Patch 1.111 is now up and running on all DAoC servers, time to get out there and enjoy the new quests, give RvR a spin and have some fun!
- New RvR Missions are available in the Frontiers! Slay enemy players, slaughter enemy guards, destroy enemy caravans and stave off the invading clans of Picts for fun, for bounty and for the glory of your realm!
- The Atlantis zones have new quests! If you are looking for Atlantean Glass to help obtain artifacts and progress through your Master Levels, these new quests are what you have been waiting for. Generous amounts of Atlantean Glass await those who travel to these distant lands.
- Animists have been given new controllable pets, so keep an eye out for mobile mushrooms on the battlefields.
- Many changes have been made to the Thane class to make them more formidable so be wary in RvR!