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Your first visit to the forumFollow

#1 Jan 04 2004 at 8:53 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Alright, curiosity strikes again. What was your first visit to the Allakhazam website forums like? Think back way back in the day. What was your first post? How did you stumble on in the forums? When did you discover OOt (unless it wasn't yet created when you arrived...) I dunno, post whatever, I want to know what your first impressions were.
#2 Jan 04 2004 at 9:24 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm lucky if I remember what happened last week. Something from a year and a half or two years ago is pretty much out of reach. =(

I think Merri got me interested in the board. She seemed to think I'd like you people. I do recall being afraid of everyone, as there was a lot of harsh words flying around all the time back then. =) Alas, I got back into EQ and stopped visiting the boards, as you know, until recently.

#3 Jan 04 2004 at 9:27 PM Rating: Good
Well, first time here was because some strange guy named "Kaolian" posted over on the EQ board that the OOT board needed some fresh posters.

Actually participated in a few EQ related topics but mostly just lurked around, reading all the posts.

After a couple of weeks, the names I looked for when wanting something funny to read were Mrens and Smasharoo. I liked how they found any and all ways of picking on people, but on other funny people, not just the fresh meat.

Accidentally cross posted one day and got yelled at by Mren.

Made: "Before you criticize a person, walk a mile in there shoes, that way you're a mile away from them AND you have their shoes" my signature and re-kindled fond memories on the board, and then heard of an ex-poster named Thundra. That was the first time I had been accused of acting like Thundra. Little did I know it wouldn't be the last.

Saw a guy named Baldisking, who seemed like a pretty cool guy, kind of looked up to him, though he seemed like he tried a bit too hard.

Enjoyed seeing how many ways Totem could get under Smash's skin.

Wondered if Smash was really smarter than me.

Thought Angry Hippo was older than me, and I enjoyed his ideas on religion.

Would scramble to posts with computer questions to try to answer it before Kao did.

That's most of my memories from way back then.



edit: Kao, I hope your rating doesn't go down since I just let everybody know that it's your fault I am here.

Edited, Sun Jan 4 21:29:14 2004 by Skeeter
#4 Jan 04 2004 at 10:06 PM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
My SO was addicted (is?) to the game, and the boards, and eventually I got curious. At first like Angua a little put off by the meanness, until I remembered I am a real *****.
#5 Jan 05 2004 at 12:25 AM Rating: Good
7,486 posts
wow.... that sure is long ago. october 2000. it sure was *alot* different at that time... i remember when i started posting you could actually believe what thundra said (which was usually "serpentine bracers suck, statistically "a leather bracer" is better") and "here is the dps a monk outputs with x, y, and z".

i forget my first post, but my first thread was something along the lines of "is it wrong to steal someones stuff if they ask you to hold it while you are playing a rogue". needless to say it wasnt well recieved... but i was only 13 at the time.

i found the web site through the prima ruins of kunark strategy guide. it reccomended this place as a good "general" everquest site. that was about the only useful piece of advice i got from it, aside from the fact that i could get an older necromancer to teleport me off of erudin if i was a necro. (yes, it said necromancers could teleport).

im not sure when i found OOT. it may not have been up when i came. i think by the time i looked around there i was pretty much a general EQ regular, though.

i do remember a time when people actually thought i was a mature adult and were actually shocked when they learned i was a teenager... ahh, the good ol' days

oh, and i still have that stance on religion

Edited, Mon Jan 5 00:26:47 2004 by Angry Hippo
#6 Jan 05 2004 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
5,019 posts
I don't think I ever read any other posts (because other people bore me) before creating my own thread, which was my attempt to counter the 'druids are useless in a group' stereotype.

I was promptly called a troll.

My earliest board memory revolving around something that someone other than myself said was of Smash flaming me. I can't remember the context of the conversation, or what I was arguing for or against, but I vividly remember Smash saying, "It's obvious your knowledge of the legal system extends only to what you've seen on The People's Court." He probably stated it less elegantly, but that was more or less the underlying meaning behind his words.

