Go to War With Planetside 2

Are you excited for Planetside 2?

I know I am. With the mass running battles, vehicles and general enjoyment of explosions; PS2 is one of the titles I'm anticipating most this year.

Have a look at the newly released trailer below and let us know what you think.


Planetside 2 Light Assault Gameplay

It's about as close as you can get to the beta that started yesterday morning, but this episode of Command Center - featuring lots of info and discussion on Planetside 2 - has gameplay footage of the Light Assault class. If you want to skip all that boring talky-talky, go to 5:15 in the video and get comfy. 

Incredible Planetside 2 Cinematic Trailer

No, stop whatever you're doing. Watch this amazing trailer right now. It will be the most kickass three and a half minutes you're going to spend all day.

Planetside 2 Creative Director Interviewed

A big breakdown of what to expect and not to expect from Planetside 2, all in an interview today at Gamebreaker.TV. He has no date of when the anticipated beta is starting, but he does talk classes, back-capturing points, long term goals, and additional islands or continents. There's good stuff here but I'm stuck wondering what Planetside 2 can do to beat out against DUST 514. 

Planetside 2 Interviews Dev Kevin Moyer

Did you wonder what it's like for a lead vehicle designer to 'actually design a vehicle'? Well Sony Online has you covered today, in their interview with Kevin Moyer

For the most part, it's a lot of casual talk, but there's some interesting stuff in there. For one, Moyer is a total nerd, and mentions that he built a race track to test the ways that they all handle and go off of jumps, and how it reminded him of building Excitebike levels. Or how he plays Starcraft 2 and TF2. But if you wanted to talk about the game, there's cool stuff in there too, like the talk about how the tanks come with locational damage. All of it's a fun and short read. 

Planetside 2 Alpha Gameplay Trailer

Nothing quite makes a game look old than a decade, and watching this Planetside 2 alpha footage - yes, as in it's not even close to being finished - is making me realize just how old Planetside is. Wide, sweeping shots of the maps, the bases, user interface for foot and vehicle combat, tanks and jets, and more. And my god, is this game going to be pretty. 

Planetside 2 Website Unveils The Engineer

An old Planetside favorite is revealed today on the Planetside 2 blog - The Engineer.

He isn't an old boy Texan in a construction hat, but he serves the same purpose in this game. His deployable turret can bolster allies bunkering down to hold the line, or even a shield generator that gives temporary hit points. He can repair vehicles, equipment, and MAX Suits, or put out demolition charges to quickly decimate enemy forces. As is traditional with the class, they have only short-range machine guns and shotguns. 

Planetside 2 Unveils Infiltrator Class

Right after unveiling the three different factions of the Medic, the Planetside 2 website has shown off their newest addition to the war - the Infiltrator

It's about what you would expect a stealth infiltrator to be - a high-damage squishy with an invisibility power and a really big sniper rifle. Their versatility allows them to be excellent scouts, assassins, or they can just hop up onto a tall hill and begin unloading rifle bolts into enemies. We'll be seeing more for the Terran, Vanu, and Conglomerate Infiltrators soon - the Terran page is already up

Planetside 2 Website Unveils Medic Class

Meet the Medic! He's the latest roster addition in Planetside 2, the upcoming and hotly anticipated sequel to Planetside. 

Details are scant on SOE's Planetside 2 portal, but what we do know is this - he has lots of options, provided both to him and to his squadmates. He can be an efficient fighting force, possibly one that heals himself, or he can be a total support champion, all depending on how you utilize him, and how you want to play. What's most interesting, though, is his 'Field Rebirth' tech, which acts as a defibrillator and lets you revive an ally. 

GDC 2012: PlanetSide 2 Demo Screenshots!

Doesn't that look nice? Fresh from GDC 2012 (taking place this week), the good folks over at SOE have released a pile of new PlanetSide 2 screenshots from their video demo for your viewing pleasure. ZAM Director of Content Cody Bye is down there right now, and he notes that the game looks fantastic and that the controls look crisp and responsive. We'll try to get more info for you in the weeks following GDC.

For now, be happy with these screenshots!