforcement off the track. The framing of others for crimes has been a common practice throughout history.

5. It should be remembered that several federal contractors such as HBGary and Palantir have been caught planning a variety of unethical and potentially criminal conspiracies by which to discredit the enemies of their clients. This is not a theory - this is a fact that has been reported at great length by dozens of journalists with major publications. Insomuch as that our enemies have either engaged in or planned to engage in false flag efforts, it should not be surprising that many of the journalists who have covered us, who know who we are and what motivates us - and who have alternatively seen the monstrous behavior of those large and "respectable" firms that are all too happy to throw aside common decency at the behest of such clients as Bank of America and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce - also have their suspicions that some capable party performed this operation as a means by which to do great damage to Anonymous in the public eye. Those who consider such a prospect to be somehow unlikely are advised to read about what was proposed by Team Themis in their efforts to destroy Wikileaks, and should otherwise take a few minutes to learn about COINTELPRO and other admitted practices by the U.S. intelligence community. The fact is that Anonymous has brought a great deal of discomfort to powerful entities such as Booz Allen Hamilton, Palantir, and much of the federal government; the Justice Department in particular is likely unhappy that our efforts revealed that it was they themselves who recommended the now-discredited "law firm" Hunton & Williams to Bank of America in order that the latter might better be able to fight back against Wikileaks. All of this is now public record, and anyone who finds it laughable that those or other entities may have again engaged in tactics that they are known to have engaged in in the past is not qualified to comment on the situation.

Anonymous will continue its work in support of transparency and individual liberty; our adversaries will continue their work in support of secrecy and control. The FBI will continue to investigate us for crimes of civil disobediance while continuing to ignore the crimes planned by major corporations with which they are in league.

We do not forget, even if others fail to remember.
We not forgive, even if others forgive our enemies for those things for which we are attacked.
We are legion, and will remain so no matter how many of our participants are raided by armed agents of a broken system.
We are Anonymous.

Originally posted to barrettbrown on Wed May 04, 2011 at 03:56 PM PDT.
Also republished by Anonymous Dkos.
Anonymous' response
# May 06 2011 at 4:50 AM Rating: Decent
Adani wrote:,-Sony,-and-the-rule-of-law

useless terrorist and thief drival removed


spoken like the true terrorists they are
EQ may be down until the end of may
# May 05 2011 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
101 posts
i kind of hope it won't take as long as mentioned in this article
Password Reset
# May 05 2011 at 4:24 AM Rating: Decent
I wonder how many of you were smart enough to change your Password for this site if your using the same log on information as you use for your game play? If you are using the same info then upon log in to this site use the "Forgot Password" link to change it.
non subscription players
# May 04 2011 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
so whats to happen to us bronze and silver memebers? we might not pay a monthly fee but we do still pay for things in game.what is our comensation going to be?
non subscription players
# May 05 2011 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
Chandria03 wrote:
so whats to happen to us bronze and silver memebers? we might not pay a monthly fee but we do still pay for things in game.what is our comensation going to be?


See folk's here's the problem in the world today.Guy gets a service for free yet he wants to be compensated like the folk's who pay for such service.I must be lost in this logic.

Not bashing you Sir, but come on
non subscription players
# May 05 2011 at 7:47 PM Rating: Decent

See folk's here's the problem in the world today.Guy gets a service for free yet he wants to be compensated like the folk's who pay for such service.I must be lost in this logic.

Not bashing you Sir, but come on

i dont have a steady monthly income that i can afford to buy a monthly sub nor do i feel that i have to pay for the sub if im not going to be playing that month.but as a newer member i did sink money into my toon by buying a mount and some other things.and now i can do nothing with is not my fault that things got messed up so that i cant play so i feel i should get some compensation back that i can actually use not this 30 extra days dribble.

and im not a Sir im a Lady
non subscription players
# May 05 2011 at 10:41 PM Rating: Default
761 posts
same thing that happen to the lotto ticket I DID NOT buy but hit.... damn
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
non subscription players
# May 05 2011 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
131 posts
somehow , I doubt that is on the top of their priority list.
non subscription players
# May 05 2011 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
You must have to comment on that because you don't see a charge on your account for the $29.99 for the Premium Service to this website. It's really disturbing to know that everyone thinks that because the information was stolen from SOE that the thieves just want to gain a monetary value. They can also charge things in other peoples name just to destroy credit rating. And I'm sure after reading my post about changing the user name and password it was the next thing you did as well as any other accounts you may have that utilize the same information.
non subscription players
# May 05 2011 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
you of course realize that your are commenting out of context?
here let me help

non subscription players


so whats to happen to us bronze and silver memebers? we might not pay a monthly fee but we do still pay for things in game.what is our comensation going to be?

non subscription players


somehow , I doubt that is on the top of their priority list.