I remember when Hippo was a twit. I remember that Cogmatix somehow managed to say something clever in his signature at the end of each and every one of his posts. I remember being the first to accuse Xarix of being a fraud.

And I remember I was arguably the most respected poster on either side of the board. I've found that one's level of infamy is directly proportional to the amount of fun one has, at least as far as message boards are concerned.
#7 Jan 05 2004 at 1:10 AM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
I came to Alla's when I was going through a series of toons and needed some info on how to play them back when EQ was young. I happened across the OOT and saw some of the outrageously false information being spread by Smasharoo about Republicans and conservatives in general, and started lurking so that I could do some Sun Tsu recon on him (Know thy enemy!).

About that time an incredibly politically naive young Frenchie named Horacio started various threads about the oh-so-sophisticated French outlook on world affairs and I registered to bully him around. He flailed weakly at me like a schoolgirl as I mocked his poor grasp of the King's english and his hopelessly dumb political views, and eventually left this board for gentler pastures.

Smasharoo was in his heyday at the time and I really liked the way he wrote, so I stuck around for no other reason than to be a foil for his East coast Kennedyism. Patrician generally saw issues eye-to-eye with him so at times it seemed to be a pitched battle on the political threads, a kind of 2 vs 1 type war. The three of us slogged it out with Gbaji adding copious commentary since at the time nobody else engaged in the political discussions.

Good times. Good times.

#8 Jan 05 2004 at 2:04 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Cogmatix was the cat's pyjamas. I have no idea how he did it either. I mainly remember him, Valyra and Illyanna. Since I was on Saryrn, I joined Tenkei (the original Alla's forum guild if I'm recalling right) and thought they were among the deities of Everquest knowledge when they'd discuss lofty topics like Vox raids and Plane of Fear breaks.

I found Alla's because, when I started, I had to play on my girlfriend's computer since mine couldn't handle the game. Since she also played, I didn't get to play much and took up looking for EQ sites as a way to feed my addiction. I lurked on the Alla forums for a while until I finally posted my first thread; my lvl 12 paladin was abandoned on the Siren rock in Ocean of Tears and I had no idea how to get him back to the mainland. Everyone was really supportive and I was told the secret of the "boat scoop" technique which allowed me to finally make it back to Freeport. I remember the Xaric debacle, but it was mainly over my head since I didn't know anything about half the zones he was lying about.

No idea when I found OoT. Back then it was the playground of the board regs and I felt a bit out of my league to post there. Of course, it's still the playground of the board regs, but now I have seniority over most of you punks. I mostly just lurked for a few months or so until the "Second Wave" of people we had after Whineplay closed shop and that influx of offical EQ forum folks followed.

Hippo, I think I actually remember your question but it might have been someone else. Was the object in question Mammoth Hide Leggings? Oh, and I was leafing through the old Kunark book last night for giggles -- it mentions spells one might use to kite with since they slow movement rate: Bonds of Force, Snare, Clinging Darkness and... Drowsy Smiley: oyvey
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#9 Jan 05 2004 at 2:06 AM Rating: Good
7,486 posts
i could have sworn thundra had registered before me... i also dont remember ever considering her a troll. i do remember she had some controversial (and mostly correct) view points, though.

#10 Jan 05 2004 at 2:06 AM Rating: Excellent
730 posts
The old boards would eat these alive and crap them out hastily. People were more raw and much less PC. Trolls were rampant and went highly unchecked. I don't remember my first posts, but I do remember on the EQ board trying to convince everyone that no one should ever pay have to pay for a port or sow, because mana is free. Praetorian and Delron promptly saw a chance to jump on the new guy, so down my throat they went. Their point was that time = money, and mana = time, so mana = money. Took around 200 posts to say it, and I was largely flamed for my point of view. I played a druid, and still I didn't know wtf I was talking about. Go figure.

