Earlier today, we reported that the eagerly-awaited superhero MMO, Champions Online, launched in North America. Although some players had the chance to participate in the head-start a few days early, those numbers are a minority compared to the swarm of players hitting live servers today. But not everything is peachy at the Cryptic Studios official forums, where a substantial amount of players are unhappy with the new patch that also went live today (addressing a number of class balance issues, among other gameplay bugs).
In the forums version of the "State of the Game" Launch Day announcement that we linked to in our earlier story, Cryptic described the game issues fixed in this launch day patch. But many players disagree with the way the game developer handled the patch, accusing it of dropping major game and character ability changes on them, without proper testing. In addition, some players believe they should have received a free respec, especially for characters with significant ability changes. Cryptic responded in this forum post, writing that the community team recognizes and is working on addressing today's player feedback.