Talking Neo Steam with Jason Ruper

Neo Steam: The Shattered Continent is a game that's gone unnoticed on our radar, until now. The game transports players into a Steampunk universe where two nations battle over a precious resource called "Neo Steam" and we're excited to get our hands on it when it enters its open beta phase tomorrow.

For now, we've been given an exclusive look at the game and we're pleased to share five new exclusive screenshots with the ZAM community. Additionally, we had the chance to sit down with Jason Ruper from Atlus to talk about the game.

ZAM: Hello! Thanks for taking some time away from the Shattered Continent to talk with us about Neo Steam.

Jason Ruper:
It's an absolute pleasure to get out of the office and talk about-- Oh, nevermind, I guess we're still in the office, aren't we... Right, let's do this!

ZAM: To start, can you give us an overview of the game's storyline and some of the more prominent features?

Sushi, Turbine and LOGIN

You don't have to know me for very long to discover that I'm a total Sushiholic. Fortunately, Meghan "Patience" Rodberg, Online Community Manager for Turbine shares my passion. We caught up with her at the LOGIN Conference in Seattle last week to grab a bite to eat. During the meal, she went on record to talk about Lord of the Rings Online, Dungeons and Dragons Online and Asherons Call which is celebrating it's 10 year anniversary later this year. Check out what she had to say in between mouthfuls of yummy deliciousness in our exclusive interview with Meghan below.

ZAM: Hey Meghan! Let's order some Sushi and talk about Turbine!! I know you've been doing a lot of cool stuff with LotRO since Mines of Moria, but what's next in terms of major content?

Meghan: Yay for sushi! Volume II Book 8 is coming in June, and players will return to Moria. Book 8 will bring new raids, including a 12-man.

We're also overhauling the crafting system - its two years old now so we're going back and making it a little more thematic and a little friendlier. Right now you might get a crit item in loot and it'll just say "this item can be used in crafting!" but you have no idea which profession it can be used by, and you have no idea at which tier it can be used. Now each profession is going to have one crit item for a tier and when you mouse-over it, it will say what that item is used for. We'll be adding some of the level 60 recipes everyone's been asking for, too.

Jumpgate Evolution @ LOGIN Conference

Every time we see Jumpgate Evolution, we walk away impressed and more eager than we were before to get our hands on the game. Walking away from our demonstration at the LOGIN Conference in Seattle last week, those sentiments remained unchanged.

Don't worry, we haven't forgotten about you! In addition to our exclusive screenshots that we brought you yesterday, we have an interview with NetDevil President, Scott Brown. Enjoy!

ZAM: Hi Scott, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk to us.

Scott "Scorch" Brown: No problem!

ZAM: Looking back over the games NetDevil has produced so far, we can see they're not what we'd class as "typical" MMOs. Is this something that was planned from the start, or is there another reason behind it?

Chat with Carbine Studios Producer, Eric DeMilt

If you've been following the Carbine Studios team like we have, it's easy to see that there's something big going on over there. In another attempt to get more information about the unannounced title in development, we had a talk with Eric DeMilt, the Producer of the project. Check out what Eric had to say in our exclusive interview.

ZAM: Hey Eric. Thanks for joining us to chat about Carbine Studios. Any chance you'll be announcing your first project with us today!?!

Eric DeMilt: Thanks for having me.  Unfortunately today won't be the day we announce the project.

ZAM: Over the course of your career you've worked on such games as Stonekeep, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance and Fallout II to name a few. What kind of challenges have you come across leading a team developing a big budget MMO?

Free Realms Lore Preview

With Free Realms launching soon, we've been digging to bring our community the best Free Realms coverage around. Our shovel hit a metaphorical treasure chest today and we're happy to bring you a plethora of new Free Realms lore. After the jump, feast your eyes on a treasure that contains the most complete compilation of Free Realms lore to date. Enjoy, and stay tuned for our preview of Free Realms tomorrow afternoon.

Four Years of Guild Wars

Guild Wars celebrates its 4th Anniversary on April 28th, with the usual celebrations taking place in-game from today until the 29th of April. We caught up with ArenaNet's James Phinney, Lead Designer on Guild Wars, to talk about the past four years, what to expect down the road, and even some juicy nuggets of Guild Wars 2 information. Check out what he had to say in our exclusive interview.

ZAM: Hey there. Thanks for sitting down with us to talk about the 4th anniversary of Guild Wars®!

