Heya everyone, I'm new in the Bismark server and I'm in search for a social LS, I'm a vertran player that's started over again... sadly SE couldnt restore my main character but at least they restored my mule -_-; from caithsith. So I packed up and moved servers to start a broad and anew.
Bismark has been good so far, I was assisted by a kind SMN to get my subjob items, and I met a group of Japanese Players that have lvled with me everytime I'm on, I guess they like me, lol. The Japanese Players were kind enough to escort me to Jeuno too, which I found so nice of them, 75 BRD, SAM, and a WHM all using that speedy boost BRD spell running across the marshlands and then rolenberry fields, it was fun.
Right now I'm a RDM/BLM, currently lvling subjobs, WHM and BLM, my RDM is currently lvl 20.
My in game name is: "Patronas" I spelt it wrong somehow on my board XD
Edited, Mar 21st 2008 7:50pm by CaitsithPatronus
Edited, Mar 22nd 2008 12:56am by CaitsithPatronus