Is Anarchy Online Playable?

I figured I would put this up and let you debate on it. Funcom announced that the free month that comes with the purchase of the game has officially started as of yesterday because they now consider the game to be playable. Do you feel that the game is playable? Should they have started the free period or waited longer? Is the game now a final product and not just a beta? Feel free to add your opinions.


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Lost in space
# Sep 08 2003 at 8:17 PM Rating: Default
I wonder if anyone is ever gonna read this. It could stay in here for years and noone would ever know!!
# Jul 16 2003 at 9:31 AM Rating: Default
Thanks for the tip on - I got a T-1 and this has gotta be the most amazing movie and tv site on the planet. It is so cool!!!
RE: LikeTelevision
# Aug 18 2003 at 2:27 PM Rating: Default
this site kicks ***!!! best of the breed by far
AO is great....
# Apr 28 2002 at 11:23 PM Rating: Default
sorry, no compl;aints, it runs like a dream and is a blast to play. Sounds like alot of folks played it really early on and not very high level.if someone says they got to 31 I hear "newbie" because the characters max at lvl 200. 31 is a noob
# Nov 29 2001 at 12:31 AM Rating: Decent
I played this game....for 3 weeks, I got to level 31 and just wanted to kill myself. EVERY "nano" you get is EXACTLY like ALL the other nanos you have. There is about 5 different nano's per character...yeah they have new names...yeah they cause more mana....but they do the exact same stuff..Not to mention all you ever do is play the same mobs with new names/colors. The missions.... They are all the same... most are even on the same god damn map. And another thing, the pvp in that game is retarded, a agent level 20 can kill ANY character up to there level, all you need is a decent gun and aimed shot... pow from behind a tree and they are dead. Also, NO innovative things in this game, yeah the graphics are pretty but there is no replay value at all. No trade skills, horrible guild system... this is NOT a complete game, why they ever even considered that people would spend there money on this steaming pile of garbage is beyond me... Thanks Funcom your the best!

ps. sorrry about paragraphs i was pissed when i wrote this
Funcom not so funcom
# Aug 23 2001 at 6:41 AM Rating: Default
I tried to play the game for a lest two day with nothing but crashes up dating patch. When I finally could get on and managed to get to level 4 I got out in to the bid city area my video card was so slow because of all the people on. Mined you I have a top of line computer PIII 800 with 256 meg, Gforce 2 that normally rock on both EQ and Asherons with the clipping all the way up in 1024 res.
# Aug 15 2001 at 7:46 PM Rating: Default
When most people say the game is "unplayable," what they really mean is that the game does not currently live up to their expectations. They're playing it right now.


playable?? By: Ohdmeal
1 posts
Posted @ Thu, Jul 12th 4:25 PM Score: Decent[3.00]
This game is hardly playable as of yet. Once the game runs at about 75% of what EQ did normally than i would consider this game to be a finished product


Compare it to a console game... By: Anonymous
Posted @ Thu, Jul 12th 1:01 PM Score: Default[2.00]
While I am aware that console games are different in that they don't support MMORPG style games (yet) I would suggest that the same standards should be upheld for PC based games. Just because you "can" send out patches doesn't make it right. If I bought this game for a console I'd be demanding my money back. Why? Because right now it is unplayable and full of bugs (seriously, how can something shoot and kick me from across a football field). Of course, eventually the bugs will be worked out and this will be an excellent game but that doesn't justify releasing an unfinished, beta-quality product. If this were a console game, FunCom would be out of business. Until it could be released as a console game I don't think it should be considered a "finished" product.


Riddle of Steel? By: Anonymous
Posted @ Thu, Jul 12th 11:48 AM Score: Default[2.00]
What is steel compared to the hand that weilds it? The strength of steel is in the weilder's hand.

Just for Fun :)


Playability By: Anonymous
Posted @ Thu, Jul 12th 11:42 AM Score: Default[2.00]
I would suggest that until the game provides satisfactory levels of entertainment for a 75% majority of players with systems that meet the MINIMUM and/or the RECOMMENDED system configuration (i.e. 64 and 128 meg) during average loading in a city, the game can not be considered 'Playable' under any interpretation of the word.

I've yet to hear anyone (let alone 75%) claim that with these minimal systems, they have been entertained, therefore it is utterly obvious the game is not playable.