James Phinney: Yeah, it's a huge milestone for us. It's gratifying to be a part of a game that's still being played so actively years after its release.

ZAM: Do you guys have anything special planned in the office for this occasion?

Chat w/ Carbine Studios Design Director, Tim Cain

Tim Cain has had quite a career so far, from creating the award-winning Fallout to the FPS / RPG hybrid Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. He's now working on an untitled MMO at Carbine Studios, to be published by NCsoft. We managed to corner him to see what information we could squeeze out about his latest game.

ZAM: Hey Tim, thanks for joining us. We know you're extremely busy keeping your latest product secretive!

Tim Cain: I am quite busy, Andrew, but when the explosive collars arrive next week, I should have more free time on my hands.

ZAM: Up until joining Carbine Studios, you worked almost exclusively on single-player games. What sort of challenges have you encountered in designing your first MMO?

League of Legends Interview

You know that feeling when you play a new game and you're instantly hooked? Growing up it was games like Doom and Utopia: The Creation of a Nation that introduced me to such feelings. Later, games like EverQuest, Command and Conquer: Generals, Battlefield 1942 and WarCraft III gave me that same feeling. Something I noticed in 2008 however, is that, even though there were tons of great games coming out, many of which I enjoyed and spent a great deal of time playing, there weren't any that I found myself uncontrollably passionate about.

Last month, Riot Games had me out to San Francisco to check out League of Legends. I knew little about the game but anyone who models the game's entire concept around a Warcraft III mod has my attention. Of course, I was extremely skeptical, but after I sat down and played my first game, that old feeling washed over me. I was hooked. So much so, our two hour meeting turned into a six hour meeting, causing me to nearly miss my flight. I did however get an interview with one of the stars of the League of Legends team, Director of Systems Design, Tom Cadwell.

ZAM: Hey Tom, it's such a pleasure to have the opportunity to sit down and talk to you today about your latest project. How are things going over at Riot Games?

Tom Cadwell: Things are great!  We are really busy right now, but everyone's pumped.  We are in our friends and family beta period, and getting to play the game with our friends outside the company is causing contagious enthusiasm in the team.  Guys come in after playing, and have some idea they are really passionate about, and put it in.

An Afternoon with Sylvanas

Back in January we had the rare opportunity to venture deep inside Orgrimmar to have a conversation with Thrall the Warchief. Our community responded with overwhelming praise and a desire to hear from the Banshee Queen, Sylvanas. Check out what she had to say about Thrall, Varimathras and her ongoing claim that she's the greatest archer in Azeroth.

ZAM: Hey Sylvanas!  So, how's it going in Undercity?

Sylvanas: Speak quickly; I don't have time to waste on idle chatter.  The Forsaken have become a force to be reckoned with, but there is still much to do in a given day.  This city doesn't run itself.  What do you want?

ZAM: Ummm.  Isn't that the same dialog you give anyone who runs up to you?  I was hoping for something a tad more creative.

EverQuest Inspired By D&D Campaign

How do you think it would feel if ten years from now, your EverQuest character was on the cover of one of the most successful games of all time? For Tony Garcia, the scenario posed by this question is a reality. Better known in the community as Vhalen, one of his characters from his childhood D&D campaign was Lucan D'Lere himself. What's more, many locations from the world we call Norrath, was directly inspired by that same campaign.

We sat down to talk with Tony "Vhalen" Garcia about his work on EverQuest, EverQuest II and all the things in between. Join us as we explore the unknown inspiration, of the world of EverQuest.

ZAM: Hey Tony! It's a great pleasure to be talking with you again about EverQuest. You're definitely missed in the EQ/EQ2 community. How are things going for you on your new project?

Tony Garcia:
Hey Tamat! Things are going great on my new project. I am the Senior Content Designer for Trion World Network.  I am busy doing what I do best, dreaming up worlds. I work alongside some of the most talented people in the video game industry, some of whom are also old friends. One of the most exciting aspects of this project is that it will see life as a video game and a SyFy Channel television project. Unfortunately, I can't comment further about it, but stay tuned. It's going to be great!

I can say that I miss the EQ community a lot. The EverQuest franchise has always had a strong lore community. These lore enthusiasts were always a pleasure to interact with on the boards, in-person and even in-game. They can often have a rivalry between projects, such as EQ lore vs. EQ2 lore, but they have all displayed investigative skills that could challenge Sherlock Holmes, Batman and even the devs who created the lore.