Paragon Studios recently announced that City of Heroes Producer Jesse "Ghost Falcon" Caceres would be moving to a different position at the studio, and with that announcement also came the introduction of the game's new producer, Nate "Second Measure" Birkholz. Immediately following the introduction, Birkholz came busting out the door with some of his plans for the future of City of Heroes.
Now, with DC Universe Online already out on the market and tons of new MMOs on the way, Senior Staff Writer Chris "Pwyff" Tom decided to sit down with Birkholz to talk about how City of Heroes plans to compete in the market, as well as some of his views on the MMO industry in general. The new producer also reflects on the game's seventh anniversary, which will be celebrated in April.
Check out the interview after the jump, and keep an eye out for Pwyff's adventures in City of Heroes later this week!