Once more into the fray By: bandurin
7 posts
Posted @ Thu, Jul 12th 10:08 AM Score: Decent[3.00]
Honestly, last night was as bad as some of my Beta 4 nights. The lag was terrible, and at one point during a mission, I couldn't walk through a door, the whole jiggy screen lag effect. But the Mobs could shoot me through the doors, and cast harmful programs at me as well. I couldn't get to them, problem with being a Martial Artist. I had to quit out, and come back in. I really don't think we should be billed yet. At least they fixed the disconnect thing though. *laf*


Hrmmm... By: Anonymous
Posted @ Thu, Jul 12th 9:38 AM Score: Default[2.00]
No offense friend but I don't share your enthusiasm, and that may very well be because you started playing EQ early on and have been brain washed that these things happen. But you know what I'm not buying it. When a game is produced it should be playable from day one. When I go to the store and drop $70 for a game then sign away a subscription for $15 a month or more I expect at the very least that the darn thing works properly. Anyone who tried playing in week one knows first hand how annoying that was, and although admittedly Funcom was fast and furious about improving game performance I am still not satisfied. You are right that I could end my subscription, but everyone knows that I will never see my $70 again. I feel disapointed that the game doesn't work well and feel like I was robbed of my initial investment. Overall the experience was unpleasant. If Funcom wants to take a financial bullet for it's subscribers, it may help them more financially in the end with customer satisfaction paying back in spades. If Funcom could not produce a playable game, then they never should have released it in the first place. If they ran out of money to finish it properly, that is their mistake. Why should we the players and subscribers have to pay with our money and time for their inability to forsee the problems, that is their problem and their product and we are their customers who deserve satisfaction.



I must just be lucky then. By: Samsheed
11 posts
Posted @ Thu, Jul 12th 6:56 AM Score: Good[4.33]
I must just be lucky or something. Or maybe my standards for what makes a game "playable" are a little different than others, I dunno.

My background: Been running around EQ since barely a month after its launch, gone through heck and back with connection problems, but on the whole, nothing world-shaking. Started with AO on July 4th. My EQ time is generally every night during the week, and most weekends. I only get into AO about every other weekend, but then I play about 8am-3pm Eastern.

So far, I've had a pretty good experience with the game. I know that no product like this is going to be perfect "out of the box," so I do my best to be patient instead of going ballistic whenever it gets flaky. I'll admit, logging in on the 4th of July, creating my character, and then as soon as I enter the training grounds getting "The servers are coming down now, please log out," did kind of irk me, especially since that day I only had about an hour and a half to play and really wanted to try AO out (didn't get into beta quick enough). The patch time? 2 hours, natch. *shrug* Oh well, more time to study the manual better and learn more of the basic controls.

Got back in that Saturday, and had a pretty good time. There were moments when lag got kinda rough, but I took advantage of it-- went over more of the in-game controls, read up and tested some of the emote animations (I don't know which made me laugh more, /disco or /moon *grin*), and generally fiddled around with settings. I think it went pretty well-- learning everything from scratch, no gifts from any more advanced players, but I made level 6 in about 5 hours of play and only died once. "Never enter a mission with only 24 bullets left if your only weapon is a slug-thrower, Sammy," I could hear the old men saying when I was reanimated.

There was ONE place where I had trouble with frame/lag that became irritating, and that was when I explored the main part of town looking for a Nano shop. I got to close to what must have been the local "bazaar" because my FR went from smoothness to about 5 seconds per frame (no, I DIDN'T reverse that, I was moving in 5-second jerks by my screen). Once I eventually stabilized back in the direction I had come from, I RAN away and didn't go back.

Overall, though, I have had a pretty good experience with the game. Could it have gone better? Sure, but you can test something like this to death and STILL not get everything ironed out until sometime AFTER it's released, simply because there's no substitute for trying it out for real. The players after release can put in more man-hours in a single day than their whole company PLUS the beta testers could do in probably a week or more. Wider range of system configurations, playing styles, thought processes that lead players to try different things in different ways (which is how most "exploit" bugs are found-- if the testers found 'em first, they'd have been corrected ahead of time, unless the tester who found it was unscrupulous enough to hide the fact from everyone, hoping for an advantage after release *shrug*), and just sheer numbers stressing the systems-- all stuff that's essentially impossible to duplicate in the closed environment of a beta test.

