As part of our 'Atlantica Online in October ' promotion, NDOORS has agreed to write four developers journals for exclusive publication at Allakhazam. This week, Kim Tae Gon, Producer of Atlantica Online chimed in on the goal to make Atlantica Online a 'unique experience'. The Journal entree -- which is primarily about the turn based combat system (that can be loosely defined as a 'console RPG-MMO hybrid') is well written and by an individual that knows the industry, and has a clear focus as to what he wants his game to be.
Getting Turned On
Atlantica's Turn-based Combat System
When we first started working on Atlantica, one of our foremost goals was to create an online gaming experience that was unique. In a genre dominated by games that seek to emulate their most successful competitor -- I think you know the game I'm referring to here -- we took it on as our duty to present the gaming world something new and fresh. At the heart of Atlantica, you find the turn-based combat system. This adds a level of strategy that we believe is seldom found in today’s MMORPGs.
Unlike most online games, where you control a single character, a large part of a player's "character" development in Atlantica actually revolves around finding and hiring various mercenaries to fight alongside you. When entering a fight with a monster or another player, you find yourself in charge of moving not only yourself, but up to eight additional other characters that you have picked up during your travels. If you think of these mercenaries as your friends, then your strength and effectiveness becomes largely about who you know.