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The Lone Red Mage at Mamool Ja Staging PointFollow

#1 Jul 21 2008 at 6:45 PM Rating: Good
120 posts
OK, I know Bismarck has lots of good red mages among it's residents, so I am sure at least some of you can relate to this.

As a meripo warrior, I am all too familiar with TP burn parties and the simple "target and kill" method of obtaining merit points. But, because I am also a meripo red mage, even as warrior, I do not forget how much more work it is for the red mage in a meripo party.

Contrary to belief, the meripo red mage is not an endless supply of healing, and hasting, mp. It does run out, often, between converts, even with a bard in the party. It's much better with a bard and a corsair, but that is not always possible. And it is dependant on the bards and the corsair's attention to ballad and evokers roll.

Over the past couple of weeks, I have had about 3-4 parties as the only mage in the party and only a bard or two for ballad. All of these parties were at the Mamool Ja Staging Point. In these particular parties, ballad was slow in coming (even with 2 bards) and my mp was drained rather quickly throwing out cures on disorganized, over-zealous, and careless dd's (no actual tanks). Also on over-zealous bards, pulling non-stop (as if pulling Colibri), even when my mp was low (between converts) as was the hp of the dd's. At the same time, the dd's are screaming for haste. No problem, if they want haste instead of a much needed cure, then haste is what they get. Deaths occured, but that goes without saying.

Just a note here: I get a rhythm going on the hastes and refreshes. There is a fair recast time on both, so it is easy enough to keep a good and well organized party hasted and myself refreshed, even in a party with four dd's, one bard, and myself. And plenty of mp and time for cures, to boot. My rhythm is, start with myself, refresh, then a haste, and alternate (if there are others needing refresh, such as brd/whm or a drk) between the two ... otherwise, just do the hastes as the recast timer allows. Haste lasts a little longer than refresh, so I know when my refresh runs out, the hastes are soon to follow and I start the cycle over again. In an organized party, haste never really, or rarely, wears off of the dd's.

So, the purpose of this post is this ... and I am not mentioning the names of those who have been so quick to blame the lone red mage (me) for their own failures and disorganization and deaths. I probably should, some may, if they were in my shoes, but I won't. I am not out to get revenge on anyone, I just want all of you to realize that, while meripo for the dd's is so easy ... target, kill, target another, and so on ... life as a meripo red mage is not so easy. It's very busy and when the bards over pull and the dd's are disorganized and careless, no amount of healing and hasting from a lone mage is going to be enough to make the party a success.

Last night I was actually kicked from a party after multiple deaths by dd's. In other words, they, without a word, blamed me for the deaths. They were disorganized, running rampant at mamool ja staging point and expected me to keep them hasted and alive. I, myself, nearly died several times. There were 2 bards, and the one pulling, pulled wrecklessly and I spent as much mp keeping him alive as I did any of the dd's. The bard giving me ballad, only gave me one ballad and did not keep it up continuously. Wyverns have a nasty habit called "Fang Rush" and it can take a dd at full hp down to 0 in an instant. That is not the fault of the red mage. Mamool Ja's "Fire Spit" can also do hefty damage. A Philosiphers -aga spells can can take a whole party's hp down significantly and they are resistant to silence. (A little note: for this party, I was the replacement for their healer, presumably a rdm. When I got there, there were two well geared 75 WHM's present, who appeared to be PL'ing (O.o), once we got started after my arrival. After I was kicked and replaced, the party soon disbanded altogether.)

The key to a successful party at Mamool Ja, imho, is to remember that these are NOT colibri. It requires a different strategy. I have had many, many successful parties at that staging point ... even as the only healer ... but the parties have always been well formed and organized ... and FUN!