As for saying they should keep us in for free until they "get all the bugs out," how then do they make the money they need to recover their initial investment in developing the game AND the additional funds needed to keep things going AND pay their programmers, support staff, internal testers, etc. if they DON'T start the paid periods? Bandwith and servers don't grow on trees, don't fall from the sky, and aren't left under the developer's pillows in exchange for teeth by some mythical fairy of MMORPG. They've gotta be paid for, and the cash has to come from SOMEWHERE. Of course, they COULD keep it free and keep going deeper and deeper into debt until they had the bugs worked out to everyone's satisfaction. Then they'd just have to scale up their charge to recoup the losses at that point.

Am I the only one who'd rather go ahead and pay $12.95 now instead of having to pay $30, $50, $100 a month a while down the road?

Hey, if you're REALLY that put out by it all and don't want to pay for something "unplayable" (no, I'm not going to say "take it back"), close your account for a month or three, then come back and try again. Why beat your brains out day after day trying to play if you feel it's unplayable? Give 'em time to fix things up, and THEN try again. Save yourself a whole lot of headaches and frustrations in the meantime.

Think. Then think some more. Then, if all questions are answered, consider how to act.


Samsheed/MNK, Mahein/ENC, Memvarwen/BRD, Hisstesh/SHM, Sinestraln/SK, Tresk/ROG, From Rodcet Nife
Same thing!!!
# Jul 27 2001 at 7:08 PM Rating: Default
I appreciate everyones concerns with in game issues, but I like the person before me, share the same problem. I also recieve the dimension down message.
Dimension down??
# Jul 27 2001 at 7:01 PM Rating: Default
No! This is not playable. I am unable to even log into the game. After I hit the Log in button, I recieve the message " the dimension you are logging into is currently down" When the Dimension is NOT down.... Anyone got any tips?
You know, I think we're all getting a bit to Serious here...
# Jul 24 2001 at 9:42 PM Rating: Default
Let's all take a deep breath, and let out a BIG sigh....Ahhhhhhh! Now didn't that feel good. Now
that you're all relaxed, follow this link to a site that will REALLY relax you: :) High-Speed would probably not be a bad idea. And when you're tired of following the links from this site, go here and catch some online streaming episodes of Bonanza, Bewitched, Andy Griffith, **** Van ****
(what the hell were his parents thinking?) ;)

RE: You know, I think we're all getting a bit to Serious her
# Jul 24 2001 at 9:56 PM Rating: Default
Typo error above: You'll definitely have to have cable broadband to use this site.

Mathazar :)
RE: You know, I think we're all getting a bit to Serious her
# Jul 24 2001 at 9:49 PM Rating: Default
Well...I see the censor machine is :) You can say words like **** and Hell, but you can't say: D.I.C.K
Petition Sign it to let them Know
# Jul 22 2001 at 3:09 PM Rating: Default
There is a petition at....www.petitiononline.som/AOfix/petition.html...if you really want to let FunCom know .... read and sign it.... (I would love to see a FunCom employee try to play on a pentiumII 350 with 64 meg and a dialup modem).... thank goodness i don't have one!
If they are honest and Wait!
# Jul 22 2001 at 3:03 PM Rating: Default
Thanks but no thanks
# Jul 20 2001 at 11:53 AM Rating: Default
Thank you all, you have convinced me not to get involved in AO for the forseeable future. The main problem I have with a "modern" type game is the suspension of disbelief. I have no trouble with fantasy games using hitpoints, when it comes to the use of guns however everthing changes. I have just seen a little of D20's Star Wars and their concept of fatigue and physical hit points sounds good. This might be hard to do for a hack and slash game, but think of the challenge! The quote on the opening page of this web site says it all for me, how can a man with a bat beat someone with a sub machine gun? Sometimes I'm sure, but it should not be totally dependant on skill level
is it playable
# Jul 20 2001 at 9:12 AM Rating: Default
It was not,but miracle happened last night after 6 hours straight ,no lag spike didint crashed even once and 9 of 10 quest worked without problem ,i hope it will remain...
Petition to funcom
# Jul 17 2001 at 12:35 PM Rating: Default
I am also one of the many ppl that believe Funcom shouldnt be expecting money for at best a half assed game that isnt playable outside of the newbie zones I was on Lum The Mad's website and found this link to a petition to Funcom that I think everyone should get involved in if they want this to go through you can read the content from this link
Lets get something done about this crap ASAP so we can at least put this matter to rest and flame funcom for more important things like making the game playable

