Shards Online: An Interview With Derek Brinkmann

An Interview With Derek Brinkmann

Shards Online, the upcoming sandbox RPG featuring player-run servers from Citadel Studios hit its Kickstarter goal on Wednesday and is now looking toward the future. We spoke to Citadel's Founder and CEO Derek "Supreem" Brinkmann about stretch goals, Shards' playable female character, customization and more.

Eternal Crusade: An Update With Miguel Caron


Warhamer 40,000: Eternal Crusade saw a successful launch to its Founder's Program following E3 this summer. Since that time the game has seen additions and tweaks, as well as the kickoff to some fun promotions.

We recently spoke to Behaviour Interactive's Head of Studio, Miguel Caron, to catch up on all things Eternal Crusade.

EVE Valkyrie: New Hands-On Reactions

You've heard our take on EVE: Valkyrie before. We played at Fanfest 2014 and loved it. We just attended EVE Vegas 2014, played again, and loved it once more. But what What's the verdict from everyone else?

We talked to dozens of Valkyrie players throughout EVE Vegas. Their consensus? Overwhelmingly positive. Nearly unanimous feedback that Valkyrie & VR is downright incredible. Check out our favorite post-game reactions highlighted below!

ZAM at 15 Years: Interview at [a]listdaily

2014 marks ZAM's 15th anniversary, and the site has surely come a long way since then. Our President, Cody Bye, and Director of Content, Micheal Bailey (Mike B), sat down recently with [a]listdaily's Senior Editor, Steve Peterson, to briefly chat about ZAM's history, the changing MMO community and the future of MMOs.

A Conversation with Storybricks

The collaboration between SOE and Storybricks to create a new way of telling stories in MMOs is probably the most highly anticipated of all the promised features of EverQuest Next.

When you get right down to it, a new way of delivering story means a new way of delivering content, fundamentally changing the way players interact with the world. Players have been asking for an end to content that more closely resembles a box-checking exercise than an adventure for years, and Storybricks is confident it can deliver.

Landmark Update and EQNext Design Interview

SOE Live 2014 was a crazy time for everyone involved, for no one more so than the SOE staff themselves. That's why, after a couple of hiccups and conflicts while trying to find time to speak with Terry Michaels (Senior Producer for EverQuest Next and Landmark), I was amazed at the trouble they went to just to make sure we got a chance to chat about MMOs.

Even Omeed helped.

Landmark Livestream: Recap and Highlights

LockSixTime, and background commentator Cyliena, recently discussed Landmark with Sony Online Entertainment's Senior Producer Terry Michaels and Director of Development Dave Georgeson during our July 29th Twitch livestream. If you don't have time to check out the full hour-long recording, here's a recap and highlights of everything discussed!

Exclusive: ArcheAge's First Closed Beta Announced

It's a place that not many triple-A titles are hitting: sandbox games are left out of the Cool Kid’s Club, often times due to their limited nature. ArcheAge is the antithesis of limited--in a world plagued by too much choice, can a game offering the same truly be successful? Trion Worlds CEO Scott Hartsman took some time out of his busy schedule to talk about ArcheAge's first upcoming Closed Beta session and what makes the game so incredibly different.

WildStar: Strain Ultra Drop!

WildStar’s first patch is on the Horizon and it’s looking to be big one. As players are either making their way to level 50 or already trying to figure out how to stop the deadly threat that has been unleashed upon Planet Nexus, the next page in the epic journey gets revealed.

Get ready for the Strain Ultra Drop!

The FEWW: Interview With Founder Floyd Bishop

In a high tech science lab, scientists have been experimenting with the elements to learn about the building blocks of matter in order to exploit their secrets for profit. One night, during a freak thunderstorm, the lab is struck by lightning, and the elements become self aware. You play as one of four elements as you escape the lab and ultimately destroy the evil corporation. You must fuse together different elements as you fight your way to the head of the corporation to shut it down for good.

A new Kickstarter for a side-scrolling, arcade-style "beat-'em-up" game, The FEWW (Fire, Earth, Wind and Water), launched earlier this week. The game is a nod to the arcade scrollers of the past and is being worked on by an experienced team of former AAA developers. We had the chance to chat with founder and lead animator Floyd Bishop to get more details about his ambitious project. Floyd is most recently known in the MMO community for his work on Sony Online Entertainment titles such as EverQuest Next/Landmark and Free Realms, with his animation also landing in TV and movies such as Ice Age.