Please, people, don't blame the red mage when things go wrong due to such difficult party behavior. Yea, I know there are some crappy red mages, just like there are crappy dd's, but that wasn't the situation over the past couple of weeks.
#2 Jul 21 2008 at 9:55 PM Rating: Excellent
307 posts
being a red mage i agree with you on this 100% do not blame the lone red mage for damage dealers mistakes. I can remember hunting Imps for meritpos and the party was 2X WAR 3X SAM and me as RDM. I did not have any bards so i had to haste like crazy. suddenly an imp aggoed and killed me. then the imp that we were fighting got firaga III off and the DD got mad because i had RR myself to help but i got killed again from another AoE when im trying to spam cure IV, opps no Reraise on. Omg minibuddha you suck and i was instantly kicked. they blamed me for their deaths as RDMs we know it is rather difficult to land sleep II on imps with their resistance to darkness magic. but no damage dealer or warrior came to help me, someone one could of voked it and started fighting it. things could of been handled. Sometimes i just look at melees and i say, you try being the red mage and come back and tell me how hard it is for us to deal with rushes in meripo parties. So i vented and i say my peace at this, Do not blame the mage for you (being a DD) if you are reckless. Elijah i feel your pain buddy.

Edited, Jul 21st 2008 10:56pm by Minibuddha
#3 Jul 21 2008 at 10:07 PM Rating: Excellent
this is why i haven't meripo'd since WotG. the only time a dd thinks about mages is when they fail.
#4 Jul 22 2008 at 12:19 AM Rating: Excellent
307 posts
Ya i kind of have stopped too. Which is why i limit my RDM useage lol.
#5 Jul 22 2008 at 1:46 PM Rating: Good
217 posts
Its even worse when they make a 5 melee + 1 rdm pt...and then half of them are drk/war, drg/war, mnk/war, etc.

Then they try to make you out to be the bad guy when you drop pt before heading to camp.
#6 Jul 22 2008 at 2:50 PM Rating: Excellent
The collibri mentality, has corrupted all the other camps in WotG, unfortunately. It's become so common, to just pullkillpullkillpullkill, that a lot of these players have forgotten how a balanced party is supposed to work. All they care about is their numbers, and the out of hand PL craze, hasn't helped that, either. Come on, I mean do you REALLY need a babysitter at level 50??? Now, don't lose all hope. There are still good parties, out there, they just aren't as common. It makes me miss my static. I mean it was so messed up to me, to have to give up my most fundamental teachings, for most of my career, because I'm not allowed to cast enfeebles on our target... (WTF was my original thought to that).

Meleeburn is a whole different animal, but that really shouldn't be the norm, unless you're fighting anything but a specific mob target. Yeah, it's a quick trip to burnout, if you're trying to do the job of 3 people at once. I think that's why I got so addicted to things like Campaign. Yeah, I don't get the godly numbers I would in an actual party, but I can actually enjoy myself.

Melee characters, I appreciate that you think we Red Mages are so godly, that we can do all that stuff, and bake you a cake too, but I'm sorry, speaking for myself, I'm not THAT good! If you can, back me up with a Bard, and I'll try to at least be a demigod for you O.~

Edited, Jul 22nd 2008 6:50pm by TheWanderingShadow
#7 Jul 22 2008 at 4:53 PM Rating: Excellent
120 posts
TheWanderingShadow wrote:
All they care about is their numbers, and the out of hand PL craze, hasn't helped that, either. Come on, I mean do you REALLY need a babysitter at level 50???

At 40, 50, ... 75??? O.o

I still haven't figured out why that party needed me when they had TWO well-geared, level 75 WHITE MAGES on hand. The only reasonable answer I can come up with is they knew they were prone to death, so they wanted the whm's on hand for R3's and additional buffs. BUT!!! Why not just have one in the party to start with? Why invite me after their previous healer left? And why, I have to wonder, did the previous healer leave? lol

But, yea, the colibri mentality has all but ruined partying at higher levels. No one knows how to do skillchains and magic bursts any more, nor do they know how to put together a balanced party that works.

I did, a couple of months back, get party where I was the only healer and no bard or corsair. Just me and 5 melees. One melee stood up for me and told the party he was dropping and to get a bard or corsair, because, and I quote ... "That is going to be one over-worked red mage!". I can't remember his name now, but he knows who he is and to him I say, "Thank You!".
#8 Jul 23 2008 at 9:16 AM Rating: Excellent
217 posts
Just a note for the higher level pts with a PL--I tend to make a distinction between dual-boxed PLs and having another person being there to PL.