Is it just me
# Jul 16 2001 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
Or did the patches over the weekend make the game worse? Saturday I spent over 30 minutes in Rome Blue just trying to run out to Galway, when that happened, I decided I would sit down and wait for a bit. Seems the lag is a whole lot worse, it took me over 15 minutes to sit, and execute one emote that I typed in. The game lagged out after I completed the log out as well, where I sat for a good three minutes listening to Omni-tek slogans over my speakers. It's too bad, I really do enjoy the game, when it runs, but it has been so bad lately, it's starting to get really frustrating. I have emailed support about some in game issues, and haven't heard anything back. Sort of an EQ moment for support, no nothing...*sigh* Not giving up yet, just getting a bit disheartened is all...

11th Martial Artist, wanna be Omni-Interop agent
Beta Testes?
# Jul 16 2001 at 2:11 AM Rating: Default
Yikes. Sounds painful to me.
Where does FunCom keep its 'Beta Testes' I wonder...

# Jul 15 2001 at 1:51 AM Rating: Default
The game has awesome potential. It has bugs and quirks. If Funcom plans to stay in business they will resolve these issues quickly or they will lose the current "guniea pig" group of people found lagging around in vairous cities.

There will always be problems, and patchs, and more problems and more patchs. I think the real problem here is the decision to start "Charging" the "Beta Testes" before the product was in a state that Funcom could truly brag about. If they are asking the press to NOT review it at this time, then they know it is not worthy of a review. If that holds true, it seems to go against some ethical values to charge people for a product they do not feel is fit for a review.

Just my 2 credits...
RE: Playable?
# Jul 28 2001 at 5:40 PM Rating: Default

RE: Playable?
# Jul 15 2001 at 8:53 PM Rating: Default
BRAVO!!!! Well Stated Friend :)
Just For Reference
# Jul 13 2001 at 5:54 PM Rating: Default
In case anyone is interested, ask your local EB how many AO Boxes have been returned. YES- You may return them to EB! (They just defect the game out, since its unusable). This number might shock you and make you wonder IF Anarchy will survive its creators decisions...

I used to work at the EBoutique in Seattle (Post me if you want ref's; not a very classy job so no reason to be proud ) and before this game, we COULDN'T take back online games once they were purchased. I was hangin' out with one of my friends who still works there, and the subject of AO came up. Being the national leader in video/pc game sales, I respect EB's outlook on how a game is performing. Well, imagine my surprise when my friend told me how many AO boxes were being returned!

Do I keep it? Wait a month for it to get fixed?
Yes. It's a good game, and all my posts on this board tell the truth, but I DONT THINK we all should be paying starting a few days ago (A 'Free' month is actually included in the purchase price of the game...) and I know FUNCOM is kicking themselves in the leg right now. So, how do we help them out?

I'm very mixed up on this right now, for one. I just don't really have the time to get screwed over day in and day out trying to log on to an unplayable game. I have a life outside of it thats much more interesting, so I'm o.k. there. But I'm an adult... What about the kids who are out of school for summer and bought this game with their 55 dollars of lawn mowing money hoping to have a good time with it? That's who I feel sorry for. Them and FUNCOM.

I wonder if FUNCOM will step up to the plate and re-neg on their decision to start the free month almost a week ago now. I hope so, but most likely not. They are almost a real life Omni Tek for sure. :(

Konami Ballbuster
R.S.G.E. Division 9
Central Intelligence, Sigma Unit
10th Dan Martial Artist
One pissed off dude...
Cancelling Account before I get charged if....
# Jul 13 2001 at 3:07 PM Rating: Default
Here's a message I sent to AO Tech Support & Marketing, and though I'm listing it here, it is NOT meant to bash the developers of this game:

Subject: Apartment Bug; Hotkey Issue; Action Window Issue; First Free Month...

