Steve Sandfield posted on AnarchyOnline today that the Cyborg Ploy Foiled by Omni-Tek Employees, and tells the full story and his thanks at the end.
The courage of several Omni-Tek employees were put to the test when cyborgs forged a plan to turn the notum cannons of Clondyke into weapons aimed at the cities of Rubi-Ka.
Hello all hard working and loyal Omni-Tek workers, and citizens.
Once in a while, we get a surprise. You know, you're half asleep and your comm goes off, or someone drops something. One step above that, we have shock. Shock is a marriage, between surprise and fear. However, shock generally requires the person to be present at the time of the event, they must experience the surprise and fear.
So, what do we call it when you read or learn about something that could have affected us all, that would have been both shocking and fearful?
I, like many of you, am dismayed to learn that the cyborgs were very close to capturing the Clondyke facility and turning the giant notum shipping cannons on various cities. Although their targets are currently unknown, or being withheld, it's reasonable to assume Omni-1 and Rome would have been on the list, judging by the cyborgs' past actions.
Now, I can't blame Omni-Pol or anyone for the cyborgs getting as far as they did, lapses in security happen. There are changes in schedule, working around all that notum, sometimes security monitors fail, so on. Add to that the cyborgs' innate knowledge of machines and their ability to time things down to the nano second, and well, it's easy to see why they are successful. Cyborgs are not people, they are not machines, they are both. They can think like people, be as calculating as machines, and more vigilant than a slayerdroid.
Honestly, that gives them an advantage. We, as normal beings, dabble in technology when compared to them. Our relationship with machines is master and slave, push and pull, love and hate. Cyborgs see machines as equal. So what lets us beat them? Why do we succeed and they fail?
Dedication, desire, passion. Cyborgs lack all of it. Omni-Tek employees have it in spades. As long as we don't lose the desire to do what is right, the passion to pursue it, and the dedication to the Company's growth, the Cyborgs will never beat us.
Although there are no complete logs of all those that helped participate in the routing of the Cyborgs, below is a partial list of confirmed names (in no particular order).
Well done Omni-Tek Employees, myself and I'm sure the Corporation thanks you:
Senginier, Absolum, Alienchild, Dezzra, Qwart, Tauris, Tarazodoen, Dayhock, Cyberbob, Likebutta, Lordshadow, Briern, Farraday, Thannus, Sebuda, Alaxandra, Bacman, Chaynes, Megastore, Prefab, Meyra, Highpower, and all the others that helped out in the tricky situation.
-Steve Sandfield.
Omni-Tek is your Friend.