With the dual-boxed, its one of the people in the party putting forth extra effort to keep the pt going (so long as they're still doing their job in the party). If healing is sufficient already in the pty, the PL can just top off hp between fights and whatnot to help mp for chains. Sometimes that person is the pt lead, and makes the setup a bit more dd heavy since he knows that he'll have the dual-boxed PL, and if he leaves, then the appropriate replacement would be a mage of some sort.

If you've got another person out there to PL you, that's just being selfish. Personally, I find it insulting if I'm playing a healer in a pt that's going fine and someone says "I've got a PL otw"
#9 Jul 23 2008 at 5:37 PM Rating: Good
120 posts
I have PL'd parties, up through Garlaige Citadel (which is where I draw the line at PL'ing). I don't mind doing it, if I don't have anything else that I want or need to do. But, one thing third party PL's need to remember is, over-healing the party leaves the party's healer with nothing to do except enfeeble/nuke. They don't get their much needed healing skilling ups (if this is their first mage job). I just stand back and basically "watch their backs" and cover for the healer when they need mp.

I have also duel-boxed PL'd my parties using my sons account. Same level restriction ... up to Garlaige Citadel only. Beyond that level, PL'ing should not be necessary. A level 75 party with 2 WHM's on the outside is just ridiculous, even if those WHM's are being controlled by members of the party. Not to mention, the WHM's, themselves, become aggro targets. What then? And if death occurs and the party fails, why blame the red mage when two out-of-pocket WHM's were there and still couldn't keep the melee's alive? Of all the parties over the past couple of weeks where I caught the flack for the melees "mistakes", that one party disturbs me the most. The others I just shrug off as cocky players getting themselves killed and needing someone to blame it on.
#10 Aug 04 2008 at 3:07 PM Rating: Good
1,091 posts
I am having a huge problem with this mentality now. I have recently taken several jobs up to 40-50's so taht they are viable subs and/or capped content jobs, and i can safely agree that this merit-burn crap has completely killed people's abilities to make a balanced well working party. i have had maybe 1-2 between levelling dnc and rdm and those i either put together myself or had friends in and got an invite. The mentality that lower level jobs can just burn through areas that have IT+ mobs is becoming insane, one must realize the difference in a level 75 party with merited abilities and a level 4 party with people in jobs are that just then coming into their own and starting to really learn their job.

Rdm has been the most recent job that i have been taking up and for some reason they assume that as rdm, i have an endless supply of mp and can handle the debuffing, main healing AND the nuking on mobs, all this pre-refresh and convert. I'm sorry folks, wise up and make balanced parties. SAMS ARE NOT TANKS.

so incase you forgot:

thats a balanced pt, make it happen...
#11 Aug 04 2008 at 8:51 PM Rating: Excellent
I for one believe that if a RDM isn't Refreshing, Hasting, Debuffing, Curing AND providing me with a piping hot cup of coffee with just a dollop (not a spoonful) of cream on top while I'm EXPing as WHM, then the RDM is simply 't3h g1mp' and 's0x0rs'.

Especially if it is Kestra. Smiley: nod
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#12 Aug 06 2008 at 9:56 AM Rating: Excellent
how dare you???

*runs away crying*
Never **** off an alchemist. you might better check your next cup of Windurst Tea.

Smiley: grin
#13 Aug 09 2008 at 9:59 PM Rating: Excellent
217 posts
But he's got whm leveled, so he'll just cast gotta think these things through more thoroughly.
#14 Aug 11 2008 at 3:03 PM Rating: Excellent
Fine fine, I cast Silence on him, and we've secretly replaced his echo drops, with Folgers Crystals. Lets see if he notices.

(afterthought) and his Antidotes with Venom Potions.

Edited, Aug 11th 2008 7:02pm by TheWanderingShadow
#15 Aug 21 2008 at 9:37 PM Rating: Good
As a semi retired RDM I totally agree with the OP. RDM is an overworked and under-appreciated job, especially in Meripo. Players these days have had their mentalities warped by the oft lamented/hyped/hated Aht Urghan mindset, so much that it even pollutes the lower-mid ranged lvls.

