I looked on the sticky, for the latest version of the people with any type of skill, saw that nobody posted what is high enough for what I need. So I figured some people didn't want their name to be put up in fear of being constantly hassled.
So I figured I'd ask here, I need the Adaman Sainti synthed for me. I've been keeping track of the AH for a while but keep missing it. Last one sold at 7:45 A.M. EST and I wasn't up and on until maybe 11 / noon. So I missed it there.
It says Smithing 91+, WW / GoldSmithing Lv 60 was suggested by the pup's on this site.
The item itself costs maybe 60-65k to purchase the items, and sells for 50-80k. So if someone knows anyone who can synth this up, doesn't want their name to be bombarded by others and wants to make some gil just PM me with a name and a price I would assume it would just cover the profit you'd gain in the AH