Thanks for the invitation! I saw you in the Bismarck directory on Killing Ifrit, and it looks like a great shell!
I'm actually waffling back and forth on whether I want to start another character though... After all, I did throw like a year of my life into Soliatire. And I really wouldn't look forward to redoing the more onerous tasks she's completed -- the promyvions with their difficult bosses and lvl 30 cap, for instance, were goddamn nightmares, I really can't see the upside to /shouting up parties for all of those, knowing that 3/4 of them are doomed to fail before they even reach the boss... Plus, if I resurrect soli, I can jump directly into high level content without delay, and I still have plenty of jobs to level if I feel like reliving the old familiar places :)
Anyway, thanks again for the invite. I should hopefully have my account back up pretty soon -- I was planning to finish off Blue Dragon and GTA IV before I got FFXI for XB360, but it turns out that I really don't care about those games with the FFXI bug eating my brains ;p