It's no secret that I'm a pretty big fan of Atlantica Online. I love innovative spins on the MMORPG genre and I adore any game that has a solid amount of support and development behind its PvP meta-game. Not only that, but it's very rare to find a game that does all of the above and inspires a great deal of nostalgia within my cantankerous soul. Thus, it also follows that anytime I find a solid combination of the above aspects, I tend to like to check up on its development every now and then to see how it's going - and my curiousity is your gain! Today we managed to catch up with Peter Kang, CEO of NDOORS Interactive and altogether a swell guy for taking the time out of his busy schedule to chat with me about the future of Atlantica Online. So if you're at all interested in Atlantica Online, then read on to hear about some of the present development choices being made by NDOORS, and what direction they are planning to go in the future. Onward!