I think my original toon was registered in June or July of 2000, when the OOT wasn't created yet. It was created I believe 'cause Allah wanted the crap out of the EQ forums, which is understandable.

Ahh, the good old days. Back when walking the boards meant walking a razor's edge and praying you didn't sneeze wrong.

#11 Jan 05 2004 at 2:14 AM Rating: Decent
5,019 posts
Yep Hippo, I registered a little before you; July of 2000.

And the board really did accuse me of being a troll.
#12 Jan 05 2004 at 2:29 AM Rating: Good
You mean you're not??

#13 Jan 05 2004 at 2:32 AM Rating: Good
5,019 posts
That was then, this is now. Obviously, things have changed.
#14 Jan 05 2004 at 2:35 AM Rating: Good
7,486 posts
yeah.. i think it was actually split paw hide stuff (legs, tunic and mask, if i remember), a dragoon dirk, and about 200 platinum. pretty uber stuff for a first time level 6ish at early kunark release.

the way karma works i actually got screwed over when i bought banded armor using that money, lol. i did run into the ******* smith (cano was his name, i believe) several occasions later and every time i made sure he was thoroughly trained (go FD, w00t).
#15 Jan 05 2004 at 2:47 AM Rating: Excellent
2,272 posts
August 2000 I think. I have no idea what I posted about, but I believe I started while I was working night shift. I rotated 12 hour shifts and on the night shift I would sit in the office reading message baords between actually doing any work (this was back when the original SOny EQ boards were up too, talk about a flame fest).

I remember Thundra was the resident monk expert, then became the Bst expert. I was actually a necro back then, and Tattle was not even born. My only twink was a wizard lol. I mainly stuck to the EQ boards, still do I guess. Went through tons of debates on raids, zones, gear etc. And of course xaric. Fun stuff that was.
#16 Jan 05 2004 at 5:33 AM Rating: Excellent
1,292 posts
July 2000 was when I registered.
All I really remember about back then was joining the chatroom and actually chatting with other people, Delron and his anime/"intellectual" flames, Cog and his sig... still don't know how he did it. Every damn time. And someone (I can't remember the name now, if you do lemme know) who sent me a couple sticks of ram when I couldn't play due to ... not having enough ram. I think I'm still using at least one of those sticks. Oh and of course, Lady J and her pictures. Even though I don't remember the details anymore.

Man... close to four years at a single message board. I think that speaks loads for the awesomeness of the board. Either that or my patheticness :p
#17 Jan 05 2004 at 7:03 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Angua wrote:
I'm lucky if I remember what happened last week. Something from a year and a half or two years ago is pretty much out of reach. =(

I remember your first post It was on the thread that later became the "Legendary Banjo thread" Merrikat had jsut posted something, then you posted something along the lines of you were going to drag her off to bed. It got interesting after that. At some point banjo's were introduced...
#18 Jan 05 2004 at 7:06 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Cogmatix was the cat's pyjamas. I have no idea how he did it either. I mainly remember him, Valyra and Illyanna.

I wonder what happened to all of them anyways? And Docc?


Since I was on Saryrn, I joined Tenkei (the original Alla's forum guild if I'm recalling right)

Yes, you are correct.


No idea when I found OoT.

It wasn't there when you got here. I think Allakhazam added it in after the first UBB upgrade around 2001
#19 Jan 05 2004 at 7:12 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Kenti_Bepor, Eater of Souls wrote:
The old boards would eat these alive and crap them out hastily.

Actually, back before Deleron showed up, there really wasn't all that much in the way of flaming at all. Praetorian and Usna would get into it fairly often if I remember right, but other than that, I think people were still in the whole "ooooohhhh it's a new game! Shiny!!!" phase. About a month or two before Kunark was when things started to get mean in ernist. I still don't know what happened to Delron. When he "came back" a few months ago, it was not like his old self at all, so i wonder if someone just aquired his account.
#20 Jan 05 2004 at 9:34 AM Rating: Excellent
1,309 posts
I first saw the site in 1999. I was in France and played EQ through a net cafe when I was bored. (Was an exchange student. Did no work and others had exams. Pfft.)

