Age of Wushu: Yanmen Pass Video


If you like the grit of a sandbox in your MMO, as well as bone-crunchingly balletic combat, Age of Wushu continues to offer adventures aplenty.

Snail Games isn't resting on its laurels and AoW's first expansion, Legends of Mount Hua, arrives on August 8. As part of its build up toward release, Snail has unveiled some new details on what to expect.

Age of Wushu: Drunken Master?


Age of Wushu has an incredible depth to its systems, so it shouldn't really come as a surprise that even alcohol has its place.

As fans of the legendary Jackie Chan film, Drunken Master, will know, purveyors of intoxicated combat in martial arts mythology have a very distinct style.

Age of Wushu: Rise of the Villains


Every great hero needs a great villain. Holmes has Moriarty, Superman has Lex Luthor and Spider Man has every oddball in New York.

Today, Snail Games wanted to make it abundantly clear that Age of Wushu will give you plenty of opportunities to prove your valor against some particularly unpleasant miscreants.

Age of Wushu Beta Preview


Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Eve Online, and Dynasty Warriors. If these diverse names pique your interest, you'd do well to pay attention to the upcoming martial arts based RPG from Snail Games: Age of Wushu (AoW). I had a chance to jump into the beta for this Wuxia based Free to Play MMO, and found an intriguing, faithful recreation of a high flying, kung-fu world and also noticed a few problems that will hopefully be overcome before the full release later this year.

Age of Wushu extending beta, indefinitely!


Snail Games, developers of Age of Wushu, have listened to their players' clamoring and have decided to extend the current Closed Beta session. Pyre, Community Manager for Age of Wushu, posted on their official forums:


"We hope some of the recent happenings here on the Age of Wushu forums have shown our desire to not only hear the community's voice, but when possible, act on your feedback. We've seen a lot of discussion regarding the upcoming shutdown of the current testing phase. Many of you are quite happy at the thought of continuing your adventures in Jianghu as soon as possible and we thank you for your enthusiasm and support.

After discussing the current testing schedule and player feedback we’ve made the decision to allow the servers to remain open. 

Closed Beta 2 will not end on January 9th and will continue until further notice."


Great news if you just can't get enough Wushu! If you haven’t jumped in yet, you can request a beta key on their website for a limited 10-hour gameplay period. Also keep an eye here on for our preview of Age of Wushu soon!


- Josh "Vazzaroth" Hagood