So went to dump my stockpile of toughened flesh on the AH as it wasn't worth the time fishing to make the goblin BBQs - none was up there so I figured 50g a stack might be appealing to some potential engineer or raid leader.
Inadvertently set it for 50g a piece instead and when I went to dump more on today discovered that for some inexplicable reason people had the TF set at 45-50g each with options ranging from one to several pieces and there I was, king of the morons with four stacks offered at 1k buy out. >_<
I'm sure a number of players who'd either vendored, scrapped or cooked their own TF must have looked at those prices and been kicking themselves for having wasted so much of such a valuable commodity and with an easy dozen different peeps having put their TF up, I can just imagine what kind of run and farming frenzy I might have caused.
It all worked out in the end though as I reposted all of mine at the "reasonable" price of just 10g each and am now nearly a grand richer.
Moral of the story - just because someone is posting something useless/common on the AH for obscene prices and he's the only one posting doesn't mean that he knows something you don't.