WAKFU, the just-released anime-styled MMO by french developers Ankama, has launched its fourth developer diary. This one primarily dealing with the four divided nations, how they came to be, and how this impacts the player over the course of their time.
They've taken consideration with this new entry to their long-running continuity of WAKFU, especially since 1,000 years have passed since the last game, Dofus. Ogrest, who had collected the six dofus eggs, accidentally destroyed much of the world, flooding it, so only islands remain, and the nations upon them. Each nation, with seven territories per, has its own attribute - farmland, lumber, mining, and fishing - and it's up to the player to govern them.
They also go into detail about the Headquarters, the safe zone of the nation which MMO veterans will recognize as the normal 'newbie zone.' In case there were concerns, they also address the fact that there are also additional islands with uncharted terrain that can be overtaken by the player, for their nation, resulting in a power struggle over the resources each one needs.
If this sounds like your kind of game, head over to the Wakfu Website to register!