Firefall Dev Diary Highlights World Building

The newest Firefall Dev Diary to come from Red5 focuses entirely on building the world for players to explore. Of particular note, the team wants to make the world as explorable as possible, even given the fact that most players will have jet packs to get to the really high spaces. 

The new dev diary trailer also showcases some of Firefall's gorgeous scenery, so be sure to take a look at the video below.

Firefall Details 2012 Events Schedule

If, for some reason, you didn't see Firefall at PAX last year (even though it was everywhere), Red5 has a new trailer out detailing some of the big event stops they'll be making throughout this year! Of course, there are the usual suspects on the list, including PAX East, PAX Prime, and Gamescom, but Red5 will also be making an appearance at South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin, Texas, on March 9-11, and they're hinting at stops in China and Korea as well.

Overall, it looks like 2012 is going to be a big community building event for Red5 and Firefall, so let's just hope that more players can get into that closed beta to try it out.

Firefall Battleframe Trailer Challenge

It's not very hard these days to find fan made trailers on YouTube. With that in mind, Red 5 Studios is holding the Firefall Battleframe Challenge. Using the footage provided, it will be your job create a trailer highlighting your favorite battleframe. You can create and submit as many entries as you like, but only your best will be considered for the contest. Also be sure that any audio or video is owned by either yourself or Red 5 Studios, or you entry will be disqualified.

Once your entry is uploaded and the official entry form submitted, start getting some eyes on it! Winners will be determined by the amount of likes, views, as well as a little bit of Red 5 spice! To download all the assets, footage, and music for the contest, be sure to head over to the official contest page. And for a little inspiration, check out the Dreadnaught trailer below. The winners will be announced on Friday, March 16th.

The Top 5 Important MMOs of 2012: Firefall

Check out ZAM's other Top Five Most Important MMOs of 2012:

If 2011 was the year of blockbuster RPGs and FPSs, then 2012 will certainly be the year of MMORPGs and online games. With almost a dozen highly anticipated titles confirmed to launch in 2012, there can be no doubt that this year will be a revolutionary one for MMO gaming. That being said, not all of you will have the time to check out all of these big releases, so ZAM has compiled a list of what we consider to be the Top Five Important MMOs of 2012. In this top five series, we'll be looking at some of the most innovative titles of 2012 and why you should keep a close eye on them. Today ZAM Editor-in-Chief Chris "Pwyff" Tom will talk about.... Firefall!

Before I delve into the details, I'd like to note just how difficult it is to make a good MMOFPS. It's not that it's hard to imagine the concept - combining the action of first-person shooters with MMORPG elements - but it's that the two genres are so antithetical to each other that trying to combine them into a franken-game usually doesn't turn out so well. If a development team has enough foresight to recognize that they can't be blended in equal parts, the resulting product usually ends up being a lopsided concoction, with more FPS or MMORPG, respectively, added to the mix. Thus, through the past few years we've ended up with FPS-MMOs like Global Agenda and APB Reloaded, or MMO-FPSs like Fallen Earth. As for games that wanted everything, well, check out Hellgate: London and you'll understand.

Firefall "Going Dark" in Protect of SOPA

Some big 'ol fighting words to come from Firefall developer Red 5 Studios. Apparently Red 5 CEO Mark Kern has notified Shack News that not only would Red 5 Studios be shutting down their Firefall beta and website for 24 hours on January 18th, but they would also be completely cancelling their E3 plans.

Red 5's bold moves place them alongside outspoken developers like Riot Games, who has also started making a huge anti-SOPA push. Mark Kern noted that Red 5 Studios is "extremely disappointed with this misguided legislation," and that they are "ashamed of the ESA for supporting a bill which is clearly not in the best interests of gamers or the game industry."

Firefall's Cosplay Outtakes With Lee Reherman

You all might remember Firefall's awesome new Cosplay video series, where they document the recruitment of cosplayer Crystal Graziano to play Mourningstar and former American Gladiator's Lee Reherman to play as Typhon. Well, they're back again with some goofy outtakes starring Lee Reherman saying silly things. Actually, I'll just quote the Youtube description video, because sometimes you just don't mess with perfection.

"Lee [Reherman] gets a little frisky and weird during his fitting for the Typhon costume."

And... end scene.

Part 2 of Firefall's Cosplay Program

Part 2 of Firefall's Cosplay Program is now underway, with American Gladiator's Lee Reherman stepping into the boots of Firefall's Commander Typhon. Lee will be joining professional cosplayer Crystal Graziano (who will be First Lieutenant Mourningstar), with the two of them making international appearances for the next year at major Firefall events for 2012.

The video also shows off the completed outfit for Mourningstar, so check out both Lee and Crystal's awesome suits in Part 2 of the Firefall Cosplay Program.

Firefall announces new Cosplay Program

Say what you want about some female cosplayers exploiting their target demographic's crippling loneliness (kidding!) to shine, because when Red 5 Studios decides to do cosplaying... well... they do it right. Looping in the talent of cosplayer Crystal Graziano, Firefall has officially recruited their first ever professional cosplayer.

The team has once again snagged award Hollywood FX artist Steve Wang to create Crystal's costume, where she will officially take on the role of Firefall's female protagonist, "Mourningstar," at all key conventions and promotions throughout 2012. In even more surprising news, there aren't too many creepy comments on Youtube. Stay classy, internet.

Firefall Dev Diary highlights Class Balance

Apparently whoever is making the Firefall Developer Diaries really likes profile shots, because the latest Firefall Dev Diary is just full of them. Oh, but there's also tons of great footage on Firefall's big class design choices? I suppose that fixes everything.

In their new class balance dev diary, Lead Class Designer David Williams talks about the big balance choices the team made when creating their classes, saying he wanted everyone to have that moment where "they really felt heroic." David also highlights some of the points brought up by Firefall current team of beta testers, noting what changes and concerns they were interested in, along with the developmental direction he has for the Assault and the Medic class. It's a fun watch, so head over to the Firefall website to watch! Or watch here!

New Firefall G-Star Trailer gets dubsteppin'

I've got to say, this is probably one of the smoothest trailers I've seen in quite some time. Firefall's latest G-Star 2011 trailer features some of the game's core gameplay mechanics, all set to pretty epic techno-dubstep soundtrack. Currently the closed beta is going on right now, so go sign up on after you've cleaned up the drool from watching the trailer.