Think you might want to follow along on better one which reply goes to which thread. (And figure out where the ENTER/RETURN button is on your keyboard.)

How ever I will be happy to reply that , I do pay for premium service to Alla. I had a subsciption since EQ came out , let it lapse a few years ago , and recently rejoined again.

As for running around like a chicken with my head cut off after reading your post , sorry no. I already make sure to protect my identity before hand. If some idiot wants to try applying for loans or buying things with the information on my SoE accounts , I hope they enjoy being laughed at. Nor is it the same information I used on any other account. So , with my credit history safe , accounts with other online services safe , and SoE doing what it can to keep my toons safe.... you want me to freak out over what again?
non subscription players
# May 05 2011 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent
If SOE gives XP x2 you'll get that. But I was informed in my Silver and Bronze days that since I wasn't paying a monthly fee I could not be compensated in any way shape or form for down-time. The terms state that the service can go off-line at any time SOE deems necessary for any reason they feel the need to do so without compensation to the player of any kind. So your S.O.L.
non subscription players
# May 05 2011 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
I doubt your bronze days had a leak of this magnitude. The 30 days isn't about liability it's about accountability. Damage control. Prevention of the loss of paying customers.

For every day the service is down subscriptions are extended by one day. They are thus in stasis and not affected. Therefore the payment model is entirely irrelevant.

Yes, players that have paid nothing should get nothing. But players who do should. Our time was inconvenienced just the same. Our data was in just as much risk.

If you think that a sub player is worth more, then I'll gladly accept a monthly average of my spendings. I am currently one month ahead so it would come out to more than $15. It evens up late this month.

I really don't see why people feel the need to say that we're not entitled to fair treatment. We wouldn't be here saying that you don't deserve anything if it were us getting 1500 SC while the live servers got nothing. Mind your own business.
The Sun
# May 04 2011 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
156 posts
Boy I sure hope they get it fixed soon. I'm starting to loose weight. However, on the plus side I heard about this thing they call the sun. I went outside to look at it and it was cool. So, I did it again and again and again. I discovered after a couple days outside with this thing they call the sun that people no longer want to drive a stake through my heart. They did throw vegetables at me though when I stripped down to my Speedo.
"Is it just me or did that dragon just look at us funny?"
The Sun
# May 04 2011 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
Ha ha ha.....
From Twitter
# May 04 2011 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
Good morning! We have an update with answers to your four leading questions here:...

May 4, 2011

We want to thank you again for your patience as we work to get the SOE services back up and running. We received several questions and comments relating to the criminal attack to our network and would like to address some of the most common questions today. We are also going to continue to post updates to this website with new information as they become available.

We appreciate your continued patience and feedback.

Thank you,
Sony Online Entertainment

When will SOE's services be back online?
We have been working around the clock to restore operations as quickly as possible, and we expect to have some of our games and services up and running soon. However, we want to be very clear that we will only restore operations when we believe that the network is secure.

How is the SOE intrusion related to the PSN/Qriocity intrusion? Was this a second attack on SOE?
While the two systems are distinct and operated separately, given that they are both under the Sony umbrella, there is some degree of overlap in design. The attacks were similar in nature. This is NOT a second attack; new information has been discovered as part of our ongoing investigation into the criminal attack in April.

How is SOE planning to notify customers whose data may have been stolen?
We are sending out customer service notification emails to the email addresses we have on file for the accounts that were affected. These emails will be sent by Innovyx, our third party email distributor, and contained either '' or '' in the sender field.

