Friday November 4, 2011

New Hibernia Items: Cain Conqueror's RobeCain Conqueror's RapierCain Conqueror's Sleeves (scale)Cain Conqueror's ShortswordCain Conqueror's ScytheCain Conqueror's Sleeves (reinforced)Cain Conqueror's Tunic (reinforced)Conqueror's Mystic StaffConqueror's Weighted StaffCain Conqueror's Spiked MaceCain Conqueror's Sleeves (cloth)Conqueror's ShortbowCain Conqueror's Recurve BowCain Conqueror's Small ShieldCain Conqueror's Tunic (leather)Cain Conqueror's Sleeves (leather)Cain Conqueror's Arch MaceCain Conqueror's Large ShieldCain Conqueror's Boots (reinforced)Cain Conqueror's MaceCain Conqueror's DaggerCain Conqueror's Great SwordCain Conqueror's Great HammerCain Conqueror's Celtic SpearCain Conqueror's Medium ShieldCain Conqueror's Fist WrapCain Conqueror's LongswordCain Conqueror's Leggings (cloth)Cain Conqueror's CapCain Conqueror's Gloves (cloth)Cain Conqueror's Boots (cloth)Cain Conqueror's Leggings (leather)Cain Conqueror's Helmet (leather)Cain Conqueror's Gloves (leather)Cain Conqueror's Boots (leather)Cain Conqueror's Leggings (reinforced)Cain Conqueror's Helmet (reinforced)Cain Conqueror's Gloves (reinforced)Cain Conqueror's ChestpieceCain Conqueror's ChaussesCain Conqueror's HelmCain Conqueror's Gloves (scale)Cain Conqueror's Boots (scale)Connla Sentinel's Harp

New Hibernia Mobs: AdrienneSeathas

Thursday November 3, 2011

Game Update 1.110b Goes Live - 11/03

DAoC's servers are down this morning to bring us patch 1.110b:

We will be bringing all servers offline on Thursday, 11/03, for the implementation of Patch 1.110b. All servers will be coming down at 6:00 am EDT / 11:00 pm CET. We anticipate that all servers will be back online no later than 2:00 pm EDT / 7:00 pm CET.

As usual, keep an eye on the Herald for updates.

You can find the Patch Notes below ...

The Long Halloween

If you are not quite ready to put away your Halloween goodies you are not alone. BioMythic has extended their Halloween festivities for another week:

The magic of Halloween has weakened, and the costume potions once again may only be used in the Capital Cities and Housing.

Due to the ongoing updates with 1.110, we have decided to extend the Halloween event for one additional week. This event will be disabled on Wednesday, November 9, and will return again next year.

Tuesday November 1, 2011

Monday October 31, 2011

New Hibernia Items: Paragon's BracerCain Paragon's Small ShieldCain Paragon's Medium ShieldCain Paragon's Large ShieldParagon's Weighted StaffParagon's Mystic StaffCain Paragon's ScytheCain Paragon's MaceParagon's Parrying GemstoneCain Paragon's RapierCain Paragon's Spiked MaceCain Paragon's Recurve BowParagon's ShortbowParagon's RingParagon's Guarded BeltParagon's Armed BeltParagon's Mystic BeltParagon's Drawn GemstoneParagon's Shrouded GemstoneParagon's Mystic GemstoneParagon's CloakParagon's Mighty NecklaceParagon's Mystic NecklaceCain Paragon's LongswordCain Paragon's Sleeves (leather)Cain Paragon's Tunic (leather)Cain Paragon's Tunic (reinforced)Cain Paragon's Leggings (reinforced)Cain Paragon's Sleeves (reinforced)Cain Paragon's Leggings (cloth)Cain Paragon's Sleeves (scale)Cain Paragon's ShortswordCain Paragon's Sleeves (cloth)Cain Paragon's RobeCain Paragon's Leggings (leather)Cain Paragon's Helmet (leather)Cain Paragon's HarpCain Paragon's ChaussesCain Paragon's Boots (cloth)Cain Paragon's Gloves (cloth)Cain Paragon's CapCain Paragon's Gloves (leather)Cain Paragon's Boots (leather)Cain Paragon's Boots (scale)Cain Paragon's Helm (scale)Cain Paragon's ChestpieceCain Paragon's Boots (reinforced)Cain Paragon's DaggerCain Paragon's Great SwordCain Paragon's Great HammerCain Paragon's Celtic SpearCain Paragon's Gloves (reinforced)Cain Paragon's Arch MaceCain Paragon's Helmet (reinforced)Cain Paragon's Fist WrapCain Paragon's Gloves (scale)
New All Items: Empowering Elixir

New Hibernia Mobs: Kloragh

New Hibernia Quests: Lesson: Make Haste! (Hib)

Updated Hibernia Items: Paragon Belt

Happy Halloween!

