Hello, Fusion is looking to recruit a few more members to join our shell.
Fusion is an endgame linkshell on Bismarck. Our events include most everything except HNM. If they are up, we will kill them, but scheduled events take priority.
Because of the nature of our linkshell, we are mainly looking for new members with a wide variety of jobs at 75. ie. Having a DD, Tank and Support job on your application will help your chances considerably. Applicants need not be geared to the teeth, but a good amount of competence is expected. We like to low man events so it is imperative that you be able to do the job assigned to you. Currently our emphasis is on WHM, BRD, and a well geared PLD. This would allow for more freedom in job selection for a few of our members during events. However, if you feel you are a good candidate for us, please do apply.
Current event schedule:
Sunday - Einherjar @ 7:30pm CST / Limbus after
Monday - Dynamis @ 8:00pm CST
Tuesday - Off
Wednesday - Einherjar @ 7:30pm / Sea/Sky after
Thursday - Limbus @ 8:00pm CST / *Possible random event after
Fritday - Off
Saturday - Off
*Random event can be something like KS99, any Sea jailers we couldn't finish Wednesday, Ouryu, Bv2, etc.
Our schedule may seem a little bare, but we like to give our members more freedom with their time. We have groups within the LS that schdule things such as ZNM, Salvage, and Assault outside of scheduled events.
Beginning 2010 we are looking to change the schedule a bit. We will be adding a second Dynamis day, probably on Friday, and move Wednesday events to Thursday (Tuesday will be an event day and Wednesday will be a free day).
Our website is:
If you have any questions feel free to post
Edited, Dec 14th 2009 6:35pm by jaegobis
Edited, Dec 14th 2009 6:41pm by jaegobis
Edited, Dec 14th 2009 6:41pm by jaegobis