SOE initially thought no data was extracted, what changed?
Essentially the perpetrators used sophisticated means not only to access the data, but also to cover their tracks. We committed to continue the investigation and in doing so, uncovered further information that we did not have when we initially believed the data was not stolen.
This is part of the data collected
# May 04 2011 at 11:21 AM Rating: Default
This is part of the total data collected by the May First Day.[img=195170] and once the shot May NINTH relaunces we are safe. EMS Electro Magnetic Spectromiter Imaging might be the altimate image ever recorded by mankind. Soon we earthlings will think similare. Let me see your gums! I know, this is none sequetur. BTW, get them "basstidert haakkers". Play some chess, watch some NASA channel, clean the computer, and back yard.
This is part of the data collected
# May 04 2011 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
344 posts
That has to be the worst ui setup Ive ever seen.
This is part of the data collected
# May 04 2011 at 9:21 PM Rating: Default
Yea , sad aint it. I been so used to it. btw, got a better ui? pst.
This is part of the data collected
# May 05 2011 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
I currently use Fetish Nightfall, but I used to use Profit. Both are excellent. Check out EQ2Interface for options and ideas.

Of course, you won't be able to do anything until the servers are back up, but there are screenshots there to give you some idea of how people set up their screens.

This is part of the data collected
# May 04 2011 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Seriously. It makes my teeth hurt just looking at it.
Shit Happens.
# May 04 2011 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
**** happens people - suck it up and deal with it.

EQ2 by far is the BEST MMO out atm even for all of its flaws. It has the most depth (aside from EQ1), the most content, the best mechanics and graphics. Its not perfect - yes there are things we would all like to change but EQ2 PWNS WoW, AoC, LoTR. And with all due respect to Scott Hartsman EQ2 is better than RIFTs too (although RIFTs is a fun little play). You all know it. You will all be back. Just get over it already.

Give SOE the time it needs to re-evaluate its current security position and fix the problem. Stop screaming about refunds and all that other nonsense. Think for half a second. An 8 hour server downage for a patch netted us a double XP day. This is gonna be double XP week or mnth. your gonna be able to grind all your alts, alts, alts and sub alts to max lvl. Maybe even there will be a bonus to the RNG on our loots for a week or two when it gets back.

As for me, when not at work or throwing the football with my kid you will find me in World of Tanks shooting it up. Go outside into the light my compatriots and soak up the vitamin D.
No biggie
# May 04 2011 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
I hate the downtime just as much as everyone else but if they can make it "safer" and all that other junk they say they are gonig to do no big deal imo...we are already getting 30 days free and 1 day per day that its down.might as well say its going to be 30days and a week of free EQ.I for one know my wife faction has gotten better so when EQ comes back up i can kill all that hard earned fation in a massive grind session :OOOO
Some of us just have no life
# May 04 2011 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Gaming is what I do. EQ since 1999. However, never put all your eggs in one basket. I am sorry that EQ is down, and am sure they will get it all fixed up soon. (and a week is not all that bad) In the meantime, I will play the game most like old EQ. Free online gaming. If you like EQ and want something to do, get Guild Wars. Lots of fun, same type of game and toons. Let Sony do what they have to do and stop all the ********** It is not a sin to have more then one game when gaming is what you do...But, If you are really mad, go play Duke Nukem and blow crap up for awhile and get over it.(or maybe I should go get a life)No, never happen.
# May 04 2011 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
so according to the post below with the link on them hiring a firm to clean up after the breach, it states a lawsuit has already been filed against SOE... will a bunch of lawsuits cause them to shut down? Could this be the last days of Everquest? :(
Question about billing
# May 04 2011 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
For those of us that were close to or at our billing cycle, is there any way to stop our accounts from renewing (besides calling the bank for stop payment).

Even prior to the shut down service was spotty at best (week or 2) and with the new announcement of discountinued service (ie no realistic eta) I would appreciate the courtesy of not getting billed (renewed) during down time.

I appreciate the offer to give some free time when the service returns but I would also appreciate to not get NEW bills for services not offered.

I dont mean that everyone that has an active acct and is NOT at the renewal date should want or ask to do a stop on acct.

I would just appreciate the option to return as a customer if and when services are being provided, credit for services not rendered is not something a lot of us are fans of.

