Check Out DUST 514's New Site and E3 Trailer

Last night at Sony's E3 press conference, CCP CEO Hilmar Petursson announced that DUST 514 will be a PlayStation 3 exclusive and showed off a new trailer. In case you missed it, CCP has posted the trailer on YouTube for your viewing pleasure. Watch it below to see how the FPS will be connected to EVE Online.

If that's not enough DUST 514 news for you, CCP has also unveiled a new DUST 514 site that already contains quite a bit of content, including screenshots and an overview of the game. There's even a lengthy dev blog entry from Creative Director Atli “Praetorian” Mar that discusses the game's setting, economy and social aspects.

'Enemies Unite' in DC Universe Online's E3 Trailer

Are you curious what Sony Online Entertainment is showing off for DC Universe Online at E3? Well, they've just released a trailer called "Enemies Unite" that features heroes and villains joining forces to save the Fortress of Solitude from Brainiac. The video doesn't provide a date for when the content will be added to the game, but it's worth watching to see Superman and Lex Luthor fighting side by side.

Quest Online Outlines Alganon Expansion Plans

It's been more than a year since Alganon adopted a free-to-play model, and it looks like Quest Online has some big plans in store for the game. The team made a handful of important announcement at E3 today:

  • The first Alganon expansion, Rise of the Ourobani, is scheduled to be released by the end of the year. It introduces a new playable race and player housing.
  • DC Comics will be publishing an Alganon comic based on the Rise of the Ourobani expansion. It will be available later this year for free through various publications, including the iPad.
  • The two US servers will be merged into a single server this month. A European server will be opened by the end of the month. Localized Asian servers should be available shortly.
  • Two non-MMO games based on the Alganon lore are in development by third party partners. Both games will be simultaneously released on PC, Android and iOS platforms in the coming months and will allow the transfer of perks to Alganon.

For more details on all these announcements, check out Alganon's June newsletter. Announces World of Warplanes, the company behind World of Tanks, announced today that it is developing World of Warplanes, a stand-alone free-to-play game that is based on military air dominance ranging from the 1930s through the 1950s. hasn't released any other details on World of Warplanes yet, but we're sure more information will be released at E3 this week. Of course, we're looking forward to the game simply from its title and concept. How about you?

Cryptic Launches New Neverwinter Site and Trailer

Cryptic Studios is revealing Neverwinter for the first time at E3 this week, and they're kicking things off by launching a new Neverwinter site and unveiling a new teaser trailer that contains the first in-game footage we've seen of this Dungeons & Dragons MMO!

If you're interested in Neverwinter, be sure to read about the game and browse through the new screenshots in our gallery. Before you do all that, watch the trailer below! Also, be sure to check out all of our E3 news.

Rise of Isengard Expansion Launches Sept. 27

Turbine just announced that Rise of Isengard, the next Lord of the Rings Online expansion, will launch on Sept. 27. The expansion raises the level cap to 75 and features three new regions, including Dunland, the Gap of Rohan and Isengard. Players can also battle the ancient evil of Draigoch in a new 24-player raid.

Rise of Isengard is still three months away, but you can receive some immediate awards starting today by taking advantage of three pre-purchase offers. Once you purchase the expansion, you'll immediately gain access to the following items:

  • Legendary Edition, $49.99: All three Rohirrim Style Mounts, all three sets of matching cosmetic Rohirrim Style armour, an in-game title, access to the Path of the Fellowship Quest Packs, and 1,000 Turbine Points.
  • Heroic Edition, $39.99: Your choice of one Rohirrim Style Mount, a set of cosmetic armour, an in-game title, and 1,000 Turbine Points.
  • Base Edition, $29.99: A Rohirrim Style Mount and an in-game title.
  • Every edition also comes with a cosmetic cloak and a 25% XP Boost for all characters on your account that will last up to level 65.

Want to see Rise of Isengard in action? Then check out the new images in our screenshots gallery and watch the E3 reveal trailer below!

DUST 514 is a PlayStation 3 Exclusive

Remember that countdown clock that popped up on the DUST 514 site on Friday? It turns out it was counting down to Sony's E3 press conference.

CCP CEO Hilmar Petursson just announced at the event that DUST 514 will be a PlayStation 3 exclusive. Of course, it will be linked to EVE Online's world on the PC. He also stated that DUST 514 will support the Move motion controller and will be "extended" to the NGP PlayStation portable. It was revealed later in the press conference that the portable device is now officially known as PlayStation Vita.

The DUST 514 closed beta will be held at the end of this year. The game will launch in summer 2012.

UPDATE: CCP has released a press release regarding the PS3 announcement and Petursson has written a letter about the news for the EVE Online community, which you can read after the jump. Community Manager James Egan has also posted a lengthy introduction to DUST 514 on the PlayStation Blog and is answering questions from players.

Trion, Syfy Reveal Defiance Site and Trailer

Trion Worlds and Syfy just launched the official site for Defiance, and it features a teaser trailer for the game! This cinematic video gives us a glimpse into the world of this shooter MMO, which will be interconnected with a Syfy television show. Head over to the sparse site to watch the trailer!

It has also been announced that the Defiance television series will be penned by Rockne S. O’Bannon, a legendary sci-fi TV writer best-known for his work on Warehouse 13, Alien Nation, SeaQuest DSV, and Farscape. 

Defiance will be unveiled behind closed doors at the Trion booth at E3 this week. We'll be there to check out the live demo, so keep an eye on ZAM this week for more details! Also, feel free to browse through all of our E3 news.

Curt Schilling Unveils New Reckoning Trailer at E3

At EA's E3 press conference today, 38 Studios founder and three-time World Series champion Curt Schilling showed off a new Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning trailer that features some new gameplay footage. Watch it below to see the game's rich world!

UPDATE: To celebrate the release of the E3 trailer, 38 Studios has launched a new Reckoning site.

Reckoning, an upcoming single player action RPG, is our first glimpse into 38 Studios' original fantasy universe that will act as the setting for an upcoming MMO, as well comic books, novels, toys and additional games. The team behind it is comprised of Schilling, comic book artist Todd McFarlane, best-selling author R.A. Salvatore, and renowned game designer Ken Rolston.

Trion Posts Photos of Rift's E3 Booth

Look out, a life rift has opened at E3! Community Manager Erick "Zann" Adams has posted a pre-show shot of the Rift booth at E3 on the game's Facebook page, and it looks pretty awesome. He also shared a photo of Trion and Petroglyph showing off the first demo for End of Nations, their upcoming RTS. Check out both images after the jump!

Also, don't forget that Trion will be unveiling Defiance, its upcoming shooter MMO that will be tied to a Syfy television show, at the convention. We'll definitely be stopping by Trion's booth, so keep an eye on ZAM all week for E3 news!