Jumpgate Evolution Media #5

Last week we attended LOGIN in Seattle and had the opportunity to meet with NetDevil President, Scott "Scorch" Brown. In addition to an informative interview, which we'll be publishing later this afternoon, we scored four new exclusive screenshots. Check out the new media by clicking on the picture below.

Ships Flying in Rahar Furnace

Jumpgate Evolution Media #4

For our final batch of Jumpgate Evolution screenshots for 2008, we've saved some of the best for last! From  shot of a Solrain ship approuching a pirate base for combat to the one you see here that shows a Solrain fighter heading towards the Solrain Core Space Complex and flying past New Soria, the chief Solrain planet in the "Solrain Core" sector.

Check out the final four exclusive screenshots for 2008 and if you happened to miss any of our previous weeks, you can view all of our exclusives from December by clicking here.

Jumpgate Evolution Media #3

It's about that time again for more exclusive Jumpgate Evolution Media! This week our four screenshots take a look at fighters class ships and factories that are used in crafting.

This screenshots display various Solrain ships, from Haulers to Scouts to Fighters all stationed at a manufacturing factory in Solrain space. You use these factories in the game to do crafting, where you can build weapons and equipment etc.

Check out our four exclusive screenshots for this week and if you happened to miss last week you can view all of our exclusives from December by clicking here.

Jumpgate Evolution Media #2

It's about that time again for more exclusive Jumpgate Evolution Media!

Check out our four exclusive screenshots for this week and if you happened to miss last week you can view all of our exclusives from December by clicking here.


Jumpgate Evolution Media #1

It's been a while since we've brought you a new Jumpgate Evolution feature. Fortunately, December is a time of giving and the folks at Codemasters have decided to send Allakhazam four exclusive screenshots to share with our community, each and every week in December. The Jumpgate universe is huge so even though these new screenshots show a great deal of new content; Codemasters is only letting us scratch the surface.  If you missed our interview with the team back in October; please be sure to give it a read.

One of the features that Jumpgate promises is 'epic, real-time, large scale battles with thousands of people at a time '. These screenshots certainly get me excited about that!

Check out all four exclusive screenshots at the following link.