Hey all,
I feel like a nerd posting so frequently on the forums, but I am looking to setup a static party that plays primarily Tuesday, Thursday and possibly Friday mornings EST.
The level obviously doesn't matter to me with the advent of level sync, but I would like it to be in the low thirties at least, I am currently lvl 43, so 44 or so would be the cap.
I would like to start around 10:30am EST, 7:30am PST.
Setup is currently Rdm/Blm, and Pld/War.
I'd like to see 1-3 more mage/support:
Most combination of : Blm, Sch, Brd, Whm, Blu, and Cor.
[Prefer (DD + support) or (DD + DD)]
[Whm sub a preference for Blm or Brd for -na spells]
I'd also like 1-2 heavy melee DD:
Most Combos of : Sam, Drg, Rng, Drk, Monk, Thf.
And Possibly 1 melee support:
Leave me a PM or respond to this thread, as I'm AFK a lot in-game.
Edited, Nov 11th 2008 5:11am by mtndewyo
Edited, Nov 11th 2008 5:12am by mtndewyo
Edited, Nov 11th 2008 5:45am by mtndewyo