Today's Contest Schedule

As the EA-Land Giveaway Contest continues, we are having an absolute blast seeing what everyone is up to.  If you would like to join us, this is where we'll be today:

  • 3:30pm PDT / 6:30pm EDT - The Love Castle, owned by Harvey van Parker!
  • 4:00pm PDT / 7:00pm EDT - SpiritofEastJerome, owned by Mike Rizzo!
  • 4:30pm PDT / 7:30pm EDT - Goldie's Cafe, owned by Goldie!

As you can see, we have spots still available, so we've decided to keep entries open until either the contest ends or the spots fill up!  If you wish to still enter, be sure to send an email as instructed in the contest announcement here!

We look forward to seeing you in-game!

Week Two of the EA-Land Contest Housing Parties!

Due to technical issues, yesterday's EA-Land Giveaway Contest party wasn't able to get posted until today! Pictures will be made available as soon as someone unscrambles my computer!! The party was held at Toy-Shop of Horrors, owned by Miss Tattoo'! A really fun team game was set up very much like the board game of Sorry. Those who played took turns bumping or jumping each other off the playing "board" and had a great time!!

Today's stop for the EA-Land Giveaway Contest was Jam Packed, owned by Buckstar Starbuck! Everyone had a blast with a trivia contest run by Buckstar, and the Jam stations were packed while people enjoyed the party!
There was plenty to do for everyone, and the party continued by the campfire with Parizad.

Join us on Wednesday for two more house parties to celebrate this amazing game!

Here's where Parizad will be found : 3:00pm PDT / 6:00pm EDT - The Love Castle, owned by Harvey van Parker! 3:30pm PDT / 6:30pm EDT - Club Alphaville, owned by Erik!

Hope to see you there!

Week Two of the Giveaway Begins!

To launch the second week of our EA-Land Giveaway Contest here is a list of where we will be visiting today:

  • 3:00pm PDT / 6pm EDT - Club Alphaville, owned by Erik!
  • 4:00pm PDT / 7:00pm EDT - Jam Packed, owned by Buckstar Starbuck!
  • 4:30pm PDT / 7:30pm EDT - Toy-Shop of Horrors, owned by Miss Tattoo'!

As you can see, we have spots still available, so we've decided to keep entries open until either the contest ends or the spots fill up!  If you wish to still enter, be sure to send an email as instructed in the contest announcement here!

We look forward to seeing you in-game!