I'm usually not wrong about these things. I knew Ron and Hermione were gonna hook up back in Chamber of Secrets, and spent the next 5-6 years battling the Harry/Hermione fans. The subtext was always there between them.
Now, I have been wrong once, when I incorrectly predicted Tohru/Yuki in Fruits Basket, and it ended up Tohru/Kyo. However, by about two thirds of the way through the series I sensed the direction the mangaka was taking the pairings, and I think she handled the split up of the love triangle very well and I cheerfully admit my initial prediction was wrong.
At this point in the series, weighing the available evidence from manga canon, I'm still leaning toward it ending Naruto/Sakura. The direction may yet change. Part of Sakura's character development has been her deciding that Sasuke was beyond redemption and wanting to kill him before he caused anyone else any more harm, even while still nursing her childhood love for him. Sakura gave up on him at that point, even though Naruto has not yet given up. Sakura has also matured enough to recognize that Naruto isn't the loud brat she hated as a kid. Sai has caught on and confirmed that Naruto still loves Sakura, about midway through the manga. The infamous bench scene in the very beginning of the manga, in which Naruto disguised as Sasuke told Sakura that he thought her forehead was cute, has yet to be revisited or resolved. (To this day, Sakura still thinks that Sasuke once showed her affection, when he never has.)
I suppose I view it differently since I don't watch the anime. I understand they play up the NaruHina aspect a bit more there.