Pendragon Summons New User Journey Testers

DAoC Dev's are looking for a few good testers on the Pendragon server to try out the New User Journey mentioned in the 1.110 patch notes:

Pendragon is looking for devoted testers for the New User Journey introduced with version 1.110. While it is of course tempting to go straight into battle with the resources given, we want players to go start in the tutorial and give us feedback though the different levels and quests.

As a reward we will give away "Pendragon's Ring", a trinket with decent stats and a limited amount of full buff charges identical to those received from a Druid/Cleric/Shaman with a 25% bonus to stat enhancement . Any player who completes at least one hub of the New User Journey (and hopefully provide constructive feedback) will have a good chance to receive one of the rings for a character of their choice on the live servers. If you complete all five parts in one realm, you will have five chances to win one of the rings..

Anniversary Art Work

You knew it was coming, and today he is finally here! Hibernia's dragon, Cuuldurach, the Glimmer King is the latest piece of BioMythics Anniversary art to be released:

The third dragon to roam the skies in Dark Age of Camelot is Cuuldurach, the Glimmer King. Of course he is part of the 10th anniversary art of work, too.

Hib Dragon
We will release more pieces in the days to come. Make sure to keep an eye on the Herald.

Thursday September 29, 2011

Version 1.110 Pendragon Patch Notes

The Pendragon server will be down for a bit tomorrow afternoon to roll out patch 1.110 for testing. Before clicking the jump below, you may want to grab yourself tasty beverage to enjoy while you read the lengthy 1.110 patch notes:

We will be bringing the Pendragon Test Server offline for maintenance on Thursday, 09/29, at 1:30pm EDT (19:30 CEST). During this maintenance we will be implementing the first version of Patch 1.110. At this time we anticipate that Pendragon will be back online no later than 6:00pm EDT (Midnight CEST).

Here are more than 5,600 words of Pendragon Patch Notes:

Developer Diary: 'In The Armory' by DJ Frazier

DAoC's DJ Frazier posted a new Developer's Dairy, in it he shared some information on what we might be seeing in way of new armor and ways to obtain it in upcoming patch 1.110:

One of the biggest hurdles for trying to design a New User Journey is the radical power disparity that exists in our game between new users and existing players. Our current players have had the time to put together gear templates that set them head and shoulders above new players, and the gap is prohibitively big in some situations. For a new player who wanders into battlegrounds, especially ones like Thidranki or Molvik, they will often find themselves losing almost every fight they encounter, simply because they are playing against people who have had a chance to outfit themselves out in the best equipment they can find for their level range.

Tuesday September 27, 2011

Monday September 26, 2011

Anniversary Art Work

Albion's Golestandt is the latest teaser art release in BioMythic's countdown to their 10th Anniversary:

The next piece for DAoC's 10th anniversary work of art is Albion's dragon - Golestandt, ruler of Dartmoor and the Stone Giants.

Albion Dragon Teaser

We will release more pieces in the days to come. Make sure to keep an eye on the Herald.

Anniversary Art Work

Another piece of DAoC's 10th Anniversary artwork has been revealed:

The oldest and - at some times - most feared adversaries in Dark Age of Camelot are the three dragons. They had to be part of the 10th anniversary work of art. The first we want to show is Gjalpinulva, Lord of Malmohus.

Mid Dragon Teaser

We will release more pieces in the days to come. Make sure to keep an eye on the Herald.


Friday September 23, 2011