A fun twist has been added to RvR for a night of Halloween fun. Costume potions can now be used in the frontiers, which means that Lurikeen you see may actually be a Troll in disguise!

The Pumpkin Moon looks down on the realms and weird things have been going on. Today even the battle between the realms might become weird - the costume potions sold by the crazy old women inside Camelot, Jordheim, and Tir na Nog will now work in the frontiers, too.  

Some of the costumes potions allow you to take the form of the enemy, so don't be surprised if you are under the impression that you fight side by side with enemy races - or worse.

Please note that the spirit, ghost and pixie potions still don't work in the frontiers.

See you in battle!

Friday October 28, 2011

New Midgard Spells: Emendation of EirReconstruction of EirReparation of EirRecovery of EirPurification of EirAmelioration of Eir
New Hibernia Spells: Dazzling EmbraceDazzling HoldDazzling RestraintDazzling GripDazzling ClutchDazzling Grasp

Updated Albion Spells: Protection from HeresyProtection from IdlenessProtection from AnarchyProtection from DissentProtection from DoubtProtection from FearSaint's VigorSaint's TenacitySaint's PersistenceSaint's StaminaSaint's EnergyAlacrity of the Heavenly HostAlacrity of the ArchangelHaste of the ArchangelSpeed of the ArchangelAlacrity of the AngelHaste of the AngelSpeed of the AngelOneness with CreationBlessing of CreationAttunement to CreationPiety of the WandererFortitude of the WandererResilience of the WandererHearth's GiftHearth's BenisonHearth's BlessingFluidityGracefulnessPrecisionAgilityCoordinationReadinessImbue Greater AlacrityImbue AlacrityImbue Lesser AlacrityImbue Greater HasteImbue HasteImbue Lesser HasteZealot's RedemptionInquisitor's RedemptionFanatic's RedemptionChaplain's RedemptionAcolyte's RedemptionBlessing of DissipationBlessing of AbsorptionBlessing of ResilienceIncenseInflameAnnoyTeaseShield of the SanctifiedShield of HolinessShield of ZealShield of JusticeShield of GraceShield of DevotionShield of PietyShield of Faith
Updated Midgard Spells: Paralizing GazeParalyzing GlareCease ChargeNullify ChargeInterrupt ChargeHalt ChargeSuspend ChargePacifying GazePacifying GlareHarmonize AreaPlacate AreaConciliate AreaPacify AreaAllay AreaWake ObliviousWake MindlessWake IgnorantWake Forgetful

Thursday October 27, 2011

New Albion Spells: Bounty of the ArchangelArchangel's ApportioningAcuity of the CongregationBenefit of the ArchangelArchangel's AllotmentAcuity of the CouncilHand of GodDeftness IrruptDeftness UsurpEndowment DispossessEndowment SeizeBrawn UnlooseBrawn AppropriateEmbodiment BanishEmbodiment AnnexAdroitness EradicateAdroitness CommandeerPiety BouncePiety Sequester
New Hibernia Spells: Heat ChainsHeat LockHeat ClampHeat WebHeat NetHeat SnareNull StrengthVitiate StrengthVoid StrengthAbrogate StrengthUnmake StrengthNegate StrengthCancel Strength

Updated Albion Spells: Trial By FireTest of FaithStrength From AdversityMercybringerPurifying StrengthRefiner's StrengthSpiritual BarrierSpiritual GuardSpiritual ShieldEnergy BarrierEnergy GuardEnergy ShieldBarrier of HealthGuard of HealthShield of HealthAcuity of the MagiAcuity of the SageAcuity of the ProphetAcuity of the SeerHeavenly InfusionRevitalizationRegenerationRenewalCoordination of the ArchangelAgility of the ArchangelDexterity of the ArchangelAngelic CoordinationAngelic AgilityAngelic DexterityArchangel's MightArchangel's PowerArchangel's PotencyArchangel's StrengthAngelic PowerAngelic PotencyAngelic StrengthBlessed ShieldHoly BarrierHoly GuardHoly ShieldBlessed BarrierBlessed Guard
Updated Hibernia Spells: Major Ethereal DevastationEthereal DevastationMajor Ethereal ExplosionEthereal ExplosionMajor Ethereal DetonationEthereal DetonationMajor Ethereal BlastEthereal BlastMajor Ethereal ConcussionEthereal ConcussionVoid AbyssVoid ChasmVoid GulfVoid FissureVoid RiftVoid RentVoid CleaveVoid BreakVoid GapVoid Slit

Wednesday October 26, 2011