I loved the "Quote of the day" that the owner of the Cafe showed me and told me that Alla's was the best place to find info. I got back to Aust and our computer was to sh*t to play EQ so I said I was going to buy EQ and a new computer. So I started reading on the net to keep up with everything. Well it is almost 4 years later and I finally have a new computer, but now I could afford to have it I don't have time to use it!

But I originally came here after Alla implemented the OOT I think... My first post was of course flamed. Immensely. It was a spin off of AH "Ten Reasons Hippos are (forget how it went)" in comparison to n00bs. I quite liked it.


If you don't have anything nice to say, at least have the decency to be vague.
#21 Jan 05 2004 at 9:42 AM Rating: Good
5,372 posts
I first came to the site, attempting to goad Heimedell whatsisface into an argument (I didn't even know that concept was trolling, this was my first ever internet message board that I frequented). I had genuine disdain for all of the tards who post here in those days, prompting a year of snide and nasty posting leading to me being crowned Board Least Favourite Poster 2002

I started out on the EQ board and slowly drifted into OOT. These days you have a generally more apathetic and slightly cuddly Patrician on your hands. Only Tacosid gets a rise out of me now. Which I guess is a compliment to him.
#22 Jan 05 2004 at 10:23 AM Rating: Excellent
I first came to the EQ forum to get a handle on my (currently floundering) druid. Saw the OOT forum and thought I would check it out. The posters were verbose for the most part, with little or anything to say of value. I lurked occasionally over a couple month period of time and began slowly adding my comments to the mix. It was all quite innocent and I was relatively un-noticed and tolerated. Then I chose to enter a pissing match and was verbally hosed by Totem. Feeling my *** sufficiently spanked I felt like I truly belonged.

Now I too, am verbose with little of value to add.

#23 Jan 05 2004 at 2:18 PM Rating: Excellent
321 posts
I'm pretty new to this forum. I started out as an anon that always signed my posts with -Spence D'Mann.

My fondest memories was the Survey #1 and #2 that I posted (which oddly disappeared) and Some of my Star Wars posts.

I so believed TokenBlack was real. But Skeet then removed the shoe polish, but then dressed in drag and held a gavel as JudgeJudy.

I was also accused of having extra accounts and rating myself highly.

And accused of being Wayofthewook.

But I learned that VicVega and Kaolian are expert truth finders and go back into the annals of time and dig up the dirt and just drop it in your face. (even though Vic is wrong about me being Wayofthewook.)

Now my major embarassment is that I thought Thundra was a girl, no thanks to her boobies pic.

I'm sure Skeet's gonna catch that one and I'll never hear the end of it.
#24 Jan 05 2004 at 2:29 PM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Came to the OOT forum quite recently, via the main EQ forum. I just started playing EQ about 4 months ago and a friend suggested this site as a good place to find info. I began to enjoy reading the OOT forum even more than the main forum because of all the crazy beatches on here and the constant slamming that goes on. But mostly, I liked the rhetoric, the vibe, the content, the disussion and now rarely have time to post much myself....Smiley: oyvey
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#25 Jan 05 2004 at 3:08 PM Rating: Excellent
7,486 posts
taredou, thundras gender isnt known by anyone (probably not even by itsself). im inclined to believe that shes female (due to acting like one for several years), but i wouldnt be surprised if they said they were male.
#26 Jan 05 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Good
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
I first came to Allakhazam's sometime in 2001 I believe because I needed an EQ info site with somewhat more intelligence than Everlore. Didn't start actually posting to the boards till sometime in 2002, at which point I became so disgusted with gbaji and smash's 5-page-long post diatribes that I got myself caught up and utterly demolished; the epitome of being caught between an irresistable force and an immovable object. Now I just content myself with silly one-liners and verbally ambiguous ironies.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
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