To Support:

1. Apartment Bug: Cannot access apartment. Have key in
inventory, but zoning sequence will not initiate.

2. Hotkey: I cannot find any information in the box
manual or on AO community sites regarding how to
commands, such as for my Opifex Agent. I want to be
able to access in the Action Screen a button for the
use of Martial Arts in combat mode. I currently have
Fire, Aimed Shot, Brawl, Riposte, Dimach, and the
other basic commands. I've been maxing-out Martial
with IP's because several player forums have suggested
that Martial Arts should be the primary form of hand
to hand combat. Question: Is the Brawl Button what I
would use to initiate Martial Arts in combat? When I
click Brawl, my Agent begins punching the oponent but
no use of kicks, while my NPC oponent has full use of
kicking and punching. So, specifically, how do I
Martial Arts into my Action Window or onto the

3. Action Window: Since my first day of gameplay
buttons in my Action Window have been randomly
disappearing and reappearing. Now I understand that
when I equip a weapon or item the icon for it will
appear in the Action Screen, but WHY after stacking
certain buttons does my predefined sequence go into

4. Free Month: Obviously it's expected that an MMORPG
in it's infancy stages is going to have bugs and
performance issues. I'm 38 years old and am an avid
MMORPG'er, so I understand that the best way to test a
game for bugs & performance issues is to have
of players filling the servers. But, one day after I
registered it was announced that AO's first free month
would go into effect because the developers felt that
the game was now playable. Yes, it is true that I can
roam the Omni-Tek Training Ground and engage in
I was able to go from level 1 to 5 in two days, and
have raised my skill points adaquately and have
accumulated over a thousand credits. But, that's about
it. Though I was able to accomplish an easy mission in
Highrise 12, when I attempted to zone out of the
newbie area and into the big city of Omni-1, I was
plagued with extremely-slow framerates, zoning crashes
to my desktop, impossible to implement nano programs,
extremely-slow implementation of action buttons to the
point that the game would become completely
I had to go back to the newbie zone because outside of
that said, I do NOT believe that Funcom should be
implementing the Free Month at this stage in the games
development! This is NOT fair to the AO gaming
community, since you are very simply using us as
stating FOR THE RECORD that if performance outside of
the newbie zone continues to be unmanageble for the
next 3 weeks, then I will have NO CHOICE in regard to
cancelling my subscription until I read a CREDIBLE AO
REVIEW at a Review Site such as GAMESPOT.COM stating
that AO is playable/definitely worth paying a monthly
subscription rate for. How you could POSSIBLY consider
AO playable at this stage so soon after LAUNCH is
something of an EXTREME mystery to me. But, I suppose
that is the nature of MMORPG's these days. Online
gaming is still in it's infancy stages and I would
expect that within the next couple of years
development companies will start to realize that
releasing unfinished buggy games will NOT attract
positive sentiment from the gaming community,
especially when we have to pay for the privelege of
BETA-TESTING your games :) Nothing personal friends.
This is just my opinion. Aside from the performance
issues and my disinterest in paying past the free
for an obviously unplayable game at this early stage,
the graphics are very nice considering TLJ engine you
implemented, and being an avid Adventure/Roleplayer
it's not difficult to see that AO has GREAT POTENTIAL
to be an outstanding game.

Thanks for your time. I will be eagerly
awaiting your response :)

