Connect!On - Japanese Player Survey

If there is one thing that is not in short supply, it is rampant speculation.  Everyone wants to know everything about Square Enix's upcoming MMO, and Japanese players are no exception.

This month, Connect!On compiled a survey of its reader to see what they thought about Final Fantasy XIV and the information surrounding it so far.  There were six main topics: Life in Eorzea, Organizations, Race, Amoury System, Class and In the Media.

There was also a little speculation and debate going on between Connect!On staff as well.  Please note that there is no new information contained within this article.

Names have been presented as printed within the magazine with some [translation notes] provided for some of the more discernible aliases.

Read on to see what Japanese players had to say and discuss this in the ZAM forums.

Dengeki Online - Developer Interview

Dengeki Online has posted a new interview with Producer Hiromichi Tanaka and Global Online Producer Sage Sundi.  I imagine these guys must be really tired by now.

Check out what they had to say and discuss this article in the ZAM forums.

Dengeki Alpha Report, Developer Q&A

A lot of news came out at Gamescom last week, and several Japanese media sites had everything covered.  This week, magazines are playing catch up, so there is not a lot of new information to be had.  However, this week's Dengeki had a couple interesting tidbits tucked inside its pages.

Final Fantasy XIV was given a single page in the back of the magazine to review some information presented at Gamescom.  Also, one of the editors wrote up a full report of their hands-on experience with the demo that may reveal new clues about the game system.

Let's check it out then click here to discuss on the ZAM forums.

Gamescom - 4Gamers Interviews Tanaka & Sundi

As Gamescom comes to a close, 4Gamer was able to secure a block of time with Final Fantasy XIV producers Hiromichi Tanaka and Sage Sundi. Previously, Tanaka took staff from Famitsu through a tour of the demo provided to attendees at the convention. 4Gamer, however, spent their time prying out details regarding the game itself.

Read on full the full interview and discuss this in the ZAM forums.

Tanaka P - The Puk Hunter

At Gamescom, Hiromichi Tanaka held and interview with staff from Famitsu.  We posted translations of his and Sage Sundi's interviews earlier today, but now footage of the discussion is available on

While the information is the same, we now can see everything Tanaka was doing while explaining the battle and Guildleve systems, plus get a demonstration of how adjustable the interface will be.  Read on to see the key points revealed in each video!

Gamescom - Famitsu Interviews Sage Sundi

After chatting with Hiromichi Tanaka over a lively round of puk extermination, Famitsu sat down with Sage Sundi, who returns to Final Fantasy XIV to once again offer global user support.

Read on for the interview and discuss this in the ZAM forums.

Gamescom - Famitsu Interviews Hiromichi Tanaka

As Hiromichi Tanaka, producer of Final Fantasy XIV, hacked his way through a demonstration of a "Puk Extermination" Guildleve quest, Famitsu flanked him with some questions about their presentation and what it says about the state of the upcoming MMO.

Read on to see the full story and discuss it in the ZAM forums.

FFXIV Media Blitz! Famitsu, Dengeki & more!

Players waiting in eager anticpation for Final Fantasy XIV news got their wish this week!  Famitsu and Dengeki Playstation both released massive spreads with plenty of juicy details on the story, areas, races, jobs, Guildleve and more!  Now that we have our hands on actual, full-page scans, we are ready to take the massive influx of information and break it down for you.

Once you are done, keep scrolling for a chance to win a piece of Eorzean history!  Readers who click on over to the ZAM forums will be entered to secure their own copy of Famitsu, complete with 9 colorful pages of Final Fantasy XIV goodness.  Details are below, so be sure to check that out!

When you're ready, discuss this on the ZAM forums!

FFXIV Races, Jobs & Quests

!UPDATE! New information and pictures, preview of developer interview and explanation of "Guild Leave," the new quest system.

We interrupt my regularly scheduled lunch to bring you this breaking news from a conveniently located net cafe.  Early scans of what is purported to be this week's Famitsu have found their way online, and they contain shots of the races to be featured in Final Fantasy XIV!  Luckily, posters over at Order of the Blue Gartr were on the ball and gathered them up into one thread.

These leaked shots are a weekly occurrence for Japanese magazines.  They are usually sent out into the ether to generate hype for the magazines, which come out two days after.  This is why the snapshots sometimes can be off-center or blurry.  It is really meant to tantalize the reader more than provide a full scoop.

We will be able to see the full article come Friday, but let's take a brief look at what we have in store.  Please be aware some of the information contained within may change.  There will be an updated version posted once all the facts are in, so be sure to check back!

Digesting the Trailer, Chewing the Fat

Last week, Famitsu released its monthly Famitsu Wave DVD publication.  Included on the disc was belated, but welcome, video of the interview with Producer Tanaka and Director Komoto that took place at E3.  The interview had been written down by various Japanese media sites and paraphrased in a number of ways.  It was nice to see the actual Q&A session itself, but again, there was a lot missing because it was chopped up and reorganized into sections.  Still, it's not a bad way to spend 8 minutes, so you can check out the subtitled version of the video by clicking here.

The magazine that comes along with the DVD also had a page on Final Fantasy XIV.  Specifically, it was two Famitsu editors, Lupin Kojima and Shingo Noguchi, just chatting a bit and joking about their reactions to the official trailer and announcement.  Click below to check out what they had to say.

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