Some interesting news that we caught down the wire, but apparently NHN USA ( has returned their North American publishing rights for Huxley USA to the developers, WebZen. While many would presume that this has something to do with Huxley's near vaporware status in the North Americas (it's actually out in Korea), and ijji wants nothing to do with it, ijji's Customer Service Representative, Midori, has posted a very informative FAQ on their message boards, detailing their decision to return Huxley's publishing rights to WebZen.
More specifically, Midori notes that because WebZen is an internal partner with ijji, they have decided to return the publishing rights to them in order to better allow WebZen the ability to determine the future release date of Huxley in their own time. In other words, it sounds like some fairly standard deadline problems between developers and publishers, and ijji has decided to place their trust in their developers. Good on you,, for the transparency! Let's hope Huxley makes it out... before 2012!