My PC Tech Specs: PIII/500MHz - 128 RAM - nVidia
TNT(version 1)graphics card - SoundBlaster X-Gamer - I
defrag my Hard Drive and run RAM
Recovery(MemTurboII)tool to recover up to 45M of RAM
before login to servers. I do not run (MemTurbo)
during gameplay. After attempting to zone outside of
the newbie area into Omni-1 I was forced to go back to
newbie area, log-out, and when I ran (MemTurbo to
recover up to 45M,
I was able to recover 95M...which further suggests to
me that there is DEFINITELY RAM LEAKAGE in-game.
RE: Cancelling Account before I get charged if....
# Jul 25 2001 at 3:55 PM Rating: Default
I've been having quite a bit of trouble getting this game to work on my PIII/500 system w/128 RAM & nvidia TNT. I think AO is frying my system because prior to installation, my pc's X-GAMER soundcard and Altec Lansing 880 speakers provided pretty good sound. But after playing AO for a week,
the sound quality has diminished greatly. Now it sounds as though my soundcard has been dragged across granite, torched, doused in acid, and sun-dried. Perhaps it's time for an upgrade. But I'd hate to think that my computer needs to be upgraded because AO fried the syetem. The game is almost completely-unplayable, even with my newly-installed T1 internet line. Granted, it's better than dial-up, but not by much.
RE: Cancelling Account before I get charged if....
# Jul 16 2001 at 5:38 PM Rating: Default
I tried to Log-In to the Account page, not specifically to cancel just yet, but to see what procedure was involved in cancelling the account.
Every effort I made to Log-In was immediately thwarted with a "Log-In Error!" message stating that my Username and Password were unacceptable. Yet, with the same Username and Password I was able to Log-In to the servers on countless occasions, including immediatly before and after attempting to Log-In to the Account page. Interpret this as you will. To be honest, I don't really want to cancel my account. Because when the game works, which in my case happens VERY infrequently, AO actually IS quite fun. When I called EBX in Santa Monica, a staff acquaintance who is a self-proclaimed EQ fanatic, fellow adventurer, and local EQ expert told me when I inquired about EB's policy on exchanging AO, he told me that it's considered "normal" in the MMORPG community for a game such as AO to be released with SO many bugs and performance issues.
He had been playing EQ since Launch Day and stated that the problems AO is having now are NOTHING compared to the issues EverQuest had the first 3 months after release. He suggested that if I truly like the game & think it has potential and am hesitant on returning it now, then I should keep it and be patient for a couple of months. He said that's about how long it took EverQuest to get to the point where it was playable. And believe me this guy is a VERY serious EQ'er. He has an impressive playing style and has made tons of EQ friends in his guilds and has developed an impressive line of characters. I currently have 16 interesting EQ characters that I was VERY much in the process of developing on Antonica, Kunark, and Velious, but have placed their development on hold for a time, while I explore Anarchy Online. I'm not entirely displeased with AO, simply because I see SO MUCH potential. Granted, the graphics are nice but could be better. And the sound could be better, considering my X-Gamer soundcard and Altec Lansing 880 speakers with subwoofer. I guess Ragnar Torquist & Tommy Strand thought that utilizing the graphics engine, from THE LONGEST JOURNEY, would allow them to incorporate a massive fantasy world with many possibilities for vehicular travel and teleportation between many huge zones, and would enable players not to have to use a High-End Gaming Rig to play this game. But, quite the contrary, what I read recently and you can take it for whatever it's worth players should be aware that you WILL need no less than a high-end system such as a P4/1.5GHz with a minimum of 256 RAM, and a Gforce card to get the game to a state where it's even playable. Don't quote me word for word on that, but from what I've experienced on my PIII/500, 128 RAM, TNT, SoundBlaster, 56K V.90 system is that AO is NOT playable now, nor does it "look" as though it will be in the near future. Things could always change, though. I'd been looking around for a new high-end system at Falcon-nw, Voodoopc...& Alienware recently and am having a 1.5M/128Kb DSL line installed in a few days, but for the time being I'm suffering through ALL the frustrations & heartache that everyone else is. So Do I return the game or keep it? Hmmm...Don't know, yet. But Electronics Boutique gave me the ultimatum: "Return it now", or as Donnie Brasco says, "FOGETTABOUT IT" :)

"Food For Thought"

I may or may not keep this game. I'm thinking that I could return AO, go back to playing EQ, and wait until AO is playable and worth shelling out thirteen bucks a month for. Yet, on the other hand, I've already created two AO characters that are pretty cool and I'd like to create other class/professions to see the differences in playing-style. It's pretty cool having the ability to create an infinite number of characters as either Omni...Neutral...or Clan affiliate, to explore the world with. What would be REALLY cool is if instead of ending the conflict in four years, which if I'm not mistaken is the developer's plan to end the game permanently, if they did what Lucas Arts is doing with Star Wars: Galaxies by creating the ability for galactic interplanetary travel, that would be enough to keep me GLUED to this game four the next four years and endure whatever problems are going to plague AO in the coming months...& uhhhh (Years?).

Espiria Fazzel Mathazar
Level 6 Level 1 Level 1
Opifex Agent Atrox Enforcer Nano Nano-Tech
Omni-Tek Neutral Clans

RE: Cancelling Account before I get charged if....
# Jul 24 2001 at 5:39 PM Rating: Default
As far as I'm concerned, this game is completely unplayable and I have already cancelled my account. Now I can go back to devoting PRECIOUS gaming time to EverQuest! I played before cancelling last night: (7-17-01) and the newbie zones were SO playable, that I thought they had finally fixed the game. So I ventured into the City of Omni-1. Wow, what a mistake! It took me two nights of camping just to get to the other side of the city so that I could zone to another area and go explore the countryside. Granted, once you get out of the city, it's a little better, but not by very much. AO is showing marked improvements everyday, but NOT enough to keep this gamer glued to the screen for hours & hours every night. My account IS cancelled. Read Review at Gamespot. AO is going back to EB today.
RE: Cancelling Account before I get charged if....
# Jul 24 2001 at 9:02 PM Rating: Default
My Current Characters at time of Cancellation:

Espiria: Level 6 - Opifex Agent (Omni-Tek)
Jabar: Level 6 - Solitus Martial Artist (Clan)
Havgun: Level 3 - Solitus Fixer - (Omni-Tek)
Fazzel : Level 1- Atrox Enforcer - (Neutral)
Mathazar: Level 2 - Nanomage Nano-Tech (Clan)
Mediman: Level 1 - Solitus Doctor - (Omni-Tek)

I must say, I'm quite disappointed with FUNCOM. Considering that AO was following in the Very Large footsteps of EQ and had the opportunity of learning from their mistakes, I don't understand how FUNCOM could make such a HUGE marketing blunder by releasing this LAME DUCK of a game. Though I did create a few characters, It wasn't because the game was SO good and playable. I created all these characters with the idea that I'd be spending the next few months in the newbie arear because the game was for the most part completely unplayable outside of the newbie zone. And though I did cancel my account and returned the game back to Electronics Boutique, I would consider repurchasing it if the problems were for the most part solved, and the game was playable. I don't particularly want to lose the characters I've created and I do still believe the game has huge potential. Unfortunately, by the time AO IS playable, there will be a whole slew of new games available for the Xbox and PS2 consoles along with some exciting new PC games.
oh please
# Jul 13 2001 at 12:16 AM Rating: Default
We bought this product expecting something that worked. The terrible kludge funcom sent out on AO's release day should never have been there. I understand that there are bills to pay and publishers to worry about but the company should look upon this with shame. Just because other MMORPG started out as badly does not mean that the consumer should not expect a quality game. I understand that there is no such thing as a bug-free piece of software but the unending lag and disconnects that game with the first release should never have been brought to the stores. Just because every other company does it doesnt mean that it isnt wrong to f*** the consumers. We expected a quality game when it releases (quality as in bug-light). The company must realize that this poor start just means a loss of revenue in the future. I have pleaded patience to the customers that come in to the store I work in, because I know eventually Funcom will get it right. THIS DOESNT MEAN IT ISNT STILL F*****G THE CUSTOMER. It was a very Bad Thing to do. If it was delays vs. a crappy game. Look at Blizzard, the gamers buying their products know that even though there are (massive) delays they will get a product that works (and will also kick *** but thats beside the point or maybe not). Funcom should have learned by now that gamers dont like stuff that breaks and that they shouldnt do it anyway. Very Bad Thing this is.

(yes i know i need to get a account)
# Jul 12 2001 at 6:13 PM Rating: Default
The game is playable by those who are technical enough to hack it toghether...

I guess they arent worried about the "general" population or they would have waited longer...

Right now its playable for me... and I personaly have no problem with the free month starting now.
At Last
# Jul 12 2001 at 5:33 PM Rating: Default
The people have spoken. Is Funcom listening?

Shaaaa, Right
# Jul 12 2001 at 4:04 PM Rating: Default
OK, first, I'm not going to relax =) I don't have to. I was sold what was supposed to be a FINISHED product. This piece of trash is Beta 2 type stuff... easily. Beta testers warned them. I bet their Dev team warned them as well.

Then they promised to not bill until they were sure everything was good. Hell I sent an email at that point and praised them for that. Hehehe... I actually got a response thanking me for my email, so I know they are working the support stuff ;-)

Then they decided to begin the "free month".

I would NEVER pay for something that works this terribly...

SO Funcom says to the game sites "Please don't review the product for a month- to give us a chance to fix some of the issues" (I'm paraphrasing because I can't find the original article)

But with the playerbase they say "This game is now Playable, let the bucks roll in!!"


Keeping my faith in your business > making $13.00.


Omni Assassin
Revealed Preference = Playable
# Jul 12 2001 at 3:55 PM Rating: Default
I, like most others, am annoyed / angry about the problems with the game.

However, it is clearly playable. Why? Because many, many players are currently willing to pay our $12.95 to play the game. We expect it to get better, but whatever our ********* we're logging in each night and playing.

When most people say the game is "unplayable," what they really mean is that the game does not currently live up to their expectations. They're playing it right now.
# Jul 12 2001 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
This game is hardly playable as of yet. Once the game runs at about 75% of what EQ did normally than i would consider this game to be a finished product
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