Question about billing
# May 05 2011 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
I would venture to guess that if you cancel during downtime, you will not receive the free 30 days. The 30 days is offered to "current subscribers." If you cancel I would think you would fall out of that category.
Question about billing
# May 04 2011 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
344 posts
Im fairly sure their phones still work.
Question about billing
# May 04 2011 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
seizmik wrote:
For those of us that were close to or at our billing cycle, is there any way to stop our accounts from renewing (besides calling the bank for stop payment).

Even prior to the shut down service was spotty at best (week or 2) and with the new announcement of discountinued service (ie no realistic eta) I would appreciate the courtesy of not getting billed (renewed) during down time.

I appreciate the offer to give some free time when the service returns but I would also appreciate to not get NEW bills for services not offered.

I dont mean that everyone that has an active acct and is NOT at the renewal date should want or ask to do a stop on acct.

I would just appreciate the option to return as a customer if and when services are being provided, credit for services not rendered is not something a lot of us are fans of.

two things - the finacial terms of service state that the system may not be available at all times, if you call the bank and dispute the charge SOE might just cancel the account because of it - they have done it before
Why am I being billed
# May 04 2011 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
I understand everything that is happening but I do not understand why sony is billing me for a service that I am not getting. I thought you could not do that by law.

Sony hires firms to clean up after breach
# May 04 2011 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Thank you SOE.
# May 04 2011 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
101 posts
SOE Devs., etc.

Thank you for a wonderful game and excellent customer service over the years. Thank you for bringing everything down as soon as you detected the intrusion. Thanks for protecting our sensitive data.
Thank you for working hard to get the game back up and running asap.
Thank you for not nuking all of those who are blasting you with their negative comments.

Those who complain are most often heard the most, for obvious reasons.
I want my game back, too, but I want it safe and secure.

You children need to stop blaming SOE and whining. Blame the a$$holes who hacked SOE in the first place. Common sense.

Again, thanks SOE!
Thank you SOE.
# May 13 2011 at 9:43 AM Rating: Default
Maegyssa the Picky wrote:
SOE Devs., etc.

Thank you for a wonderful game and excellent customer service over the years. Thank you for bringing everything down as soon as you detected the intrusion. Thanks for protecting our sensitive data.
Thank you for working hard to get the game back up and running asap.
Thank you for not nuking all of those who are blasting you with their negative comments.

Those who complain are most often heard the most, for obvious reasons.
I want my game back, too, but I want it safe and secure.

You children need to stop blaming SOE and whining. Blame the a$$holes who hacked SOE in the first place. Common sense.

Again, thanks SOE!


Blame Sony for not even doing the basics to protect their electronic infrastructure.

No Firewall and Unpatched servers.

It might as well have been a 10 year old script kiddie.

It's the same as your bank getting robbed and later discovered they had no security, no still cameras, no video cameras, no door locks and no vault locks.

This is gross corporate negligence. Decision makers were even aware of how serious the issue was and did nothing.

The human factor is always the weakest link.
Thank you SOE.
# May 04 2011 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Someone with a life, amazing! Thanks for the post.
Thank you SOE.
# May 04 2011 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
This is the best post I've seen in days. Well put. Can this be sticked, Calthine? =D

Thank you SOE.
# May 04 2011 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
Good job! Great post!
Whats the worst that can happen?
# May 04 2011 at 10:03 AM Rating: Default
We know all you whaa babies are jonesing to get back into your fantasy world and away from responsibility but alas Sony has to work in the real world where problems take time, no TPs, no time jumps. Beside whats the worst that could happen huh? Get something done that you have been neglecting, go fishing, go help someone. Today i'm tilling garden and getting ready to help my daughter move out of state. Bit*hing, whining, and making threats isn't going to make things go any faster.
Whats the worst that can happen?
# May 04 2011 at 10:19 AM Rating: Default
Yeah well some of us have put alot of time and money into this game and have no other responsibilities(my one week vacation per year, $#@&$D in the @$$ by soe) ...if sony had not of attacked that kid geohot none of this would have happened ....and who the hell are you to tell people to stop complaining>? You and sony can now kiss my @$$, Im asking for a refund for everything that I have put in in the last 30 days and calling my bank to cancel my last transaction with them.

