Blizzard Posts Official Death Knight Creation FAQ

Blizzard poster Wryxian has posted a Death Knight Creation FAQ on the O-Boards. While most players excited about this class may already know most of these answers, it's nice to have the official Blizzard responses to these commonly asked questions.

Players must have at least one level 55+ character to create a death knight of any race, and the DK may only be created on the same realm as that 55+ character for the launch of Wrath of the Lich King. According to Wryxian, the opportunity to create a DK on any server, provided you have a 55+ character, will be implemented in the future.

As for a creation limit on death knights, Wyrxian said, "You will only be able to have one death knight per realm at any one time. Should you delete a death knight, you will still be able to create a new one."

For the full FAQ, check here or keep reading below. They have also been posted in our death knight forum.

EU Beta Realm gets Premades

EU Beta testers have been begging for premades ever since the NA Beta got them and finally they get a chance to get them! As of this morning the premades where opened up for all EU Beta Testers.

Posted by Wryxian (Source )

Blizzard Wins $6 Million in WoW Glider Case

Allakhazam poster Leodis has pointed out in our WoW general forum that Blizzard has won $6 million in damages from MDY, the producers of the World of Warcraft Glider software, according to BBC News.

The damages award could be delayed if Blizzard appeals against the judgement which threw out its claim to double or triple the cash settlement.

The case is due to go to court again in January 2009 when the remaining issues in the legal conflict look likely to be settled.

Check BBC News for the full article or keep reading below. Also, discuss the topic in our forum .

WoW Battlgrounds Tournament to be Held at BlizzCon

Think you have what it takes to complete in a World of Warcraft Battlegrounds tournament at BlizzCon? Then register here to test out your PvP skills. Or, if you'd rather, you can compete in the first-ever StarCraft II Community Tournament or Defense of the Ancients (based on Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne).

BlizzCon 2008 will be held from Oct. 10-11 at the Anaheim Convention Center. For those who can't attend, over 16 hours of crystal-clear high-definition coverage of the event will be offered through DIRECTV Pay Per View .

Convention Beta Codes No Longer Accepted

According to Blizzard , Worldwide Invitational '08 and BlizzCon '07 beta code registrations will no longer be accepted for the Wrath of the Lich King beta. Thankfully, the unique pets that go along with this deal can still be obtained.

"Those that still have unused cards will be able to use their code to claim their pet if they have not already done so.

Future beta registrations will be opened after the week of Nov. 13."

PvP Changes update for WotLK

So there is a new update to the upcoiming honor changes we have found. Per Eyonix, due to honor being wiped and whatnot, there are some upgrades and special rewards coming in the next patch to offset this change to the PvP system. Read on for more details.

New Beta Build Incoming

The beta servers have just went down and Tigole has posted a quick "patch notes" that have been posted off the top of his head.


BlizzCon 2008 on PPV

Blizzard just announced that 16 hours of BlizzCon will air LIVE and in High Def, exclusively on DirecTV. DirecTV boasts that those who order the PPV event will 'feel like you're right there in the middle of it all'. Additionally, you'll receive a code for the BlizzCon 2008 World of Warcraft in-game polar bear mount ridden by a flag-waving murloc. The cost of the PPV will only be $39.95 which in my opinion is an excellent price all things considered. Check out the official announcement over at BlizzCon website.

Arena Guide

It seems Blizzard decided to write a guide for Arena players, based on the feedback and interviews of some of the top pvp players around.

If you're new to Arena, or if you're rusty and need to go back to the basics, this could be useful.

AbleGamers tackle Diablo III

Our friends Steve Spohn and Mark Bartlet over at had the opportunity to speak with Blizzard's Jay Wilson, Lead Designer and Leonard Boyarsky, Lead World Designer about the highly anticpated, upcoming title Diablo III. In the first installment of this two part interview much is unvieled about Diablo III including information about Tristram, classes and hardware requirements -- sorry folks, your Commodore 64 will not run Diablo III. Check it out.....

Steve, AbleGamers: With the characters that were announced in the invitational being the barbarian and the witch doctor... the expansion of Diablo II at seven characters. Was there any reason that two of the characters, well actually three, were left out, and can you comment on which five will be in the game?

Jay, Blizzard: We're not trying to match the number of characters that Diablo II and the expansion had, in some way as we look at that as, "that's no fair! That's two game for the content that you asking us to match, as supposed to one." We're really trying to think what we would feel would be the right number of starting archetypes for the player and in the long run we will have five classes for Diablo III. I'm sure we will expand that with expansions down the road, but were really trying to focus on making those classes each kind of a unique and good experience for Diablo III. For example, the barbarian, we brought him back because he was a class that we really thought we could improve, but other classes... the other classes that were done really well and Diablo II, we looked at it and said "well, all I would really do is repeat that class." We don't think we could make such a significant improvement that it provides new gameplay or new experience. So in those cases, we haven't focused on really have heavily and bringing them back. That being said, once we get the original game out, and we start looking at expansions, we might think about different ideas like bringing back old characters that were really popular. But in the initial game are really focused on bringing new experiences to everyone.

Click here to view the full interview at and stay tuned for the second installment on Monday, September 22nd.