Yea so, Myst and I spent 3+ hours in Sky trying to pop Despot.
Despot spawns to Flames of Desiny LS, and they wipe. We watched as they all died, every one. Then we took the Despot and began the fight.
Everything went well all the way from 60% when we got it to 3% when I mischarmed a bird.
By this point the PLD from the LS is watching, and the second he goes unclaimed, he provokes it.
The sh*tty thing was, Despot still had hate on me. So it's stolen by this LS, and Despot is just beating on me and I can't even defend myself.
I die, but so does the PLD and Despot goes unclaimed again. Myst starts to cast Fire IV, but wasn't fast enough, the rest of the LS shows up and takes it.
So, these punks stole the claim, in turn causing my death, then tell me it was theirs to begin with.
I'm not sure about what part of wiping to Despot makes it THEIR NM, but whatever.
I just want to get the word out on these jackoffs. Back in the day the rules always were a NM is free to all once EVERYONE in the alliance is dead. After that it's free game.
Then agian I was a fool for thinking I'd have an honest chance at a NM like that when BST is as screwed up as it is and mobs go unclaimed every time you swap pets.
FlamesofDoom LS, a friggin n00b LS that wipes to Despot, Claim steals, and caused my death.
Tydos <--- I think the leader
Tidusthestalker <------ PLD who stole claim.
And more but I didn't get all their names. Bunch of friggin pricks.
Edited, Apr 27th 2008 3:48pm by SingBismark