With excellent overviews of each match and interviews with the expert summoners involved, RheingoldRiver brings fantastic insight into the events that enthralled millions as part of the League of Legends Championship Series.
RheingoldRiver is a valued member of the terrific LolKing community; the site for all of your League of Legends tools, guides and information. You can also find additional, regular LoL insights at Rhein’s own blog, right here.
The first game of the summer promotion/relegation tournament on Friday saw Quantic running an engage composition with Kennen, Zac, and Sona, while Team Astral Poke opted for a disengage composition with Janna and Gragas. Lane swaps of the ADC/support duos to mid went heavily in favor of Quantic, and it was able to secure a decent gold lead before the first kill or objective of the game was secured.