Im done with sony, I will never give them another dime (online or not), besides who knows when the next time they are going to attack a little kid and get pwned by script kiddies. Hope your reading these boards sony reps, nobody but idiots like this guy feel sorry for your dumb @$$es!
Whats the worst that can happen?
# May 04 2011 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
5 posts
It makes me laugh when a person talks about a corporation like it is actually a person...When Sony was attacked the individuals that enjoy the products and services that Sony put out are the ones that get hurt....It may cost Sony a billion dollars to recover from this attack and that means it is costing the individuals that enjoy thier services a billion dollars.....
Whats the worst that can happen?
# May 04 2011 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Whats even funnier is the fact that this guy will be playing again the minute the servers are back up.
Whats the worst that can happen?
# May 04 2011 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
wtffu wrote:
Yeah well some of us have put alot of time and money into this game and have no other responsibilities(my one week vacation per year, $#@&$D in the @$$ by soe) ...if sony had not of attacked that kid geohot none of this would have happened ....and who the hell are you to tell people to stop complaining>? You and sony can now kiss my @$$, Im asking for a refund for everything that I have put in in the last 30 days and calling my bank to cancel my last transaction with them.

Im done with sony, I will never give them another dime (online or not), besides who knows when the next time they are going to attack a little kid and get pwned by script kiddies. Hope your reading these boards sony reps, nobody but idiots like this guy feel sorry for your dumb @$$es!

go ahead, call your bank and cancel the transaction, then you won't have to worry about the game any more becasue SOE will cancel your account, might be better for the game. They rarley reinstate an account that has a payment dispute on it.

/rofl the people that always soy Sony will never get another dime of their money, you realize that sony is one of major producers of technology chips that are sold to almost every device manufacturing company in the world purchase, not to mention movies, DVD's CD-R's. Unless you play on digging a hole and covering yourself up in it you will never be able to follow through with your imagninary threat.

Hope you enjoy your new life as a hermit.
Whats the worst that can happen?
# May 04 2011 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
I myself don't have a game dispute. But when the servers went down for EQ2 and I found that personal data from some 100 million customers had been stolen I canceled the card I was using as a method of pmt and have the company sending me a new card with a new number to safeguard myself. It's still the same account just a new card. SOE may not be able to get payment but I'm sure they will have no problem reinstating my acct. once the service is back on line. These are extenuating circumstances and I'm sure that millions have canceled the CC's they were using as a method of payment. I don't think that SOE will hold that against anyone. They are already losing millions of $$$. It would be logical to believe that they would accept the fact that you canceled your current method of pmt to them during this issue and would be glad to accept your new form of pmt.(even though there may be a gap in your scheduled pmt date).
Whats the worst that can happen?
# May 04 2011 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
wtffu wrote:
Yeah well some of us have put alot of time and money into this game and have no other responsibilities(my one week vacation per year, $#@&$D in the @$$ by soe) ...if sony had not of attacked that kid geohot none of this would have happened ....and who the hell are you to tell people to stop complaining>? You and sony can now kiss my @$$, Im asking for a refund for everything that I have put in in the last 30 days and calling my bank to cancel my last transaction with them.

Im done with sony, I will never give them another dime (online or not), besides who knows when the next time they are going to attack a little kid and get pwned by script kiddies. Hope your reading these boards sony reps, nobody but idiots like this guy feel sorry for your dumb @$$es!

You my friend (sic) have problems. I'm sure there must be some drug out there to bring you back to earth.

As for "Kid Geohut" he broke the law. He stoled intellectual property and facilitated others to do the same. I think he and those responsible for this crime should be given the maximum sentence allowable in the country that has the hardest time. Plus they should be tagged with a web cam that streams their fun times RP "Sally" for their jailmates. Maybe that would make others think before committing this type of crime.
Whats the worst that can happen?
# May 04 2011 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
471 posts
And with a post like yours it proves you really have a grip on things, right!?!
90 Orc shaman
90 Orc Hunter
90 Troll Hunter
90 Dwarf Hunter
90 Undead Warrior

Scrappy 92 Ratonga Bruiser
Mazum 91 Kerra Ranger
Daktari 65 Iksar Beastlord
DragonFists 71 Iksar Monk

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