** Mental Note: I need to update my user name **
Anyway, hey everyone. Depht of Bismarck here. Mavens linkshell is currently seeking new, dedicated members.
We're currently small, (about 12 regular members), looking to boost up to around 25 at the most. Recruitment is currently open to (almost) all jobs, although mages, and/or having multiple end-game jobs is a definite plus. You don't have to be "uber", just know how to do your job and have job appropriate gear, and we'll get you the rest. Currently our schedule is as follows (All times are EST based):
Monday: Sky or Sea, 8ish PM
Tuesday: Free
Wednesday: Sky or Sea, 8ish PM
Thursday: Limbus, 9ish EST
Friday: Pop Events, 7ish PM. Salvage - 8ish PM
Saturday: Sea 8ish PM
Sunday: Limbus, 9ish PM
Our linkshell purpose is to have fun, all while efficiently earning good gear for our members. Once we expand, future goals include (but are not limited to):
*Small man Limbus runs, to keep Proto-Ultima and Proto-Omega runs completed on the weekends on a regular basis.
*Moving into Einherjar (once members/jobs permit)
*Moving into Dynamis (once members/jobs permit)
*Possibly moving into HNMs/Grand Wyrms (once members/jobs permit)[/list]
If you're looking for an Assault/Nyzul Isle static, we can also set you up with that within the linkshell as well. Before applying, we ask that you:
Have Sky Access.
Have an end game job, with job-appropriate gears.
Are at -least- on CoP 5.3, working towards Sea access.
To apply, either send me a PM here, send me a /tell in game (easiest way), or apply at our site (please bear with it, as its currently bare bones. I'll work on fixing us up something nice later =]) HERE.
Happy hunting, and see you all in game.
Edited, Apr 2nd 2008 4:49am by CaptainOfFairy