People feel the need to rush thru this game way too much, all for the sake of "Epeen". This game would do better off without this crackhead mentality.
#16 Sep 30 2008 at 11:32 PM Rating: Good
307 posts
i want to apologize to my party that i was out with in mamook last night i was a bad Red Mage and was disrespectful and well honestly....drunk. I am sorry and if any of you read this hope you can forgive me =(
#17 Oct 01 2008 at 10:10 AM Rating: Default
So wait, let me get this straight. You're mad because people are thinking too highly of you and you aren't delivering what they want? Hell do you know how hard it is for any support job besides RDM and BRD to get in a party is? Meeles simply expect too much out of people at endgame, obviously, but they also like to refuse anything else that doesn't have haste. Seriously, I don't think I know anyone who isn't a RDM that actually is allowed in a meripo without the generic setup. I am not blaming any of the RDMs or BRDs at all however, meele DD jobs have just gotten way too pretentious since forever. "I NEED TO GO FAST! PULL 3 AT THE SAME TIME WE CAN TAKE IT! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU RESTING FOR?! WE'RE ON CHAIN #15 DON'T HAVE TIME!".

It's mainly because people have not explored other possible meripo options in forever, and that's pretty much the only setup you can take nowadays in a full party. So I suppose you can help other RDMs boycott meripos until they wise up, or something because things aren't looking too good.
#18 Oct 01 2008 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
501 posts
DJMeow wrote:
It's mainly because people have not explored other possible meripo options in forever, and that's pretty much the only setup you can take nowadays in a full party.

This. Is. Crap.

I've been in so many oddball merit groups, some good, some bad. They've made me a better player and has given me a new aspect on what will/will not work for a merit party.

DJMeow also wrote wrote:
Meeles simply expect too much out of people at endgame, obviously, but they also like to refuse anything else that doesn't have haste.

Again, this screams bullshit. As a melee, I can say that we only expect a support job to be able to do their job, and do it well. After 75 levels, you should be more than decent at doing your job, or what is required of you.

Now, that's not to say that I *expect* a Rdm to give me refresh when I use a Rune Chopper. However, if I ask them "Hey, could you give me refresh for my weapon?" and they spout a fit, that's not well deserved either. A simple "No, my MP is a bit stretched at the moment." or something to that effect would be sufficient. But, if the said Rdm is sitting on full MP after every fight, I don't see how a mere refresh tossed my way is in any way, shape, or form an impossible feat to accomplish.
(These are out of date, and I'm too lazy to keep up)
#19 Oct 02 2008 at 3:55 AM Rating: Default
Again, this screams ********* As a melee, I can say that we only expect a support job to be able to do their job, and do it well. After 75 levels, you should be more than decent at doing your job, or what is required of you.

Now, that's not to say that I *expect* a Rdm to give me refresh when I use a Rune Chopper. However, if I ask them "Hey, could you give me refresh for my weapon?" and they spout a fit, that's not well deserved either. A simple "No, my MP is a bit stretched at the moment." or something to that effect would be sufficient. But, if the said Rdm is sitting on full MP after every fight, I don't see how a mere refresh tossed my way is in any way, shape, or form an impossible feat to accomplish.

While OP is having MP issues most people are more or less too fixated on keeping buffs up than they are worrying about MP. You have to understand that mages are not walking MP pools. There is also casting time (HOLY CRAP!) and cooldown timers (WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT!) so in order to keep everyone at minimal buffage you have to be constantly casting buffs on one person or another, even if you have full mp. I know a lot of meele who simply start fighting and expect their buffer to go ahead and buff them while they're fighting, well I got news for you, sometimes there's 4 or maybe even 5 other people that need the exact same buff, so you're going to be waiting a while to get that haste or refresh, sorry bub.

Maybe if you would wait until everyone has full buffs and then start the chain, the buffer might not have so much problems keeping buffs up, but nooo, waiting 2~3 minutes isn't worth it now a days, obviously.

Oh, and another thing:

But, if the said Rdm is sitting on full MP after every fight, I don't see how a mere refresh tossed my way is in any way, shape, or form an impossible feat to accomplish.

