Mythos: From a Player's Perspective

Mythos - A veteran MMO player's view

Drawing on many diverse aspects of the different games on the market, Mythos provides a fun alternative to the standard "level grind" commonly found in most MMOs out there. It's fun, absorbing and has a fairly easy learning curve where game mechanics are concerned. The game uses the "personal instance" method from Guild Wars, where a player has a map to a specific area that is theirs alone and there are travel "hubs" that are social areas. In these hubs, players can set up groups and interact with NPCs, gain quests and use a bank system.

Leaving the hubs will take the player to instanced areas. These areas have a small "zone" that leads to the specific dungeon and each dungeon is detailed on the character map so there is no "wandering around lost", which happens so frequently in other games. Arriving at the dungeon "zone", you will find a merchant and a guide next to the zone in location so you can sell off any loot you may have and purchase mana and health potions, recall charms (used in the dungeon, they are a temporary "gate" so you can leave, sell and return to the same place in the dungeon) and some magic items.

Firefall and the Summer Milestone Update

A while back I had the chance to start play testing a new MMOFPS by Red 5 Studios making waves in online gaming circles: Firefall. I found that the most appropriate description I read was “Borderlands Online”; the game combined shooting with crafting and leveling… but unfortunately it also played a bit slow and clunky. Then came the summer milestone update: a large patch that completely changed several aspects of the game such as discarding the leveling system, replacing the Medic battleframe with the new Biotech battleframe, and upping the combat speed of the game overall. So how did the changes come out? Read on for our take on it!