When we oldies used to reminisce about the different phases of players that joined and left our server, we once made a topic to discuss our community (meaning Bismarck Server) and what it translated to in relation to other servers. The best public resource we had at the time for gauging this was our posts in relation to other servers on this website. Well, I just looked just now and I distinctly remember that we blew every single other server out of the water with a couple minor exceptions. We definitely had the most threads, and we were only matched or beaten by only a couple (2) other servers in posts.
Well if you look we are about average in threads created, posts however...we are third.
Forum Threads Posts
Bismarck 5868 140192
CaitSith 8336 307914
Unicorn 11624 258168
Both of the others have drastically many more threads than we do so I think it's safe to egotistically assume that we are still the best!
Go us!