Mages try to keep their MP high. They need high MP in order to maintain cures, buffs and such. Their MP should deteriorate over time, but if you're barely on chain #4 and your mage has around 85% MP, that is perfectly reasonable. Now if it gets in the way of curing and such, ok maybe that's overdoing it, but mages shouldn't have to push their mp to the very limit every battle. It's called "conservation".

#20 Oct 02 2008 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
501 posts
I understand all of that. I'm never begging my mages to keep up or kissing *** to get them to do things. They know what they're supposed to be doing and do a damn good job of it.

Let's face it. A 5DD 1Rdm party sucks *** and isn't a very logical idea. I like in my merits 4DD Whm and Rdm. Or 2Brd Rdm 3DD. It's much easier for support to be able to keep up. Anyone who says 5DD 1Rdm or GTFO is a moron, through and through.

DJMeow wrote:
You have to understand that mages are not walking MP pools. There is also casting time (HOLY CRAP!) and cooldown timers (WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT!) so in order to keep everyone at minimal buffage you have to be constantly casting buffs on one person or another, even if you have full mp.

Yeah, and what's your point? Those of us who are forced to go /Nin also have casting time and cooldown timers.

I took Rdm to 50 and I'm Galka so, I tend to think that I have to work on conserving MP moreso than the next guy. If at 75, I still can't manage my MP, then I suck, no exceptions.

To generalize and say, for the most part, all melee expect to have a full set of buffs and those buffs should never fall, is trash. I'm not like that and the people I associate with in-game are definitely not like that.

If I die, it's because of my own stupidity. It's not someone else's fault. Because of a few pretentious pricks, there's no reason to generalize and say that all melee are just like them.
(These are out of date, and I'm too lazy to keep up)
#21 Oct 02 2008 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
307 posts
here is the true sad part. Every meritpo party I am in, is 5DD 1 RDM they expect me to haste them all keep them cured, while facing lets say mamooks. Well They pull 3 at once and they expect me to have 100% MP all the time. It is a bad idea yet people do it all the time and don't care. No some melees do not understand. Let me explain. My drunk night we were facing imps from nyzul isle. we had the following party set up. NIN, WAR, SAM, RDM, COR, BRD. It was perfect except the COR would not refresh me. His words were "A RDM of this level DOES NOT NEED EVOKERS ROLL BECAUSE HE SHOULD NOT USE MASSIVE MP." That was annoying. lets see so here is my MP usage. hasteX3 40 MP each 120 total. Refresh 40 MP. protect IV on each the melees and the poor bard who keeps pulling her heart out and keeps getting killed pulling between battles- 350 MP. casting and spamming cure III, ,cure IV to keep melees alive with rest of my MP. Now i am a tarutaru so i should be top of the line. 1000 MP goes VERY quickly when there is no stopping. some Melees do understand it and therefore all i feel it is, is that when others are unsupportive of what technically is the sole mage who has the ability to keep a ninja, a samurai or a warrior from death is me. And when I have no MP i do not have the ability to cure. That is where it fails, 21 MP does not give you instant cure IV let alone cure II. If SE would lower the amount of MP to cast a spell maybe it would be different. I am not venting about who is right or who is wrong but I am explaining that this naturally happens and it is not always the lone red mages fault. All i can say is give the lone Red Mage some credit for trying to do his best to keep everyone happy and continue the exp flow to be speedy. =)

Edited, Oct 2nd 2008 1:13pm by Minibuddha
#22 Oct 04 2008 at 10:55 PM Rating: Good
120 posts
I think DJMeow misunderstood the purpose of my original post.

I don't have issues with mp. In a well formed party of people who know their jobs and do them right, and with at least one GOOD bard or corsair, I do almost have endless mp. Even as the only healer. That is, I don't have to convert so often as to run out of mp between converts.

No, my issue is with those people who blame the red mage when their own actions, or a poorly formed party makeup, cause things to go wrong. The disrespect a red mage has to endure in such parties is unbearable in some instances. I have actually stopped meriting my red mage so much in parties because of this. With the newest update and /nin, it's easy enough for me to solo. Takes longer, but it's more enjoyable.
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